This is an extract taken from the following website. I have corrected some of the English.

"The Mystery of the Rose in San Damiano

The apparitions of San Damiano are deeply rooted in the mystery of the Rose. The Virgin sent by God the Father, Son and Spirit, presents herself under the term of "Our Lady of the Roses ":

'Sent by Our Heavenly Father, I come in this place, under the name of Madonna of the Roses. These are innumerable roses that I give you. They all are graces which come from Our Heavenly Father and which I distribute by the intercession of my divine Son' (B 5-2-72).

The Zohar and Rosa Mystica

“Rabbi Hezekiah opened, ‘Like a rose among thorns, so is my darling among the maidens’ (Song of Songs 2:2). Who is Rosa Mystica? Our Lady of Israel (Kneset Yisrael/ Matronita/ Sabbath Queen). For there is a Rose and then there is Rosa Mystica. Just as a rose among the thorns is coloured red and white, so Our Lady of Israel includes judgement and mercy. Just as a Rose has 13 petals, so Our Lady of Israel has 13 attributes of mercy surrounding her on every side.

Adoration of the Heart:A Hebrew Catholic Way

“What is His Heart?”, asks the ancient Jewish mystical Book of Bahir in the 63rd section. The reply,  

“He said: Mother, thus Ben Zoma is outside, and you are with him.”  

This seems a strange reply to make to this question but it has deep spiritual significance.

In the Beginning

The Jewish mystical book the ‘Bahir’ had its genesis in the teachings of Rabbi Nehunia ben Ha Kanah’s mystical school of Emmaus. The ‘Bahir’ seeks to explain the mysteries of the Divine Presence or Shekinah. Bahir means Brilliant Light and is one of the lights of Mystical vision and prophecy.

I Beheld The Lord Through The Mirror: A Hebrew Catholic Reflection

“But all of us, with open (unveiled) faces, behold (see/adore/contemplate) the magnificence (Beauty/Glory) of the LORD (YHVH) like (as) in a mirror, and we are being transformed in to that Likeness from glory to glory by the Spirit who is the Lord (YHVH).” 2 Corinthians 3:18. Thus writes St Paul in his second letter to the followers of the Way in the city of Corinth.
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I am a Hebrew Catholic or Catholic Jew. I adhere totally with the infallible teachings on faith and morals of the Catholic Church and I believe that Pope Francis is the Messiah's chief representative on earth. I do not write to proselytize religious Jews but to share my ideas with my fellow Catholic Jews and also with Gentile Catholics who are interested in the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith. These are my personal thoughts and do not represent those of any group I may belong to.
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