Recently a book was published demonstrating how St Therese of the Child Jesus sisters edited the writings of their sister in order to obscure the full spiritual doctrine of St Therese. Andrea Tornielli writes: "It is a story of true holiness and manipulated documents that told by Gianni Gennari in his new book “Teresa di Lisieux, il fascino della santità. I segreti di una “dottrina” ritrovata” (Thérèse of Lisieux, The appeal of Sainthood. The secrets of a rediscovered “doctrine” – Lindau publishers, 616 pages, 38 Euros). And one recounted in meticulous detail and inspired by documents that remained unpublished until now. The volume reconstructs the life of an extraordinary woman.

Today "Spirit Daily" has an excellent article on the Church and where it is going. More and more Catholics who are Orthodox but spiritual, devotional and free in the Spirit rather than the new pseudo-orthodox who are clerical, political, legalistic and rigid control freaks, are saying the same things. 

Many of us are glad that all the structures of the Church are failing as they have become an obstacle to freedom in the Spirit and the mission of the Church to save souls.

I just watched this really interesting documentary on the Haredi Jews in Israel. It is titled "Haredi: The Ultra Orthodox Society in Israel". One of the women in it was a daughter of Rav Ovadia Yosef who was responsible for starting a college to give Haredi University level education. It also brings out the problem of Haredi men who don't work or have a trade except for studying Torah. This has created real problems for Haredi and Jewish society.

There are many opinions about which day Jesus celebrated his Last Supper. I personally believe it was on the second night of Passover (16th Nisan) and it was a Passover Havurah Meal.  I have previously written about it on this blog in an article titled 'Is the 16th of Nisan the Day of the Crucifixion'.  Much discussion is made by theologians and scholars about the differences between the Synoptics and John.

Recently I did the readings at Mass and I had to control myself from stopping and re-translating the version used in our missals from the New Revised Standard Version. If I could I would burn all these missals and all copies of the New Revised Standard Version. Fancy getting a Jew to read: "He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances"   in Ephesians 2:15. This is a totally incorrect and anti-Jewish interpretation.

“The breath of our nostrils, the LORD'S anointed, was captured in their pits, of whom we had said, ‘Under his shadow we shall live among the nations’” (Lamentations 4:20). When read at a literal level in the Hebrew "ruach appenu Mashiach YHVH" means the breath of our nostrils (nose)is the Messiah YHVH. Jewish mystical traditions associate these nostrils with the two cherubim on the ark (male and female) and also with the two poles of the Ark of the Covenant that poke out of the Holy of Holies.

This bold opinionated Jewish woman speaks alot of sense in my opinion. Both Jews and Catholics are under attack. The worst traitors are those in our own camps who are working with the enemies of truth and freedom.

Gad El Baz is really popular among the Haredi Jews. Here are a few Jewish music clips to enjoy.

This clip is from my favourite movie Ushpizin.

Most Catholics have heard of Australia originally being named the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit. We have been told that this was because a Portuguese sailor called Pedro Fernandez de Queiros mistakenly thought the New Hebrides was the Great South Land. However others, most notably Cardinal Moran, disagreed as the description of the colony of New Jerusalem that he established does not fit the geography of the New Hebrides site but does fit Port Curtis (Gladstone in Queensland).

Written March 4 2012

In the writings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov he links the concept of the Tzadik Joseph with the Hebrew letter NuN (fish or fish hook) in the word CheN (grace). He then links this concept of Joseph and the NuN with the Moon. In a previous blog I wrote: "...Rebbe Nachman in a very clever but veiled way reveals that the Chen (grace) needed by Israel is found in the mystery of the word CheN itself. The chet here represents chiut and chai (life).
I love opinionated non-PC people. This blog is to vent my opinions on life, the universe and everything. Which is 42 which in gematria is "My Heart" (LBY) according to Rabbi Abulafia.

The Divine Heart is the centre of everything.

Catholic Jew
Catholic Jew
THe Dance Goes On
THe Dance Goes On
St Gilbert of Sempringham
St Gilbert of Sempringham
St Gilbert of Sempringham
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About Me
About Me
I am a Hebrew Catholic or Catholic Jew. I adhere totally with the infallible teachings on faith and morals of the Catholic Church and I believe that Pope Francis is the Messiah's chief representative on earth. I do not write to proselytize religious Jews but to share my ideas with my fellow Catholic Jews and also with Gentile Catholics who are interested in the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith. These are my personal thoughts and do not represent those of any group I may belong to.