Yehi Ratzones: A Divine Will Devotion
In the Divine Will movement we often say in Latin Fiat voluntas tua (May your Will be done) which in Hebrew is 'yehi ratzon'. There is also a meal at Rosh haShana called Yehi Ratzones that is done by Sephardi Jews in which they eat certain foods as symbols and say "Yehi ratzon".
One Jewish website states in an article by Ty Alhadeff states:
"At the beginning of the holiday dinner, Sephardic Jews from the lands of the former Ottoman Empire have a special custom called the yehi ratzones, a series of symbolic appetizers including not only apples, but also dates, leeks, spinach, squash, black-eyed peas, and cheek meat of a cow or a fish head (the foods may differ between communities and be prepared in any number of ways).
One Jewish website states in an article by Ty Alhadeff states:
"At the beginning of the holiday dinner, Sephardic Jews from the lands of the former Ottoman Empire have a special custom called the yehi ratzones, a series of symbolic appetizers including not only apples, but also dates, leeks, spinach, squash, black-eyed peas, and cheek meat of a cow or a fish head (the foods may differ between communities and be prepared in any number of ways).