Evolutionists in discussion with creationists often criticise the creationists for not having a clear definition for what they mean by a "kind" or "biblical kind."  Often it is just a ruse or polemic to accuse creationists of ignorance of science, but sometimes it is genuine point being made in order to understand the position of the creationist. There is a lot of demolishing of strawmen and name calling on both sides of the issue.

I have been reading about clade selection in regard to macro-evolution as a result of one of these discussions. A clade in this context is a monophyletic grouping. A monophyletic group is a group of organisms that are descended from a common evolutionary ancestor or ancestral group, especially one not shared with any other group.

Here is the whole story found in the Talmud found in Gittin about Onkelos, translated from the Aramaic with out the extra editions of the modern translators.

Onkelos bar Kalonikos, the son of Titus’s sister, wanted to convert. He went and raised Titus through necromancy, He said to him: Who is important in that world? He said to him: Israel. Should I join with them? He said to him: Their commandments are numerous, and you will not be able to fulfill them.

It is rather sad that the online Sefaria translation of the Talmud into Hebrew and English from the original Aramaic of the Talmud gives the anti Talmudic Anti-Semites ammunition for their attacks on the Talmud. The original text does not mention Jesus of Nazareth. In some versions of the Talmud the word [L'ysh"u ליש"ו] has been added in brackets to the text.

On August 16 2019 an interesting article appeared in the science section of news.com.au with its headline asking the question "Why did the overwhelming majority of species in existence today emerge at about the same time?" The article discusses a recent sweeping gene survey by Mark Stoeckle from The Rockefeller University in New York and David Thaler at the University of Basel in Switzerland.

Chapter 2: Story telling or Story Testing: Evolutionary Genetics

In 2015 I was listening to a talk by a leading evolutionary biologist who was criticising those who were misusing genetics by creating stories of history and movements of peoples based on a faulty understanding of genetic evidence that have no basis in recorded accounts and archeology. This scientist commented that “story telling” needs to be “story tested” by science.

In 2019 a interesting scientific paper by Hugh Miller et al was released. This was undertaken by a group of scientists who are Catholic creationists. Hugh Miller is a research Chemist. Sadly he died on January 31 2021 after a lifetime of scientific work and achievement. Another member of this research paper is Jean de Pontcharra a physicist and researcher in nanoelectronics, as well as Maciej Giertych who is a Drendologist and a former Professor of the Polish Academy of the Sciences and Marie C.

King Osee (Hosea/ the Yellow Emperor) the last King of Israel or Samaria fled with his blonde and red headed warrior horsemen of Manasseh into the East beyond the reach of the Assyrians. The warrior horsemen eventually headed north and established the Kingdom of Xiongnu (the bearded men of Zion). This branch of Eastern Manasseh of R1a M417 became R1a Z93. They established a great Empire led by the Changyu (Warrior Horseman King).

The majority of the Tribe of Ephraim belongs to the Z283 y-dna clans of R1a which entered Europe as three different groups. They received the R-Z283 marker around 690-680 BC. The clan of Beredi of Z280 y-dna are associated with the name Rus which may come from the Hebrew word Rosh for Head or Prince. They received the R-Z280 mutation around 600-580 BC. Beredi is their original clan name which developed into Peradi, Parada, Parata, Barata, Paratan or Parthia and Parthian.

The evolutionary geologic time scale

Both Creationists and Evolutionists believe in biological speciation. However Creationists believe that speciation occurred from kinds which were formed originally by the Creator.  Creationists also believe that our present species descend from those pairs who survived the great Flood.

In the past I thought that the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte descended from Kittim a son of Javan, who was a son in turn of Japheth the son of Noah. He thus in this interpretation belonged to a branch that may have converted to Judaism or the family became Jewish when a Jewish woman had a child with a non-Jew as long ago as the time of the Kingdom of David and Solomon. 

This then was  a very ancient Jewish lineage which today still has Jewish as well as non-Jewish descendants.
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