The Wolf Lords and Lady Wolf
In other articles I have written over the years I have mentioned the Jewish evangelist Joseph Wolf or Wolff of the London Jews Society who married Lady Georgiana Walpole a daughter of Lord Orford. The story about the reason Lady Georgiana's brother Lord Orford allowed the marriage is amusing and colourful however is it the whole truth? In fact Joseph Wolf may have been known by the crypto-Jews and Frankists as The Wolf Lord and this was why he was selected for training with the Jesuits and sent to Rome.
Joseph Wolf or Wolff the Jewish Evangelist
These Wolf Lords and their spouses known as Lady Wolf goes back to the son of Shabtai Zevi called Adam (b.1652) who went to live in Scotland using the names Wolfson and Wilson.
Joseph Wolf or Wolff the Jewish Evangelist
These Wolf Lords and their spouses known as Lady Wolf goes back to the son of Shabtai Zevi called Adam (b.1652) who went to live in Scotland using the names Wolfson and Wilson.