I was watching a youtube documentary about a genetic bottleneck dated to the Neolithic period in which 95% of males died out due to being killed by violence. It is possible that this was the period after the Tower of Babel events that spread mankind over the earth and that the confusion of the language caused men to be suspicious of each other and hostile which led to an era of violence. The time before the Destruction of Babel was a time of high technological civilisation and due to the cataclymic events and the confusion of languages mankind in much of the world descended into barbarism.

I hold that man's history is no more than 6,000 years but that does not mean I interpret the seven days of Genesis 1 in a literalistic manner. However, while I am fairly convinced that the earth and solar system is not much older than 50,000 years old, I am still open to the rest of the Universe to being a lot older than that. Nor am I opposed to some form of the Big Bang theory for the start of Creation. I also do not believe God waved a magic wand and popped man's body or animals and plants out of the air but that he formed them from preexisting elements which had been previously created via ex nihilo

Whatever process the Creator used was according to his Divine Will, hidden in all created things and was under God's watchful care. And I do believe in natural selection and environmental adaption within certain limits (kinds or families). Instead of evolution, there is a kind of devolution as mutations are a loss of information and less adaptability over time. For example all cats today come from the common ancestors of the Felidae family who were preserved on Noah's Ark (the Permian was the last layer of the Flood geologic layers). 

At the time of the catastrophic events of the Tower of Babel and the splitting of the Continents around 3,870 years ago (what evolutionists call the start of the Tertiary or Paleogene period which was probably synonymous with the Jurassic period) there was rapid speciation of Felidae into 8 different cat lineages according to recent genetic studies. Further rapid speciation occurred in the time of Abraham (Eocene) and Jacob (Pliocene). 

It would seem to me that Ezra the Priestly editor of the Torah of Moses, developed the Mosaic toledot structure and schema and arranged the 22 Hebrew books of the Bible (representing the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the 22 pathways of Wisdom within the Heart) as the unified family genealogical story of the people of Israel. However, I do not necessary agree with Mathew Thomas’ use of the terms independent and co-ordinate but I prefer the term ‘major section’ for that toledot section that introduces a genealogically important figure and ‘sub-section’ for the one that is linked to the previous ‘major section’. I do not think that the major sections are independent of other sections but there is a continual linguistic and conceptual linking of the sections.

It should be noted that there are actually 13 mentions of toledot in Genesis (Gen.10:32 and Gen.25:13 לְתוֹלְדֹתָ֖ם) but most scholars ignored them as part of the toledot structure preferring a structure of 11 or 10 toledot. The number 13 has a deep significance in Judaism and the Torah recounts the 13 aspects of Divine Mercy (Chesed) in the Book of Exodus. Jacob has 13 children (12 sons and one daughter) and there are 13 Tribes of Israel. Could an understanding of the role of the genre of toledot be enriched with deeper reflection on the role of the 13 toledot as a structural feature of Genesis (Bereshit)? In Jewish gematria both the word love (ahavah), which is associated with the sefirah of Chesed as its quality and the word for one as in unity (echad) is also 13. 

Is this alluding to the reality that this is not just a genealogical family history but a love story between Y-H-V-H and his people of the 13 Tribes of Israel? Does the lamed and mem as prefix and suffix to toledot in these two ignored 12th and 13th toledot serve some kind of linking purpose as ל means ‘for or to’ and מ means ‘from’ as a prefix but pluralizes as a suffix? I also find it interesting that ל is the 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and מ the 13th letter. The l’toldotam of Gen.10.32 is separated from its elleh by three words and the one in Gen.25:13 is separated from its va-elleh by 4 words. 

It would seem to me that this emphasis on the elleh in the midst of a subsection of the Toledot of Gen.10.1, which then in 11.1-9 tells the events of the Tower of Babel, has an important function in the toledot narrowing process of the genealogical story. That this adding of mem as a suffix turns a feminine plural construct noun into a masculine third person plural noun may also have some significance. The word Elleh in the Zohar mystically alludes to Elah (Goddess) and in a sense this toledot genre is the Oral Torah that gives birth to the Written Torah.

A 13 Toledot Structure of Genesis

1.      Elleh Toledot: Heavens and the Earth (Gen.2-4-4.

2.      Zeh Toledot: Adam (Gen.5:1)

3.      Elleh Toledot: Noah (Gen.6:9)

6. Va-elleh Toledot: Sons of Noah (Gen10:1)

                        12. Elleh…L’toldotam: Families of the Sons of Noah (Gen.10:32)

4.      Elleh Toledot: Shem (Gen.11.10)

7. Va-Elleh Toledot: Terah (Gen.11:27)

            8. Va-Elleh Toledot: Ishmael (Gen.25:12)

                        13. Va-Elleh… L’toldotam: Names of the Sons of Ishmael (Gen.25:13)

            9. Va-Elleh Toledot: Isaac (Gen.25:19)

            10. Va Elleh Toledot: Esau (Gen.36:1)

            11. Va-Elleh Toledot: Esau the Father of Edom (Gen.36:9)

     Elleh Toledot: Jacob (Gen:37:2)

I hold that the splitting of the continents occurred after the so-called Triassic. If the Cretaceous was the Flood boundary, as proposed by some Creationists, the splitting of the continents would have occurred during the Flood. Some would also separate the Tower of Babel event from the Splitting of the Continents whereas I believe they were two parts of the one Cataclysmic event. 

Thus, the Splitting of the Continents may have occurred in 1905 BC and the Tower of Babel in 1850 BC if they are right and I am wrong. Those creationists who give a more ancient date than mine for the Flood may give the period between the Tower of Babel and the Splitting of the Continents a larger timeline of 200-300 years.
1850 BC: Tower of Babel and Splitting of the Continents (End of Triassic) the solar year changed from 390 days to 355 days.
1840 BC: Birth of Job son of Joktan (see Emmerich) in the Ural Mountains area where Joktan had moved after the Tower of Babel event. Job left the sons of Joktan and moved north of the Urals which was warmer in those days. He later moved south to the area of the Caucacus Mountains and from their moved to Egypt at the time of the First Dynasty around 1800-1795 BC (at the time of Narmer or Menes) who were Sumerian Shepherd Kings. 
Job returned to Caucasus area before moving to the area east of Jericho that later would be the area of the future Kingdom of Edom. He also may have lived at one stage near the Alps in Europe which were known as the Mountains of Job. Job was the great grandfather of Abraham through Abraham's mother Edna according to Emmerich. Job's trials ended when he was 70 in 1770 BC and he lived a further 140 years and died at the age of 210 in 1630 BC, when Abraham was 124 years old and Isaac 24 years old.  
Pharaoh Nebra (Raneb) of the 2nd Dynasty (= Xie of the Chinese Xia Dynasty) who reigned from 1634-1610 BC was the Ruler of Egypt at the time of Job's death. Nebra was the last King of the 1st Dynasty to reign in Thinis (Shang or Tangish) and his son Hotepsekhemwy (= Mang (Wang/ Huang of the Chinese Xia Dynasty), who reigned from 1642-1634 BC, moved the capital to Memphis (Yin or Min). The Chinese cities of Shang and Yin were named after the Egyptian cities.
The year of the Creation of Adam was 4006 BC in the present Calender based on 365.25 days in the Year. The date of 5199 before the Birth of Christ (thus 5207 BC) around 8 BC is based on a calender of 281 days in the year which was the length of the year before the Exodus. 4058 years before the birth of Christ based on a 360 day year gives us 4063 BC. 4013 years based on a 364 day calender is 4018 BC. Thus using the different calenders the years 4006, 5207, 4063 and 4018 BC are all the same year. The solar year was 364 days before the Flood with the Calender being 13 months of 28 days. After the Flood there was a solar year of 390 days with a calender of 13 months with 30 days. After the Tower of Babel the solar year was 355 days with a 10 month Calender of 30 days. 
After Sodom's destruction there was a solar year of 281 days with a calender of 10 months of 28 days with a leap day between years. After the Events of Joseph's time the solar year was 320 days.  After the Exodus there was a solar calender of 304 or 305 days with a 10 month calender of 30 days with a leap day every 2 or 3 years. In the days of Joshua the solar year was 360 days with a calender of 12 months of 30 days. Throughout Egyptian history there were recorded at least three calenders of 320 days, 360 days and 365 days.  
We know from Velikovsky, the Jewish traditions and the Bible, that the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was a time of great celestial happenings that may have seriously affected dna. I have come to the conclusion that the so-called IJK haplogroup is the ydna from the sons of Heber (the original Hebrews). G (M201) is the Tribes of Achon and Zeelo sons of Madai and H (M69, M370) are the Tribes of Chazoni and Lot sons of Madai. Madai is the ancestor of F y-dna of the G and H clades which is Japhethite not Shemite as I once held. 
It is possible that F-ydna is found among the descendants of both Japheth and Shem as IJK and F*, F1, F2 and F3 have the group mutations of F y-dna. This has caused some confusion in understanding the haplotree. Madai was the Japhethite clan that lived in the Middle East area with the other Shemite peoples. CF or FC y-dna is also found among all the descendants of Shem and among the descendants of the Japhethite Tribes of Madai and Gomer (ancestor of C y-dna). It would seem that these nova group mutations of CF and F among the descendants of Shem and Japheth must have occurred  sometime after the destruction of the Tower of Babel, when the Shemites and Madai and Gomer were in the Middle East area around the time of the destructions of 1350 BC at the end of the Ice Age. 

Pre-AT y-dna was the y-dna of Noah, Ham, Shem and Japheth before the events of the Tower of Babel in 1850 BC. In my interpretation of genetics most of the descendants of Heber or Eber, a descendant of Shem, living after the catastrophic events of the start of the Ice Age, in 1309 BC received the mutations associated with IJK y-dna. Heber himself was not IJK but probably belonged to pre-AT y-dna when he was born, along with other descendants of Ham, Shem and Japheth, before 1850 BC and the events surrounding the Tower of Babel. 
However, in 1850 BC Heber and his descendants received the mutations for AT y-dna along with all the other  Hamites (Chami), Shemites (Shemi) and Japhethites (Yafeti). Heber and his descendants in 1654 BC received the mutations associated with BT y-dna along with all the Shemi and Yafeti, except for the A y-dna Hamites. In 1513 BC Heber and all his descendants in the days of Joseph received the mutations for CT y-dna along with all the Shemi and the Yafeti. 
Thus, Heber was born as part of pre-AT y-dna but died as CT y-dna in 1474 BC. In 1470 BC all his descendants as well as the other Heberi living at that time would receive the CF y-dna mutations. The Madaii, the Shemi and the Heberi branch of Shemi at this time 1470-1350 BC lived in proximity in the region of Egypt and the Middle East. The Gomerii of Yafet, who were living in Europe at this time, mutated differently with the mutations associated with C y-dna in 1350 BC.
This is based on a theory in which mutations can occur across a group belonging to the same haplogroup during a cataclysm or extreme climate/weather event rather than just as an individual. This theory holds that most of the descendants of Heber belonged to IJK (xG or H) y-dna but received these mutations across the different tribal and family groupings in a cataclysmic event that occurred in 1309 BC, when the sun seemed to stop in the days of Joshua. 
This theory follows a chronology in which the World-Wide Flood occurred around 2005 BC and the Tower of Babel event around 1850 BC. Around 1654 BC occurred the Destruction of Sodom when Abraham was about 100 years old. Around 1513 BC was the Cataclysmic Events that caused the Universal Famine in the time of Joseph in Egypt. Around 1470 BC occurred the Cataclysmic event that lead to an 120 year Ice Age which ended in 1350 BC with the events of the Exodus from Egypt. 

