Messianic Rabbi Mark Kinzer in his new book "Searching her own Mystery: Nostra Aetate, the Jewish People and the Identity of the Church" in his eighth chapter entitled "Jewish Life as Sacrament" writes of what he calls Judaism's Five Fundamental Sacramental Signs. He associates the Catholic term sacramental with the Jewish "kedushah"(holiness or sanctity). Here I will use his categories in a Marian interpretation.

This whole concept  of kedushah has a Marian dimension as Our Lady is known to Hebrew Catholics as Miriam ha Kedoshah (Holy Mary). This feminine word kedushah is associated with the feminine terms Shekhinah (Dwelling Presence) and kavodah (glory) in Jewish mystical thought.

I am presently reading Mark Kinzer's new book on Nostra Aetate 4. Kinzer is a leading American Messianic Jewish Rabbi and theologian. I think the book is important for all those interested in the Hebrew Catholic and Messianic Jewish movements. His analysis of Lumen Gentium and Nostra Aetate 4 is very insightful and how they connect and don't connect is an important area of further theological exploration and speculation.
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I am a Hebrew Catholic or Catholic Jew. I adhere totally with the infallible teachings on faith and morals of the Catholic Church and I believe that Pope Francis is the Messiah's chief representative on earth. I do not write to proselytize religious Jews but to share my ideas with my fellow Catholic Jews and also with Gentile Catholics who are interested in the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith. These are my personal thoughts and do not represent those of any group I may belong to.
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