In this blog post I have put a selection of blog posts I have done on Genetics and the Lost Tribes of Israel from a Creationist perspective. I also run a facebook page on the Lost Tribes of Israel and Genetics. I have written much more on this than the articles I have selected for this post on my different blogs.

Were the British Israelites Wrong?


I have always been fascinated with the fate of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel since I was a teenager. I first became interested in the British Israelite teachings when I read a book by Gilbert Saddler a British Israelite writer called "Christians Awake" when I was about 13 or 14 years old, which I found in my mother's draw along with a number of British Israelite magazines. I was to find out that my family had been followers and believers in the British Israel identity for at least 4 generations on my mother's maternal side. My mother's grandmother was a staunch British Israelite believer whose grandmother was a cousin to the Montefiore family and her second husband was Moses Augustus Montefiore a brother of Jacob Barrow Montefiore, she may have come to the British Israelite beliefs through them. However, one of my ancestors on my mother's paternal side had in 1800 gone with his wife and two children to look for the Lost Tribes amongst the Ojibwa Indians of Wisconsin, and they were later involved with the Albury movement of Sir Henry Drummond that led to the foundation of the Catholic Apostolic Church which were also interested in this topic of the identity of the Lost Tribes. Another ancestor had been influenced and converted by the teachings of Joseph Wolff  of the London Jews Society who was also fascinated by the search for the Lost Tribes.

I became involved with the British Israel World Federation and spent many hours at their bookshop in the city centre and received literature from England, South Africa and Canada on a regular basis. Even after I became a Catholic I still retained many of my British Israelite ideas on the lost Tribes and I also became involved in the orthodox Jewish led group called Brit-Am in Israel and I even was a guest speaker on Davidic genealogy at one of their meetings in Jerusalem in 2002. It wasn't until the advent of dna testing (I became interested in it from 2008), that I started to change some of my understandings about the identity of the Tribes of Israel.


Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone and granddaughter of Queen Victoria, niece of Queen Mary and Royal Patron of the British Israel World Federation. Queen Victoria believed she sat on King David's Throne and had her genealogist draw up a chart demonstrating her descent from David. Princess Alice was the daughter of Prince Leopold the Duke of Albany and youngest son of Queen Victoria. When Princess Alice died in 1981 her daughter Lady May Abel Smith (born a Princess of Teck) became the patron of the British Israel World Federation until her death in 1994.

As a British Israelite I believed that the British belonged in the main to the Lost Tribe of Ephraim and were the fulfilment of the Biblical prophecy that Ephraim would be a nation and a company of nations. They were the Birthright people of God. However now due to my further study of the Tribes and their migrations using dna evidence I no longer believe that the British and Irish are Ephraim (of course there are certain families and clans within Britain who are Ephraimites such as those MacDonald and Alexanders of R1a ydna who descend from Somerled, King of the Isles). Genetic dna studies have demonstrated that the bulk of the peoples of Britain and Ireland (before the recent influx of immigrants) are overwhelmingly of Gaelic R1b -L21 ydna. My research now demonstrated to me that this is the ydna of the Davidic House of Nathan. Thus I now realised that Shakespeare was correct when he called Britain -"this royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle"- as they are truly the Isles of King David and his seed.

Previously I had believed that the British throne was the throne of King David but now I realised that the bulk of the people were also Davidic descendants. The Stuart Dynasty belonged to R1b- L21 and thus on the direct male line were descendants of King David as were most of the Irish and Scottish Kings before them. However Judaism teaches that one can have Davidic status through a female. Thus the famous Hillel and Gamaliel were considered Davidic even though they were from the marriage of a man of the Tribe of Benjamin with a Davidic heiress. Our present Queen Elizabeth II is a Davidic Queen though her family's male line from the U106 y-dna lineage that is Davidic rather than of the Tribe of Zebulon like the rest of U106 y-dna. However, through Queen Victoria she would also have a Davidic maternal lineage. Prince Philip her husband however is most likely of R1b-L21 as is the last Czar of Russia
(or possibly U106 as the Czar's dna test only revealed that it could be L21 or U106 y-dna) and are thus of direct male line Davidic ancestry like the bulk of the so-called Anglo-Saxon-Celtic people. Prince Philip's mother and Queen Victoria descend from a H mt-dna line that goes back to the line of Tamar Queens who were Guardians of the Stone of Jacob. Some genealogists have commented on this phenomena of the Queens of this line of influential Queens and princesses as the House of Garsenda.

Jacob Barrow Montefiore a Jewish supporter and patron of the British Israel Movement a cousin to Sir Moses Montefiore and a supporter of the settlement of South Australia, where his friend Lieutenant-Colonel George Gawler a fellow British Israelite believer was the second Governor. His brother Joseph Barrow Montefiore lived in South Australia, Sydney and Melbourne with his family in the colonial days.

My dna study has confirmed that many of the Dutch and Germans belong to Zebulon (R1b U106). Many of the Anglo-Saxons also belonged to this haplogroup. I have concluded that Zebulon which came to Europe long before the Assyrian Exile by their ships with the Phoenicians is R1b U106 y-dna. These are the Hellenes or Danaan of the Iliad or Odessey which were found in the north of Europe not the south. The Zebulonites who went via the Russian Steppes with other Israelite tribes are R1b L238/S182. However, the Saxons who the British Israelites referred to as being sons of Isaac are in fact mainly sons of Issachar and their ancestors were known as the Sacae. Sacae, Saka or Sakkai (Scythians) is a diminutive of Issachar rather than Isaac (as I was taught by the British Israelites). I had once believed that the Russians and the Slavs were of the tribe of Issachar.  Now I was shocked to realise that it is in fact Russia and the Slavic nations are that Nation and Company of nations that belong to the Tribe of Ephraim (R1a Z283 y-dna). 

My former belief that many of the French were Reuben has been confirmed by dna evidence as the ydna of the Tribe of Reuben (or at least the main bulk of Reuben) is R1b U152. Both the Plantagenet dynasty (except the House of York) and the Habsburgs belong to R1b U152 and the Bourbon dynasty to a Davidic branch of R1b U106 y-dna. This clan which was found among the Zebulonites of U106 y-dna in Western Europe may have been a clan of the Davidic House who had gone into Europe in the person of Crown Prince Yochanan son of King Josiah to reign over the Helonites of the Tribe of Zebulon and thus when the European Zebulonites received their mutations, this Davidic group among them mutated in the same way. Thus the U106 branch of the Bourbons may be Davidic rather than Zebulonite, descended from King Josiah's son Yochanan the Crown Prince. In a similar way I believe that there are a Levite (Mushi) clan and a Danite (Hushi) clan that are E1b descendants of Jacob whereas the rest of E1b are descendants of Javan the son of Japheth as is E1a y-dna and its descendants.

That many of the Spanish and southern French are Simeon has also been confirmed as the Tribe of Simeon mainly belong to R1b DF27. My belief that in Europe was to be found the Tribes of Naphtali and Dan was to be found mostly correct with I2 found there.  N ydna (probably the dna of the sons of Nahor brother of Abraham) is the the ydna of the later Rurikovichi rulers of Russia descended from Ruling Prince Igor. I was also surprised Asher and Gad are I1.


George Gawler second Governor of South Australia a friend of Sir Moses Montefiore. He travelled with Sir Moses to Palestine in 1849. He was a British Israelite believer and his son Colonel John Cox Gawler was a well known British Israelite author.

While the British Israelites may have been wrong on their Identity of Ephraim and some of the other Tribes I have gained immense riches from my reading of their literature in regards to the migrations of peoples. This interest increased my love of history, genealogy, folklore, fairy tales, legends, mythology and heraldry. Though I now realise that the envy between Ephraim and Judah is not between the British and the Jews (in fact the British are mostly descended via David from Judah) but is the envy between the Jews and British on one hand and the Russians and Slavs on the other. The Slavs descend from the Persians and Parthians of the Tribe of Ephraim through the Wends (Voni or Vonones clan of the Parthians) . The various genetic studies have also demonstrated that the Kelts of Europe are mainly from R1b U152 (along with some other groups especially Syrian G haplogroup) and the so-called Celts of Britain and Ireland are not descended from them but came to the British Isles by way of Spain. 

The Reubenite Kelts of Europe (U152), the Davidic Gaels and Cymri of the British Isles (L21), the Simeonite Iberians and South Western French (Senones/ Semnones) (R-DF27) all descend from R1b S116 (P312) haplogroup, as well as the Issacharite Anglo-Saxons (R1b DF19 ydna), from before 600 BC (by my revised chronology but 721 BC in the Accepted Chronology of Academia). This common genetic source is not found in Europe but far to the east in the Levant.  While the bulk of the Lost Israelites descended from R1b are in Western Europe (though there are also large numbers found in Africa and Central Asia and the Middle East) they are not all of the lost Tribes. In reality most of Europe and much of Asia are today descended from the lost Tribes of Israel. This reading of the dna evidence to find the Lost Tribes can only be done if one puts aside the evolutionary based methodologies for dating dna which are ridiculously too old.

Do I still think America represents Manasseh (R1a-Z93)? Possibly not, even though many of the Ashkenazi Jews belong to Manasseh as do many of the 19th century German immigrants as well as certain groups from British ancestry in the United States. R1a-Z93 is Eastern Manasseh and R1a L664 is Benjamin (Dorians of ancient Greece were a mix of Z93 and L664) and R2. Other Israelites belong to the I ydna (Sarmatians and Vikings) and J2 ydna (Judah, Kohenim and Levi also found among the Samaritans). J1 is found among the Arabs and some of the Samaritans. Many Jewish Kohenim (priests) of J1 and Levites of J2 origin are in fact originally Jews that became Samaritans who re-converted to Judaism in Second Temple times. The R1b priests directly descended from Aaron on the male line belong to R1b- L584 y-dna.  

Am I still a British Israelite? Yes and No. While I believe in the lost Israelite identity of the British I do not believe they are the birthright nation and company (commonwealth) of nations. I believe the birthright nation and commonwealth of nations to be Russia and the Slavic majority countries such as Poland. Does Britain have a role to play in prophecy? Yes they do as they represent the House of David and from this House may arise the Great Catholic Monarch called Henry the Lion to deliver Europe and the world. Besides the tribal identity of Ephraim with the Slavs, I continue to believe that Ephraim or Joseph represents the Church just as Judah represents the Synagogue no matter what ones y-dna happens to be. I continue to pray for the reunion of the stick (tree) of Joseph and the stick (tree) of Judah into one fellowship in unity but not uniformity.

Note: This is an area of speculative theology, history and science so one needs to keep an open mind and adjust ones understanding when new information is discovered. The original British Israelites were pro-Jewish and pro-Zionist however some groups after World War 2 became anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist influenced by certain American and South African groups of British Israelites. The United Israel World Union was a Jewish group that held to the British Israelite identity founded by David Horowitz. Another Jewish group is Brit-am founded by Haredi Jews in Israel led by Yair Davidi and encouraged by Rabbi Avraham Feld who later founded the Kol ha Tor Project.

My theory of the y-dna haplogroup Tree


Corded Ware R1a and Bell Beaker R1b L21

Josephite R1a Corded Ware Culture

Those who follow my blogs know that I do not accept the faulty dating methods of archaeologists or scientists based on evolutionary suppositions. Recent dna testing on skeletons from archeological sites for the so-called Bell Beaker and Corded Ware cultures demonstrate that the Bell Beakers mainly belong to R1b and I would say R1b-L21 y-dna of the Milesian/ Libyan Israelites (Gaels) and the R-U152 y-dna of the Tribe of Reuben (European Celts) and the DF-27 y-dna Simeonites and that the  people of the Corded Ware culture mainly belong to R1a y-dna of the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. 
Some Bell Beakers were also I2a2 of the Tribe of Naphtali and the I2 Danites especially in Hungary and Iberian Spain. G2 was also found among the Bell Beaker cultures of Hungary, Iberia and a small percentage in the Czech -German Bell Beaker area. G is a non-Israelite haplogroup but many of the G2 y-dna Alans became Jewish. The Hungarian Bell Beakers were the most diverse with 12.5 % of them belonging to I2a2, 12.5% of them belonging to I2 (x I2a2), 12.5% of them belonging to G y-dna, 50% to R1b y-dna and 12.5 belonging to other groups that are not I, R1b, G, J, T, Q, E1b1b or R1a. 
It would seem that there was extensive trade between Iberian Spain and Hungary. In Iberia the figures are 6 % Danite I2, 23.5 % I2a2 Naphtalite, 35% R1b, 6% G2 y-dna and 23.5 % are not I, R1b, G, J, T, Q, E1b1b or R1a. Some of that other group belongs to H y-dna. It was R1b Milesian Israelites of R-L21 y-dna that introduced the Bell Beaker culture around 300 BC to the R1b y-dna Simeonites of DF27 and the R1b Reubenites of U152 y-dna. The Milesian Heberi taking one branch of L21 to Ireland and Scotland and another branch by the Milesian Briganti to southern Britain.
This Bell Beaker culture originates in northern Spain and Portugal from about 300 BC and spreading from there into the British Isles and other parts of Europe. The modernist evolutionary date 2900 BC=300 BC, 2500 BC=200 BC etc. The Bell Beaker culture in Spain and Portugal may have originally been that of the pre- Milesian inhabitants that then was taken on by the R1b Milesian warriors after their arrival in ancient Iberia. The R1b L21 Bell Beakers then spread this culture into other places in Western Europe and the British Isles. 
However, this is not clear and it may be that the Milesians brought this culture with them. They may be connected to the Kerma Civilisation who also had what are called Kerma Bell-shaped Beakers found in Egypt from the late Middle Kingdom to the New Kingdom. Did the ancestors of the R1b Milesians adopt aspects of this culture and take them to the Egypto-Israelite colonies in the Indian Ocean and to Taprobane?

Milesian/Libyan R1b Beaker Bell Culture with modernist evolutionary dates

The Corded Ware/ Battle Axe culture represents that of the Josephite Israelite Tribes of R1a coming from the east in the Russian steppes from around 500 BC along with some R1b (sons of Leah) Israelites from the Maykop culture (Israelite Media culture). This culture originates in Samaria the Northern Israelite Kingdom via Samara and Gozan in the Russian steppes. Battle Axes of the same type as the Corded Ware /Battle Axe culture were found in Ai-et-Tell in Israel (dated by the Modernists to around 3000 BC but really around 600 BC during the time of the Northern Kingdom of Israel). The Yamna culture was those Israelites on the coast of Israel who fled from the Assyrians via the port of Dor especially those of Western Manesseh (R1a-L664) and Issachar (R1b DF19/S323 Saxons) and Zebulon (R1b-U106). [Some of R-L664 are from Manesseh and some from Benjamin.]

When I write that Zebulon is R1b-U106 I do not mean that the patriarch Zebulon was R1b-U106 but that one of his descendants or a group of his descendants had the mutation and all those of this branch of the tribe of Zebulon would now bear this mutation in their ydna. Other descendants of Zebulon may have branched off from the Sons of Leah with a different mutation. 
R1b-U106/S21 is made up of Western Germans, Dutch, Angles/Frisians and Scandinavians. They were in Western Europe earlier than the other Israelites as the rulers of Tharshish. R1b-L238 may have been also a clan of Eastern Zebulon who left Israel in the Assyrian exile. There is also a Davidic clan of R1b U106 y-dna which is R-DF98. The Royal House of Capet-Bourbon (R-S1911 R-10621), the Royal House of Nassau (R-S1911 R-S1894) and the Royal House of Wettin-Guelf (R-S18823) belong to this Davidic branch of R1b U106 DF98.

Old English developed from the Northern Israelite Hebrew (Western Aramaic/ Phoenician) of the Tribe of Zebulon mixed with Pelasgian/ Philistine/Atlantean/ Hittite (Indo-European) language as it developed in Western coastlands of Europe called Tharshish. Gaelic (Tartessan/ Iberian) developed from Chaldean Aramaic and Old Sanskrit in Sundaland mixed with Egyptian, Latin and Greek.

Originally many thought that the Bell Beakers would prove to belong to one group (R-L21 y-dna) who took it with them on their travels around Europe. Further dna studies have demonstrated that the Bell Beaker culture was a culture embraced by people of different haplogroups. R1b L21 (Milesian Gaels) as well as R1b U152 L2 (Reuben or European Kelt) and R1b DF27 (Simeon) have been found among Bell Beaker settlements. 

Autosomal testing of R1b in Bell Beaker settlements of Germany show only 50% of Steppe R1b ancestry. The Bell beaker culture may not have originated in Spain (Iberia) at all as this is based on radiocarbon dating which is notoriously inaccurate. The Milesian  R1b L21 people entered Europe by ships that landed in northwestern Spain and the R1b DF27 arrived earlier to north eastern Spain and south eastern France also by ships. This Bell Beaker culture was also found in southern Spain and Morocco. 

The early inhabitants of Spain belonged to G2 and H of the Japhetic Madai as well as the 12a2 Tribe of Naphtali and the I2a1 Tribe of Dan. G2 is from the Zeelo Clan of the Tribe of Madai. H y-dna includes the clans of Chazoni (H1) and Western Loti (H2) and Eastern Loti (H3) of the Tribe of Madai. The original Gypsies or Romany were H1a. After the G2 and H2 y-dna peoples, around 450-400 BC, arrived the R-DF27 Israelites followed by the R-L21 Israelites around 300 BC and later some of the R-U152 Israelites would arrive in Spain. 
The G2a and H2 arrived together in Spain from the Middle East and were from the Ebla Empire and the Ebro river and Iberia was named for them. G2a were also known as the Sky or heaven people (Zeelo, Cielo) due to their white features and the H2 Loti or Luto were darker. The area settled by the Loti was Andalusia which was originally called Landalauts (Land of the Loti). The Ebla Zeelo group named Madrid in honour of their ancestor Madai. The Spanish expression of "De Madrid al Cielo"  originally comes from "Madai of the Zeelo." Later the region of Madrid was settled by the DF27 Simeonites who mined flint there at Casa Montero and they were called the Carpetani from the word mine (car or corah) and petani (fire lighting stone). They also mined flint in Belgium at Mons. They were the ancient people known as the Semnones or Senones. 


The Clash of the Leahite Tribes in Western Europe

The Israelite Tribe of Simeon (R1b DF 27 ydna) was settled in the south of Israel and after the Babylonian Exile around 460 BC (586 BC in the Accepted Chronology of modern Academia), they settled in Spain and southern France. The lands of Simeon in the south of the Holy Land (Negev) had become part of the Kingdom of Judah from the time of King Hezekiah of Judah when the other Israelites in the north had been taken into exile by the Assyrians around 600 BC  (or 721 BC in the Accepted chronology).

Location of the Tribe of Simeon in Europe in the 19th century

The Tribe of Simeon and the Celtic Tribe of Reuben (R1b U152) started to clash after 400 BC when the Reubenite Celts moved from their base in Central Europe into the southern areas. The Beaker Folk of R1b L21 of the Davidic House of Nathan (Milesians) around 300 BC invaded northwestern Spain. 

Location of the Tribe of Reuben in the 19th century in Europe

The Reubenite Celts were descended from two groups that rejoined together in Central Europe. The Trojan Reubenites (R1b U152 L2) moved to central Europe and the west from Scandinavia after 690 BC and the Israelite Reubenites (R1b U152 ZZ45) entered Europe from the East after 460  BC. U152 Z56 is most likely the Rhadanite branch of the Tribe of Reuben from the clan of Hanoch. The Reubenites from the clan of Pallu are of Z193 y-dna. The ZZ45 y-dna Reubenites are most likely are from the clan of Carmi. These Reubenites clans reunited in Europe and were the core population of the Celts and the later Franks. 

The Location of the Heloni Clan of the Tribe of Zebulon in 19th century Europe

These Reubenites clashed with and inter-reacted with the Tribe of Zebulon (U106) in the north western part of Europe. The Danaan or Hellenes (from the Elonite clan) of the Iliad were from the Tribe of Zebulon as were the later Frisians and Germans. Another Zebulonite clan (R1b L238) entered Europe from Israel with the Pallu Reubenites. All these clashing clans were descendants of Jacob and Leah of Israel. They were later joined by the Saxons (Sacae) from the Tribe of Issachar (R1b DF19). It is also possible that R1b ZZ337 ydna is a clan of Levi that remained among the northern Israelites.

It would seem that the inheritance of the Leahite Tribes of Israel was in western Europe and the Ephraimite Tribe of Joseph in Eastern Europe (R1a Z283). Is God finished with sifting out the Tribes or will we see further movements of peoples that will lead to the regathering of all Israel? 

Map of the location in the 19th century of the Israelites descendants of I Haplogroup including I1 of Asher and Gad and I2 from Naphtali and Dan.

These Tribes also encountered the Assir IJ Israelites (later called Vikings) of I1 ydna in the northern parts of Europe. These Assir were part of a Kingdom of Assir that stretched from the Russian Steppes to northern Germany and France. The name Assir meant both the Tribe of Asher and also all the other I Israelites who came to Europe from the Assyrian Exile.

Note: The reason the maps show the ydna of the 19th century is because most of the data of location is based on the location of modern day testers ancestors in the 19th or earlier centuries rather than where the testers live today. 

First published on internet on March 27 2017.


Haplogroup R1b and the Leahite Tribes of Israel and Judah and Group Mutations


This tree demonstrates that in the past there have been environmental influences including catastrophic events on the formation of mutations in which people of the same dna lineage as a group receive a new mutation rather than just one individual as happens at other times. However, when groups move away from the geographical region as the others who share their dna, they group mutate differently to the parent or sibling group.

For example, in the period after 968 BC the K2 and R y-dna descendants of Jacob's six sons by Leah had a group mutation (possibly due to increased radiation). This shared mutation was M343 around 870 BC which they passed to all their direct male descendants. One must keep in mind that there are also J y-dna descendants of Leah and Jacob from the Tribes of Judah and Levi and the House of Aaron, as well as groups of E1b Levites from the Clan of Mushi. 

There was a group of Reubenites who left the other Israelites after 870 BC and settled in Turkey (Anatolia) where they received a group mutation of M335 after 690-680 BC. The descendants of the rest of the Reubenites who remained with the other Israelites did not share this mutation. Those descendants of those who remained in Israel, were to later share the mutations of L278 and L754, which those descendants now settled in Turkey didn't.

The R1b descendants of Moses (FC or CF y-dna) who remained in Africa received a mutation that his older brother Aaron's descendants didn't, that we call V88. Both Moses' sons by his white Midianite wife Zipporah and his Black Cushite wife inherited V88 around 750 BC. However his white son or sons received the mutation of M18 around 550 BC whereas his black sons didn't and they received their own unique marker Y7777. Of course when I say son or sons I mean genetic sons rather than his immediate son or sons. His literal black sons had been conceived in Ethiopia whereas his white sons were conceived in Midian in Arabia. 

The other R1b Israelites descended from Jacob and Leah, whose ancestors left  Egypt, received mutation L388 (after 810 BC) as a sign of their ancestors having gone through the events of the Exodus. In a sense all those men who have L388 today as one of their markers know that their direct male ancestor was in Egypt during the Exodus in the 14th century BC. In the same way Joseph's R1a descendants that were in Egypt had the SRY1532.2 (received after 870 BC) marker of R1a ydna.

Around 1250 BC Prince David ben Salmon of Judah and his group of Kenites (who would become K* y-dna after 968 BC) sailed in the ships of Dan with some of the IJK pre-K2b y-dna members of the Tribe of Manasseh and the Tribe of Benjamin into the southern hemisphere (Indian Ocean) to serve the Amazon Queen residing on Antarctica. They would then settled on the Kerguelen Plateau (Java the Less) lands (then above the water). Both Antarctica and the Kerguelen Plateau were then much further north than their present location.

The Amazon Queens would reestablish themselves in Java the Great as a mining colony in which the Davidic Princes and the Kenites would serve as well as establish themselves at Adina on Atlantis. Around the time of the famine in Israel which led to Elimelech moving to Moab in 1030 BC  the ancestors of these future P y-dna Israelites were IJK y-dna. Around 920 BC, at the time of the reign of King Saul, the group mutations of P295/PF5866/S8, 92R7_1, 92R7_2, F91/PF5862/V231 called P y-dna occurred among the K2b clans of the six K Tribes of Leah and the K Tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin in the Middle East. 

Between 968-929 BC the P clans of the clans of the six K2b Tribes of Leah, Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin received their P1 (M45/PF5962) group nova mutation and  the P1 clans of the six Tribes of Leah, Ephraim and Manasseh their R y-dna mutations of  M207/Page37/UTY2, CTS207/M600/PF5992, CTS2426/M661/PF6033, CTS2913/M667, CTS3229/M672/PF6036/YSC0001265, CTS3622/PF6037, CTS5815/M696, CTS6417/Y480, CTS7876/PF6052, CTS7880/M725/PF6053, CTS8311/M732, CTS9005/M741, CTS10663/M788, CTS11075/M795/P6078, CTS11647/Y369, F33/M603/PF6013, F63/M614/PF6016, F82/M620, F154/M636, F295/M685, F356/M703/PF5919, F370/M708/Y479, F459/Y482, F652/M805, F765, FGC1168, L248.3/M705.3, L747/M702/PF5918/YSC0000287, L760/M642/PF5877/YSC0000286, L1225/M789/YSC0000232, L1347/M792/PF6077/YSC0000233, M613, M628/PF5868, M651/Y296, M718, M734/PF6057/S4/YSC0000201, M760/Y506, M764/PF5953, M799, P224/PF6050, P227, P229/PF6019, P232, P280, P285, PF5938, PF6014/S9  around 929 BC in the northern hemisphere. Whereas the Ishmaelites may have received the M242 mutation of Q before 1000 BC and Q1 mutations of P36.2 P36.2, L232, L273, L274 around 1000 BC. In 870 BC the mutations for R1a, R1b, Q1a and Q1b may have occurred as well I y-dna.

