A Hebrew Catholic Journey: The Short Version
by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB
I entered the Catholic Church some 34 years ago in 1987, the Marian Year, when I was almost 24 years old. I entered as a practicing Jew, dressed in black trousers and a white shirt with a black waistcoat, wearing kippa and tallis katan with my tztitzits showing. I also wore a tallis gadol during the Mass in which I covered my head with it during the consecration and other solemn moments of prayer or adoration of the Divine Presence. I had no intention of ceasing to be a Torah-observant Jew on becoming a Catholic, and the elderly Dean of the Cathedral, who had been my instructor, seemed to have no problem with that.
I entered the Catholic Church some 34 years ago in 1987, the Marian Year, when I was almost 24 years old. I entered as a practicing Jew, dressed in black trousers and a white shirt with a black waistcoat, wearing kippa and tallis katan with my tztitzits showing. I also wore a tallis gadol during the Mass in which I covered my head with it during the consecration and other solemn moments of prayer or adoration of the Divine Presence. I had no intention of ceasing to be a Torah-observant Jew on becoming a Catholic, and the elderly Dean of the Cathedral, who had been my instructor, seemed to have no problem with that.