The Pope said this week:

The Holy Father drew his homily from today’s Gospel where Jesus compares the generation to unhappy children who always refuse the invitation of others to sing or dance.

“For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they said, ‘He is possessed by a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they said, ‘Look, he is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners,’” the Gospel says.

These people, the Pope explained are “not open to the Word of God” and use the excuse that it is not the message but the messenger that is the problem.

In the new Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium" by Pope Francis he mentions relations with the Jews. He mentions the continuing value of Judaism today and not just the Judaism of Second Temple times from which the church sprung. 

247. We hold the Jewish people in special regard because their covenant with God has never been revoked, for “the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable” (Rom 11:29).

The Mystical Dance: A Rendezvous of Levinas, Jewish Mysticism and Genesis 1 from a Hebrew Catholic Perspective

Brother Gilbert Bloomer

Written in 2013 for his Master of Arts at the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle in Western Australia.

Sergei Khudekov often told his Ballet students: 

"We have forgotten to pray to God with our feet.

In his article "Theology and Narration: Reflections on the 'Narrative Theology'- Debate and Beyond", Andreas Mauz, discusses the role of argumentative theology and narrative theology. Mauz holds that each of these approaches has its appropriate place in theological discussion and development. However it is often frustrating in the world of academic studies for those who are more lateral and mystical in their way of thinking and writing.

Note: This was first written over 10 years ago and I may have developed some of my ideas further since then. (added 2023)

History is not always what one has been taught to believe has happened in the past. Emmanuel Velikovsky demonstrated this point convincingly in his numerous works. Australia’s history before British colonisation is a case in point.

Pope Francis recently said in an interview that the role of mystics in the church is fundamental and that a religion without mystics is a philosophy.

He also said in the same interview:

"I love the mystics; Saint Francis also was in many aspects of his life, but I do not think I have the vocation and then we must understand the deep meaning of that word.

St John of the Cross was one of the greatest spiritual writers and mystics of the Catholic Church as well as a great reformer (in association with St Teresa of Avila) of the Carmelite Order. In my tutorial presentation I wish to focus on the Jewish background of St John of the Cross and the influence of Jewish teachings that in a hidden manner emphasizes the Marian dimension of his writings.

In order to understand the“Mystery of Christ" in regards to the Church and Sacraments we need to focus on the wider historical and theological setting of a discussion of the Sacraments and sacramental theology. This includes a special emphasis on the Paschal mystery.  I have chosen four readings as the base of my discussion of this topic.

The first reading I have chosen is “Theology in Rabbinic Stories” by Chaim Pearl. Pearl discusses some of the stories in Jewish writings and then interprets them from a practical theological aspect. This level of reading religious writings is called “Drash.” Drash is a homiletical and/or moral ethical reading of the stories that can be applied to the practical life of the religious person.

The story I found of most interest was the one titled “Clothes for the Messiah”.

by Brother Gilbert Bloomer

This reflection is my response to my reading in Pastoral theology. I have chosen three readings that seem to be connected for me. I read them in the light of the teachings of Emmanuel Levinas, St Edith Stein and Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. These are like three Jewish prisms that I evaluate all that I read.
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I love opinionated non-PC people. This blog is to vent my opinions on life, the universe and everything. Which is 42 which in gematria is "My Heart" (LBY) according to Rabbi Abulafia.

The Divine Heart is the centre of everything.