The clan of Zerah of Judah remained in Egypt and then went to the Hebrew-Egyptian colonies where they received the M73/ M478 marker around 750 BC, whereas the Israelites of the Leah tribes who wandered in the Wilderness have the P297 marker (received about 780 BC) and those of the Joseph tribes received the M17/M198 marker of R1a y-dna (around 810 BC). (These mutations only occurred in their descendants after 968 BC). The marker R-M269 is the marker of the Leahites who lived in Israel and elsewhere in the time of the King of Judah Ahaziah, Jehoram the King of Israel and Akhenaten the Pharaoh of Egypt. Their IJK ancestors were Boaz and his descendants Jesse and David who belonged to these pre-R1b M269 haplogroups. The R1a Joseph tribes marker was M417 of R1a. Akhenaten and Tutankhamen also belong to this R-M269 y-dna which proves Velikovsky's claims about them living after the time of King David and they are in fact his descendants. 

At the time of the Assyrian invasion of Israel a large portion of the population was captured and moved by the Assyrians to a place where the R1b Judahites and Levites received the PF7562 marker 9around 690-680 BC) but not the L23. Whereas those of the R1b Leahites of the Ten Tribes taken into Exile by the Assyrians, the Leahite Jews of the Babylonian Exile, those of the Tribe of Zebulon living in Western Europe and the Davidic House of Nathan living in Australia ancestors received the L23 marker (around 690-680 BC) due to the celestial and catastrophic events of that time. It would seem that the ancestors of the Judahites taken into Exile (around 600-580 BC) by the Assyrians were in an area where they where shielded in some way from the effects that caused L23 in the other Leahites. Or did their new PF7562 marker mean that the effects of the radiation of that time manifested differently in their genetic code than those Leahites that didn't receive that marker?

It would seem that the R1b Jews of Judah received a mutation we call Z2103 before the events that caused L51 and L11/P310 in the other Leahite Israelites of L23 ydna or they were in different locations. The R1b Leahite Jews received this marker around 640 BC (around 750 BC in the Accepted Chronology of modern academia) and the other Leahites without Z2103 received L51 around 640 BC and L11 (L151) around 550 BC. 

The Zebulonite clans of Western Europe received their distinct U106 marker around 500-480 BC as did those clans of Issachar who had moved into the Russian Steppes and their marker was DF100/S1194. These clans of Issachar settled in the Pomerania area of Europe and were known as the Seubi. It would seem that the period around 650-350 was a time of cataclysm that led to many genetic changes in rapid succession to whole groups of people as it had at the time of the Exodus and in the time of Abraham and the Patriarchs of the Hebrews as well as at the time of the fall of the Tower of Babel.

The bulk of the remaining R1b Leahite tribes including the Milesian House of Nathan that had moved to the Near East, Turkey and Egypt received the P312/S116 marker after 500 BC. At this time those of the House of Nathan also received the distinct S245/Z260 marker followed soon after by the L21 marker. This was the last of the group mutations in this lineage and individual mutations would be the general rule of nature from about 400 BC (differing in different groups). The remaining eastern clans of Zebulon, also around this time just after 500 BC, received the L238/S182 marker as they moved into the Russian Steppes. 

The remaining R1b Leahite clans in the Middle East from the Tribes of Issachar, Reuben, Simeon and Levi received their Z40481 marker around 490 BC. After this these Z40481 y-dna of the clans of Issachar received the DF19/S232 marker around 460 BC in the Russian Steppes and they were known as the Sacae, Scythians and Saxons. This was to be the last of their group mutations. The remnant of Levi received the ZZ337 marker around this same time. 

The Tribes of Simeon and Reuben of Z40481 y-dna received the ZZ11 y-dna marker around 440 BC.  Simeon fled across the sea to Spain, where they received the DF27/S250 marker around 400 BC. The remaining clans of Reuben received the U152/S28 marker in their four locations. One group of Reuben, the Hanoki, had gone to the south east, another group the Pallui by ships to the West and France, another group the Karmii to the north east into the Russian Steppes and fourth group of Reubenites, the Hezroni, to the north west via Turkey and the waterways of Europe. Those Leahites of IJ had a different series of markers to their brothers of R1b.

Those studying dna are coming to many false conclusions due to their acceptance of the theories of evolutionary dating methodologies but also from assuming that there is a constant mutation rate throughout history and that the mutations are all individual mutations rather than at certain times there are group mutations and periods where mutations are more rapid than others. In certain regions mutations also happened more rapidly due to residual radiation in those areas such as in India, Arabia and Australia from nuclear explosions and wars in ancient times. 

Published firstly on internet on May 31 2017


Nathaniel Jeanson and Y-dna Haplogroups: A Creationist Critique

            Jeanson believes the Lost Tribes of Israel belong to L y-dna

Dr Nathaniel Jeanson of "Answers in Genesis", who has a PH.d in Biology from Harvard University, has written a book called "Traced: Human DNA's Big Surprise". While I love that he has tried to identify the y-dna in a creationist time-scale, I do not agree with his overall conclusions. I do not agree with him not taking into account ancient dna discoveries. 

He has misdiagnosed who the Jews and the Lost Tribes are, in my opinion, based on my study of the y-dna haplogroups and historical evidences. In fact, he states that the Jews belong to T y-dna which I hold is the y-dna signature of the descendants of Esau. T y-dna is found among Jews but it is a very small percentage coming from the Herodian Jews. He also believes that the E1b1b y-dna belongs to the Cushite sons of Ham. Whereas, I hold that E1b1b comes from both Shem (E1b1b2, E1b1b1b, E-Z1919) and Japheth (E-Z1902) but not Ham at all. In fact the E1b found among Egyptians today is mostly from E1b1b1a (E-V68) from the E-Z1902 branch which is from Javan (y-dna of the southern Atlanteans, Philistines and Pelasgian Greeks). Jeanson thinks that R y-dna descends from Joktan who is a descendant of Shem and Heber. While I think it is good that he has gotten away from the ideas that all Europeans are descendants of Japheth, however, his idea that Japheths' descendants are IJ, I do not agree with at all.  I hold that Joktan descendants belong to O y-dna haplogroup. Below I give my present understanding of the y-dna haplogroups.

For example, there are three major groups among the Jewish priests called the Kohenim who belong to J1, J2 and R1b. An evolutionary old earth understanding of history would need to chose one of these and say that is the y-dna haplogroup of the sons of Aaron (Kohenim). A creationist interpretation of the y-dna tree does not have to do this. In fact, there is an interpretation that holds that all three groups of Kohenim are all valid descendants of Aaron as Aaron belongs to a haplogroup that all three hold in common. J1 and J2 y-dna descend from J y-dna and thus share an ancestor among the Kohenim before J1 or J2 split. However, one needs to keep in mind that I hold that before 100 BC it is possible that haplogroup mutations occurred across groups of people who shared the same y-dna, rather than as individual nova mutations (that is the most common way today of genetic change via mutations). Thus, Aaron must belong to IJK y-dna or an earlier group in order to be the ancestor on the direct male line of Kohenim who are J1, J2 and R1b.

I do hold that all J1 y-dna men are descendants of Aaron but only certain men among them are valid Kohenim according to the strict laws for Kohenim in Judaism. As for J2 I hold that this mutational change occurred among certain men who were IJ and J y-dna Israelites from the Tribes of Judah, Levi and the House of Aaron. Thus, not all J2 people descend from Aaron on the direct paternal line but only certain groups within J2. I also hold that a certain group of R1b Aaronite Kohenim among R1b-Z2103, that are R1b-L584, are valid Kohenim. Other R1b-Z2103 are descendants of Judah (Z2106) and Levi (L277.1). While all men who are R1b-L584 are biological male line descendants of Aaron only those who remain in the Jewish community and have adhered to the Kohenim marriage laws are valid Kohenim.

I hold according to my chronology, which dates the Global Flood of Noah to 2006-5 BC, that the IJK mutations occurred among the descendants of Heber or Eber in or around 1309 BC after the 120 year Ice Age that ended with the Exodus from Egypt in 1350 BC. Thus when Moses and Aaron were born around 1430 BC they belonged to the CF y-dna which is ancestral to IJK haplogroup. The mutations for IJ and K occurred at the time of the sinking of Atlantis among the IJK Heberi in 968 BC.

If Dr Jeanson was right and T-y-dna was the haplogroup of the descendants of the original Jews then today only about 2 % of Ashkenazi Jews and 8% of Sephardi Jews would be direct descendants of Israel (Jacob). This is patently ridiculous and would seem to feed anti-Semitism! It would also seem to say that God's promise that the descendants of Israel would be a great multitude like the sands in the sea and the stars in the sky to be false. If IJ is Japheth then it would also seem that the Bible prophecy of Genesis 9:27 about Japheth and the tents of Shem is wrong.

 Among Jews today only 1% of Ashkenazi Jews are L y-dna and virtually 0% among the Sephardi. Thus, I think it is very unlikely that L y-dna is that of the Lost Tribes. I hold that L y-dna is that of the Moabi and Ammoni descendants of Haran and Lot. The population of the Indus Valley Civilisation was mostly Haranite descended from Lot’s sons Moab and Ammon. The Haranites belong to L-M20. L-M357 and its two subclades L-PK3 and L-L1305 belong to the Ammonites. The Moabites and the Eastern Ammonites belong to L-M22 y-dna and the Western Ammonites are L-L595 (xM22). Of course, Haran and Lot were not L-ydna but had a haplogroup ancestral to L y-dna. L-ydna occurred among the Harani around 968 BC among the LT-ydna haplogroup. LT was the major haplogroup among the Harani and Edomi clans of the Heberi. At the time of the Indus Valley destruction, the Haranites probably were LT y-dna or K. Before 1350 BC they were IJK y-dna. The original Romans or Latins were T y-dna.

 In my scenario I hold that most of those Jews who are I y-dna haplogroup (4% of Ashkenazi, 5% of Sephardi, 10% of Converso), R1a (15% of Ashkenazi, 5 % of Sephardi and 2% of Converso), R1b (15 % Ashkenazi, 30 % Sephardi, Converso 55%), J1 (15% Ashkenazi, 10% Sephardi and 4% Converso), J2 (15% Ashkenazi, 17% Sephardi and 8% Converso) are direct male line descendants of Jacob. 

I also hold that much of Jewish E1b comes from the Hushi Clan of Dan and the Mushi Clan of Levi who are also direct male line descendants of Jacob whereas other E y-dna is mostly descended from Javan the son of Japheth. Among Jews today 16% of Ashkenazi, 8% of Sephardi and 10% of Converso Jews belong to E y-dna. G y-dna is found among 8% of Ashkenazi, 10% of Sephardi and 5% of Converso Jews. I hold that G descends from Madai of Japheth and that most Jews of G1 y-dna are descended from a Syrian ancestor from Second Temple Times and the G2 y-dna among Jews comes mostly from the conversion of the Alans to Judaism. I also hold that Q y-dna descends from Ishmael and is found among 5% of Ashkenazi, 5 % of Sephardi and 2% of Converso Jews. 

When I speak about the Lost Tribes I mean those who have through the course of History lost their identity as Israelites and are dispersed among the nations of the world. The central core of these Lost Israelites are the ten Tribes of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) that were taken into exile by Assyria as well as a large number of those of Judah that were also taken at this time. These gentilised Tribes of Israel were not lost in Second Temple times as both Josephus and the New Testament speak of their location. They were to be found among the peoples of the Scythian and Parthian Empires (see )

Therefore, I1 y-dna found among Jews comes from the Tribes of Asher and Gad and the Lost Tribes of Israel. I2 found among Jews is of the Tribes of Dan and Naphtali and the Lost Tribes. R1a among the Jews comes from the Tribes of Joseph and Benjamin (sons of Rachel) and the lost Tribes of Israel as well as R2 belonging to Benjamin as well. R1b among Jews comes from the six sons of Leah as well as among the Lost Tribes of Israel. Thus everyone descended from IJ and R haplogroups are direct male line descendants of Jacob (Israel) but direct line ancestry is not limited to those haplogroups.

I really appreciated the effort Dr Jeanson has done to propose and fit his understanding to the genetic evidence and his insight into genetics and dna. My own understanding takes into account that there is no constant rate of mutation throughout history or across haplogroups. I agree with Jeanson about actual germ-line testing of genetics demonstrates a faster mutation rate than the evolutionists propose. I also think location and environment and cataclysmic events need to be taken account of, in order to come to a correct understanding of how the genetic evidence relates to the historical world. While I believe it is good to remain skeptical of dating methodologies used by evolutionary scientists and their accuracy such as radio carbon and radio-metric dating methodologies of archeological remains and sites, I do think dna testing of ancient remains is valid and helpful in tracing the movement of tribes and peoples. I also agree with Jeanson that the genetic evidence (interpreted in the correct timescale) gives the y-dna Adam who is Noah an origin of about 4.500 years ago which I date to the birth of Noah rather than the Flood which occurred about 4,000 years ago. However, I do not necessarily agree with the methodology that led to that conclusion by Dr Jeanson.

I do find some of Dr Jeanson's proposals quite fascinating such as his understanding of R1b and R1a coming into Europe in the Middle Ages and he sees their common ancestor of R1 around 300's-200's BC. This is even more radical than my dating of the haplogroups. I date this R1 origin to about 1250 BC among the Israelites of the time of the Judges.  Jeanson associates the branch out of R1b as occurring between 1450-1550 AD at the time of the Turkish invasions of Europe and R1a with the coming of the Mongols to Russia and India. I date these movements of R1a and R1b to the period after 500 BC with the movement of the Lost Tribes of Israel into Europe.

However, for arguments sake, if Jeanson is correct about R1a and R1b this could confirm that the large influx of "Turkic" people of R1b came into the Middle East and Europe and the R1a "Mongolic/ Slavic" into India and Russia with the destructions of the southern Hemisphere around 1320-1530 AD. However, this would not be the movement of Tribes descended from Joktan himself but the Israelites of the Tribes of Reuben (R1b), Manasseh (R1a) and Gad (I1) coming from the former lands associated with Joktan in ancient times. In this possible scenario the main movement of Gad may represent the Gothic invasions of Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire or the Vikings coming to Europe via Russia and Mongolia. However, Jeanson associates I and J with the Japhethites of Europe. I think it is more nuanced than this but I am always open to being wrong and convinced by a more plausible scenario based on all the evidence.

I do identify some of R1b-U152 with the "Turkic" or Tribe of Reuben group of which some is found today in Russia and also some of R1a-Z93 of Manasseh as coming from Australia into the middle East and India and some of I1 of the Tribe of Gad with this period between 1320-1530 AD and after. However, I do not accept the more radical scenario of Jeanson in this regard. Jeanson associates the Persians with J2, whereas I would associate it with Iranians of Persian Jewish ancestry among other groups. J2 spread East after the Babylonian Exile which I date to 460 BC and its spread into Europe mainly after the Roman Exile in 70 AD. 

In my interpretation I hold that the core haplogroups of the Shammai Pharisees were J1 and E1b y-dna, the core haplogroup of the Saducees was J2 and the core group of the Hillel Pharisees was R1b-Z2103. R1b Jews seem to be the most open to converting to Christianity over the centuries and were the group in Western and Central Europe most decimated in the Shoah (especially those Dutch, French and German Jews of R1b-U106 of the Tribe of Zebulon (and of a branch of the Davidic House of R1b-DF98 y-dna) and the R1b-U152 of the Tribe of Reuben, descended from the Rhadanite Jews and those R1b Jews of the Davidic House of Nathan of R1b-L21). Many of the R1b Sefardi Jews (30 % of Sefardi Jews) and R1b Converso Jews (55% of Jewish Converso families) today come from R1b-DF27 of the Tribe of Simeon.

It would seem that Dr Jeanson groups all of the descendants of Japheth and Shem under IJK y-dna and all other y-dna haplogroups are Ham. He further identifies the descendants of IJ y-dna as Japheth and K (xIJ) y-dna as Shem. I think both the Evolutionist and Creationist reliance on an interpretation based on MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) that assumes that there is a constant rate of mutations over history and that today's conditions can be assumed for the past, distorts their conclusions. While I am happy for them to propose these ideas, I do not feel bound to be locked into such a methodology. 

Primary for me, is finding a scenario or interpretation which fits with the actual written historical records and accounts as well as the mythologies and legends recorded by the ancients. Then with this evidence one can examine the archeological and geological evidence in a timescale that matches the primary evidences of the historical written records. After that one can then take the genetic evidence into account, interpreted in a scenario or proposal that correlates with the primary and secondary evidences. However, even with the primary evidences I fine tune my interpretation or world view based on an acceptance of the Judeo-Christian Biblical accounts and oral traditions, and the insights of the Catholic mystical saints or visionaries, just as other Evolutionists or Creationists fine tune their ideas based on their philosophical and/or theological world views.

While I am open to being wrong in many aspects of my interpretation of the y-dna tree, I am totally convinced that those who have a haplogroup of I, J or R are descendants of Jacob on their direct paternal line. J1 y-dna definitely descends from Aaron but Aaron himself is not J1 but his haplogroup is ancestral to J1. The direct paternal House of King David descends from R y-dna and King David may also be R y-dna. Thus there are direct descendants of Judah who are R y-dna while Judah is not R y-dna but belongs to a halogroup ancestral to it.

If one is an evolutionist who interprets dna through that prism then one is forced to choose J1, J2, E1b, R1b, R1a or one of the other haplogroups found among the Jewish people today as the haplogroup of Jacob and his descendants and all the others are due to intermarriage or conversion. Whereas Young Earth or Life Creationists can see each or most of these haplogroups are descendants of Jacob. Or one is forced to mythologize the stories and genealogies of Genesis so that the Tribes of Israel do not share a paternal line ancestor. 

I am also sure that Jeanson's identification of T y-dna as that of the Jews and of L y-dna as that of the Lost Ten Tribes is totally wrong. If I was wrong about my identification of T (Edom) and L y-dna (Moab and Ammon), the closest I could come is to say that they may be two haplogroups among others that descend from Jacob paternally, possibly T could be Issachar and L Simeon or Dan. (see

My interpretation in simple rough chart form:

Update August 11 2022: Robert Carter  a fellow creationist has written a critique on Jeanson's book which I would mostly agree with his critique. see

The promises and pitfalls of correlating Y chromosome genetics to human history: Review of: Traced: Human DNA’s big surprise by Nathaniel T. Jeanson


U mt-dna and Maternal Genetic Ancestry

Gravettian, Solutean, Aurignacian and Atlantic Bronze Age Cultures and U mt-dna

Scholars have invented an outline of the supposed history of mankind based on the evidence of archeology and paleontology. However, the dating and identification of these remains are very speculative and suspect. To use technology remains as a dating methodology is fraught with problems. A stone age culture could be followed by an iron age culture and then by a stone culture again. A stone age culture and a bronze Age culture could exist at the same time in different settlements of culturally different tribes and peoples.

For example scholars date the so-called Gravettian culture to 22 -34 thousand years ago. This is dated before the Ice Age. In fact, the Gravettian culture found centred in Spain and France was less than 3,000 year ago in the days of Kings Saul and David in Israel. Instead of lasting for 12 thousand years it was more likely about 200 years and was succeeded by the so-called Solutean culture in the days of King Solomon. The so-called Aurignacian culture overlapped the Grevettian and represented an earlier move of people from the Levant after the end of the Ice Age (around 1350 BC). 

After 1350 BC the tribes living in the northern parts of the Levant moved into Europe and Siberia. It was in the period between the Flood (around 2005 BC) and the Ice Age that the Neanderthals dwelt in Europe, who were descendants of Japheth's wife Adan. However, the Neanderthals may have died out earlier around 1513 BC at the time of the Toba eruption disasters. On the male line these Neanderthals may have been from the Lotite (H2 y-dna) and the Chazonite (H1 y-dna) clans of the sons of Madai son of Japheth.

U mt-dna descends from a Princess of Kush who married a Tharshish (Atlantean) King  in the 10th century BC. Her daughter Eglah was a wife of King David of Israel. The Aurignacian flint industry found in Ksar Akil (north east of Beirut) may have belonged to her family. Her descendants have spread across the earth with the movements of the tribes of Israel. These women are the daughters of the Bear (Ursa/ Dova).

In fact Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic tribes lived at the same time in Europe as well as those who were Bronze and Iron Age in technology. A culture that archeologists today call stone age may have had bronze and iron but the culture is so old that they have returned to dust. Also cultures we now say are bronze may have also had iron which after a couple of thousands years would have disappeared from the ruins. If they went under salt water then the decay or rust rate would be greatly sped up.

Before the Ice Age, Europe was the domain of mainly the descendants of Japheth and Ham (especially in the south) and after the Ice Age it was settled by different tribes of Japhethites belonging to F, G, H and C y-dna groups after 1350 BC who were either hunters and gatherers or farmers. Then arrived the I, IJ, R1b and R1a y-dna from Abraham's grandson Jacob which have been linked to the warrior Bronze and Iron Age settlements of Europe (including Yamna and Corded Ware cultures). 

The tall blonde warriors of Zebulon of the Clan of Helon or Eglon are remembered as fairies or elves in later legends as well as Tarshishim (tall blonde angels) in Judaism

Other tribes that were in Europe in those days were those of the so-called Magdalenian and Azilian cultures. In fact it was the R1b M269 branch of the western Zebulonites that were the overlords of Western Europe and the I y-dna branch of the Israelites of the Tribes of Asher, Dan, Naphtali and Gad that were the overlords of northern Europe. 

 This culture is known as the Atlantic Bronze Age (Atlantean). They entered Europe around the same time as the Aurignacians (C y-dna of the sons of Gomer son of Japheth and the F y-dna of the sons of Madai son of Japheth). The Aurignacians settled or wandered in the inland areas of Spain and France and other places in central and eastern Europe. More testing of ancient dna should help to clarify the origins of these different tribal groupings and who produced these cultures.

During the cataclysmic events around 600- 500 BC most of those who were R1b M269 y-dna whether in Judah or in the Israelites in the Yamna cultural area or on the Zebulonite Western coastlands of Europe received the L23 y-dna group marker. This would seem to have occurred after a large portion of Jews (Judahites and Levites) were taken by the Assyrians to a location (possibly to Armenia) where they received the R1b PF7562 y-dna marker and thus began a new haplogroup clade. 

Later around 500 BC the Zebulonites who were penetrating America from their bases in the Atlantic Ocean received their R1b U106 y-dna marker which distinguished them from the other R1b L11/P310 y-dna Israelite brothers who were in Europe and a group of eastern Issacharites (Suebi) who were further east at this time who received their R1b DF100 y-dna marker. The rest of the lost R1b Israelites in Europe received the P312 y-dna marker at this time or soon after. 

The last group nova mutations occurred mostly around 400 BC (some lineages this continued to about 100 BC) where the Milesians of the House of Nathan received their L21 y-dna in Egypt or Africa, the Simeonites their DF27 marker and the Reubenites their U152 marker in Spain and France. At this time the western Issacharites (Saxons) recieved their DF19 marker in Germany and some lost Levites in Germany also received their ZZ337 y-dna marker.

The Tribe of Zebulon had three clans- that of the Helonites, the Seredites and Yahleelites. R1b U106 y-dna is a marker of the Helonites (plus a branch of the Davidic House descended from the Crown Prince Yochannan son of King Josiah), R1b L238 is a marker of the Seredites and R1b DF99 is a marker of the Yahleelites. The Seredites and Yahleelites remained in Israel when the Helonites sailed to the West. They would enter Europe with many of the other Israelites through Turkey or the Russian Steppes. 

The prophet Jonah and his descendants St Peter and St Andrew were Helonites. The Seredites went north through the Russian Steppes into northern Europe and the Yahleelites went via Turkey (Asia Minor) into Germany and Jutland where they were known as the Chali. They later became known as the Jutes and invaded Britian with the Angles and Saxons. There was an attempt at genocide against the Jutes and today DF99 y-dna are the survivors of that attempt by the West Saxons. 

The clan of Yahleel or Jahleel is the origin of the name Galilee or haGalil which in Arabic is Al-Jalil and the lower Galilee was the location of the ancient clan of Jahleel. The Upper Galilee is haGalil Elyon but its name was originally Helon for its Zebulonite clan that lived in this region.

Another interesting development is the claim by some genetic researchers that the original home of R1b is in Europe as the oldest R1b found in Europe is a teenage boy in Northern Italy at the site known as Villabruna. He belongs to R1b1a (L754) y-dna haplogroup. This haplogroup originated after the sinking of Atlantis and was the marker of the Israelites who belong to the R1b branch of the Leahite tribes. This boy may have belonged to a group of Israelites descended from a slave who left or escaped Egypt before the Exodus and moved north into Europe or he may have been part of an early group of Israelites who moved into Europe in the time of the later Judges or the days of the Kings. 

The Villabuna site is considered to be Epigravettian which is an extension of the Gravettian culture and existed at the same time as the Solutean culture according to some scholars. Instead of his skeleton being 14,000 years old it is more likely less than 3,000 years old. It would seem that this branch of R1b L754 has now become extinct. It is unlikely that any ancient remains can be tested for y-dna that is older than 4,000 years old.

