I have written about dolerite or diabase rock being man-made bricks that built the Tower of Babel and that those locations around the world that have dolerite are the remnants of the civilisation of man after the Great Flood until the time of Babel in 1850 BC. At this time the earth was still one and is called Pangaea by modern day scientists. Another feature of this civilisation that we can still see today but mistake for totally natural formations are the table-top mountains found round the world which once were great fortress cities which allowed the humans to dwell safely protected from the animals.

The famous Jewish writer on Hasidism, Martin Buber, wrote: “Among all movements of the same kind, certainly none has, as much as Hasidism, heralded the infinite Ethos of the now.”[1] This “infinite Ethos of the now” refers to the Hasidic way to holiness in the ordinary activities of the ordinary believer in the here and now.

Zecharia Sitchin wrote about the wandering planet who he associated with Nibiru or Marduk of the Sumerians. He claimed that it had a cycle of 3600 years. This planet has had other names associated with it such as Gad, Wormwood, Eris, Dione, Diana, Dinah as well as Marduk and Nibiru. However, I disagree with the cycle period of Sitchin and believe it is a 500 year cycle give or take ten years.

I hate clones and uniformity. I have always been interested in religion, politics, literature, history and culture. However I have always found it difficult that in the areas of academia, politics and religion that the ideologies of conformity, uniformity and totality rule the day. Even when subcultures in these areas form they unfortunately just become clones and conformists within their subcultures.

I have in the past on this blog speculated about the Warning and the Miracle. I have proposed that the Warning could come in 2022 and the Miracle on April 13 2023. Others believe that the Warning comes either 3 months or 3 weeks before the Miracle. Thus the Warning in this scenario could come around Feb 13 or March 23 in 2023.

The first warning or secret mentioned at Medjugorje has to occur before the Warning, which is the second secret.

One depiction of Homo Erectus which is very subjective as it is based only on skeletons.

Some people in the past have asked me about Homo Erectus. Homo Erectus according to the Darwinian evolutionists is the ancestor of Modern Man (Cro-Magnon), Neanderthal and Denisovan.
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I am a Hebrew Catholic or Catholic Jew. I adhere totally with the infallible teachings on faith and morals of the Catholic Church and I believe that Pope Francis is the Messiah's chief representative on earth. I do not write to proselytize religious Jews but to share my ideas with my fellow Catholic Jews and also with Gentile Catholics who are interested in the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith. These are my personal thoughts and do not represent those of any group I may belong to.
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