Rabbi Jacob Immanuel Shochet writes:

"...That is why keter is sometimes excluded from the scheme of the sefirot. It is too sublime to be included. It is a category and class all in itself. In fact it is called the "intermediary" between the Ein Sof and the sefirot, bridging the gap, as it were: it is the "lowest level" of the Light of the Ein Sof and from it, and through it, issue forth the successive divine emanations (thus being the very root or soul of the sefirot). Keter represents the "lever" of divine manifestations and, as such, is called "the Supreme Will" (" Ratzon Ha'elyon") of G‑d: not a particular will focused on some specific goal but the original Divine Willingness (Ratzon) underlying the creative will.

Shaar haGilgulim by the Arizal (Section 1:1-2)

ונתחיל מ"ש חז"ל כי חמשה שמות יש לנפש, וזה סדרם ממטה למעלה, נפ"ש, רו"ח, נשמ"ה, חי"ה, יחיד"ה. ואין ספק כי לא נפל קריאת השמות הנזכרות, במקרה ובהזדמן. אמנם דע, כי האדם עצמו, הוא הרוחניות אשר בתוך גוף, והגוף הוא לבוש האדם, ואיננו האדם עצמו. וכמש"ה על בשר אדם לא ייסך, וכנזכר בזוהר פרשת בראשית דף כ' ע"ב.

Kavod leElohim (Gloria)

Kavod le-Elohim bam-romim, (Glory to God in the Highest)

v'Shalom alay adamot livne adam shebahem ratzah, (and peace on earth (the lands) to all men (sons of Adam) in which their is goodwill)

Otcha n'shabach, otcha n'barech, (we praise thee, we bless thee)

l'fanecha nisgod ulcha niten y'kar, (we adore thee {literally: to thy face we will worship} and we glorify thee {literally: and we give thee precious})

nodeh l'cha al tiferetcha ki rabah, (we give thee thanks for t

Knowledge of God’s creative design is important for comprehending the development of cancer and other diseases at the level of kinds and species as well as at the level of  tissues and cells, and for creating effective therapies to manage or cure such ailments. Animals seem to have been created or formed with powerful tumor suppressive mechanisms that help prevent the growth of cancer.
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