Manetho exaggerated the Egyptian history by a factor of 2.5 x 4, whereas Ptolemy of Mendes then took this exaggerated history of Manetho and exaggerated its length by a further factor of 2.2 x 4. Thus, in Manetho’s reconstruction Egypt began its Dynastic History about 2500 BC, whereas Ptolemy of Mendes reconstruction begins Egypt’s dynastic history around 4,900 BC. It would also seem that the Egyptologists, who traditionally date the beginning of Dynastic history about 3100 BC, exaggerate Egyptian history as reconstructed by Manetho by a factor of 1.3. 
However, they do not divide this period equally as they follow Ptolemy of Mendes dating of 1100 years for the first period. They then follow Manetho’s 500 years for the next three periods. My own reconstruction  would have the first period of Rameses 1 to Ptolemy I as a 200 year period and before this a 450 year period until around the time of the Prophet Samuel and King Saul in Israel, then a 400 year period of the Hyksos (Amu) Kings to the time of the Exodus in 1350 BC and before that an earlier 170 year period bringing us to the time of Joseph in Egypt and then a 140 year period of the 2nd Dynasty until the time of the Destruction of Sodom and concluding with another 190 year period (the time of the first Dynasty) at the time of the Tower of Babel after which the Dynastic history of Egypt begins.
Some modern scholars have called Herodotus, who the ancient Greeks called the ‘Father of History’, the ‘Father of Lies’, as his histories do not fit with their modernist and evolutionary chronologies. I would say that the title ‘Father of Lies’ title, fits more the Egyptian priest Manetho and /or Ptolemy of Mendes, whose reconstructions of Egyptian history added with the distortions of the 19th century and 20th century Egyptologists, have not only distorted the timeline of Egyptian events of history, but of all those areas who depend on the chronology of the Egyptologists, for the dating of much of Middle Eastern and Southern European histories and chronologies. 
According to Emmerich all the great monuments of Ancient Egypt did not exist until the time when the Israelites were in Egypt. She makes an exception for a huge Pyramid stone structure (which was totally destroyed) that was built by the evil Queen-Empress of Babylon and Sumer, Semiramis (b.1820 BC), a granddaughter of Nimrod (aka Nebrod or Amraphel) the King of Eridu and Lebabon (Babel), in the early part of the 1st Dynasty of Egypt. 
Semiramis was in Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Djer (r.1771-1742 BC) and may have been the same person as Queen Seshemetka, who may have been his wife. Their daughter was Queen Merneith who married her uncle Pharaoh Djet (r.1742-1729 BC). Djer was the third husband of Semiramis or Sheshemtka. Semiramis had a son Ninyas and a daughter Ninsun with her second husband Ninus b.1843 BC the Lord of Babylon and founder of Nineveh in Assyria a son of King Belus II b.872 BC (the brother of King Tammuz). 
Semiramis was the daughter of Asharte (Aphrodite) b.1860 BC the High Queen of Rhoda (Eridu) and Tammuz (Dumuzi or Adonis) b.1863 BC the King of Uruk. Tammuz Adonis was the son of Phoenix the King of Cipangu b.1894 the son of King Agenor b.1920 BC (the brother of King Belus I). Phoenix's wife was Alphesiboea b.1885 BC a daughter of Nimrod and Dinah. Agenor was the son of King Picus of Cipangu b.1945 BC the son of King Chipan the son of Arphaxad.
When ancient history is corrected with a more accurate timeline then Herodotus’ accounts are found very reliable. I have found this again and again, with accounts of history and travel, that the modernists have dismiss as unreliable, to be very reliable when understood in their right historical context. 

According to this scenario the Flood occurred in 2005 BC (in our calender) and the events of the Tower of Babel and the Splitting of the Continents in 1850 BC. It was after this around 1826 BC that Menes or Narmer united the four major regions of Egypt. It was in this period between 1826-1513 BC that the Hebrew Patriarchs and people of Israel interacted with Egypt as recorded in Genesis. Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in mystic vision also describes many of these events. Some recent Chinese scholars have proposed that the First Chinese Dynasty called Xia was actually a Dynasty that did not live in China but Egypt. I accept this theory. This was in the period known as the Old Kingdom to modern students.
The E-V13 found among the Greeks is a group of Israelites allied (or living in the same regions) with the Javanite Philistines or Pelasgians group, in this new understanding of the history of E y-dna. E-M123 and its descendants, among the Jews, and Ramses III and Alexander the Great are Levites of Merari. The Javanites of Japheth the son of Noah, originated in the red Japhethic city of Adan in the Southern Hemisphere, when the earth was still one land mass. Some of the Japhethites moved into Europe before the splitting of the  continents at the time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel.
Many Creationists believe that the extinctions of the Permian period in which 90 % of marine and 70% of animal life became extinct was due to the Great Flood of Noah. Many Creationists hold that the Great Flood occurred about 4,350-4,450 years ago not 245 million years ago proposed by the Evolutionists for the Permian. Other people believe the Great Flood occurred at an earlier date around 4700-5000 years ago. I held that the Flood probably occurred around 2400 BC but now date it to 2005 BC. I hold that the separation of Pangaea (which like some scientists I believe was circular) and the formation of continents occurred rapidly during the catastrophe of the Tower of Babel at the end of the Triassic and beginning of the Jurassic-Cretaceous-Paleocene-Eocene period (they are four layers of the cataclysmic events of 1654 BC).  
The so-called Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary and the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event  which were synonymous was the time of the catastrophes of the time of Abraham and destruction of Sodom around 3,650 years ago and the end of most of the dinosaur kinds. However the so-called Paleocene and Eocene periods may have been synonymous with the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods being deposits caused by the cataclysm of the the time of Abraham and Sodom. This was also a time of rapid speciation by mammals. This also caused the Great Rift from the Middle East to Mozambique and the separation of Madagascar (Mauritia) from Africa.  
The Evolutionists also speak about three kiloyear events during the Holocene period. However the so-called 8.2 Kiloyear events is actually the events of the Tower of Babel Cataclysm around 1850 BC, the so-called 5.9 Kiloyear event was the 1654 BC Sodom Cataclysm and the so-called 2.2 kiloyear event was the 1513 BC Joseph Cataclysm. The Ice Age is also called the Middle Bronze Cold period which ended with the Cataclysmic events of the Exodus in 1350 BC. 
I would say the mammoth fossils demonstrate that they survived well after 1654 BC, whereas the dinosaurs flourished  between 1850-1654 BC as did Neanderthal man. It would seem that for every thousand carbon 14 years at this time that it was 5.3 years in human time. The cataclysmic events of 1850 BC that destroyed the tower of Babel began this period and it ends with the cataclysmic events that destroy Sodom and Gomorrah in 1654 BC.
Day 7 of the Creative Week: 3rd Age of Virgo (Malkut/Shekhinah). This was the first period of 500 years lasting from 3970-3470 BC. This was a period of the birth and growth of settlement and cities. This was followed by the 3rd Age of Libra (Ratzon) from 3470-2970 BC. This was time of the growth of the use of reason. This was followed by the 3rd Age of Scorpio (Keter) from 2970-2470 BC. This was a time of Kings and kingdoms. This was followed by the 3rd Age of Sagittarius (Khokhmah) from 2470-1970 BC. This was a period of growing learning and misuse of learning which led to the events of the Flood around 2006 BC. This was followed by the 3rd Age of Capricorn (Daat) from 1970-1470 BC. This was a period of relearning the lost knowledge and the destruction of the Tower of Babel around 1850 BC and then the time of Sodom and Gommoroh in 1654 BC and the famine and nuclear winter of 1513 BC in the time of Joseph in Egypt.  
I have written about dolerite or diabase rock being man-made bricks that built the Tower of Babel and that those locations around the world that have dolerite are the remnants of the civilisation of man after the Great Flood until the time of Babel in 1850 BC. At this time the earth was still one and is called Pangaea by modern day scientists. Another feature of this civilisation that we can still see today but mistake for totally natural formations are the table-top mountains found round the world which once were great fortress cities which allowed the humans to dwell safely protected from the animals. 

At the time of the Tower of Babel and the splitting of Pangaea the earth may have been firstly in the form that scientists call Gondwanaland and Laurasia between 1850-1654 BC. In the cataclysmic events of 1654 BC was when the continents further moved apart to something closer to our present form. Thus, in the time when Abraham's family moved from Uruk Shadim to Iraq they followed the Pangaean Pishon River (then in the far east but now the far south) up from Australia via the Ganges-Dalay River to the Ganges-Indus River and then they went overland to the Chidezel River which they followed into ancient Iraq. The part of the Chidezel River they joined is called the Oxus River today and then it went across Turkmenistan to the Atrak River to the Ghezel Ozam River to the Tigris then Euphrates River.

If they had continued on the Pishon river they would have then gone from the Ganges-Indus River to the Indus-Sindh River along what is today the Indian Ocean, near the Persian gulf to what is the Red Sea but was a River then, to the Jordan River. The Chidezel River going further from the Oxus would link with the Tarim river and then with the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. These four super-rivers would be broken up in 1850 BC and then even more in 1654 BC. In the period when Abraham visited Egypt the Gihon or Nile River flowed the opposite way from the fresh water Inland Sea which once was a River before the Flood that circled the land on which the Mountain of Eden was situated.

Cainan's wife Milka (or Milkam) was anointed the first reigning sacred Moon High-Queen of Eridu (Rhoda) on Earth after the Flood. The Noachian Flood events had occurred around 2000 BC +/- 6 years. This revival of old technology eventually led to the cataclysmic events of the destruction of the Tower of Babel in Tasmania and the dividing of the continents around 1850 BC.  
The so-called Grays or Reptilians (in fact mutated humans that have been genetically modified and their so-called gray and reptilian features are their spacesuits) may come from Pluto when it was a moon of Saturn or Neptune. The grays are most likely originally the miners who were genetically engineered to be smaller and suited to their harsh environments. It would seem that some of them broke away from the Eridu Empire and settled on Pluto and eventually orchestrated the events that led to the destruction at the time of the Tower of Babel. They became totally possessed by the evil spirits that ruled their serpent cult. It would seem the Q ydna Massaites that remain on Mars after 968 BC joined the Reptilians against the R1b Ydna Zebulonites and the R1a Ephraimites.
Are the many fossils of huge insects, plants etc of earlier ages actually fossils of creatures and plants that were swept with the waters of Mars in a cataclysmic event on to the earth where they became fossils? Did Earth have an advanced civilisation before the flood with settlements on Mars? Did man return to Mars after the flood in the time before and after the destruction of the Tower of Babel? 
Mt Augustus (Tower or Ziggurat of Uruk-Shadim and the surrounding city of Uruk) was the Space port or tower and the Connolly basin area the great city Akkad. They are about 1000 kms apart. A further 1000 kms to the east was the Tower and City of Eridu. The ruins of the Tower and city of the original Babel (Lebab) was 3,000 kms south of Eridu. However in Pangaean times, before 1850 BC, Akkad was a thousand kilometres north of Eridu whereas Babel was two thousand kilometres south west of Eridu. [These directions are based on the directions of the compass today but in Pangaean times the far south of today was the far east, the far east of today was the far north, the far north of today was the far west and the far west of today was the far south.]
There was a huge river system that flowed between Akkad and Eridu via today's Lake Amadeus. It then flowed through today's Lake Eyre to the south to today's Spencer Gulf and in Triassic times before 1850 BC the river continued to Lebab or Babel. At this time the south of Tasmania was in the north closer to the Spencer Gulf. This river waterway began north of Akkad where it entered Australia from either the Tethys Sea or the waterway that surrounded  western Ancient Australia. At this time there were large waterways but the inland Sea did not occur until after 1850 BC. During the period of 1850-1654 BC there was a small inland Sea that retreated after 1654 BC. After 968 BC the Inland Sea returned and covered a wider area and remained until about 1606 AD. To the North of Uruk there was a large waterway that led to the area of modern day Lake Mackay to the north east of Akkad.    
In the Triassic the Australian Bight was a large waterway in which on one side was Australia and the other Antarctica. This waterway flowed from the Tethys Sea around the coast of Australia with India and Antarctica on its west bank and Australia on its east bank. Zealandia was south of Antarctica and the waterway may have swung west after Babel having Antarctica on its north bank and Zealandia on its south and then the river turned south and into the southern Sea or Oceanus. 
Australia had a warm humid climate and was covered with forests before 1654 BC. It's first desert was the Gibson desert created by the destruction of Australian Akkad. Eridu and its surrounding area in the Eyre Basin was covered with forests until 1513 BC with the cataclysmic events that spread even more deserts. Lake Amadeus still had freshwater until 968 BC. These large waterways were formed due to the shattering of Pangaea land plate in the Flood (2005 BC) which caused cracks in the land plate and in 1850 BC these waterway cracks pulled apart to form the continents.  

