Pope Francis and the Dogma of Co-Redemptrix
In a recent homily at Mass Pope Francis seemed to distance himself from the idea that Mary should have the title and dogma of Co-Redemptrix proclaimed by the Church. His concern that people would understand it as Mary being an independent source of redemption or salvation or that she was as equal to Jesus in the mystery of salvation, was also expressed by Pope Benedict XVI when he was a Cardinal. St Pope John Paul II however used the term.
The Pope and Ratzinger's concern is a valid one, if that was what the faithful meant by Co-Redemptrix. However this is not what those proposing such a title and dogma mean by using this title.
The Pope and Ratzinger's concern is a valid one, if that was what the faithful meant by Co-Redemptrix. However this is not what those proposing such a title and dogma mean by using this title.