Migration of R1b y-dna from their homeland in the Levant (Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq) of the sons of the Patriarch Jacob and his wife the Matriarch Leah
The Maternal Genetic Lineage of Rathlin2 Man of U5 mt-dna 

L3 mtdna: 1850 BC Occurred among the female descendants of Lady Yiskah daughter of Lady Susan and her brother and husband Prince Elam son of  Shem.
N mt-dna: 1654 BC Occurred among the descendants of Queen Neshema Milka a daughter of Lady Yiskah and her husband Prince Madai son of Japheth. Her sister Medea was the ancestress of M y-dna and their sister Luba is the ancestress of L3a, L3b'f, L3c'd, L3e'i'k'x and L3h.
R mt-dna: 1350 BC Occurred among the descendants of Aserope the daughter of the Lady Asenath the daughter  of Dinah and the Prince of Shechem and her husband and uncle the Patriarch Joseph of Egypt.
U mt-dna: 968 BC Occurred among the descendants of Ursa the Princess of Kush who married the King of Atlantean Gatherius in Spain.
U5 mt-dna: 850 BC Occurred among the descendants of Princess Dova the daughter of Princess Eglah daughter of Ursa and King David of Israel.  Dova was also the ancestress of U1 mt-dna.  Her aunt Adina was the ancestress of U6 mt-dna.
U5A'B mt-dna: 750 BC Occurred among the descendants of U5 in the Middle East.
U5b mt-dna: 620 BC Occurred among the U5A'B daughters in Northern Israel.
U5b2 mt-dna: 450 BC Occurred among the exiled Israelites (of R1a and R1b y-dna) in the Russian Steppes.
U5b2a mt-dna: 350 BC Occurred among the exiled Israelites in Germany and France (of R1b y-dna).
U5b2a2 mt-dna: 150 BC Occurred among the Exiled Israelites in Britain (R1b y-dna). Was spread by the Roman Empire by soldiers and others marrying British women.
U5b2a2a mt-dna: 50 AD Occurred among the Romanised Celts of Northern Europe. This is the maternal haplogroup of Rathlin 2 (or 2B) man who is R1b L21 DF13 DF21. This man may have been a son of Corvus the first King of Dumbarton (r.148-184 AD) a descendant of Guidgen a son of King Caracticus (d.54 AD). His U5b2a2a Mother may have been a Pictish Princess Royal the daughter of Tarain King of the Picts of Alba (aka Terah (Therius ) of Camelon) the son of Mar Phares (Feradach/ Ferag) the Dayag Adon (Fisher Lord) of Camelon.

The E1b y-dna Clans of Dan and Levi

 Dan a son of Jacob and Bilhah

I have recently come to understand that there may be a clan or clans of E y-dna haplogroup that may be descended from Shem and not Japheth. I have adapted my understanding which I present in the diagramme below. It seems to me to better fit the facts. This means that when certain groups received the mutation marker for CF and DE that one or two Clans of Israelites may have been living close to the Japhethites and received the same mutations as them. This also occurred with these two Israelite clans when the mutations for E then E1 and E1b, E1b1, E1b1, E1b1b and E1b1b1 occurred.

The two Clans were from the Tribe of Levi and the Tribe of Dan who had lived together among the Japhethites. The Clans that split off, that were Japhethites, were the clades of E2, E1a, Elb2, E1b1a and E1b1b1a. The Clades of Dan were E1b1b2 and E-L19 a subclade of E1b1b1b. The Levite Clade came from a group among the clans of Merari, who were E-Z830 a subclade of E1b1b1b (Z827). Now that I have this new insight I will need to review what I have written about the E haplogroups.

The Japhethite groups, that belong to E haplogroup, are the Tirasi who are E2 (M75) and it is Javani and the Clans coming from Levi and Dan that are E1 (P147). This may have been a group of Danites and Levites that went to Greece from Egypt and received the DE mutations there in 1470 BC. I will also need to adjust my understanding of the timeline of mutations as this would mean that the DE and CF mutations occurred in 1470 BC rather than 1654 BC. However, in the 120 year Ice Age the mutations may have been more rapid. Thus the mutations for C, F, D, and E may have occurred around 1430 BC. Around 1390 BC the mutations for E1 and E2 occurred and in 1350 BC the mutations for E1b and E1a. The mutations for E1b1 and E1b2 occurred in 1309 BC and the ones for E1b1a and E1b1b around 1250 BC.

This new proposal then makes more sense of the y-dna of the Jewish people. Therefore, the main groups of Jewish y-dna of R1b, R1a, J2, J1 and E1b are all male line descendants of Jacob who lived at a time when his y-dna was ancestral to all of these. Also the mention of the Hellenes and Danaan of the ancient Greeks represent two different Tribes within them. 

The Hellenes being the Helonites of the Tribe of Zebulon (R1b-U106 branch) of the northern Atlanteans. The Danaan being from the Hushi Tribe of Dan (E-V13 branch) of the Southern Atlanteans. The E-Z1902 y-dna Javanite Philistines were found alongside the Danaan. As a Internet friend and researcher Kurt McGuire told me.

That may explain this verse:
“May God enlarge Japheth, And may he DWELL in the tents of Shem; And may Canaan be his servant.” - Genesis 9:27

 The E-V13 found among the Greeks is thus, an Israelite allied (or living in the same regions) with the Javanite Philistines or Pelasgians group in this new understanding of the history of E y-dna. E-M123 and its descendants among the Jews, and Ramses III and Alexander the Great are Levites of Merari. The Javanites of Japheth the son of Noah, originated in the red Japhethic city of Adan in the Southern Hemisphere when the earth was still one land mass. Some of the Japhethites moved into Europe before the splitting of the  continents at the time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel.

E-M215 I now date to around 1309 BC (rather than 22,000 years ago). Jewish E-M123 originated about 2,300 years ago in Palestine during Second Temple Times from the Jewish illegitimate son of Alexander the Great who was the son of Pharaoh Rameses VI aka Nectanebo II the son of Rameses III (see Velikovsky). Its main subclade E-M34 emerged in Palestine about 2,100 years ago. Soon afterwards, E-M34 split into two originally Jewish branches, E-M84 and E-Z841 during the diaspora (or just before) and moved into North Africa and Iberia.  E-L791 and E-Z21466 y-dna haplogroups have a mostly European distribution today and their ages point toward a diaspora diffusion after 70 AD. The E-PF6759 subclade seems to have reached Sardinia after the Roman diaspora of 70 AD. The descendants of E-L791, E-Y2947 and E-Y4971, only appeared after the Bar Kokhva rebellion and diaspora of 135 AD. 

The E-K257 and E-Y4970 branches emerged around 300 AD and are found in Iran, Armenia, Turkey, Russia, Greece, Italy and France, as well as other places. These branches of E1b y-dna spread to Greece and Italy alongside Jewish groups belonging to J2a1 and T1a-P77 haplogroups. E-Y6923 also emerged around 600 AD, but became almost extinct due to the persecutions of the Jews. Most modern bearers of this y-dna haplogroup descend from a common ancestor who lived less than 800 years ago, and all are Ashkenazi Jews. The descendants of E-M123 are of Jewish  origins, some branches remaining Jewish, while others converted and assimilated out of the Jewish communities. 
                                                     Levi the son of Jacob and Leah
This interpretation is one that is based on a creationist understanding of genetics not a evolutionist one. Thus, among those people descended from Levi but not Aaron, they could have either a E1b, J2 or R1b dna haplogroup (the R1a Levites are from a maternal line from Levi but paternally from Joseph). The Cohenim descended from Aaron could have a J1, J2 or R1b haplogroup. Those descended from Dan could have a E1b, I2 or P haplogroup. Thus, those Jews who are E1b depending on their haplogroups, could be descended from Javan of Japheth on their direct y-dna line or from Merari of Levi or from Dan. 
When we read of the Ships of Dan in the time of the Judges, these are mostly likely the ships of the E1b-L19 Danites and are the first group of Danites in Europe. The Serpent and the Horse are the emblems of the Tribe of Dan. The E1b Danites can be called the Serpentine (Nahushi) Dani and the I2 Danites the Equine (Susi) Danites. The Nahushi Dani have two branches E-L19, E-L618 and E-281. The E1b Nahushi descend from Dan's son Hushim and the I2 Susi or Shuhami from his son or grandson Shuham. At the time of the Exodus the Nahushi were E1b1 (P2) and the Susi were mainly IJ with a group who were P y-dna (P* and later P2 y-dna). I2a1 and I2c were from the Susi Danites.
The E1b Levites were from the Clan of Merari. They had two sub-clans of the Mushii and Mahalii. The Mushii were E1b and the Mahalii were R1b and J2. The Gershoni Levites belonged to R1b and J2. The Kohathi were R1b, J1 and J2. The famous King Midas (Mita) of the golden touch fame was a King of the Mushi or Mushki and they became involved in the gold mining and refining industry. 
The Danites of E1b were also called the Hushi or Hatusha (haHushi) and became known as the Hittites or Hatti in modern times. The Ramses Dynasty of Egypt belonged to the Mushi or haMushi and the Thinite Dynasty of Egypt to the Hushi (E1b) or Shuhami (I2a1). It may have been that the symbol in the Hittite language which has been rendered as tt may have been orginally a sh sound and the a in Hatti as a u sound. Thus the name Hatti may have been Hushi and Hattusa was Hushisu. After Dan and Gad lead the rebellion against Joseph, Dan's son Hushi with his family accompanied by Mushi the Levite and his family settled in Greece among the Javani. 
Around 1250 BC, one of these Danite Princes of Hushi moved to Turkey (Asia Minor), he was Prince Pamba or Pumbu of Hushi (Hatti or Chatti). From him would descend the future Kings of the so-called Hittite Empire (the dating of Pamba is my own based on my revision of the chronology of Velikovsky). The name Kussara may also have been Khushara and been another settlement of the Hushi people. The original city of the Kussara may have been Kydonia (Chania) on Crete and then Knossos later (of Danite E-L19 y-dna). The Mushi may have been centred at Malia on Crete (of Levite E-Z830 y-dna). Phaistos may have been a Javanite Philistine city (of E-1902) and the Zakros Palace may have been an Israelite Atlantean city (of E-Z1919 y-dna).

It would seem that two groups of Danites established the cities of Hattusa (Hushisu) from Chania or Kydonia under Pamba (Pumbu) and  the city of Kanesh (Kunos) under Zipani. Later Pithana (Pitunu) would come from Crete (most likely Knossus) and conqueror the city of Kanesh and his son Anitta (Unishu) would then conquer the city of Hattusa. Among these Hushi Danites of the so-called Hittite Empire was a Mushi Clan of Levi known as the Kuthim who settled in the city of Kutha in Iraq who later were settled in northern Israel (Samaria) who were the E1b Samaritans of E-V22 y-dna.

Thus, the Atlantean and Samaritan E1b is also from the Tribe of Dan (V13) and Levi (V22), descended from E-Z1919 while the Philistine E-Z1902 is Javan. If this is correct, then many of the ancient Greeks and Hitler may belong to the Tribe of Dan of the Hushi Clan. As well as the Samaritan Clan of Levi and Napoleon being descended on the male line from the Mushi Clan of Levi. This then makes more sense of the y-dna of the Jewish people. 
Therfore, the main groups of Jewish dna of R1b, R1a, J2, J1 and E1b are all male line descendants of Jacob who lived at a time when his y-dna was ancestral to all of these. Also the mention of the Hellenes and Danaan of the ancient Greeks represent two different Tribes within them of the Hellenes being the Helonites of the Tribe of Zebulon (U106 y-dna branch) of the northern Atlanteans. The Danaan being from the Hushi Tribe of Dan (E-V13 branch) of the Southern Atlanteans. The E-Z1902 y-dna Philistines of Javan were found alongside the Danaan.
Also it should be noted that Ramses III dna is claimed by some to be E1b1a rather than E1b1b as both are only guesses at this stage. What is definite is that the skeleton of Rameses III belongs to E1b1.
Thus the dna tree would look like this instead.
Note: This Chronology and Understanding of Y-dna is based on a Hebrew Catholic Young Life Creationist perspective drawing on the insights of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. It is based on the understanding that all men today descend from Noah and his three sons.


Diverse Davidic Y-DNA

Many genealogists and others hoped that by studying the y-dna of the famous Jewish Rabbinic families that claimed Davidic descent they would discover the Davidic dna. However many were disappointed to find that these families were of diverse male lineages including J, I, Q, R1b, R1a, E1b, G etc.

A point forgotten is that Davidic status can also be received through maternal lineages. For example the Davidic Nasiim of the Sanhedrin descended from Hillel and Gamaliel were only Davidic through Hillel's mother but were of the Tribe of Benjamin (R1a or R2a ydna) through his father. Thus those families claiming Davidic ancestry of R2a or R1a y-dna may be Davidic descendants of the House of Hillel. 

Those families claiming Davidic descent of E1b or G y-dna may be descended from the Hunza Valley Princes that came to Sicily in the 11th century descended from Alexander the Great who intermarried with the Davidic Princesses of the Machir Dynasty of Narbonne. Those of J y-dna (Judah or Levi) may come from the marriage of Merwan ha Levi to a Davidic Princess of Narbonne. Those of R1a ydna (Tribes of Joseph) may descend from the Khazar Royal House which also had Davidic status from the Davidic ancestress Serakh.

The direct male lines of David are R1b-M269 (Sons of Leah) and R1b-L21 (Davidic House of Nathan) and one branch of the R1b-U106 dna tree. Everyone who has R1b-M269+ or R1b-M269- in their genetic tree descend from one of the six sons or Tribes of Leah- Reuben, Levi, Judah, Simeon, Issachar and Zebulon. Pharaoh Tutankhamun was R1b-M269+.  While everyone who is R1b-L21+ is of direct male line Davidic ancestry, it does not mean that they are the only direct male line Davidic descendants. However, it does mean that those who are R1b-M269+ and R1b-U152+ are not of direct male line Davidic ancestry as they are from the Tribe of Reuben. Certain U152 and  U106 y-dna families who are not direct paternal descendants of King David may have Davidic status through a maternal Davidic line.

However we must also remember that even tribal status may come through a female, if she marries someone of a lesser yichus (status). If a Zebulonite lady (whose father was R1b-U106) married a convert who was E1b then the children would take the mother's tribal status. So while each Tribe may be mainly of direct male lineage from their founder, there would also be those who are of different male lines that have taken tribal status. If such male lines were fertile for sons, then the Tribe may after a few generations have a large group of Tribal members of y-dna differing from other tribal members. 

Someone could be a direct male line descendant of Zebulon of R1b-U106+ who marries a Gentile woman. Their son is thus a Gentile but a male line descendant of Zebulon. That son may convert and marry a woman whose father is of direct male line Benjaminite ancestry. Their son could thus be, of Benjaminite tribal status, while having male line Zebulonite y-dna ancestry. 

Israelite, Hebrew and Jewish status is not purely genealogical or genetic but is a living and evolving community of people. When Jewish maternal ancestry can be shown by people, who have become non-observant of Torah or converted to other religions etc, then many Orthodox Jewish authorities will accept such maternally descended Jews back into the Jewish community without a conversion ceremony. After ten generations they are classified as Gentiles in regard to Torah observances and would need to go through ritual conversion to re-enter the Jewish community.  This was the case with the conversos of Spain and Portugal. Many prominent Sefardi Jewish families were Catholics for many generations before rejoining the Jewish community, without needing to go through conversion.  

The Hebrew Y-dna: A New Creationist Understanding

  The creationist perspective found here is based on my study of dna in both modern people and ancient dna (a-dna) and the historical records and movements of Tribes and peoples. It is also based on a consideration of the whole y-dna tree for humans (what are called modern humans and are distinguished from other branches of the human tree that have not survived such as Neanderthals and Denisovans).
 I have changed my understanding of the y-dna tree a number of times. Those who have read my ideas before know that I thought that the Israelite y-dna was R1b and the Edomite R1a. It wasn't until 2013 that I changed my mind. No doubt this previous interpretation reflected the continuing influence of my days as a devout British Israel believer from the age of 13 in 1977. 

When I first started to study the genetic evidence beginning around 2008 I soon realised that the British Israel identification of the British Isles as mainly Ephraim was wrong and I at this stage realised the Gaelic R1b L21 was from the Davidic House of Nathan. I then thought that maybe the majority of the Anglo-Saxon R1b could be of the Tribe of Ephraim. However by 2013 I was realising that the facts seemed to be leading me to see that the R1a Slavs were actually Ephraim and that the Anglo-Saxon R1b belonged to the Tribes of Issachar and Zebulon. 

I had until very recently thought that IJ was the y-dna of the descendants of Ishmael but now I realise through more research that I may have been mistaken. I have updated my understanding in 2020 and now again in 2021. In 2021 I have not changed my understanding of the Israelite haplogroups but of some of the other Heberi groups.

I now believe that most Hebrew y-dna belongs to IJK y-dna and that all those that descend from IJ and K2 y-dna are male line Hebrews descended from Heber or Eber. R1b y-dna represents some of the Israelite sons of Leah (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulon) and J y-dna is that of some of the clans of the Tribes of Judah and Levi and some of the Aaronites. R1a is that of the clans of the Josephite Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh; and the Tribe of Benjamin is R2 and some R1a. There are also some Hebrews from the Mushi Clan of Levi and the Hushi Clan of Dan that were part of DE and then E and then E1b as they lived among the Javanites of Japheth when those mutations occurred.
The base of my understanding that R1b-L21 is Davidic ydna remains the same except that some Davidic while still R1b is not L21. Of course, there are those of maternal Davidic status of a number of different haplogroups. That some of the Levite (and thus Cohen) ydna is R1b-Ht35 (L23+, L21- or Z2103) and some of the descendants of Moses are R1b V88 has not changed. Other Levite y-dna is J2 y-dna and some R1b ht-15. Some of the descendants of Aaron are also J1 y-dna. However R1b -P312 is the y-dna marker for clans of the R1b clans of the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, Levi, Zebulon and Judah. R1b-U106/S21 is the marker for a clan of the tribe of Zebulon (the Helonites), as well as for the Davidic Clan descended from Crown Prince Yochanan of Judah who went into Western Europe and mutated with the Zebulonites of Helon.

File:Haplogrupo N (ADN-Y).PNG
The Tribe of Nahor brother of Abraham of N Haplogroup

File:Haplogrupo O (ADN-Y).PNG

The Tribes of the sons of Joktan of O haplogroup

File:Haplogroup Q (Y-DNA).PNG

The Tribes of Ishmael of Q Haplogroup

Western Ishmaelites of mainly Q1b y-dna of Europe

If one believes in the evolutionary theory and its distortions of dna evidence then I suggest you stop reading immediately. This interpretation will only be accepted by those who believe that mankind is only about 6,000 years old and that Noah is the ydna Adam. Much that has been written on dna and its connection with actual history, is distorted and needs to be realigned with the germ line rate of mutations rather than the fabricated ones based on evolutionary suppositions.  
An understanding of dna is needed that realises that there is no constant mutations rate over history, that climate and environment affect the rate of mutation and that there can be group nova mutations across a haplogroup not just individual nova mutations especially in times of cataclysmic events. That understanding also takes into account that solar phenomena and radiation effects dating methodologies, such as carbon dating and radiometric dating, which may give false readings, both younger or older, than the actual age.

File:Haplogrupo G (ADN-Y).PNG
The Japhethite Tribes of Achon and Zeelo sons of Madai (Syrians)

The Japhethite Tribes of Chazoni and Lot sons of Madai

We know from Velikovsky, the Jewish traditions and the Bible that the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was a time of great celestial happenings that may have seriously affected dna. I have come to the conclusion that the so-called IJK haplogroup is the ydna from the sons of Heber (the original Hebrews). G (M201) is the Tribes of Achon and Zeelo sons of Madai and H (M69, M370) are the Tribes of Chazoni and Lot sons of Madai. Madai is the ancestor of F y-dna of the G and H clades which is Japhethite not Shemite as I once held. 
It is possible that F-ydna is found among the descendants of both Japheth and Shem as IJK and F*, F1, F2 and F3 have the group mutations of F y-dna. This has caused some confusion in understanding the haplotree. Madai was the Japhethite clan that lived in the Middle East area with the other Shemite peoples. CF or FC y-dna is also found among all the descendants of Shem and among the descendants of the Japhethite Tribes of Madai and Gomer (ancestor of C y-dna). It would seem that these nova group mutations of CF and F among the descendants of Shem and Japheth must have occurred  sometime after the destruction of the Tower of Babel when the Shemites and Madai and Gomer were in the middle east area around the time of the destructions of 1350 BC. 

Thus Heber and his descendants until 1309 BC were not IJK themselves, they were ancestors of those people who received the nova group mutations associated with IJK y-dna. In fact all the Shemites and the Japhethites were of the so-called CT y-dna haplogroup whose defining mutations probably occurred in 1513 BC at the time of Joseph's Famine.

IJ represents some of the Israelite clans - J (P209) is the marker of some of the clans of Judah, Levi and some of the Aaronites and I (M170) y-dna is a marker of the Sarmatians and Vikings with clans from (I1 y-dna Vikings) Asher and Gad and from I2 y-dna (Sarmatians) certain clans of Naphtali and Dan branch out.

The I haplogroup of some of the clans of Israel from the Tribes of Dan, Asher, Gad, Naphtali.
File:Haplogroup J (Y-DNA).svg
The  Israelites of J Haplogroup

File:Haplogroup I (Y-DNA).PNG
The Viking-Samartian Israelites

Haplogroups M (sons of Dedan) and S (sons of Sheba) are haplogroups of Abraham's sons by his wife Keturah. K-M9 occurred after 1200 BC among some of the descendants of Joktan, Isaac, Ishmael, Esau, Nahor and Haran. LT (M298, P326) is found among the sons of Haran (L y-dna) son of Terah and the Edomites (T y-dna). M y-dna is also found among the Hazaras (2%) representing a small number of males leaving Australia with the Israelite tribes for Afganistan/Pakistan area in the 16th century.

File:Distribution Haplogroup T Y-DNA II.svg
The descendants of Edom (Esau) of T Haplogroup

File:Distribution Haplogroup L Y-DNA.svg

The sons of Haran – Moab (Eastern) and Ammon (Western) (L Haplogroup)

It would seem that God has marked the 12 sons of Israel with a y-dna identity that can be revealed in the latter days. R1b and J are the sons of Leah (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulon), I are the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah (Naphtali, Dan, Asher and Gad), R1a and R1 are the sons of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) and R2a and some R1a are the sons of Benjamin. Other R2 may be the descendants of a branch of the Tribe of Benjamin.

R1a lands of some of the Rachelite clans the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh

Both Judah (pre-IJK ancestor of some of the clans of R1b) and Joseph (pre-IJK ancestor of some of the clans R1a) are said to have had red hair as did Judah's descendant King David. Ephraim was blonde like his mother Rachel and Manasseh was red like his father Joseph. Red hair among the R1a Royal Khazars is due to their Khazar ancestry. Yair Davidi's book on the Khazars tells of ancient claims of Manasseh ancestry of the Khazars. The Khazars of R1a belong to the R1a-Z93 haplogroup which is of the Tribe of Eastern Manasseh. 
The tribe of Ephraim is R1a-Z283. The royal family of the Khazars, the Medieval Kings of Georgia, the MacDonald Lords of the Isle (descended from Somerled) however are from the Tribe of Ephraim (R1a-L176.1). It is interesting that the Medieval chroniclers claimed that the Georgian Prince David Soslan was a Prince of Ephraim. 

The early migration of the Egypto-Israelites to South-East Asia and Australia is confirmed by the remnants of Josephite y-dna (R1*-173) among native peoples there as well as in Northern Peru where King Mentuhotep IV of Egypt is believed to have finally settled after fleeing Egypt.

This new understanding of the y-dna tree will effect my previous writings about the Nephtalites and the House of Zerah Judah. I formerly saw R1b-U152 as Zerah -Judah which I now identify with Reuben. Zerah -Judah is R1b-M73 and is found among the Hazaras (ha Zerahs) and other groups in the far East. This however is only an identification of the physical ydna of the Israelites. 
The Jewish people and other Israelite communities are made up of people of diverse ydna and are no less Jewish or Israelite in their identity than those actually descended on the direct male line from the Patriarchs of Israel. 
The Tribe of Zebulon  (R1b-U106/S21) of the Heloni Clan

My own understandings of Ephraim have been radically changed which has been difficult to get my head around at times. Today the Ephraimite nations (which are the Birthright nations) are the Russians and Poles and other closely related Slavic nations (not Britain as I formerly believed). Slavic hostility towards Jews is well-known which is the biblical "envy of Ephraim" towards Judah (the Jews and the British, Scots and Irish). 
The British Isles Judahites are descendants of that part of Judah that was carried away with the Northern Israelites. The Assyrians divided these sons of Judah into two groups -one group were sent to the Mountains of Media in the South and the others into the North with the Tribes of Issachar and Zebulon.

Many apparitions of Our Lady speak of Russia as the nation that would bring the most glory to God. Was she alluding to the Birthright blessing? The British Isles could well be called the Davidic Isles and is truly as Shakespeare wrote:  "...This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, this earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, this other Eden...". 
The Tribe of Reuben (R1b-U152/S28)

Many years ago, before the advent of dna studies, I had come to believe from my study of history, archaeology, legends, myths etc that the bulk of the Europeans were physically descended from the Israelites. With this new understanding I have returned to the opinion that the bulk of the European peoples are physically Israelites on their y-dna lineages.

The Kuki-Chin-Mizo Jews are in fact not descendants of the Tribe of Manasseh on their male line but many of them are descendants of the Joktanites of O-M268. Their ancestors may have been part of the military forces of the last King of Israel, Osee (Hoshea), who led Eastern Manasseh (R1a-Z93). Osee is an ancestor of the Japanese Samurai according to others. It would seem that many Koreans and Japanese are also descendants of Joktan. It would seem that the Nias of Indonesia and the aboriginal Taiwanese belong mainly to the Joktanites. The people of Thailand are mainly of Joktan.

