Miriam ha Kedosha, Moon of Israel in Zohar 1:34a
"Who is this who breaks forth like the Dawn, beautiful as the Moon, radiant as the sun, terrible as an Army in battle array?" [mi-zot hanishkafa k'mo-shakhar yafah khal'vanah barah kakhamah ayumah kanidgalot?]. This verse of the song of songs (6:10) can be linked to Genesis 1:14 "Let there be lights (me'orot) in the Rakia (expanse/ firmament) of Heaven (shamayim)". These verses read at the mystical level reveal deep Marian insights. The Zohar discusses this mystical level of understanding Genesis 1:14 in Zohar 1:34a. Genesis 1:14 in Hebrew is "yehi me'orot bir'kia hashamayim (Let there be lights in the expanse of Heaven).
The Zohar teaches that the two great lights are the Sun and the Moon.
The Zohar teaches that the two great lights are the Sun and the Moon.