Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who sanctifies us with His commandments and commanded us...In Judiasm many prayers or brochos (brachot) are prefaced with this for certain mitzvot (commandments or good deeds). Thus mitzvot are daily acts that are sanctified with the blessing. Hasidic Judaism, and also according to the late Lubavich Rebbe, speaks of doing a mitzvah (even the most simple) in order to draw the Messiah and salvation closer.

This concept is very similar to that proposed in the writings of the Catholic servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Heaven teaches her about fusing all her acts in the Divine Will in order to draw the Kingdom of the Divine Will reigning on earth as it is in heaven, closer.

What is the agenda of Modernists? They seek to reinterpret Catholic, or indeed Jewish traditions, to the glorification of mankind and the Kingdom of Man as the ultimate goal. Religion or spirituality then is relegated to a subjective emotionalism with a morality that changes with the zeitgeist of the generation. Thus they take treasured stories and insights of the great religious traditions and keep the outer husk and nullify their divine connection.
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I love opinionated non-PC people. This blog is to vent my opinions on life, the universe and everything. Which is 42 which in gematria is "My Heart" (LBY) according to Rabbi Abulafia.

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I am a Hebrew Catholic or Catholic Jew. I adhere totally with the infallible teachings on faith and morals of the Catholic Church and I believe that Pope Francis is the Messiah's chief representative on earth. I do not write to proselytize religious Jews but to share my ideas with my fellow Catholic Jews and also with Gentile Catholics who are interested in the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith. These are my personal thoughts and do not represent those of any group I may belong to.
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