A 17th century prophecy
Our Lady of Good Fortune
Quito Ecuador, February 2, 1634
Mother Mary Anne of Jesus Torres was praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament when suddenly the sanctuary light went out. While she was trying to relight it, a supernatural light filled the church.
"Beloved daughter of My heart, I am Our Lady of Good Fortune, your Mother and Protectress, carrying My Most Holy Son on My left arm and holding the sceptre in My right hand. I have come to tell you some good news: in ten months and ten days you will close your eyes to the earthly light of this world in order to open them to the brightness of light everlasting.
Quito Ecuador, February 2, 1634
Mother Mary Anne of Jesus Torres was praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament when suddenly the sanctuary light went out. While she was trying to relight it, a supernatural light filled the church.
"Beloved daughter of My heart, I am Our Lady of Good Fortune, your Mother and Protectress, carrying My Most Holy Son on My left arm and holding the sceptre in My right hand. I have come to tell you some good news: in ten months and ten days you will close your eyes to the earthly light of this world in order to open them to the brightness of light everlasting.