It is interesting that Q is found among the Afghans (Pashtuns). Q1a (MEH2 or L472) is the y-dna of the Ishmaelites (Q1a1, Q1a2) of the Americas. Q1b (Q-L275) is the Massa clan of Ishmael. One group of Q is found in Norway. In the past I had thought they were Benjamin or Edom. This same group of Q is found among many Jewish men as well. I2c is from the Tribe of Dan. I2c is also found among the Xiongnu in Mongolia in bodies tested at Egyin Gol. The wolf was a symbol of the Normans (and many British Israelites claimed their descent from Benjamin). R2 and some R1a is descended from the Tribe of Benjamin.

The early Ishmaelites found in East Asia and the Americas came from a dispersion after the time of destruction of the First Temple. The American Indian Q1a2 is closely related to that found in the Yemenite Jews. It would seem that a branch of Ishmael (Q1a2) headed in to South East Asia even as far as Bali and may have been part of the Sundaland homeland (Mu) before its sinking. One branch of these Ishmaelites then crossed the Pacific Ocean to South America.

Ishmaelites (Q).

It would seem that some of the Ishmaelites at the time of Ezra and the Maccabees (Q-L275) converted to Judaism. Some of the Ishmaelites moved to the north Eastern Siberia and across into North America (Q-MEH2). From this new Ishmaelite Kingdom a branch moved South from Siberia into the Chinese Empire (Q-M120), another branch back into the Middle East (Q-M25). A third branch moved from the Siberian Kingdom to South East Asia (Q-M346). Some went to South America and their descendants are found in the Andes and Panama.

Some years ago I realised that some of what had been written about the Tribe of Dan, Danaan etc in Europe had nothing to do with Dan but referred to the Daughters of Dinah (Diana/ Dona/ Dana) the feminine Tribe of Israelite women. I1a2 represents the clans of Gad (including S4713 with its downstream clades of Z73, L573 and L803). I1a2- Z60 is a marker for many of the clans of the Tribe of Gad. I1a2-Z138 y-dna belongs to the Tribe of Gad (the Goths) as well as Y22033. I1a2-Z382 and its parent Z2040 y-dna are also subclades of Gad as is Y12342.

It is likely that some P* is also from the Tribe of Benjamin but misplaced in the y-dna tree. Familypedia states: 

"...Besides the typically European/South Asian Haplogroup R and South-Central Siberian/Native American Haplogroup Q, other patrilines derived from Haplogroup P-M45 are labeled for sake of convenience as Haplogroup P* and are reported to have been found at low to moderate frequency among modern populations of Central Asia, Siberia, East Asia, and the Russian Far East. There is a conspicuous presence of Haplogroup P* on the Isle of Hvar in the Adriatic Sea off the Dalmatian coast of Croatia, which may be due to historical immigration of Avars from Central Asia. There have also been reports of Haplogroup P* from samples of Ashkenazi Jews, Native Americans, and some populations of South Asia and Oceania, but it is not entirely clear whether these were truly Haplogroup P* or rather instances of a rare haplogroup derived from Haplogroup P, such as Haplogroup R2 or Haplogroup Q." 

This may in fact part of the y-dna of Benjamin.


K mt-dna and the Amazon Warrioresses

K mt-dna descends from U8 mt-dna. K is found among Ashkenazi Jews in a high percentage in Western Europe. I believe that K1a mt-dna that is found among Ashkenazi Jews has an overall rate of 32% and among Western European Jews up to 50%. Many have proposed that this means that K mt-dna Jews descend from European converts to Judaism. I would disagree and say that K1a comes from those Jews who lived in North America in the Jewish and Judeo-Catholic settlements found there before 1050 AD. 

The bottleneck that is described by geneticists was caused by the few survivors escaping the massacre of the American Indians and moving back to Europe and joining the German, French and British Isles Jewish communities. K1c was found among the R1a y-dna Khazar Jews coming from the east to Germany and then moving north into Scandinavia becoming K1c1 mt-dna. From Scandinavia around the 10th century they entered the British Isles from the north. Most of their descendants became Judeo-Catholics before assimilating into the Christian population.

Recent a-dna tests have discovered that the Egyptian Princesses descended from Thuya or Tuya are of K mt-dna. In fact she may be the first of the K lineage with her mother being U8 mt-dna. Thus all those who are of K mt-dna probably descend from Thuya. A 2020 dna study entitled "Insights from ancient DNA analysis of Egyptian human mummies: clues to disease and kinship" states:

An investigative study was carried out on the familial relationships of a number of late 18th dynasty mummies (ca. 1550–1295 b.c.), including that of Tutankhamen. The study was based on the analysis of the autosomal and Y-chromosome STR markers in addition to mitochondrial hypervariable region 1 sequences. A 4-generation pedigree of Tutankhamun’s immediate lineage and the identity of his ancestors were established. The Royal male lineage was the Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b that was passed from the grandparent (Amenhotep III) to the father (KV55, Akhenaten) to the grandchild (Tutankhamen). The maternal lineage, the mitochondrial haplogroup K, extended from the great-grandmother (Thuya) to the grandmother (KV35 Elder lady, Queen Tiye) to the yet historically unidentified mother (KV35 Younger lady) to Tutankhamen (38,55).

 It would seem that the mutations for K1c occurred around 600-400 BC not the date of 6000 years claim by calibrated carbon dates. These calibrated carbon dates totally distort the age of settlements and cultures and their corresponding dna identifications. Thus the settlement at Theopatria in Greece in which skeletons had K1c y-dna are from the 6th century BC.  These women lived among the G2 ancestors of the Alans who were descended from the people of the Ebla Empire. They moved to the north of the Black Sea and were found there in the 1st century. This was the area of the later Khazar Empire. 

The U mt-ydna haplogroup occurred around 968 BC with the destruction and sinking of Atlantis. Before this the lineage was classified as R mt-dna which descends from N mt-dna whose ancestor was Neshema Milka the High Queen of the Eridu-Rhodan Empire or Moon Queen who was the wife of Cainan the Emperor-King of Eridu.

The Lineage of K1c mt-dna

Neferu Parbati the High-Queen of Eridu-Rhoda the Moon Queen b.971 BC.

She belonged to R mt-dna.  She was the daughter of Prince Djehuti of Thebes and Mena (Mentuhotep) the High-Queen of Eridu-Rhoda the Moon Queen. She married Djenna (Djan) the Prince of Kush b.975 BC.


Ursula (Ursa) the Princess of Kush b.940 BC.

She belonged to U mt-dna. She was the younger sister of Tara (Taraka / Tetisheri) the High-Queen of Eridu-Rhoda the Moon Queen of Earth b.943 BC and Rhode the 1st High-Queen of the Eridu Martians b.950 BC. Ursa married Eglon (Helon) the Zebulonite Atlantean Exiled Prince b.980 BC the son of Azariah (Azaes) the Zebulonite King of Atlantis (Hellantis) b.1022 BC d.968 BC and Adina a Princess of Venus b.999 BC.


Eglah a Princess of Atlantean Spain and Heiress of Gatherius in Spain b.920 BC.

Her brother was Magogi a Zebulonite Atlantean Exiled Prince b.922 BC and her sister was Dina (Adina) a Zebulonite Atlantean Princess the ancestress of U6 mt-dna. She married David the King of Israel and Judah b.944 BC d.874 BC. 


Ursa (Dova) a Davidic Princess of Israel and Judah the ancestress of U1, U8 and U5 mt-dna b.899BC.

She was the sister of 1. Nesha the Princess of Israel and Judah 895-850 BC who married her cousin Sven the Chief (Nasi) of the Heloni Clan of the Tribe of Zebulon b.900 BC, 2. Bat Eglah the Princess of Israel and Judah b.890 BC who married Shaushtatar the King of Mitanni (Media) b.900 BC, and 3. Prince Ithream of Israel and Judah and Prince of Spain. She was a half-sister to King Solomon and the other children of King David and his other wives. She married Ayal a Prince of Naphtali b.919 BC. 


Eglah the Princess of Naphtali b.882 BC.

She belongs to U8 mt-dna. She married her half-uncle Absalom the Prince of Judah and Israel and Geshur and son of King David. 


Tiaa (Tamar) haYafa (the Beautiful) the Princess of Judah and Israel and Geshur b.849 BC. 

She married Amenhotep II (Prince Siamun) (adopted son of Thutmose III) the Pharaoh of Egypt and Davidic Prince of Israel and Judah b.850 BC d.791 BC the biological son of Solomon (Yedidyah) the King of Israel and Judah r.875-834 BC b.892 BC d.834 BC and his Egyptian Queen Hapshepsut-Meryte (Nefrubity) (Hebrew name Naamah ha Amonit) the Princess of Egypt and High Priestess and Chantress of Amun b.865 BC.


Maia (Maya) the Princess of Egypt b.825 BC

She married Shuttarna II the King of Mitanni (Medes) b.835 BC the son of Artatama I King of Mitanni b.860 BC and Meritaten (Menwi) Princess of Egypt the daughter of Pharaoh Thutmose III.


 Lady Tuya of Egypt b.812 BC

She belonged to K mt-dna. She married Lord Yuya b.814 BC of Egypt the son of Lord Yeh of Egypt b.828 BC and Zabibe (Zenobia) High Queen of the Kedarites and Arabia b.828 BC.


 Tiye the Queen of Egypt b.788 BC

She married Amenhotep III the Pharaoh of Egypt r.781-743 BC b.790 BC d.743 BC. She is the mother of Akhenaten of R1b-M269 y-dna.


Princess Nebetah of Egypt b.773 BC

She married Nikmaddu II King of Ugarit b.789 BC d.715 BC. Another of her daughters may be the ancestress of K3 mt-dna.


Princess Leda of Ugarit b.755 BC

She married Tyndareus the King of Sparta b.770 BC. Another of her daughters was the famous beauty Queen Helen of Troy and she may be the ancestress of K2 mt-dna.


Princess Clytemnestra of Sparta b.730 BC

She married Agamemnon King of the Danaan and Mycene b.733 BC.


Princess Electra of the Danaan and Mycene b.695 BC

She married Thaumas a Prince or Chief of the Tribe of Zebulon of the Tarshishim b.698 BC.

Princess Iris of the Tarshishim b.670 BC

She married Zephyrus b.680 BC the King of the Land of the Western Wind (Greenland).

Princess Erotes of the Land of the Western Wind b.645 BC

She belonged to K1 mt-dna. She married Marcus Junius Brutus the Trojan King of Alba b.650 BC

Princess Ignia Junia of Alba b.625 BC

She married Lord Anontius Alfidius of Greece of G2a2 y-dna b.630 BC.


Lady Alfidia Marcia of Greece b.599 BC

She married Lacidaus the Earth King of Argos b.605 the son of Pheidon II the Martian King of Argos and the Conqueror of Phoroneus on Earth b.650 and Hippolyta I 13th Martian High Queen b.645.

The ancestress of K1a mt-dna, K1b mt-dna and K1c mt-dna.

Her blonde -haired daughter Alfidia was the ancestress of K1c y-dna that moved from Greece and Turkey around the 1st century into the area of the Black Sea that later became Khazaria. Some descendant of K1c1 mt-dna then went into Germany and then Scandinavia before coming with the remnants of the Khazars to Scotland and Ireland as the ancestresses of K1c1b mt-dna. They are the Alfidia or Elf Amazon Warrioresses among the Khazars and the Alans.

Her dark haired daughter Marcia was ancestress of K1b mt-dna that were found in the east and some of K1b1c mt-dna were among the Kurds of the Middle East.  They are the Marcia Kurdish Warrioresses. 

Her red haired daughter Ignia was the ancestress of K1a mt-dna that moved back to the West and went to North America during the time of Calalus and then as K1alb1 mt-dna returned to Europe and are the ancestresses of the major K mt-dna clan. They are the Ignia or flame-haired Amazon Warrioresses found among the Rhodan and Ashkenazi Jews of Western Europe of K1a1b1a mt-dna

The Alagata Queens of Alania

Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania of K1c mt-dna b.751

 The Alagata Queens were the spiritual leaders and Warrioress Queens of the Alans who were served by the priestly class. They are the maternal descendants of Satanaya or Satenik of the 1st century who was an Alan Queen who married Tiridates I the King of Armenia.


 Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania of K1c mt-dna b.670 AD

She married Chasdai III b.660 the Babylonian Exilarch r.700-720 the son of Hananiah of Babylon the Gaon of Sura and Ancestor of R1b L21 DF13 Z39589 S470/Z251 S11556 Z17662 y-dna b.625.


 Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania b.700 AD

She married Hananiah the Babylonian Exilarch b.695 d.762.


 Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania b.728 AD


 Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania b.750 AD

She married Stephen III a Prince of Iberia the son of Guaram IV the Prince of Iberia.


 Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania b.772 AD

She married Prince David of Khazaria b.765 the son of Prince Tarmach of Khazaria b.732 and Agata b.735 a Princess of Bulgaria the daughter of Sevar the Ruling Prince of the Bulgars and Princess Karota of Khazaria.

 Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania b.798 AD

She married Prince David of Kharazia b.797 the son of Prince Ovadia of the Khazars b.778 and Batura IX the Queen of Ultar Sar (Hunza Valley) b.780 d.831.


 Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania b.816 AD

She married Guaram a Prince of Tao and Iberia d.882.


 Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania b.835 AD

She married Bagrat I King of Abkhazia d.894 the son of Demetirius II the King of Abkhazia.


 Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania b.860 AD

She married David I b.861 d.881 the Ruling Prince of Tao the son of Bagrat I the Ruling Prince of Iberia.


 Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania b.879 AD

She married David II the Ruling Prince of Tao d.908 AD the son of Adarnase III of Tao and Dina a Princess of Alania the daughter of Alga the Queen of Alania b.851.


Alga the Queen or Khagana of Alania b.902 AD

She married Zerah (Zellach) a Prince of the Khazars and the Governor or King Consort of Alania b.899 a son of Menumarot (Menachem) the King of Bihar and Khazaria b.874 d.906 and Princess Adiva of Wessex and Mercia (England) the 29th Fairy Queen of Avalon or Elfland b.875 d.945.

Jewish Princess Sabina (Zabina/Zebia) Judith of the Khazars and Alans of K1c1 mt-dna b.935 AD in Khazaria d.965 AD

She was the daughter of Zerah or Zellach b.899 a Prince of the Khazars and a Governor of the Alans and Queen Alga b.902 of  Alania of the maternal Alagatai clan.

 Sabina Judith married Joseph (Cuncar) the Khaghan of Khazaria r. 940-968 in Khazaria b.930 in Khazaria d.995 in Moray in Scotland. 

As I wrote elsewhere in 2015 in my article "": 

During the period of the Viking ascendancy and invasion a group of Jewish Khazar warriors also entered Scotland and Ireland in 969 AD under the leadership of their exiled King Joseph (Cuncar). His brother Prince Machir or Margad of the Khazars married a daughter of the King of Leinster in Ireland and he became known as Murchad King of Leinster and the founder of the Murchada dynasty. 

An earlier group of the  Khazars had arrived in Ireland with the Vikings under Prince Zebal (Zevulon or Cerball) and been established in Osraige where he married Dunia the daughter of the King, Dungal. In 842 on the death of his father-in-law he became the King of Osraige. His sister-in-law Land was the wife of the High King and he married her daughter Landia after the death of his first wife. His son Reuben (Riagan/ Riacan) by his first wife became King of Osraige in 888 and was succeeded by his younger half brother Diarmait or Dermot (Jeremiah) in 894. In 903 Diarmait was replaced as King by his older half brother Cellach (Zelach or Zerah) but then restored as King in 908.

King Joseph's daughter by his first wife Zabina (Zebia) married Duncan II Mormaer of Atholl and were the parents of Abbot Crinan of Dunkeld who also became the Mormaer or Earl of Atholl, like his father and grandfather before him. Crinan married the heiress to the Scottish throne Princess Bethoc the eldest daughter of King Malcolm II of Scotland. Princess Bethoc's mother Aefgifu was a daughter of the Jewish Khazar King Joseph by his second wife Frigida of Ossory. King Joseph of the Khazars was descended from Princess Adiva (Aefgifu) a daughter of King Alfred the Great of England. Though she is often said to be a daughter of King Edward the Elder rather than his sister.

Crinan's son became the king of Scots as Duncan I. Duncan I descended from Donnchadh who was an Irish King of Mide who became known to history as Donald I King of the Picts and the Scots in the second half of the 9th century. He was the father of the legendary Scottish King Gregory (Giric) the Great who is said to have ruled Ireland, Scotland and part of England. Gregory the Great is said to have reigned form 878-889. It was from Gregory the Great's brother Prince Indrechtaig that the house of Dunkeld-Atholl descends through his daughter Donna who married Eugenius the Angus in this reconstruction based on the genealogies, legends, mythology, history and dna studies...

... It would seem that after 889 the Viking assault on the British Isles intensified so that little was recorded of this period, except in legend, of British Isles history. It is recorded that in the reign of Donald II, who succeeded King Gregory (Giric the Great), that the great ravaging of Scotland by the Norse occurred around 900 AD. At the time of the arrival of the Khazars in Angus and Moray in 969 AD, the Vikings were at a time of weakness with much infighting in Scandinavia. King Joseph was killed by Malcolm II (not yet king) probably in 995 as revenge for King Joseph's daughter Fenella's betrayal of his father Kenneth II which led to his death.

The Khazar people were made up of a number of ydna groups but one of the main groups belonged to R1a-Z93 (Z2124) ydna clade (Manessehite) found among many Ashkenazi Jews, while the Khazar Royal House belonged to the Ephraimite R1a-Z283 (L176) ydna clade. It is this clan of the Royal Khazars of L176 that moved into Scandinavia and Scotland. This Royal Clan of Khazars were male-line descendants of Prince Istemi a Scandinavian-Slavic (Vanir/ Wane/ Wends) Prince of the 6th century who married into the Royal Dynasty of the Gokturks.

Istemi (or Istami) belonged to the Vanir clan of the Parata or Paradan Kingdom which in turn was a part of the Parthian Empire. It was established by Bagareva (Baburraja) the exiled Ruler of Parthia (or Patras) the capital city of the Parthians after the Roman defeat of Parthia in 117 AD. Bagareva was a grandson of Vonones II of Parthia. It is from the name Vonones that the names of Vanir, Wane and Wends have their origin as part of the Royal Parthian House of Vonones which moved from the Middle East/Central Asia to Scandinavia in the 3rd or 4th century...

...Beginning in the 10th century AD these now Khazar royals merged by intermarriage with the House of Dunkeld-Atholl of R1b-M222. The R1a-Z283 found among the MacDonald and Alexander descendants represent this Royal Khazar input into Scotland, while the R1b-M222+ found in the Alexander and MacDonald families represent the genetic descendants of the Royal House of Dunkeld-Atholl.  


Siubhan the Princess of the Khazars of Scotland b.957

She is the ancestress of K1c1b mt-dna. She married  Duncan II the Mormaer of Atholl b.949 d.988 the son of Duncan I the Mormaer of Atholl b.920 d.965 and Lady Judith (Grimhilde) of Burgundy b.922.


Lady Donna of Atholl b.980

She married Prince Artan O'Ragheallach of Breifne b.970 the son of Ragner the Gregarious (Ragheallach) the Norse Prince of Dublin and Waterford b.930 d.1014 and Altana (Aldona/ Adona) the Princess of Breifne b.949 the daughter of  King Sean Fergal O'Rourke of Connaught and Breffni b.925 d.967 and Princess Mor (Mora) of Connacht b.929 d.991.

Posted 2024

Gobekli Tepe and Timelines

As regular readers of my blog posts would know I have written about Gobekli Tepe in the past and that I date it in the period between 1350-968 BC after the Ice Age. I date the Ice age as a 120 year period between 1470-1350 BC. My dating methodology is based on an adjusted version of the Jewish Seder ha Olam dates that is influenced by the insights of Immanuel Velikovsky, Chaim Heifetz, the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta  and Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich.

I recently read an interesting paper by Anne Habermehl entitled "A creationist view of Gӧbekli Tepe: Timeline and other considerations" which she presented at the 8th International Conference on Creationism in 2018. The abstract for this paper states:

Gӧbekli Tepe is a prehistoric archaeological site in SE Turkey that has captured the attention of the world by how advanced it is for its age, an astounding 12,000 years old on the conventional timeline. This has required conventional scholars to readjust their thinking about the capabilities of ancient people because, according to their worldview, humans should not have been able to produce carved stone monuments like these that far back in time. Creationists do not find this difficult to accept because they believe that early man was a capable being, as created by God. In addition, because the creationist timeline is far shorter than the conventional one, Gӧbekli Tepe was not built as long ago as conventional scholars believe. In this paper we discuss the conventional versus biblical timelines and show the enormous telescoping of the conventional timeline in historical times that is necessary to correlate it to the two slightly variant biblical timelines (Masoretic and Septuagint). Using the end of the Neanderthals, the end of the Pleistocene, the Nile Delta formation, and Abraham’s visit to Egypt, it is proposed here that Gӧbekli Tepe was most likely founded somewhat more than one hundred years before Abraham’s visit to Egypt (Masoretic timeline) or, alternatively, around two hundred and fifty years before Abraham’s visit to Egypt (Septuagint timeline). It is postulated that geological events at the end of the Ice Age may have caused the builders of Gӧbekli Tepe to first migrate to the site, and then later abandon it.

Habermehl gives two alternative timelines based on Masoretic dates and Septuagint datings of the Bible. She mentions that the so-called Acheulean period, as proposed by the Evolutionary and Uniformitarian scientists, preceded the building of Gobekli Tepe and they give this period as beginning about 1.76 million years ago. In the MT timeline she dates this to 2250 BC and in the LXX timeline to 2570 BC which she proposes is the time of the Tower of Babel and the Birth of Peleg. I date this event to 1850 BC. 

She gives the conventional date for the death of the Neanderthals as 23,000 BC which correlates to her MT timeline as after 2100 BC and in her LXX timeline around 2200 BC. I would date this event to around 1513 BC when the world-wide famine of Joseph occurred. She then dates the building of Gobekli Tepe to the end of the Ice Age meltdowns which in the Uniformitarian datings is around 10,000 BC and in her MT is around 2040 BC and the LXX timeline as around 2170 BC. My date for this is after 1350 BC which was the time of the Exodus from Egypt. 

Habermehl however has these events occurring before Abraham whereas I have them after Abraham in the time when the Judges were ruling Israel. She also places the Nile Delta formation on her timelines which in the Uniformitarian timeline is given as 6,000 BC and the beginning of the First Dynasty as 3,000 BC. Her MT timeline gives the Nile Delta formation as occurring around 2000 BC and Abraham being in Egypt in the First Dynasty around 1920 BC. Her LXX timeline she gives the dates of just after 2100 BC for the Nile Delta Formation and again 1920 BC for the date of Abraham in Egypt in the First Dynasty.

I date the First dynasty of Egypt to the period after 1850 BC with the unification of Egypt under Narmer or Menes who reigned from 1826-1781 BC. I hold that Abraham was born in 1754 BC when Djer was reigning in Egypt from 1771-1742 BC and he visited Egypt around 1677 BC in the reign of Semerkhet. Semerkhet reigned from 1679 to 1668 BC. Whereas I hold that the Nile Delta Formation didn't occurred until around or after 1350 BC.

In my blog article entitled "Sons of Japheth and Gomer: C y-dna" I wrote:

...After the events of 1850 BC with the destruction of the Tower of Babel and the splitting of the continents the sons of Japheth moved into the northern parts of the Eurasian continents. 

The sons of Gomer settled in the far north in Europe. At that time Britain and Ireland were still connected to the continent and Gomer’s son Riphath's descendants lived in the area of Britain. Gomer’s son Ashkenaz's descendants lived in the area of north Western Europe and Gomer’s son Togarmah's descendants lived in the northern part of Eastern Europe in the period between 1850-1470 BC. 

In 1350 BC the C mutations occurred among all the sons of Gomer. Riphath was the father of Charran and some of his descendants settled in the area of Charran in Syria in the period between 1470-1350 BC. The tribes of  C1 Bartoni and C1 Ledahi may also descend from him as well as the C* Charrani of Gobekli Tepe...

In another blog post entitled "Olympic Games Origins and the North Pole Star" I wrote:

...Some scholars try to work out the date of past events with astronomical projections into the past. As Velikovsky proposed, these dates would be drastically affected due to the cataclysmic events that moved the earth and thus changed how the heavens would be observed from earth. At the present time Polaris is the North or Pole Star in the Ursa Minor constellation. 

However, around 680 BC due to close encounters with Mars the earth "jumped" ahead so that the north Pole was pointing towards Kochab heading to Polaris. However within this period in the Roman Warm period (387 BC - 540AD) the Poles were in different positions and so did not point to those stars again until after 540 AD. The north star between 968-680 BC was in the Draco constellation after having "jumped" there from Hercules constellation. The North Pole was pointed to Hercules in the period between 1350-968 BC and had "jumped" there in 1350 BC at the time of the Exodus from Egypt and the end of the 120 year Ice Age. 

It was in this period between 1350-968 BC that Gobekli Tepe was built with its carvings (on Pillar 43) telling the tale of when Venus first passed by earth and caused the devastating events of 1470 BC that began the Ice Age. The North Pole "jumped" in 1470 BC from pointing to the Cygnus constellation to the Lyra constellation (Vega) which is symbolised by a vulture or eagle with a harp. Some scientists call this the Younger Dryas Impact. 

Those who don't take into account the cataclysmic events that has caused these "jumps" as proposed by Velikovsky, date this event of 1470 BC to about 10,800 BC. This is also the period of the Pyramid Project of Ancient Egypt in the reign of Joseph as the Viceroy and Chief Architect of Egypt (r.1550-1440 BC).

In another blog post entitled "Arphaxad and the Phoenix" I wrote:

...In ancient times there were two areas known as Mesopotamia- one the area of the Middle East and the other in the Far East in the area of China. The original Mesopotamia was the area on the Pangaean earth between the two rivers of Chidekel and Parat which then later was used to refer to the land in the Middle East where the remnants of those rivers were known as the Tigris and Euphrates.