 I hold that the craters of 1654 BC demonstrate that there was an interplanetary war going on and that these craters are situated on seven ancient cities which were targeted by nuclear or other powerful weapons which left these craters. The ones that seem to have hit in the sea off the coasts of India and Britain were actually on land at that stage and the locations of huge cities that were part of an advanced earth Empire that had gradually grown up after the time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel and the splitting of the continents around 1850 BC.
The Zebulonite clans of Western Europe received their distinct R-U106 marker around 500-480 BC as did those clans of Issachar who had moved into the Russian Steppes and their marker was R-DF100/S1194. These clans of Issachar settled in the Pomerania area of Europe and were known as the Seubi. It would seem that the period around 650-350 was a time of cataclysm that led to many genetic changes in rapid succession to whole groups of people as it had at the time of the Exodus and in the time of Abraham and the Patriarchs of the Hebrews as well as at the time of the fall of the Tower of Babel.

A series of cataclysmic events occurred after the universal Deluge which caused de nova mutations in groups of people rather than just individuals. Here is a list of these cataclysmic events.

2006-5 BC Noah's Flood

1850 BC Destruction of the Tower of Babel

1654 BC Destruction of the Cities of the Plain

1513-06 BC Famine of Joseph and Nuclear Winter

1470 BC First approach of Venus and the Start of the Ice Age

1350 BC Exodus and second approach of Venus (E-M96, F-M89) the sons of Heber and the sons of Madai and Japheth all received PF1329 mutation but only the sons of the Madaite Clans of Zeelo and Achon received the PF3494 along with the sons of Heber and Shem. It is only the sons of Heber and Shem that received the L15 mutation.

1309? BC Sun Stood Still in Days of Joshua (IJK- L15, HIJK-PF3494, GHIJK-F1329). This may have been caused due to the final encounter with Venus as it settled into its new orbit. In both haplogroup A in Africa and in haplogroup R in Australia mutated in a greater rate during certain periods.

968 BC Sinking of Atlantis  and Samson Pulling Down the Temple of Dagon (E-P147, K-M9, IJ-P124)

690-680 BC The Battle of Troy and Cataclysmic Events of 680 BC (E-P177, R-P297, J-M304, A-M13)

600-580 BC Cataclysmic Events at time of the Assyrian Exile of Israel (E-M215, J-M172 (J2), J1, R-L151, I1, I2)

460 BC Cataclysmic Events at time of the Destruction of the First Temple (E-M35, J-M410 (J2a), J2b, J1a, J1b, A-P28, I-L758, R-L21, R-U106)

387 BC Events surrounding the start of the Roman Warm Period. (E-M68, J2a1, J2a2, J2b1, J2b2, J1a1, J1a2, I1a2, I1a3, I1a1, 12a1, I2a2)

There is an interesting paper by a West Australian researcher Harry Dickens entitled  "A Proposed Model For the Drying and Related Stages of Noah's Flood" coming from this perspective of the Flood end boundary in the Permian/Triassic. This paper comes from the perspective of a study of coal deposits and the coal gap found in the Lower Triassic. He also gives a proposed outline of the stages of the Flood and post-diluvian history.

"In order to provide context for the drying stage of the Flood, and particularly to tie together the key role of plant material in successive stages of Noah’s Flood and its aftermath, a model is proposed in this section of the paper. From the book of Genesis, historical stages can be recognised, especially in the Flood Year account. The challenge is how to correlate the Bible’s stages with successive historical stages inferred from the geological record. The Flood Year account has specific stages including fountains bursting forth, 40 days and nights of rain, marine transgression, marine regression and drying. Tectonic upheavals may have taken place throughout the Flood Year with global sedimentary and volcanic processes taking place. A portion of, but not the entire, Flood Year had a global ocean..."

His stages are:

1) Stage of topographic destruction

2) Marine transgression stage

3) Receding waters stag (7 months)

4) Drying stage 

5) Continental drift

Thus his first three stages are part of the Year long Global Flood and the second two stages after the year of the Flood. According to my chronology the Flood was in 2005 BC (at the end of the Permian) followed by the Drying period which was the Triassic 2005-1850 BC and the Continental splitting in 1850 BC at the time of the Tower of Babel. The division of the peoples by diverse languages is called the Parad and the splitting or divisions of the continents is called the Palag. Dickens concludes:

"Matters considered in this paper include the worldwide coal distribution and plant types through time, Late Paleozoic coals and their environmental settings contrasted with post-Paleozoic coals and their settings, along with the Triassic ‘coal gap’ and Triassic lithologies. These subjects provide powerful evidence that the Triassic was a time of significant change – a time of drying. Successive evidences were correlated with the Bible’s account of the drying stage of the Flood Year, when the exit from Noah’s Ark took place. It is concluded that the end of the Flood Year can be correlated with the Triassic period. In order to provide context and further relevance for Christians, a biblical young Earth history model was presented in a successive stage-by-stage manner.
This paper provides explanatory power for a number of features of the stratigraphic and
biblical records. These features include:
the early Triassic coal gap
time for vegetation regrowth before Noah left the ark.
change in the dominant type of coal flora between Paleozoic and post-Paleozoic strata, along with their associated depositional environmental settings
the tectonic role in runoff, transport, burial and coalification of plant matter, along with the non-chaotic (non-swamp) order of coal seams
lithological types in arid environments.
The Bible’s record of the drying stage of Noah’s Flood has received little attention in YEC literature. It is hoped that newly presented geoscientific information will help fill a missing gap in Flood Year models and encourage further discussion, especially regarding which strata represent the end Flood period. The Flood Year account in the book of Genesis has time-markers (day, month, year of Noah’s life) and particular stages. All these stages (not neglecting the drying stage) merit further investigation and correlation with the regional geology of specific provinces of the globe."

The original language of Eden was the Hebrew language and the language of Noah and his family was a language that had Hebrew roots but had developed into a different language after 2000 years, which is similar to the original Proto-Indo-European or Paleo-Sanskrit, which we can call the Noachic language. This Noachic language was further confused at the Tower of Babel dispersion. The original Edenic Hebrew was restored at this time and given to Heber and his family. 

The original Proto-Egyptian was the Noachic language as confused among the Hamites. However, later Egyptian was a mix of this Proto-Egyptian with Hebrew. The orginal Sumerian language was the Noachic language as confused among the non-Hebrew Shemites. Proto-Indo-European which we call also call Japhetic was the Noachic language confused among the Japhethites. 

Thus, in the confused Noachic languages the word for mother is Ama in Sumerian, Mut in Proto-Egyptian and Mehter in Proto-Indo-European, whereas in Hebrew it is Em or Imma. In Sanskrit Mother is Matr or Amba. It would seem that Sanskrit is influenced by both the Japhethic Proto- Indo-European and the Shemite Sumerian (which is closer to the Hebrew word for Mother). 

Father in Sumerian is adda or abba. In Proto-Indo European phter is father and in Proto-Egyptian it is It. In Sanskrit the words for father are pita and tata. In Hebrew it is av or abba. The Noachic word for father was probably Atta or Itta and mother was Amata. Thus, we see that the letters t, p, and d can be interchangeable between the Noachic confused languages. However, it is possible that the Noachic for father could have been Appa or Ippa, Adda or Idda rather than Atta or Itta

The vowel can be interchangeble so they may also have been different such as Appu or Uppa etc. M and N can also be interchangeable. The Aztec name for mother is Nantli and father is Tatli. The Basque word for mother is Ama and father is Aita. Brother in Egyptian is Sen and sister is Sent and in Sumerian brother is Shesh and sister is Nin. In proto-Indo European brother is brehter and sister is swesor. In Sanskrit brother is Bhatri and sister is Bhagini. The word for heart in the Noachic langage is Lebab. In the Proto Egyptian this was ib or haty and in Proto-Indo-European it is ker and in Sumerian it is shag. In Sanskrit heart is hrd or hridaya. In Hebrew it is Lev or levav. While all languages can be traced back to a Edenic Hebrew original, some come via the Noachic development (but as confused at Babel) and others from the pure Hebrew given to Heber at the time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel.

The local flood in the geological record that separates the Jemdet Nasr period from the Mesopotamian Uruk probably occurred at the time of the Tower of Babel and the Splitting of the Continents, which I date to around 1850 BC. Dave Armstrong believes that this local flood was the Flood of Noah and he gives an outline at the beginning of his book of the timeline of the Bronze Age which began according to this about 400 years before his date for the Flood. This timeline states that the Bronze Age was from 3300 BC-1200 BC and the Early Bronze Age from 3300-2000 BC. Whereas I date the Early Bronze Age as post Flood from about 1900 (or 1850)-1470 BC.

Abraham died in the reigns of Pharaoh Nynetjer of Egypt (r.1610-1571 BC), Puannum King of Mesopotomian Kish (r.1618-1570 BC), Anba King of Mari (r.1586-1569) and Mesh-he the King of Mesopotamian Uruk (r.1583-1547 BC). Abraham had been born in the land of Uruk-Shadim in Australia during the reigns of Tirkar (Melem-Kish V) the Regnant Queen of Uruk-Shadim (r.1796-1738) and the Australian Kish (r.1831-1796); Ilku the Queen Regnant of the Australian Kish (the Melem-Kish VI) (r.1796-1686 BC) a daughter of Tirkar; and Nimrod or Amraphel the Emperor or Governor-General of the Eridu Empire after the destruction of Babel who died in 1670 BC at the age of 270 according to Blessed Anna Katarina Emmerich.  

The maximalists date the birth of Isaac from around 1850-1820 BC, the birth of Jacob around 1775 BC, the birth of Joseph around 1737-1717 BC and the birth of Moses around 1340 or 1330 or 1220 or 1210 BC.  I date Issac's birth to 1654 BC, Jacob to 1600 BC, Joseph to 1550 BC and Moses to 1440 BC. Thus they were all born in the Early Bronze Age 3 period. I do not accept the usual chronology of the Egyptologists of today but hold that the time of the Exodus which occurred in 1350 BC was during the 13th Dynasty of Egypt. I date the beginning of the 1st Dynasty of Egypt in 1826 BC in the post Tower of Babel period that is known as the Early Bronze Age 1. 

Arphaxad's son Shelah was born in 1963 BC. Arphaxad had been trained by his father to fly his Merkabah space fighter ship and he would become a traveler and adventurer and establish a settlement in the area of Pangaean China and Cipangu (Pan). When Arphaxad left on his travels Shelah's older brother Cainan took him under his care and was a foster father to him from the age of ten. 

