Rebbe Nachman, Consecrated Flesh and the Divine Will: A Hebrew Catholic Reflection
The great Eucharistic discourse of John 6 is a hard saying for many as it was for the first disciples of Yeshua ha Mashiach. It is obvious that the difficult thing (which was difficult not just for those disciples who left him but also for those who stayed) was the concept of eating his flesh and drinking his blood. These were not the Pharisees who opposed him but people who actually were his disciples.
This whole Johannine discourse is connected to the mystery of Yeshua as the Messiah and Manna from Heaven who is the Living Torah in which Jewish tradition speaks about eating and drinking or feeding on Torah. The sages said: “The Torah could be given only to eaters of manna.” (Midrash Tankhuma, Parshat Beshallakh).
This whole Johannine discourse is connected to the mystery of Yeshua as the Messiah and Manna from Heaven who is the Living Torah in which Jewish tradition speaks about eating and drinking or feeding on Torah. The sages said: “The Torah could be given only to eaters of manna.” (Midrash Tankhuma, Parshat Beshallakh).