Vladimir Soloviev

This blog post is some gleanings in my writings on Vladimir Soloviev. Some information will be repetitive as being drawn from different articles I have written. In a time when there is so much anti-Jewish sentiment among many Catholics and others, contrary to the teachings of Nostra Aetate 4 and other recent Vatican documents on Jews and Judaism, it is fruitful to listen to Soloviev's insights.

Pope John Paul II saw that the third millennium would be a time of unifications leading to a new springtime. Vladimir Soloviev, the famous Russian Orthodox philosopher, saw that it was the Jews as a spiritual-ethnic identity that would be instrumental in the reunion of the Christians of East and West.

Vladimir Soloviev (1853-1900) the great Russian Orthodox philosopher and mystic proclaimed that it would be the Jews as a spiritual-ethnic identity that would bring about the reunion of the Western and Eastern Churches. This would be achieved through a deeper penetration of Jewish mysticism which Jews in both the Western Church and the Eastern Church would bring to the wider Church.

I just watched a presentation by Angela Costley, a British Hebrew Catholic and Scripture Scholar and Theologian, on the Jewish roots of the Mass in the Temple and its sacrifices and the Passover Seder. It was an informative and excellent presentation. The question of when and how the Last Supper was celebrated came up and different harmonisations were mentioned between the synoptic Gospel accounts and the account in John.

The Hebrew word Komah is derived from the root קוּם (kum), meaning "to rise" or "to stand." Komah mainly refers to physical height or stature. It may be used to describe the height of individuals, objects, or structures. It may also allude to the grandeur or majesty of something, often in a symbolic or metaphorical sense. Bible Hub states in regard to the term Komah:

In ancient Hebrew culture, physical stature was often associated with strength, power, and leadership.

I have noticed that on the internet there seems to be a resurgence of interest in the coming of the future Catholic Great Monarch. We should be cautious of more recent claimed locutionists and visionaries and their messages as many of them are not authentic. Some of these people are sincere and some may even be good and holy people but they have mistaken their prayer thoughts, coming from their imaginations, for locutions.

J1 y-dna descends from IJK y-dna whose mutations occurred among the Israelites and other nations descended from Heber and Abraham at the time of the cataclysmic events of the Exodus from Egypt in 1350 BC. The 12 y-dna sons of Jacob belonged to F haplogroup of y-dna as did some other Shemites and Japhethites.

I hold that man's history is no more than 6,000 years but that does not mean I interpret the seven days of Genesis 1 in a literalistic manner. However, while I am fairly convinced that the earth and solar system is not much older than 50,000 years old, I am still open to the rest of the Universe to being a lot older than that. Nor am I opposed to some form of the Big Bang theory for the start of Creation.

Even though I reject the evolutionary dating methodologies, many studies by scientists are very valuable when reinterpreted using a catastrophist creation model. That scientists have found blood collagen in dinosaur bones is not a surprise to me. I date these so-called 70,000,000-year-old bones to be from the period after the Flood to 1850-1654 BC and thus no more than 3900 years old.

The Neogene period was from 1654-1513 BC or 1654-1470 BC. The period of 1513-1470 BC is the transition period associated with the Piacenzian and Gelasian geologic periods. The actual Ice Age begins at the start of the so-called Calabrian geologic period in 1470 BC.

I date the events of the geologic column in a creationist timescale based on an understanding that the geologic levels that represent the Flood of Noah layers is from the Cambrian to the Permian, that occured in 2006-5 BC and the creation of Adam in 4006 BC. In this timescale the Triassic period is from 2005-1850 BC. The Jurassic-Cretaceous-Paleocene-Eocene period is from 1850-1654 BC. The Neogene period from 1654-1513 BC or 1654-1470 BC.
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