Shelah and his family remained with Cainan in Lebab and then moved with Cainan to found Eridu in Pangaean Central Australia as the High-King (or Govenor-General) of the Eridu (Akkadian) Empire. Nimrod, Cainan's son-in-law, remained as the Ruler of Lebab. Nimrod built the Tower or Space Port of Lebab which was destroyed in 1850 BC and was called then the Tower of Babel. After 1850 BC Nimrod went to join his father-in-law in Eridu. Soon after Canain and his wife the Mu the High-Queen left Eridu to Nimrod and his wife, while they took up residence in the Uruk-Shadim, which had been founded by Cainan's father Arphaxad.

When the continents split around 1850 BC Cipangu was separated from southern China by being dragged into what was to become the Pacific Ocean. Cipangu eventually was located about 1,500 miles from the Ancient Chinese coast after 1654 BC (much which has fallen into the sea since then). Some refer to this lost continent in the Pacific Ocean as Pan or Mu. In fact Pan and Mu were two different places. Arphaxad then reigned from this island continent over Cipangu and southern China. This was in the period before the Egyptians established their colony in China. 

Greek Mythology has traces of this history of the Phoenix descendants of Cipangu that took to the Celestial realms, via Europa and Jupiter. A descendant of Arphaxad and Chipan called Agenor and his son Phoenix moved with Arphaxad to settle the first colony on a planet near Ankaa named Phoenix or Phoenicia with its capital city of Tyre in the period between 1850-1654 BC. The ancient name for the phenomenon of the Phoenix Cluster in the Phoenix Constellation was the Tyrrhenian or Tyrian Sea. 

Arphaxad or Uri the Flying Phoenix, like all these early sons of Shem, was tall and blonde and didn't show age after adulthood until after 1654 BC. He probably looked more like this but maybe with a purple coloured uniform. He didn't show aging until he was at least over 309 years old and he died at 438 years of age. Those born before the Flood could live until they were over 800 years old, the generations born after the Flood in the period between 2005-1850 BC could live over 400 years among the sons and daughters of Shem (modern humans or Cro-Magnon who had maternal ancestry from Shem and his wife Lebab the Righteous).

They obviously had a technology that included the ability to travel far celestial distances either through faster than light technology, wormholes or star gates, electro-magnetic pathways or a combination of all three. Did the legend of the Phoenix Bird contain some elements of the truth in which the Phoenix air or space craft would disappear in a fiery light and reappear 500 or more light years away in a short time? Did the mystery of the Pyramid in these legends demonstrate that the Pyramids pointed to the locations where this was possible? Before the Flood there was an advance technology, as did the culture after the Flood that led to the Tower of Babel, however this was limited to the solar system. It is in the period between 1850-1654 BC that interstellar flight started to develop.

In the Sumerian King List is mentioned a Monarch called Melem-Kish but little else about this Monarch is mentioned. In fact she is not a King but a High-Queen and the daughter of Enmenuna (meaning the Moon Princess or Queen) who is her mother not her father. Her mother is also known as Milkam or Melem-Kish I (also Neshema) and is the High Queen of Eridu and the new post-deluge Moon Queen and a daughter of Madai a son of Japheth and Yiskah the Prophetess a daughter of Elam and Susan (the Rose). Milka Neshema is also the direct maternal ancestress of all those who belong to N mt-dna and its subclades.

Melem-Kish II was the daughter of Milkam or Milka the High Queen of Eridu and Moon Queen and her spouse Cainan the Emperor or Governor-General of Eridu in Pangaean Australia. She had an older sister Azurad I (b.1935 BC) who was the wife of Heber or Eber, the Patriarch and ancestor of the Hebrews. Melem-Kish II was born at Lebab around 1926 BC. Around 1906 BC she married Uri the King or Ruler of Uruk-Shadim, a son of Shelach and grandson of Arphaxad and also brother of Heber.

She was selected by her mother to succeed her as the Moon-Queen and to inherit the principality or city-state of Kish (in Pangaean Western Australia in the area of Lake Austin) which was a city west of Uruk-Shadim (Mt Augustus) before 1850 BC but south after the Tower of Babel and Splitting of the Continents. She reigned as the Queen of Uruk-Shadim and Kish from 1906-1857 BC. Melem-Kish is a title meaning Queen of Kish and her name was probably Themi or Tami (in Greek Themis). After she abdicated as Queen of Kish in favour of her daughter she moved to Pangaean Antarctica (further to the west) and established the Amazon city of Themis-Kura (Themiscyra).

After the splitting of the continents in 1850 BC the Island of Antarctica was named after her and the city as Themi-Kura. She was the first of the High-Queens of the Amazons and her son known as Kura or Mikum-Kura (King Protector) succeeded his uncle Heber as the King of Ebla in the earlier mythical period where he was remembered as a God by the Royal Family of the later inhabitants of Ebla. His wife was Barama a daughter of Heber. The later Royal Family were descended from their daughter Enna-Utu (meaning Priestess of Utu). Utu as the deified name of Aram son of Shem (Shamash meaning both Sun and Servant). En or Enna can mean both princess and priestess.

Melem-Kish II was succeeded as High-Queen of Uruk-Shadim and Kish by her daughter Barsal-Nuna (Nuna or Nanna means Moon and barsal means Iron Ruler). Barsal-Nuna was the owner of the Iron Ore mines in her kingdom. Melem-Kish II's daughter Dinah (Derketo or Dione) was the wife of Nimrod the King or Governor-General or Emperor of Lebab (Babel) and Eridu and succeeded her as the Amazon High Queen. However, Derketo may have been the daughter of Dinah as Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich states that she was a daughter of Nimrod. These were mighty Huntress and Warrior Priestess-Queens that hunted and slew the wild beasts like the Dinosaurs, who grew to great sizes after 1850 BC. Melem-Kish's great granddaughter (or 2x great-granddaughter) was the famous Semiramis the daughter of Aphrodite (Ashtarte/ Atargatis). 

These early Amazon Queens of the line of Semiramis followed the dark arts and their scientists used genetic engineering on plants and animals to increase their size and other features. They also envied the generation born before the Flood with their great size who were revered like Gods so they used genetic engineering to increase the height and strength of the Royal Woman. This was in the period between the destruction of the Tower of Babel/Lebab (end of the Triassic period of the geologists) to the the destruction of the world at the time of Sodom in 1654 BC (the geologic layers of Jurassic to Eocene).  

Shelah or Shelach, the son of Arphaxad the Phoenix King, was born in 1968 BC in Lebabon (later known as Babel) in Pangaean Tasmania. His older brother was Cainan the High King or Governor-General of the Eridu Empire, who fostered him as a son when their father left on his travels around 1958 BC. He later moved with Cainan to Eridu and was the Emissary or Chief of the Shadim (Airforce or Spaceforce), which is the origin of his name Shelach. 

Shelach, like his father Arphaxad, trained as a pilot and founded the space or airport and defensive missile base called the Tower of Uruk-Shadim in Pangaean Western Australia at Mt Augustus around 1930 BC. This began firstly as a air and defense base and later as technology developed it became a spaceport. It was linked with the Spaceport at the Tower of Eridu (Ayres Rock or Uluru) and the Tower of Lebab at Mt Wellington in Tasmania. He was also involved in space exploration and served the Moon High-Queens of Uruk-Shadim in their political battles with the political supporters of the Eridu Emperor or Governor-General from the time of Nimrod. 

Shelach married Princess Muak of Uruk-Shadim the daughter of Kesed (b.1971 BC) his brother who served as a King or under-King of Uruk-Shadim. Pangaean Australia was divided into three main Provinces or Kingdoms of Eridu, Uruk-Shadim and Lebabon. Each province had smaller regions which were ruled by underkings or Princely Governors such as the original city states of Kish and Akkad. When they settled in the Middle East region after the time of the Tower of Babel they named many of their new cities after the old cities in Pangaean Australia.

The original 14 Pyramids built by Joseph represented the 7 stars of Orion (7 pyramids in Lower Egypt in the North) and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades (7 Pyramids in Upper Egypt in the South). The secret to space travel over large distances is to do with the electro-magnetic plasma pathways in the universe. The Pyramids of Egypt and elsewhere were not just star maps on earth but electro-magnetic power grids. 

Is this connected to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich's mention of the Milky Way in connection with globular like lights? Scientists speak about the ring or halo of the Milky Way in terms of these globular clusters and plasma. Can these rivers of globular lights be travelled in spaceships, like boats and ships can sail the Nile River? Are the Pharaoh's solar boats symbolic of this technology? 

Another area that may have had this same pattern, is in the area of Victoria Land in Antarctica with the Dry Valleys and The Labyrinth and the ancient River Onyx (which may have been part of the River Pishon).  This may be an earlier prototype of the Noctis Labyrinthus and the Valles Marineris on Mars. No doubt some of the pyramid-shaped mountains in this area may be actual remnants of ancient Pyramids and part of a energy grid system for Isisa the encampment of the sons of Japheth in the period of 2005-1850 BC, who were involved in building the Tower of Babel.

There have been some claims in 2019 that Mercury has structures and domes. Some are claiming this as proof of extraterrestrial or alien life. Others think that it is impossible as Mercury is very close to the sun and is too hot for any kind of life. However, Mercury may not be as hot or as inhospitable to life and indeed human life as once thought. 

There is evidence that there is ice at the poles of Mercury and that this water ice has even been observed half way to the Mercury equator. Thus Mercury may have certain very hot areas and other areas so cool that ice is present there. If there is water on Mercury as scientists now believe then there is every reason to believe that ancient man or even modern man has settled on Mercury secretly, as they have on Mars. 

There is no need to believe in some kind of alien creatures with a high technology living on Mercury but mankind when he took to the stars during different periods of history may have settled on Mercury. Mercury has probably only been in its present location since the time of the Tower of Babel cataclysm according to Immanuel Velikovsky.  He believed that the events that led to the splitting of the continents and the dispersion of mankind was connected with the journey of Mercury to its present location. 

I may disagree with Velikovsky and say that this happened at the time of the Flood rather than the time of Babel. Or it may be that a two step process which the first occurred at the time of the Flood and the second at the time of Babel. Some scientists have speculated about a period when the earth had two moons so that this may have been in the period between the Flood (2005 BC) and the Destruction of Babel (1850 BC). Thus it was in 1850 BC that Mercury moved to its present location as proposed by Velikovsky. 

I have just read an interesting article posted on the New Creation website entitled "The Mysterious Stones of the Orkney Islands" by Abigail L. She discusses this Orcadian civilisation and the settlement of Skara Brae. She writes:

"Prehistoric dating schemes vary among scholars. One system of dating suggests that the Mesolithic Age occurred from 10000–4000 BC and the Neolithic Age from 4000–2000 BC. Another dating scheme suggests that the Neolithic Age began earlier, placing the Early Neolithic Age in the years 4500–3500 BC and the Late Neolithic in 3500–2200 BC.

According to conventional dates, the stone structures on the Orkney Islands seem to have been constructed around 3500 BC. At the time, the climate in the region was warm and ideal for growing crops. Analysis of the human remains from the tombs suggest that the people were healthy and energetic. 

Some biblical scholars have proposed that conventional dating schemes place these time periods too early in history, citing a Carbon 14 dating offset. Carbon 14 dates seem to be accurate as far back as 1400 BC, but earlier than that, a sharp rise occurs, creating a discrepancy in dating that grows exponentially with earlier dates."