Thus, Arphaxad had at least three sons Cainan, Shelah and Chipan and his grandson-in-law was Charran. Cainan's son-in-law Charran was the ancestor of the Charranites. In 1470 BC the C mutations occurred among all the sons of Gomer. Riphath was the father of Charran and some of his descendants settled in the area of Charran in Syria in the period between 1850-1654 BC. The tribes of  C1 Bartoni and C1 Ledahi may also descend from him as well as the C* Charrani of Gobekli Tepe.

Shelah's son Heber (Eber or Ivri) was the ancestor of the Hebrews and Chipan was the father of Phaxad or Feniks ancestor of the people of Cipangu. It would seem that the tribes of Arphaxad had settlements in the Middle East in South Eastern Turkey known as the Land of Charran with its city also called Charran, Lebanon which was known as Phoenicia with its city of Byblos and in Syria the city of Ebla (which may have been originally founded by Heber)...

I also wrote this, in regards to a dna test I had, in a blog post entitled "Native American Ancestry: Uru, Surui and Karitiana":

...Some researchers believe that Gobekli Tepe in Turkey was connected to the Australian Aborigines. I figure that one branch of my ancestors came from Gobekli Tepe after 1350 BC and went down to Brazil and then when one branch headed to Australia via Antarctica then the other branch got enslaved by the American Indians (Q y-dna) and then thanks to British settlement of Australia my two branches met up and produced me. All fun aside I think it is amazing that I must descend from individuals descended from these two branches in the last 200-300 years!

 While I differ with the timeline of events and correlations with Habermehl I appreciate her efforts to discuss Gobekli Tepe from a creationist perspective and for her informative insights. I would like to see more work like this among creationists and the more diverse opinions the better which allows others to evaluate it for themselves. 

Posted 2024

Toba and Yellowstone Eruptions: Thunderbirds Are Go!


In past blogs I wrote that in 1513 BC there were cataclysmic events that caused the Toba eruption and a seven year global nuclear winter and famine. This was a man-made cataclysm between the Patriarchal ruled Black Martian or Eridu Empire and the Matriarchal White Venusian or Zedekian Amazon Empire. This lead to the near collision with earth in 1470 BC by Venus (now in its comet phase as proposed by Velikovsky) and the dropping of iced water on the Northern Hemisphere and caused the deepening of the Ice Age. I wrote:

Scientists have spoken about a massive volcanic eruption called the Toba eruption theory which using evolutionary dating methodologies they date to 75,000 years ago which caused a bottleneck in the human population which they trace back to east Africa. For those creationists that believe in a young earth and about a 6,000 year history of man, this dating method is incorrect.

Using a dating methodology based on a young earth timescale, this Toba event probably occurred around 1513 BC (in my Chronology) in the time when Joseph was the ruler in Egypt and this bottle neck occurred in ancient Egypt which is in north east Africa. This was probably the time when those humans who were of maternal Neanderthal and Denisovan lineage were mostly wiped out. Those Neanderthal in southern Europe nearer Egypt may have survived. It is mainly those humans who were in Egypt or close to Egypt or in Egyptian colonies who also stored food, that survived this event. God preserved the Israelite people by taking them into Egypt during the period between 1513 and 1350 BC.

We also hear about eruptions of Yellowstone by scientists which date the three major previous eruptions to 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago and 640,000 years ago. They also speak about minor eruptions 174,000 years ago, 70,000 years ago and 13,800 years ago. When did these events happen according to my creationist timescale?

I hold that the so-called Yellowstone hotspot was formed in the cataclysmic events of 1654 BC (rather than the 7 million years ago of the uniformitarians). I date the eruptions beginning with the Huckleberry Ridge Eruption after the events that caused the Toba eruption contrary to these evolutionary and uniformitarian dating methodologies.

1. Huckleberry Ridge Eruption in 1470 BC

2. Mesa Falls Eruption in 1350 BC.

3. Lava Creek Eruption in 968 BC.

4. West Thumb Eruption around 387 BC.

5. Most Recent Lava Flow around 540 AD.

6. Mary Bay Explosion around 1530 AD which is spoken about in a Crow American Indian legend. This legend tells of a Thunderbird taking a Crow Indian to its nest on a Mountain overlooking Yellowstone who wanted the Indian to help him overcome the giant water beast. The legends thus describes these steam events and the origin of the geysers in the Yellowstone Park. Karen Warren writes:

"...Another Crow legend concerns the creation of steam vents around Yellowstone Lake. A thunderbird snatched up an Indian and took him to a nest on Overlook Mountain (on the side of the lake), wanting help to fight a giant beast that lived in the water and came out to eat the bird’s young...The Indian heated up rocks and boiled water, then waited for the beast to climb up to the nest. As the monster approached, he poured the rocks and water into its mouth, and it fell back into the lake, steam pouring from its mouth. That was the end of the water beast, and the beginning of the steam vents around the lakeside..."

The American Indians describe these Thunderbirds as having a noise like thunder and that lighting comes forth from it beak. The Menominee Indians speak about the home of the Thunderbirds as being on a mountain to the West. This homeland is most likely near Mount Olympus in Washington State where the Hoh people also encounter the Thunderbirds. These Thunderbirds are eagle shaped aircraft or space ships and these Thunder bird people live in a hidden base or city high in the mountain and they have smaller bases in other mountains such as at Overlook Mountain at Yellowstone. 

(Told by Frank Bennett. A Hoh myth A. B. R.)

Some men were hunting on the Hoh mountains. They found a hole in the side of the mountain. They said, "This is thunderbird's home. This is a supernatural place." Whenever they walked close to the hole they approached his place. He did not want any person to come near his house. He caused ice to come out of the door of his house. Whenever people came near there, he rolled ice down the mountain side while he made the thunder noise. The ice would roll until it came to the level place where the rocks are. There it broke into a million pieces, and rattled as it rolled farther down the valley. Everyone was afraid of Thunderbird and of the thunder noise. No one would sleep near that place over night. (From: Reagan, Albert, and L.V.W. Walters, 1933, "Tales from the Hoh and Quileute", Journal of American Folklore, V. XLVI, pp. 297-346.)

It would seem that there was an advanced civilization which had air and space craft  before and after 1530 AD who were opposed by an enemy that had whale-like submarines possibly from the remnant of Cipangu in the northern Pacific Ocean.

These Thunderbirds were connected to the advanced civilization on Australia and Antarctica that ruled the Indian Ocean and the southern Pacific Ocean areas. These civilisations were destroyed between 1530-1606 AD. Did the remnant of this civilisation retreat into hidden underground cities or even to hidden bases  and cities in our solar system and beyond? The Milky Way was also know as the Thunderbird Path or Pathway and the constellation Cygnus was known by the American Indians as the Thunderbird. The Thunderbird path or Milky Way leads to the Andromeda galaxy.

It there are space craft that can travel 500 light years an hour then it would take four or five hours to reach Deneb in the Andromeda Constellation but 208-9 days to reach the Andromeda galaxy. The Whale people are connected to the constellation Cetus and the Thunder people to the Thunderbird or Cygnus constellation and the Andromeda Constellation. They may have been two factions from the same empire who fell out and were at odds with each other. 

Around 1470 BC Andromeda an Amazon Princess may have taken to the stars with settlers and settled in the area of the Cygnus or Thunderbird constellation and Cetus settled the area of the constellation Cetus with his followers. The Andromedans then moved into the Andromedan Galaxy and settled colonies there and establish a interplanetary and interstellar Empire. Cepheus a Phoenix Prince settled colonies in the constellation Cepheus and later the Cepheusians and Andromedans united against the Cletusians. 

These settlers may not have left from earth but from Mars and Venus before the cataclysmic events of 1470 BC. After the victory of the Andromedans and Cepheusian over the Cletusians the Cletusians may have fled and settled on earth in a hidden underwater city. The Andromedans may have followed them back to earth and reunited with the Amazon High-Queen on Antarctica.

This of course is highly speculative and based on certain interpretations of ancient mythology. legends, genealogies, folklore, mystical writings and historical sources through a creationist perspective. There are many jigsaw pieces that are missing or not placed yet in this perspective of world history from a creationist perspective. 

The Batak people that live near Toba Lake did not arrive until after the 1513 BC eruption and possibly they did not arrive there until after 968 BC or even later. They are mainly descended from the Black Tribes of Joktan of O y-dna. In fact they may have only arrived in this area of Toba Lake around 1350-1530 AD from the Kerguelen Plateau which was above water then and known as Java the Less. They may be the survivors of the Kingdom of Samara on Java the Less. I wrote:

"...The first Kingdom mentioned by Marco Polo in the 13th century is in the North of the Kerguelen Plateau is the Kingdom of Soucat or Locac. In this kingdom are found many riches including elephants. The Island of Kergeulen is the last remnant of Locac/ Soucat. The Island of Pentam to the south of Locac (Northern Keuguelen) is covered with scented trees. Then for a further 90 miles is the Island of Malaiur (Pentam and Malaiur are in the Central Kergeulen Plateau).

A 100 miles to the south of Pentam Island is the Island of Java the Less (the Portuguese later named Java in Indonesia and Malaya after this description in Marco Polo). Java the Less is only less in comparison to Java the Great. Marco Polo states that it is 2000 miles around it. It is in southern Kergeulen Plateau (Elan and Banzarre Banks). It is divided into 8 kingdoms ruled by 8 kings.

One of these kingdoms was Ferlec whose coastal people had converted to Islam while the inland people remained pagans and were cannibals. The next Kingdom he describes is called Basma and the people are also wild pagans and they have elephants and rhinoceroses (what he calls unicorns). They consider themselves to be subjects of Kublai Khan but are actually independent. They also have monkeys and even a trade in fake pygmies which are monkeys that are plucked and sold as pygmies according to Marco Polo. The next Kingdom is called Samara and also claims to be subject to the Great Khan and its people are wild pagans and cannibals. Polo states again that from this land the North Pole Star cannot be seen nor the constellation of Arcturus (Meistre).

The next kingdom Dragoian is also ruled by sorcerers and practice cannibal rituals. Then there is Lambri and Fansur plus two lands that Marco Polo didn't visit on the other side of the Island. Marco Polo left Lambri and headed 150 miles north to a small island inhabited by wild naked people. It is called Nercuveran. This island also has another sister island nearby where these people also live but he doesn't mention its name..."


In another blog post on Ibn Battuta I wrote:

"In past blog posts I have written about how different travelers wrote about visiting the lands near Antarctica on the Kerguelen Plateau which was still above water in many places including the southern part called Little Java or Java the Less in the Late Medieval period. I found confirmation of this in the writings of Marco Polo, Sir John Mandeville, Odoric, Benjamin of Tudela and others. A Muslim geographer Ibn Battuta of North Africa also mentions them but like they did with Marco Polo the scholars try to fit his journey and stories into south -east Asia...

...Thus Ibn Battuta traveled from Sumatra to the Kerguelen Plateau before heading north again to Port Catigara (Kailukari) where he stayed with its Queen before sailing on to China. [Port Catigara was the Port from which one left in order to travel to Catigara which was on Zealandia south of present day New Zealand.] Thus we see that in 1345 that the lands of the Kerguelen Plateau are still above the water and the climate is still warm. Thus the plunge to cold weather did not happen before 1345 and the sudden plunge somewhere between 1345 and 1530 but probably in 1530 itself. Thus the evidence given by some evolutionary climate scientists that the sudden cold plunge after a medieval warm period in Antarctica occurred around 1300 needs to be adjusted. One has to ask if perhaps Antarctica and the Kerguelen Plateau were closer to Australia before 1530 or did the cataclysmic events of 1530 shift the Poles. Before 1530 Antarctica was relatively ice free and the Ice on Antarctica was dumped there from outer space and may have been the water from the moon of Mars which had broken apart due to a cataclysm that was man-made. The Gamburtsev Range is actually part of the Moon of Mars that was deposited with the water. It would seem that it was around 1530 that the Cataclysmic event with the dumping of the water etc that Antarctica was pulled further south into its present location leaving "stretch marks" on the Ocean floor. Instead of this occurring millions of years ago and over a long period these events happened rapidly about 500 years ago..."

Posted 2024

Y-dna Phylogeny and the Sons of Noah

Basically one can see that there are 17 y-dna clans linked to Shem except that two of them G and H are actually descended from Madai of Japheth due to them living among the Shemites and thus sharing their early group mutations and Madai also married a daughter of Shem. Ten of these clans descend from Abraham (of A-T (A-PR2921) y-dna at his birth in 1754 BC and B-T ydna at the time of his death in 1579 BC) as well as the two within E y-dna. Six of the ten plus the two E clans belong to the descendants of Jacob (of B-T (BT-M42) y-dna at his birth in 1600 BC and CF (CF-P143) y-dna at his death in 1447 BC) who was called Israel.

We see basically 5 y-dna clans of Japheth with some Shem descendants among E1b1b due to them living among the Japhethites when they had certain early group mutations. There are two Hamite y-dna Clans of A and B y-dna. Today those people who belong to A1 y-dna and its various haplogroups descend from Ham's sons Miztraim (of A-T ydna at his birth and A (A x BT y-dna at his death) and Phut (of A-T ydna at his birth and A (A x BT) y-dna at his death) and those who are B y-dna and its haplogroups are descended from Canaan (A-T y-dna at his birth and B y-dna at his death) and Cush (A-T y-dna at his birth and B y-dna at his death). 

I have adjusted the link with Cataclysmic events and y-dna. At the time of the Tower of Babel in 1850 BC and the breaking up of the Pangaea the sons of Mitzraim and the sons of Phut were already separate from their brothers and living in Africa or elsewhere together.  The Cataclysmic events of 1654 BC produced the mutation for BT (M42) and the mutation for CT (M168) occurred around 1513 BC at the time of Joseph's Famine. At the time of the first encounter with Venus that caused the Ice Age in 1470 BC, occurred the CF (CF-P143) mutation and the DE (DE-M145) mutation. At the second encounter with Venus and the Exodus from Egypt, occurred the mutations for C (C-M216) y-dna and F (F-M89) as well as D (D-F974) y-dna and E (E-M96) y-dna.

The usual Evolutionist / Uniformitarian interpretation of this genetic tree is over 200,000 or more years when they place the A-T y-dna and its ancestors as the genetic Adam of modern humans. Dr Nathaniel Jeanson, a geneticist with Answers in Genesis, a creation scientist, places IJ as the descendants of Japheth and R, T and L as Shem and all the rest as Ham. While I disagree with Jeanson's identifications of the haplogroups I do think he has done an excellent job in regard to his research into American Indian C and Q y-dna which he thinks are descendants of Ham but I believe that the C y-dna American Indians are descendants of Gomer, a son of Japheth and that Q y-dna are the descendants of Ishmael, the son of Abraham. (see )

In order to understand my Chronology one could read my blog post: . My understanding of Hebrew y-dna is also important which I demonstrate in my blog post: . One should also have a knowledge of my cataclysm timeline. One should understand that the period called Pre-Cambrian from 4006-2006 BC means the two thousand year period that concludes with the Cambrian extinction event which I equate with the first stage of the Global Food in 2005 BC. I also do not necessary hold to a literalistic interpretation of the six days of creation but in accord with many Fathers of the Church I see them as possibly eras and time as we know it only occurred around 3970 BC with the Fall.

The Israelite Patriarch Levi (of BT ydna and N mt-dna at his birth) was born in 1557 BC and died in 1420 BC when Moses was a ten year old Prince of Egypt (of CF y-dna at his birth and F y-dna at his death). Levi's son Merari was BT y-dna at his birth as were his sons Mushi and Mahali. Merari's son Mushi and Dan's son or grandson Hushi or Nahushi (possibly the son of Hushim rather than identical with him) left Egypt to live among the Javanites who lived north of Egypt where they married Javani wives.

E y-dna is mainly the descendants of Javan the son of Japheth as well as two clans of Shem of the Israelites that are part of Elb1b y-dna descended from the Mushi Clan of Levi and the Hushi Clan of Dan. The E1b Levites (E1b1b-Z380 and E-L677 (V22) y-dna) were from the Clan of Merari. They had two sub-clans of the Mushi and Mahali. The Mushi were E1b and the Mahali were R1b and J2. The Gershoni Levites belonged to R1b and J2. The Kohathi were R1b, J1 and J2. The famous King Midas (Mita) of the golden touch fame was a King of the Mushi or Mushki and they became involved in the gold mining and the metal refining industry. 

When we read of the Ships of Dan in the time of the Judges, these are mostly likely the ships of the E1b-L19 Danites and are the first group of Danites in Europe. The Serpent and the Horse are the emblems of the Tribe of Dan. The E1b Danites can be called the Serpentine (Nahushi) Dani and the I2 Danites the Equine (Susi) Danites. The Nahushi Dani have three branches E-L19, E-281 and E-L618. The E1b Nahushi descend from Dan's son Hushim and the I2 Susi or Shuhami from his son or grandson Shuham. At the time of the Exodus the Nahushi were E1b1 (E-P2) and the Susi were mainly F pre IJ y-dna with a group who were F pre P y-dna ( as well as pre P* and later P2 y-dna). I2a1 and I2c were from the Susi Danites. The Danites of E1b were also called the Hushi or Hatusha (haHushi) and became known as the Hittites or Hatti in modern times. The Ramses Dynasty of Egypt belonged to the Mushi or haMushi and the Thinite Dynasty of Egypt to the Hushi (E1b) or Shuhami (I2a1).

F (xHG and IJK), F1, F2 and F3 are probably the descendants of Elam, Ashur, Lud and Aram the sons of Shem. Their descendants were driven out of the Middle East area to the south east and are in low numbers today. The G1 y-dna ancestors were the Uratu, Nagars and Hurrians and some of the Mitanni (Medes or Madai) descended from Achon (or Axon) a son of Madai of Japheth. 

Achon's son known as Ara I Kumarbi (Kumaru/ Kumara) was a grandson of Aram through his mother. Kumara may have been the name of his mother for whom he built a city named for her in Syria which is today known as Kimar. It is north of Aleppo at Jebel Seman (Simeon) and overlooks the Afrin Valley. His son was Ara II Teshub who lived in the days of Semiramis. The Achoni or Axoni may have first lived in this area of Syria before moving to the north east to the area of Urkish. Ara II Teshub was married to Halabaytu (Hebat/ Halab/ Hepat) for whom Aleppo (Halab) was named. G2 y-dna is that of the peoples of Ebla and Mari descended from Madai's son Zeelo.  H y-dna descends from Chazon and Lot the sons of Madai son of Japheth. 

H y-dna includes the clans of Chazoni (H1) and Western Loti (H2) and Eastern Loti (H3) of the Tribe of Madai. The G2a and H2 arrived together in Spain from the Middle East and were from the Ebla Empire and the Ebro river and Iberia was named for them. G2a were also known as the Sky or heaven people (Zeelo, Cielo) due to their white features and the H2 Loti or Luto were darker. The area settled by the Loti was Andalusia which was originally called Landalauts (Land of the Loti). The Ebla Zeelo group named Madrid in honour of their ancestor Madai. The Spanish expression of "De Madrid al Cielo"  originally comes from "Madai of the Zeelo."

H y-dna may have been the haplogroup of the Sumerians which split into H1 of the Chazoni of Eastern Sumeria who moved south east to India with H3 of the Eastern Loti and H1 found among the Tamil is this Sumerian ancestry. The Gypsies were a later group of H1 who moved back west and into Europe. H2 of the Western Loti who lived in Western Sumer moved into Spain and Europe. Chazon and Lot had married the dark haired and skinned daughters or granddaughters of Cush and thus were darker skinned and haired than the G y-dna of their brother Tribes who married the Shemite women who were blonde and blue eyed with milk white skin.

E1b1b-L539 (V68) y-dna is divided between the Javanite Atlanteans and Philistines of Z1902 and the Atlantean Danites of L618 and V13 and the Atlantean Levites of L677 (V22). E-V44 y-dna are also a Javanite Clan as are E1a-M132 and E1b1a-V38. E2-M75 y-dna are the descendants of Tiras son of Japheth.

The sons of Gomer (C y-dna), Javan and Tiras (haplogroup E y-dna) who were in the western area of the North Country (north western Eurasia) eventually settled in Africa and southern Europe. The sons of Tubal (D1a y-dna or now D1a1-F6251/Z27276), Meshech (D1b y-dna or now D1a2-Z3660) and Magog (D2 y-dna or now D1b-L1378) (haplogroup D) who were in the eastern section of the North Land (north eastern eurasia) moved into China, Japan and the south of Asia.  

C y-dna is descended from the sons of Gomer son of Japheth. Riphath is the ancestor of C* and C1 y-dna, Ashkenaz is the ancestor of C2c y-dna and Togarmah is the ancestor of C2a and C2b y-dna.  

J y-dna is the ancestor of some of the Israelites from the Tribes of Judah and Levi and the House of Aaron. J1 is Aaronite and J2 has clans of Judah, Levi and Aaron. Thus the animosity between Jews and Arabs (many who are J1 y-dna of the Shammai Pharisees descended from Aaron) is really animosity between the Shammai and Hillel Pharisees. While not all Jews are direct male line descendants of Jacob and Judah their community is symbolised by them and while not all Muslims are descendants of Ishmael their community is symbolised by him. In the same way not all members of the pagan Roman Empire were Edomites but it is symbolised by Edom and the Christian peoples are symbolised by Joseph and Ephraim. 

J2a1 y-dna was a haplogroup of Levites, Judahites and Kohenim. Around 420  a group of the Judahites, Levites and Kohenim of J2a1 received the PF5160 mutation and the Kohenim of J2a1 received the PF5116 mutation. The J2a1-PF4888 clade of J2a1-PF5160 are Kohenim, the J1a2-Z438 are Levite branch of J2a1-PF5160 and J2a1-F3133 are Judah. The J2a1-Z6064 are descendants of Judah. Those of J2b y-dna descend from Judah, Levi and Aaron. J2a2 are also Levites.  J2b1 are descendants of Judah. J2b2-L283 are descendants of Aaron. J2b2-Z2432 are descendants of Levi.

I (M170) y-dna is found among the descendants of the Israelite Tribes of Asher, Gad, Naphtali and Dan. As mentioned above some of Dan is also E1b1b. I1 (M253) y-dna is found among the descendants of the Tribes of Asher and Gad. I2 (M438) y-dna among the descendants of the Tribes of Naphtali and Dan. I1a1 (CTS6364 (CTS6364/Z2336) y-dna is found among the descendants of the Tribe of Asher. I1a2 (I-Z58 (S244/Z58) y-dna and I1a3 (I-Z63 (S243/Z63) y-dna is found among the descendants of the Tribe of Gad. I2a1 (P37.2) and I2c (L596) y-dna is found among the descendants of Dan. I2a2 (M346) y-dna is found among the descendants of the Tribe of Naphtali.

Q y-dna are the descendants of Ishmael and his 12 sons. Q1a1-F1096 y-dna may be the Tribes of Nebaiothi, Kedari (not to be confused with the Milesian R1b-L21 y-dna Kedari) and the Adbeeli. Q1a2b-F835/L940 y-dna may be the Tribes of Mibsami and the Mishmai. Q1a2a-L54 may be the Tribes of the Hadari, Temai, Jeturi, Naphishi and the Kedemahi or Kedemi. The Q1b-L275 y-dna (also called Q2) may be from the Tribes of the Dumahi of Q-Z19128 Y-dna (went east) and the Maasai of Q-NGQ1 y-dna (went West). 

It would seem that the first group of Ishmaelites to arrive in North America were the Q1a2a-z780 y-dna Ishmaelites around 680-690 BC when they sailed from the southern Pacific ocean to southern Mexico where they establish a Kingdom and then one group headed North who were Q1a2a-Z781 y-dna of the Temai and another group went south to South America who were Q1a2a-BY46705 y-dna Hadari around 640-600 BC. 

Around 600-580 BC another group of Ishmaelites from Siberia area moved into North America of Q1a2a-M3 y-dna. The Q1a2a- M3 M902, M194, C122507, C125006, FT425309, C100415 and M19 y-dna of the Jeturi went south to Columbia after before 550 BC and then some went north to Mexico and others south to Peru. The Q1a2a M3 Y4276 y-dna of the Naphishi and Kedemahi remained in Canada and Alaska and went to the area of the United States later. Around 470 BC another group went to Brazil of the Naphishi Ishmaelites.

Another group of Ishmaelites from the Clan of Kedar of Q-M120 y-dna came with the C2 y-dna Chinese/ East Asians around 500 BC that founded the Chavin culture in Peru. The group that remained in Peru are Q-FT9308 y-dna Kedarites and another group of Chinese or Korean sailors or soldier warriors sometime between the 10th and 15th centuries may have left some genes of Q-F4743 y-dna Kedarites in North America. They may have established in California a warrior school based on the teachings of Hwarang from the Kingdom of Silla in Korea which they introduced these teaching to the American Indians in North America. 

A group of Hwarang also established a school in Japan and Hwarang was the origin of the proto-Bushido warrior code that flowered later as Bushido among the Samurai. This is the origin of the Q-M120 y-dna found among some Japanese families. These Ishmaelite families of Q1a y-dna originally came from the male members of the Amazon ruled Kingdom of Zhou in China and Hwarang code for male warriors was adapted from the female Amazon warrior code and training.

Jewish people who belong to T haplogroup are descended originally from Edomites who converted to Judaism in second Temple times and those Jewish people who are Q y-dna are descended from Ishmaelites who converted to Judaism in first or second Temple times. The founders of Rome and the early Romans belonged originally to the T y-dna Latins of Latium. Thus Rome became associated as Edom. Today in the central Italy three percent are male line descendants of Edom.  

