2nd Hour of the Passion - Hebrew Catholic Version
OF THE PASSION (Hebrew Catholic Version)
of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
Preparation before each Hour:
O Adonai Yeshua haMashiach, prostrate before thy Divine Presence (shokhen), I implore thy most loving Heart (lev) to grant me admission into the meditative mysteries of the 24 hours of the Passion (Yetzi'at), in which for love (ahavah) of us Thou desired to suffer so much, in Thy adorable body (guf) and in thy most holy soul (neshamah), even unto death on the Cross (tzelav). O please, give me azrah (help), chesed (merciful grace), ahavah (love), deep rachamim (compassionate mercy) and binah (understanding) of Thy sufferings (yisorim), as I now meditate (hitbonenut) on this Hour (Sha'ah).
OF THE PASSION (Hebrew Catholic Version)
of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
Preparation before each Hour:
O Adonai Yeshua haMashiach, prostrate before thy Divine Presence (shokhen), I implore thy most loving Heart (lev) to grant me admission into the meditative mysteries of the 24 hours of the Passion (Yetzi'at), in which for love (ahavah) of us Thou desired to suffer so much, in Thy adorable body (guf) and in thy most holy soul (neshamah), even unto death on the Cross (tzelav). O please, give me azrah (help), chesed (merciful grace), ahavah (love), deep rachamim (compassionate mercy) and binah (understanding) of Thy sufferings (yisorim), as I now meditate (hitbonenut) on this Hour (Sha'ah).