I personally don't agree with her confidence in radio carbon dates back to 1400 BC. They are wildly off even in more recent times giving dates much older or much younger by hundreds of years. She lists the conventional dates and the re-calibrated dates based on Stripling's proposal. It is also interesting that some creationists try to link the end of this civilisation with Joseph's Famine and thus they propose a date for that Famine as 1708 BC or 1881 BC. Abigail mentions that Shroeder and Shroeder say this civilisation occurred in the period immediately after the Tower of Babel event.

She lists the conventional dates for the Mesolithic as 10,000-4500 BC which when Stripling's re-calibration is applied give the dates of 3298-2850 BC, the Early Neolithic as 4500-3200 BC and the re-calibrated date as 2850-2500 BC, and the Late Neolithic as 3200-2150 BC and the re-calibrated date as 2500-2150.

What is my interpretation? I disagree with those Creationist who try to link this period with the Tower of Babel and Joseph's Famine. I date the Tower of Babel cataclysmic events with 1850 BC with a Flood of Noah date of 2005 BC, which I believe was the Cambrian to Permian levels of the geologic column. Thus the Tower of Babel event occurred at the end of the Triassic period. I date Joseph's Famine which I believe was world-wide with 1513-1507 BC, I also hold that the Ice Age began in 1470 BC and ended in 1350 BC with the events of the Exodus. Thus I can not agree with either the conventional date of the start of this Orcadian civilisation with 3600 BC or the re-calibrated date of 2600 BC.

Noah died in the year called 450 Revolutions of the Sun (RS) since the time of the Great Deluge. The length of the year had changed three times since the Great Deluge until 1575 BC when he died. After the Great Deluge the year was 390 days until the year 145 RS (1850 BC) when the year became, due to cataclysmic events at the time of the Great Tower of Babel, 355 days until 347 RS (1654 BC) at the time of the Great Battle when it changed once again to 281 days until the time of Noah's own death in 450 RS. According to the Calender of the people of that period it was the year 559 After the Deluge (AF). 

Before the Great Deluge the days in which the earth revolved around the Sun was 364 days and Noah was 602 years old in that Calender, which was the Year 2008 AC (After the Creation of Adam) when the Flood hit. In that old Calender it would be the Year 2440 AC at the time of Noah's death which would be 2458 Revolutions of the Sun (RS). In the Calender of that period’s years of 281 days it was 3,161 years since the creation of Man by the Eternal One, in the year of Noah's death. 

Noah at first lived in the Zealandia section of the Pangaean continent after the Deluge, which was then in the far east and then he moved to what today is called southern Tasmania, where he and his son Shem established their Academy. After the splitting of the continent, at the time of the Tower of Babel, Noah may have lived and established a fortress Academy in the area of Bluff Knoll in today's southern Western Australia. After the cataclysmic events of 1654 BC he moved to what became known as Urartu to Mt Ararat. Before the Flood, Noah and his family had lived for about 120 years (2126-2006 BC) in the area of Pangaean Persia (Iran), where they built the Ark. 

Ryan in discussing the weak points of Harry Dickens model of the Flood, makes this comment regarding the Permian-Triassic boundary.

Assuming this is correct, the amount of geologic activity needed to form the Mesozoic within this timeframe would require a worldwide cataclysm, like Noah’s Flood. This makes sense if all land-dependent life forms were extinguished at the hands (waves?) of such a cataclysm. 

This is exactly what a have proposed that there were a number of post-Flood catastrophic events. The first occurring at the end of the Triassic with the Tower of Babel event in 1850 BC, then again in 1654 BC at the time of Sodom, then in 1513 BC with Joseph's Famine, then in 1470 BC with the close encounter with Venus and the start of the Ice Age, then in 1350 BC at the time of the Exodus and the end of the Ice Age and 968 BC at the time of the sinking of Atlantis.

However, I have proposed that the Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleocene and Eocene are four layers of the cataclysmic event of 1654 BC. Thus I hold that the initial splitting of the Pangaea into Laurasia and Gondwanaland occurred as a result of the cataclysmic events of 1850 BC at the time of the Tower of Babel destruction at the end of the Triassic period. I believe these events were rapid not gradual. The second stage which also happened rapidly split the continents off further and occurred in the events of 1654 BC when the bulk of the dinosaurs were destroyed by the huge tsunamis of that time.

There have been at least four major bottleneck population events caused by catastrophic events in human history. The first one was the Flood of Noah around 2005 BC, when about 100 descendants of Noah survived on the Ark to settle the world after this global event. According to my theories, Noah landed in his Ark on Pangaean Zealandia and thus the subsequent spread of the human population, descended from Noah and his three sons and Noah's wife and her three daughters-in-law, re-populated the earth from Araxon or Araxion. We could call this the "Out of Zealandia" event. 

The bulk of the population moved into Pangaean Australia and Antarctica and surrounding areas and established great cities there, such as Lebabon, Adanon and Nahalon. After the destruction of the Tower of Babel at Lebabon by cataclysmic events in 1850 BC, occurred what we can call the "Out of Australia" event. After this there were the great cities in Gondwanaland of Uruk Shadim, Eridu, Kish, Calneh and Akkad in ancient Australia (not to be confused with their namesakes established as colonies in the Middle East).

Evolutionists speak of an original “Out of Africa” movement, whereas I would say that there was an “Out of Australia” movement at that earlier period. Even some evolutionists also believe in an “Out of Australia” movement of peoples rather than “Out of Africa”. However, there was also an “Out of Africa” journey, due to the devastation of the earth in 1513 BC with the events that caused the global Famine of Joseph's days. 

Some who try to read the genetic evidence  according to this "Out of Africa"' theory, see a migration out of Africa via India to Australia. In fact, the sons of of A y-dna may have left Australasia for Africa before the Tower of Babel and the breaking up of Pangaea and they were isolated there after the splitting of the continents. The post-deluge mankind came "Out of Australia" just over 4000 years ago. However, there was a later "Out of Africa" that occurred around 3,500 years ago.

Major shifts of population and mutations in the genome occurred after the global catastrophic events in 2005 BC (the Flood at the end of the Permian), 1850 BC (the Tower of Babel and the splitting of the Pangaea at the end of the Triassic), 1654 BC (destruction of Sodom and other cities), 1513 BC (the global Famine of Joseph and the Toba eruption), 1470 BC (the start of the Ice Age and a close encounter with Venus), 1350 BC (the End of the Ice Age and the second encounter with Venus with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt) and 968 BC (the sinking of Atlantis and the death of Samson). There were further cataclysmic events in 680 BC (the end of the Trojan War) and 387 BC (the end of the so-called Bronze Cold period and the start of the Roman War period).   

The earliest inhabitants of South America were the ancestors of the Australian Aborigines in the area of Brazil where the earliest skeletons of these earliest inhabitants of the Americas lived. Some of the Natives of the southern tip of South America still show evidence of this aboriginal ancestry. Dna testing has also shown that at least three Amazon tribes are partly descended from these Aborigines. They are the Suruí, Karitiana and Xavante peoples of the Amazon. 

It would seem that the Ishmaelites killed the males and mated with some of the females. Many of them fled South America via Antartica and the Kergeulen Plateau before settling in Australia, the Andaman Islands and Melanesia. Like all the tribes they originally lived in the southern part of Pangaea but after the splitting of the continents at the time of the Tower of Babel the Aborigines were living in Brazil on the east coast of South America over 4,000 years ago.  

In some of my past posts I mentioned that I believed that Tasmania was the location of the ancient Tower and City of Babel and a centre of the ancient world and that Ararat was at Mt Cook in New Zealand. This was before the breakup and formation of the continents over 4,000 years ago. Part of the great Sin or Sinar (Shinar/ Sinim) plain was to become the plateau that covers most of Australia (known as the Western Plateau or Australian Shield) and the other eastern part went under the water in the area we today call the Tasman Sea and Southern Ocean surrounding Tasmania. 

There were huge man-made causeways with huge man-made water canals leading to Babel (Lebab) across the ancient plain of Sinar leading to Mt Lubar and Mt Lebab. Lebab means Heart and Babel is the reversal of the word. The books of Enoch and Jubilees refer to Mt Lubar as the mountain that the Ark landed on, so Lebab and Lubar may be two different mountains that became confused in later accounts. 

If not then the three cities of Sadek the White City (in Gondwanian Tasmania or Australia), Nahal the Black City (in Gondwanian South America/ South Africa) and Adan the Red City (in Gondwanian Antarctica) may have been to the east (Shemites), south (Hamites) and west (Japhethites) of Mt Cook (Aoraki) rather than Tasmania (Lebab/ Babel/ Leban). However we cannot be sure of the geography of this time as the continents had not broken apart yet. The story of Noah's Ark being in New Zealand is confirmed in the Maori legends of Aoraki's Canoe associated with Mt Cook and the Southern Alps of New Zealand. 

Many translations say that one travelled eastward from Ararat to Shinar whereas it could possibly also read that the Land of Ararat was to the east of the great plain of Shinar (Sinim). If Shinar or Sinar was in Iraq then these directions make no sense as the Ararat in Turkey/Armenia is directly north of Iraq. The Armenian Land of Urartu at some stage of history and legend became associated with Ararat. 
However, if Pangaea or Gondwana were the shape of the earth in the time when Noah landed on Mt Cook then one indeed would go eastward to the great plain of Shinar as New Zealand (Zealandia) was at this time to the West of Australia and Tasmania rather than the east as it was after the breaking up of the continents. Was Pangaea the pre-flood land and Gondwanda the post-deluge shape? Or is there a better scenario? It would seem that before the destruction at the time of Babel that mankind (Japhethites) had also settled in the areas that were to become North America and the British Isles (the western coastlands of Laurasia) where Dolerite is also found today.

At this stage of research I would posit that something similar to the modern scientists' Pangaea was the one landmass before the Flood and  after until the time of the Tower of Babel and that Gondawana and Laurasia of the modern scientists was similar to the geography of the earth after the Tower of Babel. However, the southern parts of South America and South Africa may have been further south and east of the map used above. The present shape of the world's geography dates from 1530 AD and 1606 AD when numerous lands sunk under the Indian and Pacific Oceans, however, the present locations of the continents date from the time after the Destruction of Sodom just over 3,500 years ago. 
A true map or model of Pangaea and Gondwana would need to take into account the ancient lands that have now sunken under the Sea and the ancient coastlines that are now also under water and many other factors. Unlike the theories of evolutionary scientists, I hold that the splitting of the continents was a rapid process causing by man-made cataclysmic events not one that took millions of years through uniformitarian and evolutionary processes. Even some evolutionary scientists believe that the splitting apart of the continents was not gradual but occurred in one huge cataclysmic event such as Paul Renne (a Professor at Berkeley University) and his researchers (in "Science" magazine April 23 1999).
Pangaea (of which Gondwana was a part) was most likely originally a circular landmass with a circular large sea or Lake in its interior. It looked  like a wheel or a dinner plate. After the Flood, Pangaea was a more fragmented version of the circular Pangaea from before the Flood. At the time of the cataclysmic events of Babel the Pangaea was pulled apart into Laurasia and Gondwana. Then in 1654 BC, Antarctica was pulled south between Kergeulen and Zealandia, pushing Kergeulen to the West and Zealandia to the East. As Kergeulen moved west so South America, Mauritia and Africa moved west. As Zealandia moved East so the southern part of Australia pulled Australia around into its present position. These movements created the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
When the asteroid at the time of the flood struck the earth in the area which is the Pacific Ocean today, the circular mountain of Eden was pushed forth and collided with the Moon of that time, which became the planet Mercury in a new location, while the Garden of Eden mountain became the present moon. The circular hole left with the removal of the mountain became the Interior Sea after the flood and after the Tower of Babel (and another possible asteroid impact in Mexico) parts of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and Aral Sea are remnants of this ancient Interior Sea which had been pulled to the north-east during the cataclysmic events. 
Alternatively, the round or circular Sea and its bed in the centre of the landmass of Pangaea may have been pulled north west causing the separation of Atlantis, North America, Greenland from Iberia and Europe and today is the circular sea we call the Arctic Sea or Ocean. Due to its move it created the space for the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The space left behind (the Mediterranean Sea area) and the new position of this circular Sea (Arctic Ocean), caused Europe to move further south and Africa further north into the vacated space, drawing Europe closer to Africa. 
The Events of the Flood caused cracks in the "dinner plate" and the events of Babel caused the "dinner plate" to be broken and pulled apart forming the continents. It must always be remembered that the Ocean of earth before the Flood was a lot smaller and after the Flood the earth contained much more water probably from the Ocean of Mars. Scientists now believe that at least 20 percent of Mars was once covered with water.