Esau, by his wife Oholibamah (also called Judith), had three sons Korah, Jaalam and Jeush. She was a Canaanite Hivite. From Korah would descend the Herodians (T-Z709) and Idumaeans (T-Y15711) and the original Romans or Latins (T-Z709). These early Romans were ruled by Kings who were descended from the Trojan Prince Aeneas and his grandson Romulus of Q1b y-dna. The area of Latium and Sicily has around 7 percent of Q y-dna today. They were eventually succeeded by the Tarquini Kings and thus some of the Royal Roman class were R1b U152 y-dna and the bulk of the people and the older Kings of Latium were the T1a1 descendants of Korah. The Herodian Kings of Idumaea were most likely descended from a Roman noble called Antipater descended from the Kings of Latium. The T1a1-L162 y-dna Edomites were descendants of Korah and his brothers. T1a2-L131 y-dna were descendants of Reuel and his brothers and T1a3-FGC1350 y-dna from Eliphaz and his sons. 

Among Iraqi Jews 12.5 % are T1a1-P77 and 9.4% are T1a3-Y11151. Among Kurdish Jews 10% are T1a1-P77 and 8% are T1a1-L162. Among Persian Jews 4.5% are T1a1-P77 and 9.1% are T1a3-Y11151 y-dna. Among the Mountain Jews 11.9 % are T1a1-P77. Among Yemenite Jews there is found 2.5 % T y-dna. T1a2 is found among the Lemba Tribe of Africa but this clade of T y-dna is only found among some Bulgarian and Turkish Jews. T y-dna is also found among 5% of Moroccan Jews in Israel. It is also found among 4.5% of Ethiopia Jews. It is also found among 15.7 % of Northeastern Portuguese Jews. According to the Wikipedia on T y-dna article overall only 3% of Sephardi and 2% of Ashkenazi Jews have T (M184) y-dna.

(not finished)


Swiderian, Kunda and Narva Cultures with a Creationist Chronology

 The evolutionists give dates for the cultures much too ancient and thus distort the dating of ancient dna remains. This post gives the dates for the cultures in the area of ancient Latvia and its surrounds. The Danites had sailed their ships up the Danube and had estabished a Danite centre to the West of the River. It is associated with the Linnear Pottery culture.

Swiderian Culture
Swiderian culture 900-700 BC. This is the Heloni Zebulonite culture of R1b1 y-dna and U5.

Kunda culture 700-550 BC. A group of Danites (I2a1)  from the area of France near Switzerland to the West of the Danube River and Zebulonites from northern Germany (R1b Swiderians) and Levites (R1b Sons of Moses) and U5 (Bear Clan), U4 (Elk Clan) and U2 mt-dna (Serpent Clan) that moved to the Balkans. U mt-dna around 968 BC occurred among the descendants of Ursa the Princess of Kush who married the King of Atlantean Gatherius in Spain.

U5 mt-dna around 850 BC occurred among the descendants of Princess Dova the daughter of Princess Eglah daughter of Ursa and King David of Israel.  Dova was also the ancestress of U1 mt-dna.  Her aunt Adina was the ancestress of U6 mt-dna.

 More Than Just Zvejnieki: An Overview of Latvian Stone Age Burials |  European Journal of Archaeology | Cambridge Core

Both U4 and U2 mt-dna descend from Princess Nesha the daughter of King David and Princess Eglah and she was a sister of Dova. Nesha was married to Sven a Chief among the Heloni Clan of Zebulon. Her daughter Eglah of the Heloni b.872 BC is the ancestress of U2 mt-dna and her other daughter Atla is the ancestress of U4 mt-dna.

Narva culture 550- 400 BC is the successor of the Kunda which then inter-reacted with the Corded Ware Culture of the Israelites moving into Europe after the Assyrian Exile.

Princess Eglah b.872 BC had four daughters Turka (U2a), Kyra (U2b), Volga (U2c'd) and Eura (U2e).  They were Princesses of the Kingdom of Alashiya on Cyprus and their brother Nikkmaddu or Nikmed was the King of Ugarit. Princess Volga had at least two daughters Inda (U2c) and Balga (U2d). The four daughters of Atla are Kara (U4a), Drava (U4b), Ira (U4c) and Saba (U4d). They were Princesses of Urartu.

Alashiya had colonies in Southern Italy and this area was named Elishah or it may have been the reverse that Aliyasha on Cyprus was a colony of the mother land in Southern Italy. 


Some R1b DF27 Families of the Tribe of Simeon

 Below is a chart based on dna research into Jewish families of today who belong to R1b DF27 y-dna, which I hold is a dna signature of the Tribe of Simeon. This does not mean the Patriarch Simeon and his children and grandchildren were DF27. I hold that this signature occurred as a group mutation among the Tribe of Simeon around 400 BC in their New Homeland in Europe in the area of the Pyrenees between north eastern Spain and south eastern France. 
These Simeonites were Israelites not Jewish, but later when many Jews were expelled to Spain some of them married Jewish woman and converted to Judaism. Thus we see that some of these Israelite Simeonites became paganised then some converted to Judaism or had children with Jewish women and became Jewish Simeonites. Then these Jewish families of Simeonites had many members convert to Christianity and become either Gentile Simeonites (Spanish) or crypto-Jewish Catholics. Some of these Jewish Simeonites belong to families of Sefardi tradition and some to Ashkenazi tradition.
The Jewish sub-Clade of FGC20761 has members who are both Sefardi and Ashkenazi and thus some of them after the expulsion from Spain in 1492 moved into Ashkenazi areas and assimilated to that tradition. The Z19656 y-dna group's descendants are today of Ashkenazi tradition, as are the A5376 y-dna descendants.

Below is the same chart with my creationist-based timeline for y-dna added. This chronology is based on all y-dna haplogroups descending from Noah and his three sons after the Flood. It is said that the Celtic Tribes of DF27 (the Simeonites who were also known as the Semnones or Senones), who entered Spain (Iberia) before the Milesians (R-L21), were made up of 27 clans or Tribes. 

The dna identifications here follow that of the Spencer Dna Tracker website. R-FGC78762 was a Jewish branch of Simeon who went to North America (Calalus) in Arthurian times or earlier and were known as the Sonora or Senna after they left North America and at least one male, Ol the Rhadan, the Dalak (Kalad) or Chief Judge of Rhoda and Calalus (875-932), was the ancestor of ZZ19 in which one branch became the later Catholic O'Neill Kings (Z37492) and another branch remained Jewish (FGC78763). They branch off in the 11th century. The FTT1 on the chart is called Z46512 on the Big Tree.

The chart below is one I did for a past blog post which is linked below it.


R1b U152 y-dna and the Four Clans of the Tribe of Reuben


The Tribe of Reuben had four clans descended from Reuben's four sons Hezron, Pallu, Karmi and Hanok. The descendants of these sons had the U152/S28 y-dna marker which was a group mutation that occurred among them universally around 430 BC to separate them from the Tribe of Simeon. Those descended from Reuben and Simeon received the ZZ11 y-dna group marker around 460 BC. The Reubenites were taken to the south by the Assyrians and became known as the Pasargadae, Persae, Mardi and Germani.

From Hezron came the L2 y-dna Clan of the Hezronites who are also known as the Trojan Reubenites who moved south firstly to the Rhine Valley and then to the Seine Valley. This clan had gone into the north of Europe along the waterways and built the City of Troy in Scandinavia (an alternative opinion). They were also associated with the Sicambrians and the Franks. The L2 y-dna marker was a group mutation that occurred among the U152 y-dna Reubenites of France around 400 BC. The group mutations of A517 y-dna, BY3550 y-dna and FGC43778 y-dna may all descend from Hezron and were Trojan colonies in the British Isles and the North. One branch of L2 merchants went south with the Hanokite Traders of Z56 y-dna to Australia and settled there and went with the Hanokite group to Russia after 1530. In the 5th century BC (Alternative Chronology) Herodotus refers to them as the Persae in ancient Iran. In France they were known as the Parisii.

From Pallu descended the Palluites of Z193 y-dna  also known as the American Rhodans but later after the fall of Calalus they sailed back to the Mediterranean and Europe. They left Israel at the time of the united Kingdom of David and Solomon on the ships of Tharshish for the Americas. They received the Z193 y-dna marker or mutation in America around 400 BC. The Pallui Rhodans were both in Calalus and Aquitaine in France and many of the Pallui Rhodans (Patayan Lordship) of Calalus resettled in Europe in the 10th century. Herodotus refers to them as the Pasargadae of ancient Iran. They are also associated with Poitou and Poitiers in France where they settled in Arthurian times.

The north eastern Reubenites belonged to the Clan of Karmi of ZZ45 y-dna and they went to Europe via the Russian Steppes with many of the other Israelites and were known as the European Kelts. The group markers associated with ZZ45 y-dna occurred around 400 BC in the Russian Steppes. Today there are also many ZZ45 y-dna Karmites in Switzerland and Southern Germany. Herodotus refers to them as the Germanii who in his time lived in Carmania on the Indian Ocean.

The south eastern Reubenites of the Clan of the Hanok of Z56 y-dna went south and settled in Rhodan Chabor in the centre of Australia around the great inland sea. The group mutations associated with Z56 y-dna occurred around 400 BC in Australia. After 400 BC the group mutations in humans seemed to cease and only occur mainly in individuals. After the cataclysmic events of 1530 AD in the southern hemisphere the Hanokites of Australia moved from Chabor to southern Arabia and then north into Russia where remnants of them are found among the Bashkirs and other groups. Today many of the Hanokites are found in Italy. Herodotus refers to them as the Mardi of the Middle East in the 5th century BC.

The four Clans of the Reubenites maintained contact and participated in the great merchant and trade routes connected with the Rhadanites. The Palluites had their great merchant city Rhoda in Arizona, the Hanokites had their centre in the great city on the edge of the Rhadud (Shallow) Sea in Australia and the Rhone Valley of France, the Keltic Reubenites of the Karmites had their centres in the Rhine and Danube Valleys and the Hezronites had their centre in the Seine Valley. Today many of the French belong to U152 y-dna. 

Clovis the first Catholic King or Emperor of the Frankish Empire

However I believe God has not finished sifting and identifying the Tribes. After the coming chastisement and cataclysmic events that will occur in the next few years a leader will arise who will order the ingathering of all into their new tribal areas based on these dna markers. Already God has gathered most of the four Clans of Reuben into the region of France and Western Europe. Clovis the first anointed King of the Frankish Empire was maternally a Reubenite descended from the Trojan Kings of the Hezroni Clan of Reuben but paternally belonged to the U106 y-dna Davidic Clan descended from the eldest son of King Josiah of Judah. 

The Habsburgs of Austria also descend from the Hezroni Clan of Reuben. The Habsburg ancestor may have been Duke Gaeltramn of Dijon who was possibly a nephew of Chilperic I a grandson of Clovis and Princess Galswintha of the Visigoths (who was strangled after the birth of her son by her husband's former mistress). Gaeltramn was possibly a son of the King of the Lombards. 

The Plantagenet Dynasty of England descend from the Tribe of Reuben. They do not however descend from L2 (Hezroni) or Z56 (Hanokites) but possibly of a branch of the Pallui (but not the Z192 branch) or Karmi (but not the Z36 branch). However, it more likely they descend from the Palluite Clan. In America they were known as the Paiute and the so-called Southern Paiute were conquered by the Numa Indians in the 10th century and the men were massacred and they married the women. When the Spanish Europeans later around 1776 encountered the Southern Paiute they noticed that some of them had thick beards and European features like the Spanish. 

The Capetian or Bourbon Kings of France descend from a marriage between a Rhadanite Princess of the Hanoki Clan of Reuben and a Davidic Prince of the House of Johannan son of King Josiah of Judah (of R1b U106 Z381 y-dna). 

The Empire of Clovis when divided into four parts became Austrasia, Neustria, Aquitaine/ Gascony and Burgundy/ Provence. Austrasia is the inheritance of the Karmi, Neustria is the inheritance of the Hezroni, Aquitaine/ Gascony of the Pallui and Burgundy/Provence of  the Hanoki.

From a slide lecture of Pastor Eli James who believes in the French and German identity of the Tribe of Reuben. Sadly he has also bought into the anti-Catholic rhetoric of the British Israel movement.

Note: "...Some people have wondered how I came to my dating and conclusions about the age of dna haplogroups. I have mentioned that I do not believe there is a constant rate of mutations over recorded history. The problem with many algorithms used to date haplogroups is they take either an evolutionary molecular clock method or one based on the present germ-line rate of mutations. Neither methodologies are correct but the germ-line approach is closer to the truth than the evolutionary molecular clock approach.

I have mentioned in my writings that drastic climate change, whether caused naturally or artificially, increases the rate of mutations, as well as the effects of radiation. I have stated that during the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age the mutation rate became more rapid. It would seem that my conclusions were confirmed by a scientific study published in 2015 that climate change increased the mutation rate in a study by John H. Wilson with the Department of Molecular and Human Genetics at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston in Texas.  Paul Hamaker reported that:
 "...Wilson and colleagues found that extremes of heat, extremes of cold, oxygen deprivation, and oxidative stress all produce higher rates of mutation in the regions of human DNA that are most prone to mutation. Climate stresses have a unique pathway to produce mutations that involve the stimulation of DNA rereplication. The researchers found that limiting the availability of replication origin-licensing factor CDT1 reduced the rate of mutation...."

...I have also proposed that in the past before 400 BC there would seem to be group mutations caused by cataclysmic events in the world's past. Instead of just one person mutating, the events caused all those of the same haplogroup living in the same environment to mutate in the same manner. Thus instead of assuming that a certain single chief passed on the mutation, the chief and his whole tribe mutated in the same manner and passed on the mutation. Of course those who share the same mutation would eventually be able to trace back to a common ancestor even though that ancestor may not have had that mutation and nor did his descendants for many generations before it occurred across his numerous descendants in one locale who passed it to their descendants while his descendants in a different locale may not have mutated or may have mutated differently."  

A Jewish sub-Kingdom in Medieval Scotland: DF105 y-dna


Tribe of Ephraim Migrations: R1a Z283

The majority of the Tribe of Ephraim belongs to the Z283 y-dna clans of R1a which entered Europe as three different groups. The clan of Beredi of Z280 y-dna are associated with the name Rus which may come from the Hebrew word Rosh for Head or Prince. Beredi is their original clan name which developed into Peradi, Parada, Parata, Barata, Paratan or Parthia and Parthian. They left Paradan where they had established a kingdom after their defeat by the Romans and then Sassanids in the area of Pakistan and Afghanistan and they moved north through Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan into the area that would be named Russia after their leader the Rosh or Ruling Prince. Some legends refer to their leader as Perdun. These Z280 y-dna Ephraimites are known also as the Balto-Slavic peoples. The emblem of Rus is the Parthian Bear. They are also called the Red Slavs due to their complexion and dirty blonde hair.

Legendary Slavonic or Parthian three brothers Rus (Z280), Lech (M458) and Czech (Z284) of R1a Z283 y-dna.

The Royal House descended from King Vonones I of Parthia took the name of Vononi which became Von, Vend, Wend, Vanir etc (Sla-voni means people of Vonones) . They were lead by a legendary leader  who some called Cechy or Czech as well as Velus, Volo or Vologases. They left Parada or Paratan to escape the Sassanids and moved into Azerbaijan (Albania) and then Kazakhstan and some of them became Khazar Rulers and they later entered Europe in the area known as Czechia as the Z284 y-dna clan of Ephraim. Some of them then moved north into Scandinavia and then to Scotland. The MacDonalds descend from this Jewish Khazar branch of the Tribe of Ephraim. They were known as the Black Slavs due to their darker complexion and hair.

Another group of Ephraimites are the so-called Proto-Slavs of Central and Western Europe of M458 y-dna. They were originally called the Erani clan as they left Europe from the Persian Empire where they had left their name Eran in the form Iran. They are most likely the first of the three clans to enter Europe after the fall of the Parthian Empire. They represent the Ephraimite Parthians who remained in the lands of Media (Mitanni) and Persia (Iran) during the time of the Parthian Empire whereas the Z280 and Z284 Parthians were those who had established the Indo-Parthian kingdom. The Indo-Parthians were those who came from the regions of the Indian Ocean and the secret Parthian capital City called Parthia or Ophir (now underwater in the Perth Canyon). 

 The leader of the Erani Proto-Slavs was called Lech and is considered to be the founder of Poland and represented by the white eagle. They were known as the White Slavs due to their fair skin and blonde hair. The name Lech probably meant milk white, Cech meant black and Rus meant red in the original Parthian language of the Slavs. 

The three brothers who led the three clans may have been the three sons of Vologases VI of Parthia - Vologases (Vachagan/ Cechy) the Black Cat, Oroes (Rus) the Red Bear and Artabanus (Lech) the White Eagle. However they may represent the three sons of Vologases V - Vologases VI (associated with Caucasian Albania), Artabanus V (associated with Media) and Oroes II (associated with Caucasian Iberia). These three brothers may have been known as the ones that gathered them into the areas of Iberia, Media and Albania rather than to Europe. However it may have been their sons or grandsons that then led their clans into Europe. 

 It would seem that these three names were retained by the leaders of these three clans in modified form - Volo or Velus among the Czechs, Ban or Pan among the Poles and Croats and Rus or Rosh or Rhos among the Russians for their traditional ruling clan who were also known as Dvor (from the Hebrew word Dov for Bear). The so-called Varangians or Radbards took the name Rus when they replaced and intermarried with the reigning nobility clan of the Ruthenian peoples. 

The original Rurik belonged to R1b L21 y-dna but the Rurikids mostly do not descend from him on a male line. They descend from Igor (who has been confused with Rurik's son Ingwar). Though a maternal line Rurikid, he belonged to N1c1 y-dna on his paternal lineage. Thus the R1b L21 and N1cl nobles of Russia are from the original Varangian group but the original Rus descended from Oroes of Parthia and Iberia or his brothers may be found among those Rurikids who are R1a1 such as the Volkonsky, Szuyski, Droutskoy-Sokolinsky (Drucki), Belosselsky-Belozersky and Bariatynsky and Obolensky. 

However, due to the evolutionary molecular clocks used to evaluate y-dna, those studying the results often come to false conclusions about the relatedness of those who share a major haplogroup. It would seem that the Obolensky, Volkonsky and Baryatinski are all descended from  the clan of Cechy (Vologases) and not Oroes (Rus) and the Szuyski and Drucki belong to the clan of Oroes (Rus) as do the Belosselsky-Belozersky. 

While these are the Slavic clans they belong to, that does not mean they descend from the original Parthian Royal House. It is interesting that both the Drucki and King Willem-Alexander of Holland descend from the CTS3402 branch of R1a Z280 y-dna. This is most likely the Parthian Royal House that the three brothers belong to. It is possible that R1a Y33 is the Royal House of Lech (Artabanus), R1a Y2613 is the Royal House of Rus (Oroes) and R1a YP237 is the Royal House of Cechy (Vologases). 

The Volo of Albania (Satoy) with the Ban of Media (Arshak) and the Oroes of Iberia (Oroes Saumag) fled to the north into the Russian steppes before the advance of the Roman soldiers of the Emperor Julian in 363. The still pagan Slavs took this opportunity to get away from growing Sasanid control and Christian missionary pressure. They moved north and then west due to the Huns appearing in the east. The Iberians became known as the Sclavoni, the Albanians the Veneti and the Medians the Antes.

Besides these three clans of Ephraim of Parthian origin there are other clans descended from Ephraim such as the ones that were involved in Joseph's interstellar project (they were like most of the Israelites of that time IJK y-dna), whose descendants are known as SRY1532.2* or YP4141 (R1a2). The group that settled in Canaan when the others were enslaved in Egypt descendants were of YP1272 y-dna. YP1051 are the descendants of an Ephraimite clan that did not take part in the Exodus but may have been present in the Egyptian colonies in Europe. 

It is thus Russia and Poland and the other Slavic nations that are the Commonwealth of Nations mentioned in the Bible in regard to Jacob's prophecy for his grandson Ephraim. It would seem the birthright blessing passed to Ephraim's grandson Beredi and thus to the Russian people today who are the birthright nation. Biblical prophecy speaks of a day in the future in which the envy of Ephraim (Russia and the Slavic nations) against Judah (the Jews and the British) will come to an end and they will unite in unity. 

In the future God through the Great Monarch may establish three Slavic Kingdoms in Europe according to some Catholic prophecies- the Kingdom of Russia for those of mainly R1a Z280 y-dna, the Kingdom of Poland or Lechia for those mainly of R1a Z284 y-dna and the Kingdom of Czechia or the Southern Slavs for those mainly of R1a M458. Will the Poles invite the Dutch Prince Claus-Casimir of the Netherlands who is a Royal descendant of Artabanus Lech of R1a Z280 Y33 y-dna to be their new king as King Casimir V? 

I have speculated that Prince Christian Valdemar could be the future Czar Vladimir III of Russia- is it possible that on his y-dna line that he belongs to R1a Z280 Y2613?  Does Prince Peter of Serbia's family descend from Cechy of R1a Z280 YP237 and could he be the monarch of a Southern Slavic Kingdom as Peter III? Or possibly a younger member of his family.

The Tahanite clan of Ephraim were also known as the Sarmatians and the Thyssagetae (Teutons / Tahuni). The Massagetae were from the R1a- Z93 of the Tribe of Manasseh. The Issedones were the I1 clan of Asher. The Getae was the I1 clan of Gad and the Neuri the I2 clan of Naphtali. The Sacae were the R1b DF19 clans of Issachar. The Parithi (Beredi), Arii (Erani) and Bactri (Bekeri) were the R1b Z283 clans of Ephraim. Among the Bactri were found the R2a clans of Benjamin. Benjamin is also found among the R1a S2857 of the Dorians of R1a-L664. The Ephraimite Dorians were R1a S3479 y-dna and the Dorian Western Manassehites were R1a-S2894 y-dna.

The Sagaritii are the R1b-L238 Zebulonites. The Germanii, Mardi and Persae are the R1b-U152 y-dna Tribes of Reuben. The Pasargadae may have been also a Reubenite clan with the Royal House descending from Ephraim. The Jyrcae may have been a the clan of Jahleel of Zebulon (R1b-DF99). The Agathysri or Asrieli are the R1a- Z93 branch of Manasseh that became R1a Z2124 y-dna and the ancestors of the core of the Khazar population but with a Royal House from the Tribe of Ephraim. 

The Hyrcanii were a clan of the Levites (R1b and J2). And the Gandarii were from the House of Aaron (R1b and J1). The Armenians along with the Hyrcanii and Gandarii were those Judahites, Levites and Priests taken into Exile at the time of the Assyrian exiles from both R1b and J haplogroups. The Geloni are the Gileadites of the Tribe of Manasseh of R1a who had fair skin, blue-eyes and red hair.

 These Israelite Tribes threw off Assyrian rule around 485 BC and Assyria fell about 15 years later in 470 BC (Alternative Chronology - 612 BC in Accepted Chronology of Academia). It was around this time with the rise of the Babylonians / Chatti that the IJ clans of Israel known as the Samartians became their journey into Europe and the R1b Israelites moved into their former lands.


Note some of my identification have changed and the text has been corrected but the maps have the older identifications.

Migrations of R1a Z93 ydna of Eastern Manasseh and O ydna of Joktan

King Osee (Hosea/ the Yellow Emperor) the last King of Israel or Samaria fled with his blonde and red headed warrior horsemen of Manasseh into the East beyond the reach of the Assyrians. The warrior horsemen eventually headed north and established the Kingdom of Xiongnu (the bearded men of Zion). This branch of Eastern Manasseh of R1a M417 y-dna became R1a Z93 y-dna. They established a great Empire led by the Chanyu (Warrior Horseman King). 
From this Siberian/Chinese homeland some clans of Z93 Manasseh (not Z94) moved West across the steppes of Russia and Poland and reached Britain and others went south to Pakistan. They followed a religion they called Tore or Toru (law) which was a mix of the Israelite religion with Shamanism. They were known as the Turks or Toruk as followers of the Toru. The Tengri (Blue Sky God) was seen to be embodied in the Chanyu who protected the Amazon or Zhou Queen (Wang) who was seen as the embodiment of Eje or Kozara the Mother Earth Goddess. 
In recent years archeologists have found the tombs and mummies of the ruling class of the Xiongnu in North Western China but of course using evolutionary methodologies they date the remains much too early. Dna tests on the remains demonstrate they are R1a ydna. The mummy of the red headed Loulan Beauty may be Queen Kushi (the wife of King Hosea of Israel) herself. The period of Xiongnu history before 200 BC is what archeologists called the Andronovo Culture.

 A R1b Z93 y-dna branch of Manasseh also moved into the area of what would be called Khazaria in the North between the Black and Caspain Seas. This is what archeologists call the Sintashta Culture which they date much too early but was actually in the period between 550-350 BC.

It would also seem that a contingent of the Ishmaelites also went to China with Osee and the Tribe of Manasseh and the Ishmaelite Tribes would intermarry there in their Chinese/Siberian Exile. This group of Ishmael was of Q1a ydna and Prince Shu Yu of Ishmael was the ancestor of the Jin dynasty and the Xianbei. 
The Q that remained in the Middle East was of Ishmaelite Q1b ydna of whom some would establish a Ishmaelite Kingdom in Afghanistan after 460 BC. Thus there was a Siberian Q1a Ishmaelite Kingdom to the north east of the Manassehite Xiongnu and some of the Ishmaelites crossed to America. From Prince Ame of Joktan the brother of Queen Kushi would descend the Xiahou family and the Emperors of Cao Wei and the Takamuko Clan of Japan of  O1b ydna. 
Thus we see that the lost descendants of Abraham and Heber were found in the far East as well as the far West. They lost their original identities becoming known as the Xiongnu (R1a Manasseh), Wei (O2 Joktanites), Han (O3 Joktanites) and the Xianbei and the Ishmaelites became the Jin (Q1a), and Xionites (O2 (M122) Joktanites). Their Israelite queenly line and Tribe of Zhou or Amzhou was of H mt-dna.

