Pope Francis and Stubborn Catholics
Pope Francis gave a very interesting homily about Vatican II and the Holy Spirit. Already there are many so-called 'orthodox' and traditional Catholics criticising him. Fortunately the truly spiritually orthodox are loving him. Lets get in tune with the Holy Spirit and what He is saying to the Church through Pope Francis.
Asianews.it reports:
"...Vatican Radio reported that, during the homily, when he commented Stephen's words and remembered Jesus' rebuke to the disciples of Emmaus, "Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke!", the Pope said that "always, even among us, there is resistance to the Holy Spirit."
"To put it plainly, the Holy Spirit gives us trouble. Because it moves us, makes us walk, impels the Church to go forward.
Asianews.it reports:
"...Vatican Radio reported that, during the homily, when he commented Stephen's words and remembered Jesus' rebuke to the disciples of Emmaus, "Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke!", the Pope said that "always, even among us, there is resistance to the Holy Spirit."
"To put it plainly, the Holy Spirit gives us trouble. Because it moves us, makes us walk, impels the Church to go forward.