In the time of ancient Uruk, Sinus Magnum or the Tasman Sea was land ( a great valley). It was traversed by stone pavement thoughfares. One of these pavement roads began at the so-called Tessellated Pavement at Pirate's Bay (Eaglehawk Nest) in Tasmania going across to what would later be Eastern Sinim (on the Lord Howe Rise). Another great road or causeway is found north of this beginning in the Ocean south east of Lake's Entrance and Sale in Victoria, crossing the plain  to the hills which would later be the coastline of Eastern Sinim (on the Lord Howe Rise). 

There is another causeway south of the Tasselated pavement, that goes across the Tasman Sea to Stewart Island and there is also a fork which leads towards the north part of the South Island of New Zealand. There may have been a major city now under the Sea near Eaglehawk Nest or possibly under the hills nearby (see the area of the Devil's Kitchen which may be the remnants of great fortress temple complex). The Dolerite rock of Tasmania may be the remnants of the huge Tower of Babel (Mt Wellington) and its surrounding city metropolis. The Tower of Babel was linked to other Towers in what are now Antarctica, Argentina and South Africa and other places. 

The Tasman Sea now may cover the ancient Plain of Shinar or Sinar where the original Tower of Babel was found. The tower itself may have been located at Mt Wellington in Tasmania. Noah's Ark may have landed in the Southern Alps of New Zealand on Mt Cook (Aoraki). 

After the cataclysmic events of the Tower of Babel humans moved to Sundaland (Indonesia and South East Asia) and Northern Australia (north-western Sinim) and from there they moved into Babylonia (Iraq). Abraham's family were part of this migration from Uruk (Ur Kasdim or Uruk-Shadim) in Australia to the Middle East. 

Thus, the population of the earth in 2005 was a hundred people. By 1980 BC it was about 500 and by 1950 BC the earth population was about 5,000 people. By 1925 BC the population was about 25,000 and by 1900 BC the population was over 125,000. By 1885 BC the population is over six million and the population by 1850 BC and the events of the Tower of Babel the world or solar system population is over 30 million. A third of the population died in those events and the population which was mainly based in the southern hemisphere in Pangaean Australia, Zealandia and Antarctica. It now spread all over the planet.

After the Flood the area where the Garden of Eden Mountain resided was a circular Sea in the middle of the Pangaea. The circular Arctic Sea may be its remnant and the Mediterranean Sea was the gash or gap left when it was pulled north in the cataclysmic events of 1850 BC. Interestingly, some Oceanographers refer to the Arctic Ocean as the Arctic Mediterranean Sea. The so-called Gondwana and Laurasia continents represent the initial break at the time of the cataclysmic events of the Tower of Babel in 1850 BC, at the end of what uniformitarian scientists call the Triassic period.

 It may surprise many to learn that the male ancestors of the R1b L21 y-dna British and Irish originally came from Australia, and the male ancestors of C1b y-dna of many of the Australian Aborigines came from Britain. After the events of 1850 BC with the destruction of the Tower of Babel and the splitting of the continents the sons of Japheth moved into the northern parts of the Eurasian continents. 

The sons of Gomer settled in the far north in Europe. At that time Britain and Ireland were still connected to the continent and Gomer’s son Riphath's descendants lived in the area of Britain. Gomer’s son Ashkenaz's descendants lived in the area of north Western Europe and Gomer’s son Togarmah's descendants lived in the northern part of Eastern Europe in the period between 1850-1470 BC. 

In 1350 BC the C mutations occurred among all the sons of Gomer. Riphath was the father of Charran and some of his descendants settled in the area of Charran in Syria in the period between 1470-1350 BC. The tribes of  C1 Bartoni and C1 Ledahi may also descend from him as well as the C* Charrani of Gobekli Tepe.

Noah's Ark landed on or near today's Mt Cook in Pangean Zealandia, which was the far east in the period between 2005-1850 BC but would be the far south after 1850 BC. The first city or settlement of Noah's family, which had a hundred descendants of Noah that came on the Ark with him according to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, was called Araxion and named in honour of Araxa the Great the "daughter" of Noah and his wife Emzara. These hundred were not simple primitive hunters and gatherers but a hundred highly educated and trained in the advanced technology and skills of the Antediluvian civilisation.

From Araxion the sons of Shem founded the White Dolerite City of Shem called Lebabon on Pangaean Tasmania, the sons of Japheth founded the Red Dolerite City of Adanon on Pangaean Victoria Land on Antarctica, the sons of Ham the Black dolerite City of Nahalon at the place where Pangaean Namibia met Brazil. However it may be that Adanon was in a location near where Arnhem Land connected to New Guinea in the Pangaea and the southern Adanon or Adan in Victoria Land may have been the Japhethite camp-city near Lebabon's Tower of Babel. 

Pangaean Tasmania may have been to the west of Victoria Land and there may have also been a camp-city of the sons of Ham to the south or south west of Tasmania. It is possible that the Hamite camp was called Muaka and the Japhethite camp Isisa. It was at Isisa that the sons of Japheth built the first Labyrinth as part of the sports entertainment of the times. This original Labyrinth on Antarctica now appears as a natural formation. 

The Shemite encampment city (for those Shemites who did participate in the building project) was known as Lebab (not the Tower) and was near the Tower of Babel, whereas the Shemite City of Zedeka or Tzadeka was further away as Shem and Heber and their people did not participate in the Tower building project. The three cities were made of different coloured Dolerite-Black Dolerite for Nahalon, Red Dolerite for Adanon and White Dolerite for Lebabon.

Knossus or Kn-Isisa had the meaning of New or Like Isisa in the language pre-Babel and in Hebrew it became Kneseth as a place of gathering. The Bull is connected with the labyrinths and the Bull seems to have been associated with Shem (or Shemesh the Sun God). When mankind took to space again it would seem that bulls and cows were taken with them and were associated with both Mars and Jupiter and the settlements there.

It is important to note that all the archeological sites, dated by the evolutionary and uniformitarian trained archeologists, to the period of the last 10-12 thousand years, are actually all after 1350 BC, which was the end of the 120 year Ice Age. Most of the sites before 1470 BC, now appear to modern scientists as natural formations. The archeological datings differ from the geological. 

After the splitting of the continents at the time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel which created Europe, Javan and Tiras moved into the newly created Europe in the sections that had been formerly part of Mearavia (the West Land) belonging to Ham and pushing the Canaanites out of south-east Europe (formerly the north eastern corner of Mearavia) into Palestine which had been part of Mizrachia or Kedemia (the East Land) belonging to Shem. 
The sons of Tiras moved into north Africa to the west of Egypt and the sons Javan in southern Europe with Gomer in the northern areas of Europe. These directional names came into use after 1850 BC as before that the directions had been different between 2005 BC (the end of the Flood) and 1850 BC (the time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel).
The Land of Tarshish has been identified with Spain (Iberia) and Western Europe which had been settled by the Japhethite Tribe of Tarshish after the time of the Tower of Babel (1850 BC). In another post, I had identified an Ishmaelite Kingdom stretching from Croatia to the Crimea which is the land of Havilah mentioned in Jasher (there is another land of Havilah located in south east Asia). Thus the Ishmaelites may have conquered it from the Cushite Tribe of Havilah who had settled there after the Tower of Babel dispersion. Or the Tribe of Havilah (of B haplogroup) may have left the area and moved south into Africa after the cataclysmic events of 1654 BC and the sons of Ishmael of the Massaite Tribe (IJK haplogroup whose descendants are among the Q y-dna haplogroup) settled a vacated place. 
The white and black pygmies may have been genetically enhanced and had their colour and height adjusted for mining operations in different environments. However this may have occurred in different time periods. Sometime between 1850 BC (Tower of Babel destruction) and 1654 BC (Sodom destruction) the black pygmies or Khoisan were returned and settled in the north western corner of the new continent of Africa from which they spread south. The evolutionists date the 1654 BC destruction to 66 million years ago and they are divided on whether there was one huge meteorite impact or a more gradual destruction with climate change and volcanic eruptions and then a final meteorite blow. This was the time when most of the dinosaurs went extinct. The Rift in Jordan and East Africa were first formed in 1654 BC but was further formed in the cataclysmic events of 1513 BC.

I wrote in another article that based on sea level data demonstrated here (in the diagramme below) that the Global Flood must have happened either between the Cambrian-Permian period or the Triassic-Neogene period of the evolutionists and uniformitarians. Some Young Earth Creationists do hold that the flood end boundary is the end of the Neogene but others at the end of the Cretaceous. However, both of these groups hold that the Flood began at the end of the Proterozoic and beginning of the Cambrian. There are other theories as well. 

 Two uniformitarian interpretations of sea rise research using different methodolgies.

I however have long held that the Flood began at the end of the Cambrian of which the Cambrian extinction event is one of the layers of the Flood until the end of the Permian. Thus all the so-called periods between these events are layers of the Flood and thus the sea rises in the diagramme above represents the rise and fall of the seas over one year.

If that is so how do I then explain the sea rise and fall from the Jurassic to the Eocene? The Triassic period ended at the time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel and the rapid splitting of the continents and volcanic eruptions and an increase in CO2. The rise in the sea levels in the diagramme represent the Tsunamis that accompanied the events of Babel and the splitting of the continents in 1850 BC. 

The period from 1850-1654 BC ends with the cataclysmic events of that period which formed the geologic layers of the Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene and Eocene. These layers represent the different events occurring when a man-made war with some kind of nuclear missiles bombarded the earth and caused a 7 year nuclear winter. It caused the volcanoes to erupt on the land and sea allowing for a fossilisation of sea creatures and huge Tsunamis that drowned quickly many dinosaurs and other creatures and produced land fossils. 

Before the Flood the earth had only a shallow Ocean and small mountains. During the 7 months after the first 150 days the oceans due to volcanic activity became deeper which allowed all the new water to recede from the Pangaea into these new Ocean depths. Much was also absorbed back into the centre of the earth. Scientists have recently discovered this huge Ocean of water about 650 kilometres under the earth, which is said to be three times the amount of water in the earth's surface oceans.

I also hold that there may have been some worldwide 7 year nuclear winters due to man in 1850 BC at the time of the Tower of Babel, in 1654 at the time of the Destruction of Sodom and in 1513 at the time of the Patriarch Joseph and the Famine.  After the 1513-1506 Nuclear Winter the earth remained cooler and then in 1470 due to the cataclysmic events with Venus much of the frozen water of the oceans of Venus fell on the northern Hemisphere causing the 120 year Ice Age that covered 30 percent of the land.