One group of R1a Z94 moved from Western Xiongnu towards Russia while another group moved south to the area of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. From there Z94 split into two groups one heading through Iran to Eastern Turkey (Anatolia) and the other going South to Sundaland (Indonesia) and northern Australia where they established a kingdom or Empire known as Mani or Manzi. 
To the South of Mani was the Reubenite or Rhadanite Kingdom in central Australia called Chabor on the shores of the Shallow Sea (Yam Rodud) and to the East of Mani was the southern white Gadite Kingdom. The Tribes of Joktan were divided into white-skinned Joktanites in Japan and the bronze-skinned Joktanites in China and the dark-skinned and Bronze skinned Joktanites in south east Asia. The white skinned Joktanites over time became darker due to intermarriage with black women. The same can be said of O2 (M122) of the Chinese Empire.

A group of Z94 y-dna known as Z2124 moved either from South western Xiongnu or from the Turkmenistan/Uzbekistan settlement towards Iran and Turkey (most likely the original Ottoman or Orguz Turks whose later Sultans belong to Z93 L657 ydna) and as Ottomans into Eastern Europe and other places. One group of Z2124 moved south into northern India as part of the Mugal Empire of India in the 15th century.  They were joined in India by the L657 branch of Z94 who had settled in northern Australia and Sundaland (Indonesia) though some of this branch may have come to India earlier in the time of the Emperors of the Three Indias in the Middle Ages (Y2351 clan of L657).  
Rajadhiraja Chola II (Jadaron Bagratuni/ Jatavarman) was the first Prester John and Christian Emperor of the Three Indies in the 12th century. At this time a contingent of the Mani went to the court of the Emperor led by Kaya or Kayi a son of Hanki or Hanok III King of the Rubani and Overlord of Greater Java (of R1a L657 y-dna). Prince Kayi went north to the territory of the Orguz Turks where he became a Muslim and married a Princess of the Orguz Turks called Temura the daughter of Prince Kizil Bughe. Kayi and Temura were the great grandparents of Prince Atman or Atouman of the Orguz Turks. Atman became known as Osman or Othman the first Sultan of the Ottoman Turks.

Another group of L657 y-dna Manassehites (Y4 of L657) left Australia around 1530 AD with the R1b- U152 y-dna Reubenites via Arabia, the Persian Gulf, Iran and Afghanistan and Kazakhstan region. This was led by King Joseph of the Rubani, Mani and Gadi and his brother Prince David Rubani (who firstly went to Europe and escaped from the Inquisition prison in Spain to rejoin his people who were at this time in Arabia near the Persian Gulf before heading north east to Afghanistan and Russia). 
The Rubani belonged to U152 ydna, the Mani to R1a L657 ydna and the southern Gadi to I1 ydna. The Royal House was R1a Z2124 ydna since the time of Dodi (David/Dewi) I whose father was a Jewish King or Prince of Telmas in the Indian Ocean. Some of the L657 from India also moved north to join their brothers in Kazakhstan area and some moved further West into China to Xinjiang (Y30 branch of L657). 

Many today of Z93 ydna of Eastern Manasseh are Muslim but after they are converted to the Catholic Faith through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima they will be restored to their fellow Manassehites and Israelite status. Some of course are Jewish such as the Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu and the Ashenkazi Levite Clan from among the Jewish people descended from Z2124 ydna haplogroup of R1a Z93. We await the ingrafting of the Jewish people in the Catholic Church through the intercession of St Joseph and Our Lady of Zion. Many others are Christians. Eventually they all will be reunited in one flock under one Shepherd (Pope) united with a Davidic Prince (the Great Monarch) as promised in Ezekiel 37.

Note: The interpretation of genetics and history in this post is based on a reconstruction that accepts that all humans today descend from Noah and his family who lived no more than 5,000 years ago who were descended from Adam and Eve who lived no more than 8,000 years ago. Thus all theories based on evolutionary ideas of modern man being 200,000 are considered mere storytelling based on evolutionary myth and fantasy. This distortion of evidence is wreaking havoc on the evidence of written and legendary histories of the nations. 
Thus, the Irish tales of the Milesians coming from Spain and Egypt, which occurred around 300 BC, are dismissed but the same pattern is said to have happened thousands of years before. The movements of Tribes across the Russia steppes are ignored for the same journey set thousands of years earlier. My chronology is based on Velikovsky and the traditional Jewish chronology which I have adjusted by 40 years so that the destruction of the First Temple was in 460 BC (which is 586 BC in the modern chronology proposed by Academia and accepted unfortunately by Velikovsky and 422 BC in the Jewish chronology).

 The Lineage of the Royal House of the Tribe of Eastern Manasseh of Israel of R1a Z93 ydna

Hosea (Osee/ Huangdi/ Hauxie/ Sasanoo) Last King of Israel (Samaria) Tribe of Manasseh (b.630 BC)
Houji or Changyi Father of the first Chanyu of Xiongnu (590 BC - )
son of Hosea (Osee/ Huangdi/ Hauxie/ Sasanoo) Last King of Israel (Samaria) Tribe of Manasseh
Touman Chanyu (King) of Xiongnu (559 BC - )
son of Houji or Changyi Father of the first Chanyu of Xiongnu
Modu (Moadun) Chanyu (King) of Xiongnu (540 BC - )
son of Touman Chanyu (King) of Xiongnu
Laoshang Jiyu Chanyu (King) of Xiongnu (523 BC - )
son of Modu (Moadun) Chanyu (King) of Xiongnu
Prince Duyai of Xiongnu (500 BC - )
son of Laoshang Jiyu Chanyu (King) of Xiongnu
Chedihou King (Chanyu) of Xiongnu (479 BC - )
son of Prince Duyai of Xiongnu
Hulugu King (Chanyu) of Xiongnu (460 BC - )
son of Chedihou King (Chanyu) of Xiongnu
Huandi King (Chanyu) of Xiongnu (435 BC - )
Hyuilui-Juankui King (Chanyu) of Xiongnu (412 BC - )
Uyan-Guidi King of Xiongnu (390 BC - )
son of Hyuilui-Juankui King (Chanyu) of Xiongnu
Bey/Bi King of Xiongnu aka Huhanye, Hūhánxié / hu-han-hsieh, Hu, Han-Sie/Hanxie (369 BC - )
son of Uyan-Guidi King of Xiongnu
Chupu-NoTi King of Xiongnu (345 BC - )
son of Bey/Bi King of Xiongnu aka Huhanye, hūhánxié / hu-han-hsieh, Hu, Han-Sie/Hanxie
I-Fa Wu Yu-Ti King of Xiongnu (322 BC - )
son of Chupu-NoTi King of Xiongnu
Shtongsi SuyGhuTi King of Xiongnu Lord the Mani (303 BC - )
son of I-Fa Wu Yu-Ti King of Xiongnu
Kuchi QilinTi King of Xiongnu (275 BC - )
son of Shtongsi SuyGhuTi King of Xiongnu Lord the Mani
Ghushi Shisu Quti King of Xiongnu Lord of the Mani (249 BC - )
son of Kuchi QilinTi King of Xiongnu
Iltu UluTi King of Xiongnu (225 BC - )
son of Ghushi Shisu Quti King of Xiongnu Lord of the Mani
Tuntuhe Siuan (Tang) King of Xiongnu (190 BC - )
son of Iltu UluTi King of Xiongnu
Anguo of Qin and Xiongnu Chanyu (King of Xiongnu) (162 BC - 131 BC)
son of Tuntuhe Siuan (Tang) King of Xiongnu
Zhuangxiang King of Qin Lord Jiren (141 BC - 107 BC)
son of Anguo of Qin and Xiongnu Chanyu (King of Xiongnu)
Qin Shi Huang King of Qin and Emperor of China aka Zhao Zheng (119 BC - 70 BC)
son of Zhuangxiang King of Qin Lord Jiren
Prince Fusu of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu Son of the Qin Emperor of China (100 BC - 70 BC)
son of Qin Shi Huang King of Qin and Emperor of China aka Zhao Zheng
Kia (Kiya) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (75 BC - )
son of Prince Fusu of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu Son of the Qin Emperor of China
Tengriqut King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (42 BC  - )
son of Kia (Kiya) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Tumen TENGRIQUT King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu ( - 35 AD)
son of Tengriqut King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Batur Tengriqut (Mag-Tun Khan) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu ( - 55 AD)
son of Tumen TENGRIQUT King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Kokkhan King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu ( - 73 AD)
son of Batur Tengriqut (Mag-Tun Khan) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
El'chishye (I-Chih-Hsieh) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (60 - 99)
son of Kokkhan King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Qutighu (Chu Ti Hou) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (83 - 133)
son of El'chishye (I-Chih-Hsieh) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Hulugu King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (105 - 166)
son of Qutighu (Chu Ti Hou) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Shuluy Qanghuy (Hsu-Lu-Ch'uan-Ch'u) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (129 - 185)
son of Hulugu King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Khukhenye I (Hu Han Yeh) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (152 - 195)
son of Shuluy Qanghuy (Hsu-Lu-Ch'uan-Ch'u) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Wu Chu Liu Jo Ti (Uchilonoti ) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (175 - 233)
son of Khukhenye I (Hu Han Yeh) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Khukhenye II King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (201 - 264)
son of Wu Chu Liu Jo Ti (Uchilonoti ) King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Prince Liu of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (226 - 282)
son of Khukhenye II King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Shi Chu Hou Ti Khan of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (250 - 310)
son of Prince Liu of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Shi Chu Tsu Khan of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (278 - 333)
son of Shi Chu Hou Ti Khan of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Shih Chu Chiu of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (300 - 352)
son of Shi Chu Tsu Khan of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Qanquy King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu (328 - 375)
son of Shih Chu Chiu of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Liu Tsugu Chief of the Mani Turks (365 - 398)
son of Qanquy King of the Mani Huns of Xiongnu
Tusugu Mongsun of the Mani Turks (390 - 435)
son of Liu Tsugu Chief of the Mani Turks
Ichichini Shihtu of the Mani Turks (425 - 470)
son of Tusugu Mongsun of the Mani Turks
Hsien Khan of the Turks (469 - 495)
son of Ichichini Shihtu of the Mani Turks
Mengen Khagan of the Turks (489 - 555)
son of Hsien Khan of the Turks
Tayehu Khagan of the Turks (525 - 563)
Togrul (Tong) Khagan of the Turks (559 - 628)
son of Tayehu Khagan of the Turks
Irbis Khagan of the Turks (583 - 633)
son of Togrul (Tong) Khagan of the Turks
Torak Han Khagan of the Turks (600 - 656)
son of Irbis Khagan of the Turks
Ay Kutlug Khagan of the Turks (622 - 685)
son of Torak Han Khagan of the Turks
Qimin Tur Khagan of the Turks (648 - 724)
son of Ay Kutlug Khagan of the Turks
Prince Yasak of the Turks (690 - 768)
son of Qimin Tur Khagan of the Turks
Tur Temur Khagan of the Turks (721 - 790)
son of Prince Yasak of the Turks
Kara Khan Prince of Mani of the Khazars (765 - 820)
son of Tur Temur Khagan of the Turks
Sungur Prince of Mani of the Khazars (815 - 868)
son of Kara Khan Prince of Mani of the Khazars
Bulgay Prince of Mani of the Khazars (860 - 906)
son of Sungur Prince of Mani of the Khazars
Turac Ortuk Prince of Oghuz Turks and Khazars (885 - 947)
Bulshi Khan of the Oghuz Turks (909 - 974)
son of Turac Ortuk Prince of Oghuz Turks
Ancestor of Osman (Atman/ Atouman/ Othman) the First Sultan of the Ottoman Turks

The L21 Y-dna Clans of the Royal House of Nathan

R1b L21 y-dna represents the Royal Davidic House of Nathan and R1b DF21 Y-dna is descended from R1b L21 and represents the descendant of Nathan the brother of St Joseph of Arimathea also known as Nascien and Tasciovanus the early British King. This clade of DF21 was the largest subclade of L21 in the first Christian millennium. It spread from Britain to Ireland in the 2nd or 3rd centuries AD and then dominated in Ireland. It had twenty eight early sub-clades also including one in Spain, one in the Rhineland of Germany, one in Normandy. DF21 Sons of Nathan is even today the largest subclade of L21 y-dna in England and the second largest in Ireland. It is also found in two early branches in the area of Cornwall and Devon and its represents those of this branch of the Exilarch Davidic family who were the Lords of the Mines in Britain. Today about 15.9 % of L21 is DF21. Thus, over 10 million men are DF21.


R1b Z253 y-dna are the sons of Ir one of the Milesian brothers who arrived in Ireland and Britain after 300 BC. Z253 branched 27 times during the early centuries BC. While the descendants of his brothers Heremon and Heber dominated Ireland before the arrival of DF21 sons of Nathan the sons of Ir became a widespread sub-clade and was the most common on the Continent of Europe and in southern Britain in this early period. It today is the second-largest sub-clade in England and the third in Ireland. It has some diverse branches in the Devon and Cornwall area and thus was probably linked or allied with the Mining Lords of Britain. They may have remained as sailors in their ships involved in the early trading ventures as early branches are found across Britain and around the Atlantic in France, Germany and Spain. It was very early found in Ireland and Scotland and at least half a dozen branches are Irish. Today about 11.9 % of L21 is Z253. Thus, about 7.5 million men are Z253. The Royal House of O'Brien descended from Brian Boru descends from the L226 branch of Z253. George Washington the first President of the USA belonged to the Z2185 ydna branch of this group a brother clade to L226 ydna men. There is also a Jewish branch of this haplogroup of BY13693.

R1b Z251 y-dna branch of L21 descends from King Arthur's Jewish son Amr who was the King of Kent and Calalus in the 6th century. It had 15 early branches, mostly English but with descendants in Scotland, Portugal, Germany and even Poland and Mexico. Its S9294 branch of the 7th century is that of the descendants of Machir the Jewish King of Narbonne. Its connection to Cornwall is due to its Arthurian origin. Today about 5.5% of L21 is Z251. Thus about 3.5 million men are Z251. There is an Ashkenazi Jewish Clade of this that is

DF41 y-dna of L21 are the sons of Hoel Mawr the Duke of Brittany and grandson of Aedan King of Dal Riata in Scotland. After the 9th century it formed 15 branches across Western Europe from Germany to Spain. Two of these branches are found in the area of Cornwall and Devon. A subclade A40 went back to Scotland, while the Royal House of Stuart, which came from Brittany to Scotland in Medieval times, expanded quickly from there. Today about 4.6% of L21 is DF41. Thus about 2.9 million men are DF41.

DF49 y-dna clade of L21 are the descendants of St Joseph of Arimathea as are Z251 and DF41. In the early Christian centuries these sons of Zerah the Adon Glas (Lord of the Golus) the Judeo-Christian Exilarch of southern Britain branched out 23 times. It became widespread across the British Isles, with branches in Normandy and Poitou in France and in Spain. It is found in widely separated branches in Cornwall and Devon demonstrating its early origin in southern Britain. One of its major clades is M222 y-dna which
originally developed in North America in its bottle neck phase due to most of its members being wiped out by the native Americans around the 9th century and after. Its surviving Royals escaped to Scotland and M222 after the 10th century branched out from Scotland and in the second Christian millennium became dominant in the northern half of Ireland. The Royal House of Dunkeld-Atholl belonged to M222 y-dna. Today about 15% of L21 is DF49. Thus, over 9 million people are DF49.

FGC11134 y-dna clade of L21 are the descendants of the Heber Kings of Ireland. It had eight early branches, in France and Portugal as well as the British Isles. Most of its development occurred later in Ireland along with DF49 after the 3rd century. Today about 9.9% of L21 is FGC11134. Thus over 6 million men are FGC11134.

DF63 y-dna of L21 descends from the early branch of the Milesian Kings that doesn't come from DF13. It is the branch that went into Western Europe and descends from King Barbe who married Princess Silva of the DF13 branch of the Milesian Kings of the line of Brude. It had six early branches that spread into Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands and Germany. It is also found in Cornwall and Scotland, where it is known as the 'Lennox Cluster' of Z16506. Today about 2.9% of L21 is DF63. Thus about 1.8 million men are DF63.

FGC5494 y-dna of L21 is an early branch of the Milesians from Alban the son of King Brude. It early branched into at least 14 branches and is today found across the British Isles as well as in Germany, France and Iberia. It was found early in Cornwall too. Today about 2.9% of L21 is FGC5494. Thus about 1.9 million men are FGC5494. The Reginarid Noble House belongs to the R-A913 ydna branch of this lineage.

S1051 y-dna clade of L21 is the sons of Yair the Judeo-Christian Nasi of Munster in Ireland descended from Nathan the Red a grandson of St Joseph of Arimthea who became the Judeo-Christian Exilarch of Ireland and Lochlann. It had early branches in Spain and Denmark as well across the British Isles and was also found in Cornwall. Today about 1.1% of L21 is S1051. Thus about 700 thousand men are S1051. There is a Sefardi Jewish Clade of this haplogroup of
R-Y125246 clade.

L513 y-dna of L21 is the brother clade to Ir and Heber clans. It is the Heremon Clan of northern Ireland and western Scotland and expanded during the Roman Warm period. It had at least 27 branches in this period with several in Scotland. Its most populous clade L193 spread sometime after the 7th century. Today about 9.1 % of L21 is L513. Thus about 5.7 million men are L513. Clan Drummond and Clan Mackenzie belong to this lineage. There are also a Turkish Jewish Clan of this haplogroup of
R-FTC87474 y-dna clade.

L1335 y-dna of L21 is the descendants of Domnall Brecc the King of Dal Riata and the MacAlpin Kings. At the time of the rise of the House of Dunkeld-Atholl this MacAlpin lineage almost died out but has since then revived and is today about 7.4% of L21. Thus about 4.6 million men are L1335. Clan Gregor also descend from this lineage as does Clan Chattan, Clan Campbell, Clan MacLaren and Clan Buchanan.

Z255 y-dna is also of the sons of Ir of a brother clade to Z253.  They both belong to ZZ10_1. It would seem to be an Irish branch of ZZ10_1. Today about 4.7% of L21 is Z255. Thus about 3 million men are Z255.

Reference: The percentages come from Joe Flood's "
The phylogenealogy of R-L21: four and a half millennia of expansion and redistribution." Flood's interpretation is based on evolutionary dating of genetics and cultures whereas mine is based on a Creationist perspective. He dates the Beaker Folk culture origins to 2,500 BC whereas I date it to about 300 BC. Today over 60 million people are L21 y-dna. Over 20 million in Europe and over 40 million outside Europe especially in the areas of North America, Australia and New Zealand.

I notice on Richard Morill's "New Geography" blog that the area of New Hampshire is 96% R1b and 50% is English R1b so probably mostly L21. This is the most British state in America. Vermont would seem to be almost as much British with 93% R1b and 50% English R1b.

This is the location of the descendants of the Davidic House of Nathan in the 19th century in Europe.



New Understanding of the Davidic Milesian R1b L21 of the House of Nathan


Recently I have been reflecting on the latest y-dna charts of R1b L21 to which R1b M222 belongs and the Davidic genealogies which I have been researching and studying for nearly 40 years. Different studies led me to the conclusion that Joseph of Arimathea or his son may have been the founder as well as ancestor of M222 rather than High King Niall of the Nine Hostages of Ireland. However as further research has progressed I then began think that the original idea that M222 began with Niall or his father or grandfather to be closer to the truth. In this theory Niall's ancestor Nuadh or Nathan (Nahori) the Fisher Lord of Glastonbury (b.115 AD d. 171 AD) the son of Rabbi Meir that M222 seems to originate. His son went to Ireland and was known as Mar Eoghan (Ugaine Mor/Johannan/Angus Og) King of Munster and was the founder of the Irish M222 clan and was the ancestor of Niall of the Nine Hostages. The Southern English branch of M222 came from Nuadh's sons who remained in Britain. However, with further research and dna results I came to see M222 was not connected to Niall of the Nine Hostages at all which I have written about elsewhere. While Niall and the Kings of the Mide and the Atholl-Dunkeld Kings of Scotland descend from the DF49 y-dna haplogroup it is only the Atholl-Dunkeld Kings that belong to M222. Though it is possible that Niall may not belong to DF49 at all and that the genealogy may need to be adjusted. Niall's great-grandfather Ros Ruadhri may have been a maternal nephew of Eochaidh the Prince of Dal Riata rather than a son. This Ros may have been a King of Ulster and a Milesian of the House of Ir Kings of ZZ10 y-dna.

These Jewish and Jewish Christian descendants of the House of David were known as the Nessiim and Exilarchs (Rosh Golus or Gulectic) but were later remembered as Kings as they had a political-religious function. The first British historian Gildas wrote that in the 5th century after the end of Roman rule in Britain the practice of the anointing of kings occurred. Many of the early British kings were referred to with the name of Gulectic or Wledig which comes from the Jewish word Galuta or Golus for exile. In English we say Exilarch for the Hebrew Rosh Galuta or Rosh Golus. This is also the orgin of the name of Glastonbury or the Isle of Glas (Golus). Nennius refers to the Overlord of the British as the Gulectic. Thus these Judeo-Christian Exilarchs drew on the ceremonial of the Davidic King of the Bible with that practiced by the Babylonian Exilarchs in developing a unique Christian ceremony of the Anointing of Kings. Legends speaks of the French king Clovis receiving anointing in 493 and Adomnan writes of St Columba anointing King Aedan in 574. These Davidic Nessiim were honoured as possessing a special grace or gift of rulership by Jews, Christians and Muslims. The Rosh Golus or Exilarch was selected from among the leading Nassiim or Princes of the Davidic lineage so an Exilarch held a higher position than a Nasi.

St Joseph of Arimathea is the ancestor of R1b L21 DF13 Z39589 y-dna. St Joseph of Arimathea is also the ancestor of those who descend from M222 but he belongs to R1b L21 which is the y-dna of the Davidic House of Nathan. St Joseph of Arimathea was the British Jewish Christian Nasi or Exilarch (Rosh Golus) at Glastonbury in Somerset. Niall is a male line descendant of Joseph's great grandson Zerah (Adon Glas) the Lord of Glastonbury (the Glas or Golus Isle) the son of Nathan the Red (Nectan Ruadh/Nuadh Nect) who lived from 30 -90 AD who is recorded as an Irish High King (Ard Ri) but was in reality the Jewish Christian Nasi or Exilarch known as a Rosh Golus (Head of the Exile) or Dayag Adon (Fisher Lord) of Ireland (Erani/ Hibernia). It is thus likely that R1b L21 DF13 DF49 (ancestral or upstream of M222) began with Zerah Adon Glas of what would one day be southern England (south-west Britain). DF 23 may be the branch of L21 descended from Rabbi Meir (Meir Duach/Raibh Dearg) the Dagda (Dayag Adon/Fisher Lord) [b.99 d.162] and famous Rabbi related to Nero. He was not the grandson of Nero as told in Jewish legend but it was his great grandmother Julia Nero that belonged to the same Nero family as the Emperor Nero.

The Royal House of Stuart are also descendants of St Joseph of Arimathea. Through the Dukes and Lords of Brittany the Stuarts trace back to Gabhran the Ruler of Dal Riata and all Britain and Brittany through his great-grandson Hoel Mawr Duke of Brittany. Gabhran or Gadeon was the son of a Jewish British Prince Huna Mar (Cunomor) who became a Babylonian Exilarch in the 6th century. Gabhran's great-grandson Hoel Mawr (son of Eochaidh Buidhe King of Dal Riata the son of King Aedan) was the founder of R1b L21 DF13 CTS658/DF41. All the later Babylonian Exilarchs descend from Huna Mar through Gabhran's brother the famous King Arthur Mor who was King at first of the Pennines and Goddodin before becoming the great British King Emperor. 

DF 21 haplogroup are most likely the descendants of St Joseph of Arimathea's brother Nathan ben Eli (Nascien/ Tenaufan/ Tasciovanus) King of the Regnoi and Catevaullani. He is the R1b L21 DF13 DF21 ancestor from whom King Caradoc of Britain b.78 descends and through him descends a long line of British Kings and Princes of Lud (Leudonia or Lothian) until Padarn of the Red Robe b.363 the father of Cunedda Wledig King of the North. Cunedda's grandson Enion Yrth King of the North was the father of Cadwallon Lawhir King of Gwynedd in North Wales in the 5th century. From Cadwallon descended Rhun Hir and his son Beli ap Rhun Hir. Beli's son was Prince Hoel of Gwynedd whose son was Judcael ap Hoel the Duke or King of Brittany the father of Alain II Hir of Brittany. Alain II Hir's descendant was Morvan King of Brittany b.785 whose son was Wiomark the Count de Leon and the de Leon family was the ancestor of Roger de Leone whose descendants were the Lyon Lords of Glamis in Scotland. The Lyon family belongs to the DF25 branch of DF21 of L21 y-dna. The DF21 clan is associated with the Damnoni of Scotland, the Dumnonii of Cornwall and the Domnones of Ireland.

King Aedan of Dal Riata and High King of Britain's grandson Domnall or Donald Brecc King of Dalriata is most likely the ancestor of R1b L21 L1335 ydna. Through Aedan's son King Eochaidh Buidhe of the Dal Riata Scots descends King Alpin of the Picts the father of Kenneth I Mac Alpin King of Scots and Picts. The MacKinnon and Buchanan Clan founders descend from the two sons of Constantine III (Kyan/ Kinnon) King of Scots (Alba) Anselan O Kyan and Findanus MacKinnon. The Welsh branch of L371 of R1b L21 may descend from King Aedan's son Arthur who was also a King of Gwent as well as a Dal Riatan Prince. This Dal Riatan Arthur and King Arthur Mor have been confused in the legendary tales of King Arthur.

