Consecration of Russia and Divine Will Spokesmen
One must be very careful about certain priests and laity who set themselves up as the only authentic voice on Divine Will or other Catholic Faith teachings, in this age of social media. I give my opinion here and I am more than happy for others to disagree with me and reach their own conclusions.
Some are making statements about the consecration of Russia which are just their assumptions and speculative opinions based on a false premise or partly false premise. They also do this in regard to St Joseph living in the Divine Will. That a theology student has studied at a Catholic University and had a thesis that was defended, doesn't mean that the theologian has it anymore right than the other many theologians that are in the Church.
Some are making statements about the consecration of Russia which are just their assumptions and speculative opinions based on a false premise or partly false premise. They also do this in regard to St Joseph living in the Divine Will. That a theology student has studied at a Catholic University and had a thesis that was defended, doesn't mean that the theologian has it anymore right than the other many theologians that are in the Church.