The Sapphire, the Zohar and Luisa Piccarreta
“And they will see the God of Israel [vayiru et elohay], and under his feet the likeness of a brickwork of the Sapphire (v’takhat raglayv c’maaseh livnat hasafir], and it was like the essence of Heaven in purity [vuk’etzem hashamayim latohar]” (Exodus 24:10).
This verse is discussed in the Jewish mystical commentary called the ‘Zohar’. In Zohar 125b-126a Mishpatim it is discussed in regards to Moses being privileged to behold the mysterious Mother called Shekhinah, who is to be the Sanctuary in which God himself would dwell. The whole of the revelation to Moses on Sinai refers to this mystery of the heavenly sanctuary who is to come to earth and is to be symbolized in Tabernacle and Temple.
This verse is discussed in the Jewish mystical commentary called the ‘Zohar’. In Zohar 125b-126a Mishpatim it is discussed in regards to Moses being privileged to behold the mysterious Mother called Shekhinah, who is to be the Sanctuary in which God himself would dwell. The whole of the revelation to Moses on Sinai refers to this mystery of the heavenly sanctuary who is to come to earth and is to be symbolized in Tabernacle and Temple.