Uniformitarianism is the idea or concept that the Earth has always changed in uniform ways over millions of years and that the present processes are the key to the past.  The Wikipedia article on Uniformitarianism states:

Though an unprovable postulate that cannot be verified using the scientific method, some consider that uniformitarianism should be a required first principle in scientific research. Other scientists disagree and consider that nature is not absolutely uniform, even though it does exhibit certain regularities.

Young Earth or Life creationists would disagree with the first and agree with the second group of scientists. This short blog post will discuss this in regards to Sedimentary rock from a Young Earth Creationist perspective that sees man as about 6,000 years old and the planet and solar system around 46,000 years old. The chronology is my own with Adam created in 4006 BC and the Fall of man in 3970 BC and the Flood of Noah in 2005 BC, the Tower of Babel events in 1850 BC, the Destruction of Sodom events in 1654 BC, the global Famine events of Joseph in 1513 BC, Ice Age event in 1470 BC, the End of Ice Age and Exodus from Egypt events in 1350 BC, and the sinking of Atlantis events in 968 BC.

Around ninety-five percent of modern carbonates consist of high levels of magnesium calcite and aragonite. The aragonite needle-like crystals in the carbonate mud were transformed into low magnesium calcite. This is the most stable form of calcium carbonate according to some scientists. It would seem to me that this is due to the processes of the global Flood and the changed biosphere processes after the Flood. In the so-called Mesozoic (2005 -1654 BC) this is caused by water catastrophes of the global Flood in 2006-5 BC, the tower of Babel Tsunamis in 1850 BC and the huge Tsunamis that caused many of the dinosaur fossils in the global catastrophe of 1654 BC.

The y-dna tree begins in the time of Noah in which Noah and his three sons and grandsons belonged to AT ydna. When Ham’s descendants separated from those of Shem and Japheth, after the events of the Tower of Babel and the Splitting of the Continents in 1850 BC, Ham’s descendants became split between those in Africa  who remained AT y-dna and those who remained with the sons of Japheth and Shem outside Africa BT y-dna and then after 1654 BC they split into A y-dna (sons of Mitzraim and Put) and B y-dna (sons of Cush and Canaan) Clans or Tribes. 

It was in the period after 1654 BC that the Cushi and the Canaani moved into Africa. Around 1470 BC many of the Canaani moved into Palestine which then became known as Canaan. The Canaani conquered the Amorite inhabitants of Palestine, killing all the men but keeping the women as slaves and concubines. Thus, the Canaani were lighter skinned than their brothers in Africa. The Amorites (Amurru) were a fair skinned with blonde, red and brown hair. Abraham was of these people. The Amurru had left Western Australia for the Middle East after the cataclysmic events of 1654 BC. 

The sons of Mitzrayim and Put, who were sons of the fair skinned Ham and his black skinned wife Nahal or Nahal-mu’ak and the grandsons of Noah, moved into Africa before the splitting of the continents at the time of the Tower of Babel from what modern-day scholars call Pangaea or Gondwanan Australia from the area of the city of Nahalon into central Africa. They would move towards the west, some going north and others south. The pygmy peoples were those who were genetically modified by the scientists and taken to other planets or moons, in order to be miners and were later taken back to Africa. 

The seven tribes of Joktan of Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, Hadoram, Uzal and Diklah were in the north. The six tribes of Obal, Abimael, Sheba, Ophir, Havilah and Jobab were in the south. Joktan was born in 1900 BC before the time of the Tower of Babel. He was about 50 years old at the time of the Tower of Babel events. After these events he moved to the north to an area near the Ural mountains. 

Christian Ryan in the article entitled "The Mystery of the Flood Mudrocks" states:

"...Mudrocks are a type of sedimentary rock which forms from tiny particles of pre-existing rocks. They come in many different forms. Claystone and siltstone are both types of mudrock, made of clay or silt (respectively), that hardened into rock. Mudrocks have very low porosity, which means they have very few internal voids with the ability to contain liquids. The sediment particles making up mudrocks are so tiny that they form a nice, water-tight seal.

Mudrock layers blanket our continents in thick packages. There is decades-worth of literature published by young-earth geologists theorizing how thick layers of soppy, wet mud may have formed during the Flood and its aftermath. But what happened to these layers next? After all, today we see they no longer consist of soppy mud—at some point, they hardened into solid rock. How did layers of soft mud turn into solid rock? What processes were involved?..."

I give my solution to this here. These mudrocks were formed during the Permian period of the Flood (2005 BC) after a wind (possibly some kind of hot solar wind) was sent by God to push the water back and it dried the land to a certain extent. At this time there may have been a ceasing of the protecting magnetosphere briefly which allowed this solar heat wind. When this first solar wind occurred Noah and his family and the animals were still in the protection of the Ark.

At the time of the Tower of Babel in 1850 BC another hot wind further dried the mudrock. Was this another brief ceasing of the protecting magnetosphere following by a hot solar wind or was it another kind of wind caused by the cataclysmic events of that time? Then with the cataclysmic events of 1654 BC the animals that ran across mudrock left footprints which were set quickly with another searing wind, caused by the atomic like weapons that were used to bombard the earth by its off planet enemies. The article by Ryan says in regard to these footprints:

"...Most Flood models postulate that the majority of rock layers formed during the year-long global Flood of Noah’s day. There are fossils in these rocks, many of them being footprints and trackways. Many young-earth paleontologists believe dinosaurs formed these footprints by walking across briefly-exposed, freshly-lain sediments. This requires deposited sediment to have sufficient strength to support the weight of the animal..."

Thus this process of forming the mudrocks took place over a 350 year period in three stages from 2004-1654 BC rather than the millions of year proposed by uniformitarian geologists. In my theory the footprints and trackways are not made at the time of the Flood but 350 years after at the time of the cataclysmic events of 1654 BC which saw the death of most of the dinosaurs and the destruction of Sodom and many other cities throughout the world which has left many craters. This was at the end of the period of Jurassic - Cretaceous -Paleogene - Eocene (1850-1654 BC). Both uniformitarian and creationist geologists have not put forth a theory of mudrock formation that takes into account all the facts.   

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich describes Tubal and his descendants as having a bronze red-yellow skin tone that was silky to touch and a handsome looking people.
These people were of a bright, reddish-yellow complexion, and very beautiful. They were clothed in skins and woolen garments girdled at the waist, the arms alone bare. The skins they wore were scarcely drawn from the animal when they were clapped, still bloody, on the limbs. They fitted so tightly that my first thought was: Those people are hairy. Not so how­ever, for their own skin was smooth as satin.

The Tubal and Meshech and their sons clashed with the Hamites and chose to move away from them and their project of building the Tower of Babel civilisation. The original homeland of the Japhethites and their city of Adanon (City of Adan or the Red City) was on the Pishon River in the northern section of the Eastern Land before 1850 BC but was the eastern part of the Southern Land after 1850 BC. Noah had deeded the lands between the Chidekel and Parat Rivers to the sons of Japheth. Before 1850 BC this was in the West of Pangea but after 1850 BC it was considered the North and today it is the area that stretches from Greenland to Japan. This was the original Mesopotamia (the land between the two Rivers).

I believe the Ice Age began 535 years after the Flood and after there had been three major world cataclysms in 1850 BC (the Tower of Babel events at the end of the Triassic), 1654 BC (global cataclysm at time of destruction of Sodom) and 1513 BC (the time of Joseph's famine in the time of the 3rd dynasty of Egypt). These creationist models don't take into account these events or the dumping of ice in 1470 BC due to the seas of Venus falling on earth in its first pass as proposed by Velikovsky.

The reinterpretation of history proposed here is based on over 30 years research and study. It is one that many will find difficult to accept due to their acceptance of modern academia and its faulty evolutionary and Darwinian base. In recent years I have come to the conclusion that a great catastrophe occurred in the Southern Hemisphere in 1530 AD which changed that Hemisphere dramatically.  It was the last in a line of catastrophes to hit the world. It was the events of 1530 AD that froze Antarctica, caused the Little Ice Age, drastically changed the coastline of Australia, huge tsunamis hit Australia and New Zealand, sunk many lands and islands into the Indian and Pacific Oceans and led to great movements of peoples. 

Earlier in the great catastrophe of about 535-540 AD, where two celestial objects hit the Gulf of Carpentaria (north of Australia), parts of the coastline sunk in Australia and much land sunk under the water, east of Australia, leaving mainly New Zealand behind and caused the mini Ice Age in the Northern Hemisphere which destroyed the Arthurian Empire and sunk the Arthurian island kingdoms of Lyonesse (south-west of Cornwall) and Lochlain or Lothlind (north west of  Ireland) into the Atlantic Ocean.

This scenario takes Australian History back to the time of Noah whose mountain was not in the mountains of Ararat in Turkey but Mt Cook in New Zealand. The Tasman Sea at this time and some of the Southern Ocean were above ground and were the original great Valley of Shinar or Sinar in which the Tower of Babel was built (Tasmania). Due to the catastrophic events of that time Shinar went under the Ocean and the continents formed rapidly forming the Himalayas. Australia then had two great cities of Uruk (Mt Augustus Western Australia) and Eridu (Uluru) in the Eridu Empire. 

Uruk was the city of the High Queen of the Eridu Empire and Eridu city was the seat of the Governor-General or King of Eridu. This civilisation was very advanced like it had been before the Flood and they had colonies on some of the planets and moons. The Empire became split between the two rulers and war erupted. They were both destroyed by nuclear destruction at different times. The Egypto-Israelites established colonies in Ancient Australia in the days of Joseph onwards. The High- Queens of Eridu moved to Thebes or Sheba in North-western Australia. A Davidic Kingdom was founded in South-west Western Australia at Kedar (much of Kedar is now under the Indian Ocean). 

We know that Velikovsky mentions that the population of the Land of Punt (which we link to Mu) was Caucasian (Mu/ Milesians / Meshwesh) with also black people (Kushites). Ancient sources link this area of Ophir with Reu the ancestor of Abraham from which the name of Pa Reu (Pharaoh) or House of Reu developed. In the time of Joseph the Ice Age hit the Northern Hemisphere and drove the population South into the Lands of Mu. 

The Ice Age hit about 535 years after the Flood when the waters of Venus landed on the Northern Hemisphere when it passed by earth the first time in 1470 BC. There was possibly a period of the cooling of the Oceans in the previous 40 or so years between 1513-1470. The Ice Age reached its maximum over a 100 to 150 year period when the human population headed South. They established an advanced civilisation in the Southern lands (Sundaland) and it was from this Eastern homeland known as Sephar, a mountainous region, that the Kushites and some of the Hebrews first settled in Mesapotamia. The Ice Age in Europe continued until about 1500 BC according to Velikovsky but 1350 BC by my dating scheme when Venus passed by earth the second time. 

Punt (Australia) is also the original homeland of the ancient Phoenicians and Hebrews. During the time of the Josephite Dynasties of Egypt many of the Israelites resettled in the southern lands of Mu under the leadership of the Zerah-Judaites and the Manasseh and Ephraim Josephites before the Exodus. The Josephite Theban Royal family, the Phoenician Hiramites and the Davidic Kings reestablished contact with Mu (Indonesia and Australia).

In the time of ancient Uruk, Sinus Magnum or the Tasman Sea was land ( a great valley). It was traversed by stone pavement thoughfares. One of these pavement roads began at the so-called Tessellated Pavement at Pirate's Bay (Eaglehawk Nest) in Tasmania going across to what would later be Eastern Sinim (on the Lord Howe Rise).  Another great road or causeway is found north of this beginning in the Ocean south east of Lake's Entrance and Sale in Victoria crossing the plain  to the hills which would later be the coastline of Eastern Sinim (on the Lord Howe Rise). 

