Jewish Blessings (Brachot) and the Divine Will
Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who sanctifies us with His commandments and commanded us...In Judiasm many prayers or brochos (brachot) are prefaced with this for certain mitzvot (commandments or good deeds). Thus mitzvot are daily acts that are sanctified with the blessing. Hasidic Judaism, and also according to the late Lubavich Rebbe, speaks of doing a mitzvah (even the most simple) in order to draw the Messiah and salvation closer.
This concept is very similar to that proposed in the writings of the Catholic servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Heaven teaches her about fusing all her acts in the Divine Will in order to draw the Kingdom of the Divine Will reigning on earth as it is in heaven, closer.
This concept is very similar to that proposed in the writings of the Catholic servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Heaven teaches her about fusing all her acts in the Divine Will in order to draw the Kingdom of the Divine Will reigning on earth as it is in heaven, closer.