Arthur Mor's son Amr (Mordred/ Nowy) was probably the founder of R1b L21 DF13 S470/Z251. It is from King Arthur Mor through his grandson Mar Ithiel (Ida of Bernicia) of S11556 that the later Babylonian Exilarchs and the Jewish Kings of Septimania in France descend on the direct male line. The Danish Royal House of Oldenburgh descends from him via the Exilarch family that went to Barcelona in the 10th century (of FGC11986). The Norman Kings of England descend from Machir Theodoric the Jewish King of Narbonne through his eldest son Mar Menachem (of Z18092) who was also known as Hernaut and Harald who married the Danish heiress Hilda. These lines also trace back to Nathan the Red of Ireland through his other son Mar Phares of Caledonia who was the first Jewish Christian Nasi or Exilarch (Guleta/ Guletic) of Scotland (Scotti/ Caledonia/ Alba).  The Carolingian Kings and Charlemagne are also direct male line descendants of Mar Phares via Angus (Anlach/ St Brychan/ Banlach/ Ban) King of Breicheiniog in Wales the brother of Huna Mar and father of Lancelot. The Welf or Guelf family of Queen Victoria also descends from the Jewish Exilarchic family in Barcelona in the 10th century.  Both the House of Oldenburgh and the House of Welf-Este descend from Mar Barzilay of Barcelona on the direct male line. The Spanish Kings of Castile, Aragon and Leon descend from Machir Theodoric the Jewish King of Narbonne through the Counts of Burgundy from his eldest son Mar Menachem (Harald Hildetonn/ Hernaut de Gironde).The Carolingian Kings may be of the Z16500 branch of R1b L21 ydna. The Anglo-Saxon Kings of Kent and Wessex descend from Athelbert King of Kent (d.616) of FGC13899 a grandson of King Arthur Mor. Z16943 descends from another grandson of Arthur Mor who is possibly the ancestor of the House of Savoy. Many of the Welsh kings and princes descend from King Arthur Mor's son Beli (or Cunobelin) who was a King of Calalus after his brother Amr (Mordred). From Beli's son Iago (Jacob) King of Gwynedd came the Gwynedd Welsh Kings and from them branch off R1b L21 L371.

Z16246 comes from the DF 63 branch of Milesian R1b L21 ydna haplogroup. They are a Milesian male line group. It is likely that DF63 are maternal descendants of Breoghan or Brennius who led the combined Gaelic and Celtic forces against the Greeks in the Balkans around 280 BC. It would seem that DF63, from which Z16246 descends, is from a son-in-law of Breoghan (Brennius) who remained in Europe as the leader of a contingent of Milesians that allied with the European Kelts while the other Milesians invaded Ireland and Britain. This was Barbe or Barbetruc a Milesian Prince descended on the direct male line from Allot the Milesian King who descends from Nathaniel of Jerusalem.

FGC11134 haplogroup of R1b L21 is the branch of the Milesians descended from Heber who invaded Ireland with Heremon and settled in the south of Ireland. DF1/L513 is most likely the haplogroup of the Milesians descended from Heremon who invaded Ireland with Heber. ZZ10 is most likely the clan of Ir of the Milesians. The socalled Dalcassians (R1b L21 ZZ10 L226) are probably descended from Conmac the son of Fergus MacRoy King of Ulster who has been confused with Cormac Cas the son of Oiliol Olum the King of Munster in the Irish genealogies. Conmac and Fergus descend from Olum Fodla and Ir.  

FGC5494 may be the descendants of the Beredi or Breoghanites who settled in Britain when the others invaded Ireland. S1026 may be the marker for those descended from Rafael V Exilarch of the Scotti. S1051 are those descended from Yair the Nasi or Rosh Galuta of Munster and his grandson Conn the King of Munster.


Taprobane and Gaelic Origins: A People on the Move

In the past I had believed that the Gaelic peoples had left Egypt via North Africa (Libya) and sailed from there to conquer Spain. However rereading the original account in the Lebor Gabala Erenn they tell of a different journey on their way to Spain.  This account  tells of the Milesian Gaels leaving 4th century Egypt via the Red Sea and the south. However some of the Royal House (Godoli) may have stayed in Egypt and Libya until the 3rd century when they also left, under the leadership of Princess Tia (Tamar X Guardian of the Stone of Jacob) the daughter of Pharaoh Ramses X (340-296 BC) of Egypt (Kemet), to join the rest of the Milesian Gaels (Habiru) in Spain via North Africa and the Mediterranean Sea. In Spain Princess Tia married her relative the Milesian warrior-king Bile. The Gaels belonged to the Davidic House of Nathan.

In the Milesian Gaelic accounts the earlier group left Egypt under the leadership of the brothers Prince Nilius (Noah) the Milesian or Miletian (Mil or Milesius) and Prince Ercha via the Red Sea (Indian Ocean or Erythrean Sea) for Taprobane (called by the Gaels Deprofane). Taprobane was close to the original Gaelic homeland in Kedar (South-West Western Australia and the now sunken area of the Naturaliste Plateau) which they had left for Tehama and Egypt in the 7th- 6th centuries BC. Nilius was married to Pharaoh Ramses III (Nectanebo I)'s daughter Isnet (called Asenath/ Osnat by the Hebrews and Scota by the Milesians). In the Gaelic accounts the Pharaoh is called Nectenibus.

On their legendary journey to the North the Gaels (of R1b L21 ydna) had to go past India (which meant the area of Australasia (Third India) and Indonesia (the Second India) and Aissia (Asia or China) and Scythia (Russian Siberia) until they reached the Northern Sea (Arctic Ocean) and then on the northern Atlantic Ocean until they reached the area of ancient Scandinavia (then a separate island). They went on a trip northward and then probably around Greenland before heading back towards Scandinavia and the White Sea. They sailed down through the marshy waterway that separated Scandinavia from Europe in to the Baltic Sea (Aegean) past Thrace (Tracia or Finland and Norway) on the north and with Germania (Poland and Germany) on the south side.  

After heading northward past Sweden (Gothia) in the Baltic Sea, they landed in Denmark (Dacia) where they stayed for a short while. They then headed into the North Atlantic Sea known as the Sea of Helle or the Hellespont Sea in the northern parts and the Sea of Toirrion (Torrian) in the southern parts. They sailed to an Island in the Atlantic called Tenedho (possibly the sunken lands of Lochlann) before reaching Central America (Crete). Central America or Crete (Atullia) was also a separate island from North and South America. They then left Central America via the Scilly Isles (then one bigger Island) and past  southern Britain and France to Spain where they settled for a number of years before they conquered Britain and Ireland in the 2nd century BC

They had settled in Taprobane (Deprofane) for a time before being driven out by either the Rubani of Australia or the Parthians of R1a Z283 ydna. They then moved to Scythia (Russia) where they settled for a time (driven out by the Ephraimite R1a Z283 Scythians or Slavs) before moving to Scandinavia where they also settled for a time. The Milesian Gaels were then driven out of Scandinavia by the Nordic Israelites of I1 ydna before moving on to Central America where they also settled for a time. They were then driven out of Central America by the Rubani or Rhodan R1b U152 and Frisians (Zebulonites). They then conquered northern Spain from the Frisians (R1b U106 ydna) and their brothers the Lombards (R1b U106) and the Rubani Celts (R1b U152)

The great journey of the Milesian Gaels from Egypt to Spain via Taprobane probably took nearly thirty years. They (Habiru) left Egypt (except for the Royal House of the Godoli) in the reign of Ramses VI (Nectanebo II) around 330 BC and they arrived in Spain around 310-300 BC. The Lebor Gabala Erenn states clearly that they left Egypt for Taprobane after Alexander the Great was in Egypt. He was in Egypt from 332-1. There is a legend that Alexander the Great was the biological son of Nectanebo II with Queen Olympias of Macedonia. He was visiting Macedonia as a Prince of Egypt when he was about 19 years old. If this is so then Alexander the Great would share with Ramses III (Nechtanebo I) the haplogroup of E1b1a. After 295 BC the Royal Princesses and the Godoli left Egypt and joined them in Spain taking the Stone of Jacob with them. The Habiru's longest stay on their journey to Spain was in Scythian Russia where they traveled the waterways and rivers in their ships. 

At this time the weather was warmer as the Arctic Ocean (Northern Sea) was navigable and Siberia (Scythia) was also much warmer and fertile. In about 535-40 AD this warm period ended with the return of the Ice and Snow caused by the asteroids that hit northern Australia.  This also brought the Arthurian Age to an end. The next warm period occurred later in the Middle Ages before ending in the 14th century in the northern Hemisphere with the Little Ice Age. However it is possible (taking into account tree ring evidence can be faulty as one tree ring does not always represent one year but due to certain weather events there can be more than one ring for a year) that the warm period lasted until about 1530 when the cataclysmic events hit the Southern Hemisphere. In fact there is historical evidence that the Greenland Norse culture ended suddenly in the early 16th century. Scholars state that beginning in 1530 the weather in Britain became much more severe for the next 30 years and was the reason glass in windows became so popular. The cataclysmic events may have unfolded between 1520-1535 allowing for the removal of peoples from the southern part of the Indian Ocean into Australia and South East Asia. In England in 1527-8 enormous amounts of rain fell more than in 1257-8 when other cataclysmic events in the Southern Hemisphere (on Lombok Island in Indonesia) affected the weather in the northern Hemisphere.

The Milesian ancestors were the Davidic House of Nathan who in the 9th century BC left Northern Israel for Kedar in south western Western Australia which was part of an Egypto-Phoenician-Israelite Colony. Some of them (Militia of Nathan) returned to the Middle East in 690 BC where they sailed up the rivers of Russia (Scythia) and fought in the Trojan War in Scandinavia (Tracia) and they later established a colony at Miletus and others around the Black Sea. They also established a colony in Libya/ western Egypt around 520 BC in the reign of Pharaoh Siamun (Solomon) Aramatleko of Kush (Nubia)(r.526-506) under the leadership of Shoshenk (Elmadam) Prince of the Ma (Mu/ Meshwesh/ Kedari/ Libyans/ Milesians/ Tehenu) the son of Her the Ruling Prince of Kedar and Mu. They also settled on the ancient lands of the Indian Ocean and later the remnant from Kedar moved to Aram-Tehama (Madagascar but much larger small continent) the homeland of St. Joseph of Arimathea. At this time there was a waterway from Mozambique via Lake Nyasa, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria and the Nile that the Milesians sailed to Egypt from the their colony on Aram-Tehama.

In order to understand the Gaelic description of their journey one needs to know that the Red Sea (Muir Ruaidh) was the Indian Ocean, the Muir nIndeeda referred to the Pacific Ocean, the Muir Immechtrach to the Northern or Arctic Ocean, Mara Caisp is the Laptev Sea, Western Ocean (ocian siar) is the Atlantic Ocean, the Muir Luis (Libyan Sea) the White Sea, Mara Poinut is the Barents Sea, Muir Egeta (Aegean) is the Baltic Sea, Muir nElispoiantidha (Hellespont) is the North Sea, Muir Toirrian siar is the western Saragasso Sea. The Black Sea (Cimmerian Sea) of the Milesians is the modern Kara Sea. The Promontory of the Riphi Mountain in the north may have been Svalbard Island or maybe somewhere further in the hidden north. It was in Scythian Siberia (Cimmeria) on the coasts of the Kara Sea that the Milesians settled for a number of years. The modern Black Sea is called Karadeniz in Turkish and the Milesians called it Euxine Sea (Hospitable Sea) where the Miletians also established colonies. The Gaelic accounts refer mainly to the northern Kara or Black Sea and Scythia in Siberia rather than the southern Black or Euxine Sea and European Scythia.

The Lebor Gabala Erenn describes the journey from Egypt to Spain (Iberia) that the Milesians took in the 4th Century BC: 

" Thereafter they came upon the Indian Ocean. They sailed to Trapobane Island and they stayed there a month. Then they went around past India (Australia, Zealandia and South East Asia) and Aissia (China) and then around Scythia Clochaigi (Siberia) outward on the Pacific Ocean northward until they reached the Arctic Ocean to the estuary of the Laptev Sea...Thereafter they sailed...upon the Ocean westerly until they reached the White Sea and Choronis and upon the surface of the Barents Sea; and they sailed past the promontory of the Riphi Mountain northward. There it is that Caicher said to them "Inill aro, ni anfem de" which means "we have no rest till we reach the noble island Hereo". Thereafter they sailed towards Cend for a year upon the Atlantic Ocean until they reached the Meotachta Waterway (marshes) in the north (between the White Sea and Gulf of Finland) then going past Germania (Germany and Poland) alongside Tracia (Finland and Norway) until they reached Dacia (Denmark). They stayed for a month in Dacia which is northward from the Baltic Sea past Gothia (Sweden), then upon the North Sea (Hellespont) to the Island of Tenedho (Lochlann), then westward upon the Saragasso Sea until Central America (Crete). Then back via Sicil (the Scilly Island) to Belguint (southern Britain) and Breguint (France) to the Pillars of Hercules facing Gatian (Galicia) on the third corner of Spain."
Some ancient sources speak of three columns of Hercules and the Lebor Gabala Erenn speaks of these columns or pillars of Hercules in the context of a three-cornered Spain. One of the pillars was at Gilbraltar, another probably under the sea on land now fallen under the Ocean and the third the Tower of Hercules in Brigantia in north eastern Spain near Coruna (it is possible that original pillar or tower of Hercules was also further out on land now fallen under the Sea). The Toirrian Sea was the one beyond the Tower (Torre) of Hercules and is today called the Saragossa Sea plus the Sea near Ireland . Atlantis is at the bottom of this Sea. 

In a past blog I speculated that the Egyptus with its Nile river may have been in Northern Scotland now under the Sea in the time of the Battle of Troy and Homer. However studying the Gaelic legends another possibility is that another Egyptus was in fact in Eastern Siberia and that the modern Lena River is the remnant of this new Nile River named for Nilius the Milesian (Miletian) hero.   

The original Eygptus was a King and Kingdom on Mars, with the return of the descendants of Martian colonists the area in northern Scotland was named Egyptus and the Greeks renamed Kemet (Kumat) as Egyptus and its River Iteru or H'pi as the Neilos (Nile). The Milesians after leaving Egypt in the 4th Century BC named the area of Scythian Siberia near the Laptev (Caisp) Sea as Egyptus and its River the Lena they called the Nile. Before the Ice Age hit in around 540 AD this area of Siberia was warmer and fertile with a huge River System that later became blocked by the Ice and this area had been formerly populated by huge mammoths. 

Gaelic legend tells of the Habiru Amazon Queen Cessair a granddaughter of Nilius (Noah) who left Scythian Egyptus via the Laptev Sea (Caisp), through the Kara (Black or Cimmerian Sea) and then into the Atlantic Ocean or Toirrian Sea. It would seem she and her followers arrived at the Pyrenees and entered Spain over them to join the other Habiru Milesians already settled in Spain. The Milesians settled for a time near the Gulf of Ob  and sailed down the Ob River to trade. This area was known as Cimmeria as it was adjacent to the Cimmerian Sea (Kara or Black Sea). The amazing journey of the Milesians demonstrates the flow of the oceanic currents that circled the globe in the period of the 4th -2nd centuries BC when the map of the world looked somewhat different to today and the seas were lower than today.Today the bulk of the people of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland are the descendants on the male line from these intrepid warriors and sailors.

Location of the descendants of Davidic House of Nathan or Milesians in Europe today

From the branch of the Militia of Nathan that settled in Jerusalem and re-embraced Judaism in the reign of Josiah descended the Babylonian Exilarchs and in the 2nd century BC one of these Exilarchs called Joseph established a mining settlement in Britain among the Cymru branch of the Milesians in Somerset. His son Isaac married a daughter of one of the Irish Milesians from whom descended St Joseph of Arimathea whose father Mar Chunya Eleazar (Eli) of Babylon and Mara became a Jewish Exilarch of Aram-Tehama among communities of Milesians who had reembraced Judaism. The descendants of Mar St. Joseph of Arimathea who became the Jewish Christain Exilarch (Rosh Galuta) of Britain belong to R1b M222+ branch of the Kedarite/ Milesian House of Nathan of R1b L21. R1b L21 is found also in Spain, Scandanavia and Western Europe in smaller numbers than the British Isles as well among certain Eastern European Ashkenazi Jewish families. 

Testing of ancient remains in the Basque country of Spain at La Hoya demonstrates that the Milesian female lineages belong mainly to H1, H3, J1c and U5 mt-dna. However U5 comes from inter-mixture with the women who were already in Spain from the Atlantean settlers. J1c most likely became part of the Milesian population from their time in Siberian Scythia where they interacted with the Lost Tribes who were in Exile there and where J1c first occurred among the R1a y-dna Manassehites, the N y-dna Nahorites and the Q y-dna Edomites. J1c mt-dna was also brought into Europe by the movements of these tribes when they moved West as well as that brought by the Milesians around 300 BC. The modernists date the settlement at La Hoya from the 15th century BC till 300 BC. I would however date it from around 300 BC until around 500 AD. The settlement being destroyed sometime after the Romans left Spain in 472.

The epic journey of the Milesians in Red after 330 BC and the blue their earlier journey from Kedar in Western Australia to Libya and Egypt through the waterways of Africa.

Ashkenazi Jewish J1c and J1b mt-dna

In a 2013 study of Ashkenazi Jewish maternal dna entitled "A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages" by Marta D Costa et al, it states that J mt-dna comprises 7% of the Ashkenazi control-region database. Around 72% of these can be assigned to J1c mt-dna and 19% belong to J1b1a1 the mt-dna of my father. 
The study concludes that about 90% of the Ashkenazi J lineages have a European origin, with 7% (J1b and J2b) that are less clearly associated with that origin. The researchers state that many have a probable western and central European source, eventhough (like H mt-dna) it is most common among eastern Ashkenazi Jews. The four main Ashkenazi J subclades are J1b1a1, J1c5, J1c7a1a and J1c7d. The Study also concludes that this demonstrates a strong pattern of Mediterranean as well as western and central European lineages enclosing eastern European Ashkenazi Jewish ones.

However, I do not agree with those conclusions of this study which are based on an evolutionary understanding of genetics and haplogroups. When one adjusts the haplogroups to a Biblical timescale one comes to different conclusions. Thus J1c is an Israelite maternal dna and all those who are J1c5 or J1c7, whether they are Jewish today or not, descend from Jewish maternal ancestors. In fact, I hold that J mt-dna haplogroup occurred about 400 BC among the Israelite woman of the exiled Israelite Tribe of Naphtali in the Middle East region. Some of these women then intermarried with the Xiongnu men of the exiled Tribe of Manasseh (R1a Z93 y-dna) and around the 1st century BC J1b and J1c mt-dna occurred among the women descended from the Jewish branch of the Xiongnu known as the Jodi-Xiongnu.

Thus all J1b and J1c women are not just descended from Israelite women but from Jewish women (those who practiced Judaism). However, today only a minority of their descendants are still Jewish as many of them assimilated into the non-Jewish cultures that they lived amongst.

figure 10
Estimated contributions of European mtDNA lineages to the Ashkenazi mtDNA pool shown by major haplogroup.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Zohar Prologue 247-260: The Shabbat Queen

Prologue: Verse 247

פִּקּוּדָא אַרְבֵּיסַר, לְנַטְרָא יוֹמָא דְשַׁבַּתָּא, דְּאִיהוּ יוֹמָא דְנַיְיחָא מִכָּל עוֹבָדֵי בְּרֵאשִׁית. הָכָא כְּלִילָן תְּרֵין פִּקּוּדִין, חַד נָטוֹרָא דְּיוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת. וְחַד לְקַשְׁרָא הַהוּא יוֹמָא בְּקִדּוּשֵׁיהּ. לְנַטְרָא יוֹמָא דְּשַׁבַּתָּא, כְּמָא דְּאַדְכַּרְנָא וְאַתְעַרְנָא עֲלַיְיהוּ, דְּאִיהוּ יוֹמָא דְנַיְיחָא לְעָלְמִין, וְכָל עֲבִידָן בֵּיהּ אִשְׁתַּכְלְלוּ וְאִתְעֲבִידוּ, עַד דְּאִתְקַדַּשׁ יוֹמָא.

The fourteenth precept - to observe the day (yoma) of the Shabbat, which is a day (yoma) of rest for Kol (All) of the works of Bereshit. Here, there are two Universal precepts.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Zohar Prologue 244-246: Mother of the Firstborn

Prologue: Verse 244

פִּקּוּדָא חַדְסַר, לְעַשְׂרָא מַעַשְׂרָא דְאַרְעָא הָכָא אִית תְּרֵין פִּקּוּדִין: חַד, לְעַשְׂרָא מַעַשְׂרָא דְאַרְעָא. וְחַד בִּכּוּרֵי דְּפֵירֵי אִילָנָא, דִּכְתִיב הִנֵּה נָתַתִי לָכֶם אֶת כָּל עֵשֶׂב זוֹרֵעַ זֶרַע אֲשֶׁר עַל פְּנֵי כָל הָאָרֶץ. כְּתִיב הָכָא, הִנֵּה נָתַתִּי.

Miriam is the Mother of Mercy and is the perfect mirror (Mariah) of the 13 attributes or aspects of Mercy (Chesed). 13 is the number of Our Lady of Fatima as well as Queen Esther, who in turn is a type of Our Lady. The numbers one (echad) and love (ahavah) also are numerically 13 in Hebrew. Esther means star and Miriam haKedosha is called Star of the Sea (Stella Maris) in Catholic devotion. In many European languages the first part of Our Lady’s name MR means Sea i.e.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

Mystery of the Tefillin

Prologue: Verse 237

פִּקּוּדָא עֲשִׂירָאָה, לַאֲנָחָא תְּפִילִּין וּלְאַשְׁלָמָא גַרְמֵיהּ, בְּדִיּוֹקְנָא עִלָּאָה. דִּכְתִיב וַיִּבְרָא אֱלֹהִים אֶת הָאָדָם בְּצַלְמוֹ. פְּתַח וַאֲמַר רֹאשֵׁךְ עָלַיִךְ כַּכַּרְמֶל. הַאי קְרָא אוֹקִימְנָא.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Bread Woman and Mother of the Poor

Prologue: Verse 233

פִּקּוּדָא תְּשִׁיעָאָה, לְמֵיחַן לְמִסְכְּנֵי, וּלְמֵיהַב לוֹן טַרְפָּא. דִּכְתִיב, נַעֲשֶׂה אָדָם בְּצַלְמֵנוּ כִּדְמוּתֵנוּ. נַעֲשֶׂה אָדָ"ם בְּשׁוּתְּפָא, כְּלַל דְּכַר וְנוּקְבָא. בְּצַלְמֵנוּ עֲתִירֵי, כִּדְמוּתֵנוּ מִסְכְּנֵי.

The ninth precept - is to be generous to the needy and supply them with food (trefa).

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

Our Lady as the Universal Soul of All

Prologue: Verse 228

פִּקּוּדָא תְּמִינָאָה, לְמִרְחַם גִּיּוֹרָא דְּעָאל לְמִגְזַר גַּרְמֵיהּ וּלְעָאלָא תְּחוֹת גַּדְפוֹי דִשְׁכִינְתָּא. וְאִיהִי אָעֵילָא לוֹן תְּחוֹת גַּדְפָהָא לְאִינוּן דְּמִתְפָּרְשָׁן מִסִּטְרָא אָחֳרָא מְסָאֲבָא, וּמִתְקָרְבִין לְגַבָּהּ. דִּכְתִיב תּוֹצֵא הָאָרֶץ נֶפֶשׁ חַיָּה לְמִינָהּ.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Lady Soars

Prologue: Verse 223

פִּקּוּדָא שְׁבִיעָאָה לְמִגְזַר לִתְמַנְיָא יוֹמִין, וּלְאַעֲבָרָא זוּהֲמָא דְּעָרְלְתָא בְּגִין דְּהַהִיא חַיָּה, אִיהִי דַרְגָא תְּמִינָאָה לְכָל דַּרְגִּין, וְהַהִיא נֶפֶשׁ דְּפָרְחָא מִינָהּ, אִצְטְרִיכָא לְאִתְחֲזָאָה קַמָּהּ לִתְמַנְיָא יוֹמִין, כְּמָה דְאִיהִי דַרְגָּא תְּמִינָאָה.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

Marian Fruitfulness and Graces

Prologue: Verse 219

פִּקּוּדָא שְׁתִיתָאָה, לְאִתְעַסְּקָא בִּפְרִיָּה וּרְבִיָּה.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB.

Engaging with Our Lady Torah 

Prologue: Verse 215

פִּקּוּדָא חֲמִישָׁאָה, כְּתִיב יִשְׁרְצוּ הַמַּיִם שֶׁרֶץ נֶפֶשׁ חַיָה. בְּהַאי קְרָא אִית תְּלַת פִּקּוּדִין: חַד לְמִלְעֵי בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, וְחַד לְאִתְעֲסָקָא בִּפְרִיָּה וּרְבִיָּה, וְחַד לְמִגְזַר לִתְמַנְיָיא יוֹמִין וּלְאַעֲבָרָא מִתַּמָּן עָרְלָתָא.

The Tribes of Israel had banners with emblems for each of the 13 Tribes, as well the Eagle, Ox, Lion and Man for the four Brigades. The Brigade of Dan had the symbol of the Eagle which included the Tribes of Dan, Asher and Naphtali. The Brigade of Ephraim had the symbol of the Ox which included the Tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin. The Brigade of Judah had the symbol of the Lion which included the Tribes of Judah, Zebulon and Issachar.
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