In 2002  I sent a series of emails to the Association of Hebrew Catholics when I was in Israel doing Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration at the 4th station of the Cross at the Armenian Catholic Church. They were published in one of the Hebrew Catholic magazines that year. Unfortunately there are powerful forces for evil in the Catholic Church who set out to destroy this mission of Perpetual Adoration and we were forced to cease our Adoration under manipulation and deception which was revealed to us after I wrote these emails and I never wrote to the AHC what we discovered.

First Email.

I have arrived safely in Jerusalem. Everyone has been lovely so far but I lost one suitcase on the way. We are starting Perpetual Adoration here on August 15. Please pray for us...

Ian J. Elmer. “Pillars, Hypocrites and False Apostles. Paul’s Polemic against Jerusalem in Galatians”. In Polemik in der frühchrislichen Literatur. Tecte und Kontexte (2011), 123-154.

The article “Pillars, Hypocrites and False Apostles. Paul’s Polemic against Jerusalem in Galatians” by Ian Elmer proposes that the letter to the Galatians reveals the conflict in the early Church between Paul as the champion of a law-free Church and the Torah observant Jewish Christian community of Jerusalem.

The Fair Jewish Queen (Malcah Bahira) was also called the Fairy Queen in Scotland

The Dynasty of the Scottish Jewish Queens known as the Fair or White Queens in English and in Hebrew Malcah Bahira and in Scottish Gaelic as Banrigh Fionn were possibly H2 mt-dna descendants of King Menachem of the Khazars.
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