One must be very careful about certain priests and laity who set themselves up as the only authentic voice on Divine Will or other Catholic Faith teachings, in this age of social media. I give my opinion here and I am more than happy for others to disagree with me and reach their own conclusions.

Some are making statements about the consecration of Russia which are just their assumptions and speculative opinions based on a false premise or partly false premise. They also do this in regard to St Joseph living in the Divine Will. That a theology student has studied at a Catholic University and had a thesis that was defended, doesn't mean that the theologian has it anymore right than the other many theologians that are in the Church.

There are four special Sabbaths that lead up to Passover. Today is the third of these special Sabbaths 25/26th of March 2022 called Shabbat Parah (the Sabbath of the Red Heifer) and the 25th of March is also the Catholic Marian and Messianic feast of the Annunciation to Mary of the Incarnation in her womb of the God-Man. The Pope consecrated Russia and the Ukraine in union with all the world's Bishops just after the start of Shabbat Parah.

In the past I identified the sons of Ishmael as belonging to Q y-dna haplogroup and then I changed my mind when I came to a major adjustment of my understanding in regards to some of the haplogroups. I changed my identification of the sons of Ishmael to T y-dna haplogroup.I now think I was originally right that the sons of Ishmael were Q haplogroup and that the sons of Esau or Edom are T y-dna haplogroup. Thus the Idumeans and King Herod belong to T haplogroup.

In Jewish mystical thought there are many images and visual and verbal icons of the Sacred. There is not one interpretation but a multi-layered interpretation of each conceptual icon. The Idra Rabba and the Idra Zuta sections of the Zohar give interpretations that seem to differ from that of other sections of the Zohar. The mystical Partzufim of Arik Anpin (long face) and Zer Anpin (short face) along with Attika Kedosha (the Holy Ancient One), are the centre of the Zoharic Rabbis' discussions.

It would seem that the period called by scientists the Mesoarchean period is part of the third day of Creation. Thus the Archean and Proterozoic layers represent the time before the advent of man.
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I love opinionated non-PC people. This blog is to vent my opinions on life, the universe and everything. Which is 42 which in gematria is "My Heart" (LBY) according to Rabbi Abulafia.

The Divine Heart is the centre of everything.
