32 Paths of the Sefirotic Divine Heart
Rabbi Jacob Immanuel Shochet writes:
"...That is why keter is sometimes excluded from the scheme of the sefirot. It is too sublime to be included. It is a category and class all in itself. In fact it is called the "intermediary" between the Ein Sof and the sefirot, bridging the gap, as it were: it is the "lowest level" of the Light of the Ein Sof and from it, and through it, issue forth the successive divine emanations (thus being the very root or soul of the sefirot). Keter represents the "lever" of divine manifestations and, as such, is called "the Supreme Will" (" Ratzon Ha'elyon") of G‑d: not a particular will focused on some specific goal but the original Divine Willingness (Ratzon) underlying the creative will.
"...That is why keter is sometimes excluded from the scheme of the sefirot. It is too sublime to be included. It is a category and class all in itself. In fact it is called the "intermediary" between the Ein Sof and the sefirot, bridging the gap, as it were: it is the "lowest level" of the Light of the Ein Sof and from it, and through it, issue forth the successive divine emanations (thus being the very root or soul of the sefirot). Keter represents the "lever" of divine manifestations and, as such, is called "the Supreme Will" (" Ratzon Ha'elyon") of G‑d: not a particular will focused on some specific goal but the original Divine Willingness (Ratzon) underlying the creative will.