The New Clericalism and Spirit Daily
Today "Spirit Daily" has an excellent article on the Church and where it is going. More and more Catholics who are Orthodox but spiritual, devotional and free in the Spirit rather than the new pseudo-orthodox who are clerical, political, legalistic and rigid control freaks, are saying the same things.
Many of us are glad that all the structures of the Church are failing as they have become an obstacle to freedom in the Spirit and the mission of the Church to save souls. The Vatican is madly putting in so-called "orthodox" Bishops who are merely administrators and bureaucrats mouthing orthodox platitudes but not loving fathers and shepherds of the flock-they are harsh CEO's and Lords of their domains. They treat their priests as employees.
Many of us are glad that all the structures of the Church are failing as they have become an obstacle to freedom in the Spirit and the mission of the Church to save souls. The Vatican is madly putting in so-called "orthodox" Bishops who are merely administrators and bureaucrats mouthing orthodox platitudes but not loving fathers and shepherds of the flock-they are harsh CEO's and Lords of their domains. They treat their priests as employees.