The Halakhic Measuring Rod and the Israel of God: Galatians 6:16
Due to a long tradition of replacement theology found in the Gentile Church, Scripture has been and is translated in a way to support the concept that the Church has replaced Israel. One of the texts used to support this idea is found in Galatians 6:16.
"...And whosoever shall follow this rule, peace on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God..." Different versions translate the Greek slightly differently. Christian theologians also give their own slant on the translation. Paul has just been vigorously discussing that Gentile believers don't need to become circumcised in order to be saved and that Jewish believers don't need to deny their circumcision and its value in order to be saved and is summing up the discussion.
"...And whosoever shall follow this rule, peace on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God..." Different versions translate the Greek slightly differently. Christian theologians also give their own slant on the translation. Paul has just been vigorously discussing that Gentile believers don't need to become circumcised in order to be saved and that Jewish believers don't need to deny their circumcision and its value in order to be saved and is summing up the discussion.