Chasidut is the Jewish understanding of Mercy (Chesed) in action and is linked to the 13 Attributes or Aspects of Mercy. It is also linked to the 10 Sefirot and the three lights within the Godhead. By meditating on the Godhead and his Attributes (Sefirot) one is graced with merciful qualities (chasidut) to use in merciful service (avodah) towards God and man. In order to attain these qualities one needs to acquire certain spiritual traits or levels of spirituality which are linked to the 10 sefirot. Rav Phinchas ben Yair lists these traits or levels as recorded in the Talmud (Avodah Zera 20b).  

Rabbi Moshe Chayim Luzzatto discusses these traits (middot) in detail in his book “Mesillat Yesharim”.

I tried to experiment with some images of the prophets Enoch and Elijah carrying the Ark of the Covenant with the Blessed Sacrament on top as taught by St Thomas Aquinas and other Catholic saints and scholars. The results were a little disappointing in regards to the Ark and the Monstrance on top but still are fine as symbolic of this mystery of the eschatological future. The auburn haired one is Enoch and the blonde one is Elijah.

The term Holy Grail firstly is used for the Eucharistic Cup of the Last Supper and it is also used for the Grail Platter used at the Supper as well as the other cups, vessels and plates used by the Apostles  and Jesus at the Last Supper. On a mystical level Our Lady and her Son also are represented by the icon of the Holy Grail with the actual vessel representing Mary and the Divine Blood in the Chalice or Grail being the Real Presence of Jesus.

I believe the above map known as the Babylonian World Map also called the Imago Mundi is a Babylonian attempt of depicting roughly and simply the earth after the Flood, when it was still in the shape of the Pangaea. It shows the Ocean (dark blue ring) surrounding the Pangaea which it calls the Maretum which has been translated as Bitter River or Salt Sea or Ocean, between the two rings. The four rectangular shapes (light blue) represent the four major rivers.

I was watching a youtube documentary about a genetic bottleneck dated to the Neolithic period in which 95% of males died out due to being killed by violence. It is possible that this was the period after the Tower of Babel events that spread mankind over the earth and that the confusion of the language caused men to be suspicious of each other and hostile which led to an era of violence.

My maternal grandfather's y-dna is of clades of DF27 that is found in the Anglo-sphere countries, where the Bartram family have lived for 500 years but further back it is Spanish. The other families they intermarried with were also English families of crypto-Jewish Spanish ancestry. This is why my K36 results give me 17.75% Iberian ancestry even though many of my closer at-dna matches would have English sounding names as these families took English surnames and English identity.

Recently someone referred me to the teaching of a man called Dr Antonio Yague and his ideas about the Bible and astronomical events. I went to watch a you tube video in which he was being interviewed by the compere of Mother and Refuge of the End Times. I had recently watched a show of theirs defending Pope Francis which I enjoyed very much.

The Angel of YHVH or Yahoel is also called Memra (The Divine Word in Aramaic) and Metatron. He is Azbuga the one with the eight-fold name. AZ=8, BU=8 and GA = 8. 888 is the numerical value of the name of "Jesus" in Greek and the verse in the Torah in the section about Miriam the verse - “For I am the Lord that healeth thee” - also is numerically in Hebrew 888.

In this blog post I have gathered a number of article I have written about St Joseph and the Divine Will. Likutey is a Hebrew word meaning gathering or collection and is the drawing on diverse sources. St Joseph is always present mystically with Jesus and Mary in every holy hour.

Patrick Harrington in his article in the Sun entitled "Ancient pyramid hidden for Millennia unearthed" speaks about the ruins of an ancient Pyramid found in the so-called Norte Chico or Caral-Supe Civisiation in Peru in February 2025. ...Archaeologists have unearthed a vast ancient pyramid that was hidden for millennia, right next to a revered sacred city. They have hailed the find as an opportunity to shed new light on the earliest advanced civilisation in the Americas.
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