The Three Vavs and Joseph: A Hebrew Catholic Speculation
Judy Racz's Vav
The Jewish mystical book 'Zohar' speaks of the mystery of the three vavs. The letter vav represents the letter six. This number is connected to the concept of 'man' as man was formed from the dust of the earth on the sixth day. He was created as the connection between Heaven and Earth and the first vav of the Bible is found in the first sentence of Genesis at the beginning of the sixth word. Bereshit bera Elohim et haShamayim ve-et haAretz (In the beginning God Created the heavens and (va) the earth). Here we see the concept of the vav connecting the heavens and the Earth.
6+6+6=18 and 18 is connected to the word life (Khai). In the Jewish mystical system the vav also represent the male or man.
The Jewish mystical book 'Zohar' speaks of the mystery of the three vavs. The letter vav represents the letter six. This number is connected to the concept of 'man' as man was formed from the dust of the earth on the sixth day. He was created as the connection between Heaven and Earth and the first vav of the Bible is found in the first sentence of Genesis at the beginning of the sixth word. Bereshit bera Elohim et haShamayim ve-et haAretz (In the beginning God Created the heavens and (va) the earth). Here we see the concept of the vav connecting the heavens and the Earth.
6+6+6=18 and 18 is connected to the word life (Khai). In the Jewish mystical system the vav also represent the male or man.