"...I with many others believe that the Messianic movement is the portent of the eschatological reunion between the nation and the "dispersed children of God." This is why there is hardly a more urgent task than preparing the Church to welcome Israel qua Israel as an inalienable part of her truth and fullness..." (Father Antoine Levy OP in the Jewish Church)Father Levy, unlike many other Catholics, does not dismiss the Messianic Jewish movement as just another form of Protestantism but as a sign of our times pointing to the eschatological mystery of the reunion of the Church and Synagogue. I would agree with him. Levy agrees with many of the Fathers of the Church that Israel's continued corporate identity demonstrated Israel's protestation of fidelity to the God of Israel.

The major kingdoms of the Hen Ogledd were Elmet, Gododdin, Rheged, and the Kingdom of Strathclyde (Welsh: Ystrad Clud). Smaller kingdoms included Aeron and Calchfynydd, Eidyn, Lleuddiniawn, and Manaw Gododdin were evidently parts of Gododdin. The Angle kingdoms of Deira and Bernicia both had Brittonic-derived names, suggesting they may have been Brittonic kingdoms in origin.

In this blog post I provide another scenario for the timing and events of the Great Machine of the Universe.  I remain open to other explanations and while I am at this stage a Young Life Creationist and Young Human Life Creationist, I do not think the 7 days of Creation are literal seven days in our timescale. In questions of science I am open to being proved wrong if I am convinced of the insights of others.

Rebbe Nachman taught in accord with Jewish tradition that every word of Torah has at least 70 faces or 70 interpretations. The Zohar Tikkunei is that part of the Zoharic literature that gives the 70 faces or meanings of the first word of the Bible which is Bereshit בראשית (In the Beginning). ִ ִIn gematria the word Bereshit is 913 and the House of the Kingdom (Divine Palace) is Beit haMalkhut (בית המלכות) is also 913 as well as the Treasure of the Torah (אוצר התורה).

In this blog post I will bring my posts about the Talmud into one post for the convenience of my readers. Many anti-Semites and anti-Jewish, anti-Judaism and anti-Zionist people use distortions and false quotes about the Talmud to demonise Jews. Here I give a Hebrew Catholic perspective on the Talmud and a defence of it.

I was reflecting on the Franciscan and Carmelite spirituality that speaks of the purgative, illuminative and unitive stages of the spiritual and mystical life, in the light of the teaching of the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta in a Hebrew Catholic context and prism. One could see in a Divine Will context the purgative way as that of following the Divine Will in the mystical ascent while beginning to desire to go deeper.

I am ecstatic at the very good news from Rome about the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta's cause for beatification. The pause is over and the cause continues. Glory to God! After some sections of the Church trying to push anti-Luisa rhetoric in recent days this is wonderful news for those of us in the Divine Will movement.

Communication of the Postulator Msgr.

Today (August 6 2024) I read an article that some archeologists are claiming that the ancient Pyramid in Java called Gunung Padang Pyramid may be dated to 25,000 years ago. Others are claiming it is not man-made but natural due to them not being able to accept such a date. However, I believe it is man-made but of course the dating methodologies are inaccurate. I wrote in a past blog.

The Pyramids of Egypt and Mars were built around 1513-1440 BC.
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I am a Hebrew Catholic or Catholic Jew. I adhere totally with the infallible teachings on faith and morals of the Catholic Church and I believe that Pope Francis is the Messiah's chief representative on earth. I do not write to proselytize religious Jews but to share my ideas with my fellow Catholic Jews and also with Gentile Catholics who are interested in the Jewish roots of the Catholic faith. These are my personal thoughts and do not represent those of any group I may belong to.
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