Rebbe Nachman and Jacob Frank: A Universal Reparation
My ancestor Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
In Likutey Moharan I:164 Rebbe Nachman of Breslov reveals through a parable his approach to revealing the deep hidden mysteries of the Messiah and his Kingdom. Jacob Frank had tried to reveal these mysteries openly but both the Jewish and Christian communities of the 18th century were not ready for Torah observant mystical Jews to maintain their Jewishness within the Catholic Church. In the end Frank was forced to call his followers, who had received open baptism, to silence and to observe their Jewish customs secretly and privately and to appear as Gentiles to their fellow Catholics. As a result of this approach the Frankists were assimilated into the Gentile culture within a few generations.
In Likutey Moharan I:164 Rebbe Nachman of Breslov reveals through a parable his approach to revealing the deep hidden mysteries of the Messiah and his Kingdom. Jacob Frank had tried to reveal these mysteries openly but both the Jewish and Christian communities of the 18th century were not ready for Torah observant mystical Jews to maintain their Jewishness within the Catholic Church. In the end Frank was forced to call his followers, who had received open baptism, to silence and to observe their Jewish customs secretly and privately and to appear as Gentiles to their fellow Catholics. As a result of this approach the Frankists were assimilated into the Gentile culture within a few generations.