What does the term 'mitzvot mean? It includes the concepts of commandments and good deeds. In fact mitzvot are 'human acts' that become sanctified through being made in union with the Divine Will and Purpose of God. It is through making a blessing (b'racha) and performing these acts that these sanctified individual acts open a channel with the Divine. Rabbi Aaron Twerski in the comprehensive work entitled "The Laws of the B'rachos" states:

"The b'racha thus creates a new reality - one in which the blessings from the Infinite Source may descend upon the one who has uttered the b'racha...
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.“It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.” Oscar Wilde
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I love opinionated non-PC people. This blog is to vent my opinions on life, the universe and everything. Which is 42 which in gematria is "My Heart" (LBY) according to Rabbi Abulafia.

The Divine Heart is the centre of everything.

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