The Mystery of the Levirate Marriage; Spilling of Seed and Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
Ruth and Boaz with Naomi and their son Obed who is the yibum son of Mahlon
The concept of a Levirate marriage hides a great mystery in Judaism. It is considered one of the deepest mysteries of the Jewish mystical tradition along with the mystery of the Red Heifer. In a sense these two mysteries are connected in that they refer to the mystery of reparation or rectification or atonement for sin. Rebbe Nachman of Breslov revealed some of this mystery to his closest disciples but ordered it to be concealed from others, due to them not having proper spiritual understanding so that they would distort such mysteries. Unfortunately this has occurred anyway and has been mixed with the avoda zara (foreign) teachings of reincarnation of Eastern religions by some Jews.
The concept of a Levirate marriage hides a great mystery in Judaism. It is considered one of the deepest mysteries of the Jewish mystical tradition along with the mystery of the Red Heifer. In a sense these two mysteries are connected in that they refer to the mystery of reparation or rectification or atonement for sin. Rebbe Nachman of Breslov revealed some of this mystery to his closest disciples but ordered it to be concealed from others, due to them not having proper spiritual understanding so that they would distort such mysteries. Unfortunately this has occurred anyway and has been mixed with the avoda zara (foreign) teachings of reincarnation of Eastern religions by some Jews.