Prince George of Cambridge [and since 2022 of Wales] our future king and the great-grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of Britain [and now since 2022 the grandson of Charles III] is descended on the direct male line from the Babylonian Exilarchs and the Jewish Kings of Narbonne in southern France (Septimania). Today Prince George is considered to be part of the House of Windsor but his ancestral Royal House is the House of Oldenburg that descends from Elimar I Count of Oldenburg through some of the Danish Kings and Dukes.

Countess Rixa of Oldenburg the wife of Elimar I Count of Oldenburg claimed that her husband descended from Widukind a leader among the Saxons in the time of Charlemagne. Historians have doubted this claim of hers.

One of the keys or signs that one can find when studying the genealogies, legends, folklore, chansons and histories of Medieval Europe in regards to the Davidic Nasiim is the theme of the "wolf" which we see in the ruling families of Aquitaine as well as in Germany with the Welf family. Welf is a play on words or pun having a dual origin or purpose of coming from the Hebrew word for a chief or prince which can be Nasi or Alef. The wolf represents both the Tribe of Benjamin and Rome.

One of the most important events occurred in European and World history that is a key that the modernists of Academia have tried to suppress is the history of the Exilarch family descended from King David who established a semi-autonomous state in southern France, firstly in Aquitaine and then Septimania. This story has been hidden due to anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism that increased during the end of the 9th century and into the 10th century.

Some Catholics believe that there is an Intermediate Coming of Jesus which in Catholic tradition is also known as the Invisible or Hidden Coming of Jesus like a Thief in the Night (see Apoc.3:3; 6:15, Matt.24:43, 1 Thess. 5:2-4, 2 Peter 3:10). A number of saints such as St Bernard of Clairvaux speak about this coming which is between his First Coming in the flesh and His Second or Final Coming in the flesh in glory and majesty (Apoc.1:7) at the end of history.
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