In his article "Theology and Narration: Reflections on the 'Narrative Theology'- Debate and Beyond", Andreas Mauz, discusses the role of argumentative theology and narrative theology. Mauz holds that each of these approaches has its appropriate place in theological discussion and development. However it is often frustrating in the world of academic studies for those who are more lateral and mystical in their way of thinking and writing. Those who are more inclined to be systematic, argumentative and vertical in their thinking do not 'get' those who are lateral and mystical.

Pope John Paul II's writings are often disparaged by many Western academics because he writes and thinks in a more lateral and mystical way.

Note: This was first written over 10 years ago and I may have developed some of my ideas further since then. (added 2023)

History is not always what one has been taught to believe has happened in the past. Emmanuel Velikovsky demonstrated this point convincingly in his numerous works. Australia’s history before British colonisation is a case in point.

Pope Francis recently said in an interview that the role of mystics in the church is fundamental and that a religion without mystics is a philosophy.

He also said in the same interview:

"I love the mystics; Saint Francis also was in many aspects of his life, but I do not think I have the vocation and then we must understand the deep meaning of that word.
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