There are 600,000 root-souls in which the Jewish people are connected to Torah. These roots souls are mediated through Da'at (Knowledge). 

I have found the following among the writings of the Arizal:

The total number of souls is six hundred thousand. The Torah is the root of the souls of Israel. This is why there are six hundred thousand possible interpretations of Torah. Each of these interpretations eventually will form the root of a soul. In the world of the future, each Jew will read and understand the Torah according to the interpretation that resulted in his individual soul being formed.

I was thinking about the disagreements people have in Yachad beYeshua and more generally in the Catholic Church about customs, liturgy, piety, reverence etc when I came across this quote from the Maggid of Mezritch one of the great Rebbes of Hasidism and disciple of the Baal Shem Tov.

"The Oral Torah is the adornments of the bride. One person says that the adornment must be like this, and another says that this is not so pleasing, and another way is more beautiful.

Just finished watching the last session of the Yachad beYeshua conference in Dallas in which Jennifer Rosner, a theologian who is a Jewish believer in Yeshua, from the Evangelical tradition, gave a wonderful but difficult reflection.

Tonight I took part, via the wonders of zoom, in the Yachad beYeshua conference in Dallas. It started at 2 am here in Tasmania. The previous night I missed the talk from Ephraim Radner a Hebrew Christian Episcopal priest as I fell asleep. Fortunately I had a sleep and woke up in time for this one.

The speaker was Father Etienne Veto, who is a French Hebrew Catholic, whose father was a Hungarian Jew, who became a Catholic. It was an interesting talk that led to some interesting discussion.

The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

I have since 2004 found the writings of Luisa Piccarreta, the famous Catholic mystic, fascinating and spiritually fruitful, as I could perceive their hidden Jewish context which others, who are not familiar with the teachings of Judaism and its mystical tradition, would miss. I give an example of this based on just one paragraph.

The Israelite Tribe of Simeon (R1b DF 27 ydna) was settled in the south of Israel and after the Babylonian Exile around 460 BC (586 BC in the Accepted Chronology of modern Academia). They settled in Spain and southern France. The lands of Simeon in the south of the Holy Land (Negev) had become part of the Kingdom of Judah from the time of King Hezekiah of Judah when the other Israelites in the north had been taken into exile by the Assyrians around 600 BC  (or 721 BC in the Accepted chronology).

This tree demonstrates that in the past there have been environmental influences including catastrophic events on the formation of mutations in which people of the same dna lineage as a group receive a new mutation rather than just one individual as happens at other times. However, when groups move away from the geographical region as the others who share their dna, they group mutate differently to the parent or sibling group.

2352 By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure.

Dance of Two Camps

Before I was even aware, my soul was returning like the chariots of Amminadab, Return! O Queen of Peace, Return! Return so that we may gaze upon you! What do you see in the Queen of Peace? A dance of two camps.

The above diagram is from the pamphlet “Wonders” which is based on the teachings of Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh of the Gal Einai Institute, translated to English by Rabbi Moshe Genuth a disciple of Rabbi Ginsburgh. His article “The Ternary Torah” explores in some depth how all the Torah or Divine Revelation is based on the number 3. This was sent to me by a Rabbi who is a disciple of the teachings of Rabbi Moshe Genuth.
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