I just watched a beautiful video clip, about dolphins and their sonar system that targets on their prey in an amazing way. My friend Geraldine Ryan showed it on a recorded talk of hers from Joseph's Place in Queensland on Divine Will. In this wonderful talk she compared this targeting by the Dolphin's inner sonar on their fish prey with the Divine Will whose prey is souls.

In our woke world, there are people who are known as furries, who identify as animals like cats or dogs etc. In the past, I told some friends that if I was going to identity as an animal, I would be a dolphin. Of course, this woke nonsense is living in lies and deception, as a human being cannot be a cat or dog or dolphin.

I have recently, in some of my blog posts, included some meditations about St Teresa of Avila and the Interior Castle with its seven mansions, as part of a meditation of the seven weeks of the Counting (Sefirat) of the Omer (Barley Harvest). I have gathered them together in this one post.

Chaim Vital's Sefer Etz Chaim (written in 1573 based on the teachings of the Ari or Rabbi Isaac Luria 1534-1572) discusses seven palaces with their gates.

Malkhut which is associated with the concepts of Kingdom, Kingship, Sovereignty, Presence (Shekhinah), Mouth, Opening Nukvah (Female) and Womb is the Sefirah of Week 7 of the Counting (sefirat) of the Omer (the barley harvest). Its middah (quality or trait) is Shiflut (Lowliness). It can be associated with the Supernal Concept of Rachel and the Opening of the Well of Miriam.

In the last couple of days I have come across statements by otherwise devout Catholics that have been infected or deceived by anti-Semites and anti-Jewish writers and teachers. I understand this as I once believed these lies and distortions about Judaism, the Talmud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition known as the Kabbalah.

Some of these people speak about Karl Marx  as a Zionist Jew and Lenin as a Jew etc.

Chaim ben Joseph Vital (1542-1620) was a Rabbi of Safed or Tzfat who was the foremost disciple and expositor of the teaching of Rabbi Isaac Luria the Arizal (1534-1572). Like his master the Arizal his teachings have been misinterpreted in regard to reincarnation and other such concepts which can distort Lurianic Kabbalah into an occultic direction similar to Sabbateanism.

Yesod which is associated with the concepts of Foundation, Bonding, the Divine Phallus, Covenant, Purity, Simplicity, Completeness, Peace, Modesty, the Divine Tongue and the Divine Seed, is the Sefirah of Week 6 of the Counting (sefirat) of the Omer (the barley harvest).  Its middah (quality or trait) is Emet (Truth).

Hod which is associated with the concepts of Majesty, Splendour, Dignity, Acknowlegment, Gratitude, Reverberation and Confession is the Sefirah of Week 5 of the Counting (sefirat) of the Omer (the barley harvest).  Its middah (quality or trait) is Temimut (Sincerity). The fifth week of Hod is associated with the glorious Messiah as a new Aaron in his role as High Priest of the New Covenant and the left leg or foot of the Mashiach and the glorious coming of the Messiah in Hidden Light (Zohar).

Netzach which is associated with the concepts of Endurance, Victory, Patience, Long Suffering, Overcoming, Eternity and Triumph is the Sefirah of Week 4 of the Counting (sefirat) of the Omer. The fourth week of Netzach is associated with the Messiah as the new Moses and the Suffering Messiah in his role as prophet like unto Moses with the right foot or leg of the Mashiach and his Resurrection light (Bahir).

Tiferet is associated with the concepts of harmony, beauty and compassion and is the Sefirah of Week 3 of the Counting (sefirat) of the Omer. The third week of Tiferet on a Messianic level of interpretation is associated with the Messiah as the son of Israel and the Blessed Holy One of Israel as the Heart of the Mashiach. The third week of Tiferet on a Marian level is associated with the Mother as the Daughter of Israel and the Mother of Mercy as a new Rachel (which means the ewe lamb of God).

Leib Getzel Lax writes about the connection of the 50 gates of Binah with the 50 days of the counting of Omer:

During the Omer we count 49 days and on the 50th day we celebrate Shavuos.

Shavuos as the 50th Day is also known as the 50 gates of Understanding  or The 50 gates of Binah (corresponding to the sefirot of Binah).  The sefirot of Chochma (wisdom) appears opposite to Binah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Chochma or Wisdom of Intellect is experienced as intuition or insight.
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