I have just watched the first two parts of Nathaniel Jeanson's discussion of "The Lost History of North America". In the past I critiqued his book "Traced" about genetics and mainly disagreed with his conclusions (see  Nathaniel Jeanson and Y-dna Haplogroups: A Creationist Critique). However, with this presentation I am much more impressed and would overall agree with his conclusions that he articulated in these first two presentations. 

I do not agree with his identification of C -ydna, which is the core group among the Algic speaking peoples of North America, with the descendants of Ham. He in these presentations doesn't speak of their Hamite origin.

Here is a link to the sung version of my free verse poem "Yeshua, do you trust the Gentiles?" which was done by a Hebrew Catholic friend of mine in New York. I wrote it in 2016. It seems even more appropriate today in 2023 after the events since October 7.

In Genesis 1 there are three Yehi (Let it be/ Fiat) and 20 vayhi (And let it be). However, from the first Yehi  light shines forth to the other 22 Fiats or yehiot. Each one is associated with a letter of the alphabet. The first yehi encompasses the alef tav and thus the other 22, in the Kingdom of the Divine Will and Fiat. The first yehi is the fiat of the uncreated light whereas the 22 lower lights or yehiot are created lights.

Meditation on the First Night of Hanukkah (Chanukah)

1. Face over the deep = yehi or = Yeshua (Gen.1:2)

Meditation on the second night of Hanukkah

2. Face over the waters = vayhi or = Miriam (Gen.1:2)

3. Face over the Rakia = Sun = greater light = Joseph (Gen.1:16)

Mediation on the third night

4. Face over all the earth = Moon = the lesser light = Luisa (Gen.1:16)

5. Elohim said let their be light = Keter (Crown) = Sefirah 1 (Gen.1:3)


Today (December 8 2023) in the Catholic Church we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary and this year it is also the first day of Hanukkah. Is there a connection? During the lighting of the Hanukkah (Chanuka) candles over eight days we light 36 Hanukkah candles as well the 8 Shamash (Servant) candles. 8 is the number of the Messiah and he is the Suffering Servant (Shamash) of Isaiah 53.

I have been reflecting on Reb Nathan of Nemirov (also known as Reb Nosan of Breslov)'s book "Likutey Halakhot" which is his reflections based on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.  In Halakhot 1:7 he talks about the significance of the dove (yonah).  He uses these insights from Rebbe Nachman's teachings to give a moral homiletical interpretation (drash) for the personal growth and development of the Hasid.

In Likutey Moharan I:14:5 Rebbe Nachman of Breslov alludes to the mystery of Mt Tabor with the verse from Numbers 21:18: "And from the wilderness Matanah (vu-ma-midbar matanah)." The Targums associate this with its meaning of a gift rather than a place. Is that gift the wilderness or desert itself? Or is the gift the well that was dug by the Princes? Or is it something else?

Rebbe Nachman states that Matanah refers to Mt Tabor.

והנה ענין העבור הזה, הוא לשתי סבות, האחת היא, כי ע"י עבור נפש הצדיק באיש הזה, תתוקן נפש האיש הזה, ותזדכך, כדוגמת ערך נפש הצדיק ההוא, ועי"כ תוכל לעלות בעוה"ב, במדרגת מעלת הצדיק ההוא, כנזכר כי הצדיק ההוא יעזרהו ויסייעהו, להוסיף מצות וקדושות יתירות, והנה סבה זו היא לצורך האיש הזה. עוד סבה שנית, לתועלת הצדיק עצמו המתעבר בו, כי כיון שהוא מסייעו להוסיף מצות ותקונם, נוטל חלק בהם, וז"ס מ"ש ז"ל, גדולים צדיקים, שאפילו במיתתם זוכים לבנים וכו'.

בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּ רָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃

The first verse of Genesis 1:1 has 28 Hebrew letters and 7 x4 = 28 and thus 28 + 4 = 32. 32 is the gematria for heart (leb) and Glory (kavod). To complete this heart it must be united to the four chayot and thus 32 + 4 = 36.

Some times sincere and well meaning Catholics can read anti-Semitic literature and become influenced by their anti-Judaism and anti-Jewish rhetoric, when these people distort the Jewish positions on moral issues like abortion. I had a friend recently do that and I wrote to him and he apologised to me. I wrote to him:

I did not like your other talk about Jews and abortion at all. It seemed very anti-Semitic. There is a diversity of opinions among Jewish groups on this.
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