Concept of Mystical Darkness in Genesis 1: A Hebrew Catholic Insight
The Ramban (Nachmanides) states that the darkness (khoshek) mentioned in the second verse of Genesis is a different darkness than the darkness mentioned further down in verses 4-5. The first darkness is the uncreated male darkness (v'khoshek) and the second darkness is the created female darkness (hakhoshek). The 'vav' (ו) at the beginning of this first mention of darkness alludes to the male and the 'hah' (ה) on the second one reveals the female darkness.
This first darkness represents the mystery of God the Father who is the hidden and thus appears as darkness. To approach him we encounter infinite light which appears to us as darkness and this way to God is called the way of darkness. However He is a blazing Divine Fire unto the heart of heaven.
This first darkness represents the mystery of God the Father who is the hidden and thus appears as darkness. To approach him we encounter infinite light which appears to us as darkness and this way to God is called the way of darkness. However He is a blazing Divine Fire unto the heart of heaven.