Donning the Garments of Edom: A Hebrew Catholic Insight
The other day I was doing Eucharistic Adoration when I received an insight connected with the concept found in the Jewish mystical writings and traditions about donning or wearing the garments of Edom. There is a tradition that the skin garments donned by Adam and Eve after the fall, when they were no longer clothed in the light of the Divine Will, were from the skin of the bull unicorn which Adam and Eve sacrificed.
These skins were taken by Noah in the Ark and eventually were donned by Nimrod which gave him great skill in hunting. They eventually came into the possession of Esau who was also known as Edom and it was these garments or skins that Jacob donned in order to deceive his father Isaac.
These skins were taken by Noah in the Ark and eventually were donned by Nimrod which gave him great skill in hunting. They eventually came into the possession of Esau who was also known as Edom and it was these garments or skins that Jacob donned in order to deceive his father Isaac.