Eucharistic Messiah: eating flesh

Rebbe Nachman introduces the teachings found in Likutey Moharan 36 and 101 with a quote from Psalm 27:2 Bikrov Alaiy Mrei’im which in our English Bible’s is translated as “When evildoers come close” but Rebbe Nachman translate it as “When companions come close”. He interprets mrei'im of Psalm 27:2 as companions or friends in accord with Song of Songs 5:1 and other verses in the Old Testament (such as Job 17:5; Proverbs 18:24 and 19:4; Jeremiah 3:1) which translate rei’im or re’in as companions, friends or lovers. This totally transforms the verse and its meaning. Thus, the Rebbe reads the verse as:

When two intimate companions come close to eat my flesh, my foes and enemies they stumble and fall (Psalm 27:2).

The four minds

At the heart of Rebbe Nachman’s mystical teachings was the concept of the four minds in the Temple. The four cherubim in the Holy of Holies represented these minds - two male and two female. They are also linked to the four faces mentioned in Genesis 1 and the four faces of the chariot in Ezekiel.

Influence of jacob Frank and the Frankists

and The zoharic Lady of Reparation

Yehuda Liebes, a leading Israeli scholar of Jewish Mysticism believes that the main mission of Rebbe Nachman was to make reparation or tikkun for this Sabbatean heresy and to redeem the lost sparks of wisdom found in it.[1] While arriving at this conclusion independently of Liebes, I would agree with his opinion except I distinguish Sabbateanism and Frankism as two separate movements.

Is there an implicit Catholic concept of reparation in the mystical teachings and folkloric tales of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov?

eizeh tikkun! Rebbe nachman and the concept of reparation


Contents. 1

Setting the Scene. 2

The Origin of Tikkun. 5

Influence of the baal shem tov. 6

Catholic Romance and the Rebbe. 8

The societal and Geographical context. 13

Influence of jacob Frank and the Frankists  and The zoharic Lady of Reparation. 16

The universal remedy. 19

A messianic tikkun.

"The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the college of bishops in communion with Him" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 85, 100)

"I will take one more instance. A man is converted to the Catholic Church from his admiration of its religious system, and his disgust with Protestantism. That admiration remains; but, after a time, he leaves his new faith, perhaps returns to his old.

In the previous blog post I discussed the connection between the four senses of Scripture of Peshat, Remez, Drash and Sod and their connection with Noah, Japheth, Ham and Shem who represent or symbolise the four temperaments of melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric and sanguine. Recently in discussion with a priest he suggested I publish a book entitled "My Speculations". We both laughed and thought it was a brilliant idea as we are both highly sanguine.
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