St Joseph in the Divine Will: A Hebrew Catholic Reflection
St Joseph the husband of Our Lady
We were reading the 25th day meditation of the "Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will" of Luisa Piccarreta about St Joseph being eclipsed and inundated by the seas of the attributes of Jesus and Mary.
...Now, you must know that for your Mama, for dear and sweet Jesus, and for Saint Joseph, the little house of Nazareth was a Paradise. Being the Eternal Word, my dear Son possessed the Divine Will within Himself, of His own virtue; immense seas of light, of sanctity, of joys and of infinite beauty resided in that little Humanity.
We were reading the 25th day meditation of the "Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will" of Luisa Piccarreta about St Joseph being eclipsed and inundated by the seas of the attributes of Jesus and Mary.
...Now, you must know that for your Mama, for dear and sweet Jesus, and for Saint Joseph, the little house of Nazareth was a Paradise. Being the Eternal Word, my dear Son possessed the Divine Will within Himself, of His own virtue; immense seas of light, of sanctity, of joys and of infinite beauty resided in that little Humanity.