Last Penny and Rebbe Nachman: A Hebrew Catholic Understanding
Matthew 5:25-26 [RSV] "Make friends quickly with your accuser, while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison; truly, I say to you, you will never get out till you have paid the last penny."
Rebbe Nachman taught: "This is the meaning of what our sages taught: the Mashiach son of David will not come until the last penny is gone from the pocket (Sanhedrin 97a)- that is, gone are the atheists who have no faith in miracles and explain away all miracles as natural phenomena."
There is a mystical connection here. When we hate and accuse our brother Jews then we create a dark spiritual prison which led to the destruction of the Temple and Israel. We then went in to the long prison-like Exile of Edom.
Rebbe Nachman taught: "This is the meaning of what our sages taught: the Mashiach son of David will not come until the last penny is gone from the pocket (Sanhedrin 97a)- that is, gone are the atheists who have no faith in miracles and explain away all miracles as natural phenomena."
There is a mystical connection here. When we hate and accuse our brother Jews then we create a dark spiritual prison which led to the destruction of the Temple and Israel. We then went in to the long prison-like Exile of Edom.