In an alleged messages to Eduardo Ferreira a stigmatist of Brazil from Our Lady under the title of Mystical Rose the Queen of Peace, prophesied back in 2015 about the Pandemic we are now experiencing:

“I want to reveal here that diseases are going to increase and a new virus will appear and cause many to die. It is necessary to pray the rosary of Mercy at this very moment. The disease will come from the East and spread into the West...Beloved children, as I have already said science will discover a cure for a certain disease, but only for a short time, as it will become more aggressive.” (26.05.2015)  St Anthony of Padua is one of my favourite saints as I was born on his feast day. On November 24, 2020 he allegedly spoke with Eduardo and said:

Peace and love.

The 'Bahir' is a book of ancient Jewish mysticism that was first revealed to a wider audience in the Middle Ages. At its heart it presents the mystical teachings of the mystical school of the first century Rabbi Nehunia ben Ha Kana. His disciples passed on and developed these mystical insights. It is my belief that the 'Bahir' was brought to Provence in the 8th century by a scion of the Royal House of King David in Babylon. This Davidic Western Exilarch is known as Rabbi Amorai in the 'Bahir'.

Bahir 3

3."Why does the Torah begin with the letter Bet? In order that it begin with a blessing (Berachah).

Creation by Judy Racz

Bahir 2

2."Rabbi Berachiah said:It is written (Genesis 1:2), "The earth was Chaos (Tohu) and Desolation (Bohu). What is the meaning of the word "was" in this verse? This indicates that the Chaos existed previously [and already was]. What is Chaos (Tohu)? Something that confounds (Taha) people. What is Desolation (Bohu)? It is something that has substance.

Bahir 1

"1. Rabbi Nehuniah ben HaKana said: One verse (Job 37:21) states, "And now they do not see light, it is brilliant (Bahir) in the skies…[round about God in terrible majesty]." Another verse, however, (Psalm 18:12), states, "He made darkness His hiding place." It is also written (Psalm 97:2), "Cloud and gloom surround Him." This is an apparent contradiction. A third verse comes and reconciles the two. It is written (Psalm 139:12), "Even darkness is not dark to You.
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I am a Hebrew Catholic or Catholic Jew. I adhere totally with the infallible teachings on faith and morals of the Catholic Church and I believe that Pope Francis is the Messiah's chief representative on earth. I do not write to proselytize religious Jews but to share my ideas with my fellow Catholic Jews and also with Gentile Catholics who are interested in the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith. These are my personal thoughts and do not represent those of any group I may belong to.
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