There is another causeway south of the Tasselated pavement that goes across the Tasman Sea to Stewart Island and there is also a fork which leads towards the north part of the South Island of New Zealand. There may have been a major city now under the Sea near Eaglehawk Nest or possibly under the hills nearby (see the area of the Devil's Kitchen which may be the remnants of great fortress temple complex). The Dolerite rock of Tasmania may be the remnants of the huge Tower of Babel (Mt Wellington) and its surrounding city metropolis. The Tower of Babel was linked to other Towers in what are now Antarctica, Argentina and South Africa and other places. 

The Tasman Sea now may cover the ancient Plain of Shinar or Sinar where the original Tower of Babel was found. The tower itself may have been located at Mt Wellington in Tasmania. Noah's Ark may have landed in the Southern Alps of New Zealand on Mt Cook (Aoraki). After the cataclysmic events of the Tower of Babel humans moved to Sundaland (Indonesia and South East Asia) and Northern Australia (north-western Sinim) and from there they moved into Babylonia (Iraq). Abraham's family were part of this migration from Uruk (Ur Kasdim) in Australia to the Middle East. 

Some evolutionists believe in an "Out of Africa" theory. Some who try to read the genetic evidence  according to this theory see a migration out of Africa via India to Australia. In fact, the sons of of A ydna may have left Australasia for Africa before the Ice Age and they were isolated there during the the Ice Age. The post-deluge mankind came "Out of Australia" just over 4000 years ago.    

Who was the ydna Adam? Was it Noah or Shem or someone else? Who were the Neanderthals and Denisovans? Were they the descendants of the wives of Japheth and Ham? When did the first mutations occur? Were they caused by radiation? According to Jewish writings the rapid aging and degenerative diseases began in the time of Abraham and Isaac. Some researchers believe there was a world-wide nuclear winter at the time of Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction and the destruction of the Tower of Uruk (Mt Augustus in Western Australia). Another occurred in the days of Joseph in Egypt with the destruction of the Tower of Eridu (Uluru in the Northern Territory). Did the first mutations occur earlier at the time of the Tower of Babel (in the Dolerite region of Tasmania) which caused the continents to split and form and another 7 year nuclear winter occurred. 

In the past many years ago, I dated the Flood to about 2700 BC and the Tower of Babel to 2313 BC. Then  after more research I change my belief and thought the Flood occurred about 2343-2 BC (or 2404 BC) and the Tower of Babel's destruction (along with its huge surrounding city) about 2170 BC (or 2246 BC) when Abraham's ancestor Eber (or Heber) was about 38 years old. However, since then I have revised my date of the Flood to have occurred about 2006 BC and the Tower of Babel to 1850 BC when Heber was 88 and his son Peleg was 54 and grandson Reu was 24 years old. Blessed Anne Emmerich tells us that Noah's descendants who were also on the Ark with him numbered 100, including the 8 genetic ancestors of post-deluge man, mentioned in the Biblical account. 

A population explosion began and by 1900 BC the population was about 25,000 and it rose to about 120,000 by 1850 BC. Cainan who became the push to rebuild the pre-flood high technological civilisation was born in 1963 BC. He became the King of Eridu by marrying the hereditary High Queen Milkam and establishing Eridu named for the pre-flood Eridu Empire. His son-in-law Nimrod succeeded him as the King-Emperor of the revived Eridu Empire. Nimrod built a huge new interplanetary spaceport and nuclear weapons defence base and city at Lebab (Mt Wellington, Tasmania). It was named in honour of Shem's wife the heiress of the white Moon Queens from before the flood. Most of the people lived on the huge Plain of Shinar (or Sinar) that is now partly under the Tasman Sea and the Southern Ocean and partly part of the Plateau that is Australia.    

Noah had been a priest-king before the Flood whose three sons had all married Princesses. He and his wife were members of the  Royal Family of the Moon Queens of the House of Lebab along with Shem's wife. Ham's wife was a Black Princess of Eridu (Mars) and Japheth's wife a Golden Red Princess of Earth. Both Ham and Japheth's wives were descendants of Cain's son Enki (Enoch) the founder of the first city of Eridu (called Enoch in Genesis) of the House of Isis. 

The Japhethites founded a city called Adan to the East of  Lebab (later called Babel) now under the Tasman Sea, the Hamites built a city to the South called Nahal now under the Southern Ocean and the Shemites built Sadek to the West of Lebab now also under the Southern Ocean. In the universal Noachite language Adan meant red (and judgement), Lebab was white (and heart) and Nahal was black (and river, depth or deep).

Adam and Eve spoke Hebrew the language of Creation but after 2000 years it had developed into a different language. At the time of Babel God restored the language of Creation to Heber and his family. After Babel the Sumerian language was spoken at Eridu and the Akkadian at Uruk. Nimrod was born around 1940 BC and according to Blessed Anne Emmerich he lived for 270 years. 

The destruction of the Tower of Babel occurred when he was about 90 years old (at this time the aging process was different and he looked as young as his grandsons). He reigned in Eridu in northern central Australia. He died around 1670 BC during the life time of Abraham. Jewish tradition records that Abraham and Nimrod's lives crossed over. Abraham was about 84 years old when Nimrod died.  

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Zohar Prologue 247-260: The Shabbat Queen

Prologue: Verse 247

פִּקּוּדָא אַרְבֵּיסַר, לְנַטְרָא יוֹמָא דְשַׁבַּתָּא, דְּאִיהוּ יוֹמָא דְנַיְיחָא מִכָּל עוֹבָדֵי בְּרֵאשִׁית. הָכָא כְּלִילָן תְּרֵין פִּקּוּדִין, חַד נָטוֹרָא דְּיוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת. וְחַד לְקַשְׁרָא הַהוּא יוֹמָא בְּקִדּוּשֵׁיהּ. לְנַטְרָא יוֹמָא דְּשַׁבַּתָּא, כְּמָא דְּאַדְכַּרְנָא וְאַתְעַרְנָא עֲלַיְיהוּ, דְּאִיהוּ יוֹמָא דְנַיְיחָא לְעָלְמִין, וְכָל עֲבִידָן בֵּיהּ אִשְׁתַּכְלְלוּ וְאִתְעֲבִידוּ, עַד דְּאִתְקַדַּשׁ יוֹמָא.

The fourteenth precept - to observe the day (yoma) of the Shabbat, which is a day (yoma) of rest for Kol (All) of the works of Bereshit. Here, there are two Universal precepts.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Zohar Prologue 244-246: Mother of the Firstborn

Prologue: Verse 244

פִּקּוּדָא חַדְסַר, לְעַשְׂרָא מַעַשְׂרָא דְאַרְעָא הָכָא אִית תְּרֵין פִּקּוּדִין: חַד, לְעַשְׂרָא מַעַשְׂרָא דְאַרְעָא. וְחַד בִּכּוּרֵי דְּפֵירֵי אִילָנָא, דִּכְתִיב הִנֵּה נָתַתִי לָכֶם אֶת כָּל עֵשֶׂב זוֹרֵעַ זֶרַע אֲשֶׁר עַל פְּנֵי כָל הָאָרֶץ. כְּתִיב הָכָא, הִנֵּה נָתַתִּי.

Miriam is the Mother of Mercy and is the perfect mirror (Mariah) of the 13 attributes or aspects of Mercy (Chesed). 13 is the number of Our Lady of Fatima as well as Queen Esther, who in turn is a type of Our Lady. The numbers one (echad) and love (ahavah) also are numerically 13 in Hebrew. Esther means star and Miriam haKedosha is called Star of the Sea (Stella Maris) in Catholic devotion. In many European languages the first part of Our Lady’s name MR means Sea i.e.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

Mystery of the Tefillin

Prologue: Verse 237

פִּקּוּדָא עֲשִׂירָאָה, לַאֲנָחָא תְּפִילִּין וּלְאַשְׁלָמָא גַרְמֵיהּ, בְּדִיּוֹקְנָא עִלָּאָה. דִּכְתִיב וַיִּבְרָא אֱלֹהִים אֶת הָאָדָם בְּצַלְמוֹ. פְּתַח וַאֲמַר רֹאשֵׁךְ עָלַיִךְ כַּכַּרְמֶל. הַאי קְרָא אוֹקִימְנָא.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Bread Woman and Mother of the Poor

Prologue: Verse 233

פִּקּוּדָא תְּשִׁיעָאָה, לְמֵיחַן לְמִסְכְּנֵי, וּלְמֵיהַב לוֹן טַרְפָּא. דִּכְתִיב, נַעֲשֶׂה אָדָם בְּצַלְמֵנוּ כִּדְמוּתֵנוּ. נַעֲשֶׂה אָדָ"ם בְּשׁוּתְּפָא, כְּלַל דְּכַר וְנוּקְבָא. בְּצַלְמֵנוּ עֲתִירֵי, כִּדְמוּתֵנוּ מִסְכְּנֵי.

The ninth precept - is to be generous to the needy and supply them with food (trefa).

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

Our Lady as the Universal Soul of All

Prologue: Verse 228

פִּקּוּדָא תְּמִינָאָה, לְמִרְחַם גִּיּוֹרָא דְּעָאל לְמִגְזַר גַּרְמֵיהּ וּלְעָאלָא תְּחוֹת גַּדְפוֹי דִשְׁכִינְתָּא. וְאִיהִי אָעֵילָא לוֹן תְּחוֹת גַּדְפָהָא לְאִינוּן דְּמִתְפָּרְשָׁן מִסִּטְרָא אָחֳרָא מְסָאֲבָא, וּמִתְקָרְבִין לְגַבָּהּ. דִּכְתִיב תּוֹצֵא הָאָרֶץ נֶפֶשׁ חַיָּה לְמִינָהּ.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Lady Soars

Prologue: Verse 223

פִּקּוּדָא שְׁבִיעָאָה לְמִגְזַר לִתְמַנְיָא יוֹמִין, וּלְאַעֲבָרָא זוּהֲמָא דְּעָרְלְתָא בְּגִין דְּהַהִיא חַיָּה, אִיהִי דַרְגָא תְּמִינָאָה לְכָל דַּרְגִּין, וְהַהִיא נֶפֶשׁ דְּפָרְחָא מִינָהּ, אִצְטְרִיכָא לְאִתְחֲזָאָה קַמָּהּ לִתְמַנְיָא יוֹמִין, כְּמָה דְאִיהִי דַרְגָּא תְּמִינָאָה.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

Marian Fruitfulness and Graces

Prologue: Verse 219

פִּקּוּדָא שְׁתִיתָאָה, לְאִתְעַסְּקָא בִּפְרִיָּה וּרְבִיָּה.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB.

Engaging with Our Lady Torah 

Prologue: Verse 215

פִּקּוּדָא חֲמִישָׁאָה, כְּתִיב יִשְׁרְצוּ הַמַּיִם שֶׁרֶץ נֶפֶשׁ חַיָה. בְּהַאי קְרָא אִית תְּלַת פִּקּוּדִין: חַד לְמִלְעֵי בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, וְחַד לְאִתְעֲסָקָא בִּפְרִיָּה וּרְבִיָּה, וְחַד לְמִגְזַר לִתְמַנְיָיא יוֹמִין וּלְאַעֲבָרָא מִתַּמָּן עָרְלָתָא.

The Tribes of Israel had banners with emblems for each of the 13 Tribes, as well the Eagle, Ox, Lion and Man for the four Brigades. The Brigade of Dan had the symbol of the Eagle which included the Tribes of Dan, Asher and Naphtali. The Brigade of Ephraim had the symbol of the Ox which included the Tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin. The Brigade of Judah had the symbol of the Lion which included the Tribes of Judah, Zebulon and Issachar.
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