Silence and the Word
Silence (d'mamah) on that which regards the truths (emitut) of the Divine Will (Ratzon) forms (yotzer) the tomb (et ha-kever) of these truths, while the word (davar) forms (yotzer) the resurrection (et tekhiyat ha-metim). The “Glory Be” (kavod) of the soul (neshamah) in the Divine Will (Ratzon). (From Volume 19 Book of Heaven, March 2, 1926) [These messages were originally written in the Barese Italian dialect and I here am using the Hebrew equivalents to demonstrate how these messages are consistent with Scripture and the Jewish roots of our Catholic Faith]
In Jewish tradition Dumah is the Archangel of Silence who has dominion over the wicked dead. He is silent because they have no one to plead for them because they freely chose to reject truth and the Divine Will.
In Jewish tradition Dumah is the Archangel of Silence who has dominion over the wicked dead. He is silent because they have no one to plead for them because they freely chose to reject truth and the Divine Will.