Patrick Harrington in his article in the Sun entitled "Ancient pyramid hidden for Millennia unearthed" speaks about the ruins of an ancient Pyramid found in the so-called Norte Chico or Caral-Supe Civisiation in Peru in February 2025. 

...Archaeologists have unearthed a vast ancient pyramid that was hidden for millennia, right next to a revered sacred city. They have hailed the find as an opportunity to shed new light on the earliest advanced civilisation in the Americas. The new pyramid has been dug out at the Chupacigarro archaeological site, just one kilometre west of the world heritage site Caral in the Supe Valley, west Peru.

The discovery was made by the team dedicated to exploring the area around the sacred city, known as the Caral Archaeological Zone. It is thought the pyramid site - named Sector F - was an extension of the main city. For thousands of years, it lay beneath earth and shrubs, but then the scientists came across vertical stones - “huancas” - marking out the corners of a building. They also signify the site as one of ceremonial importance.

The footprint of the ancient structure is rectangular, and features a central staircase that once led up to a towering summit. It consists of 12 smaller areas scattered across nearby hilltops that historians think were used for ceremonies or other aspects of public life. Around the outside, archaeologists also came across the ruins of numerous houses.

These discoveries point to the site being a small urban centre - a suburb of the main sacred city Caral. The central pyramid is formed of at least three overlapping platforms that stacked up to form the body. It also featured a sunken, central pillar. One of the most astonishing finds in the dig was a massive “geoglyph” - meaning a design marked on the earth - of a human head. The huge artwork was over 62 metres long and 30 metres wide...

The modernist uniformitarian archeologists date this civilisation much too old, based on their radiocarbon methods. They claim to date it from 3,100-1800 BC. In fact it began after 1380 BC in my creationist timescale. In a previous blog post I wrote about this civilisation.  

The Norte Chico civilisation in Peru was probably that established by Pharaoh Mentuhotep IV (Manco Capac) and his followers of R1 y-dna or ancestral of R1 y-dna who settled in Peru around 1380 BC (my Luisan Chronology). The remnants of these Egyptians known as the Chauci who had moved north, encountered the Zebulonites around 600 BC, who intermarried with them and their ruling house in the male line became Zebulonite. The group of Chauci who settled at Chicomoztoc (Gila Cliff Dwellings) were later conquered by the Q1a Ishmaelites of the Clan of Ayar. Under the Ayars they returned to Peru and Ayar Manco established the foundations of the Inca Empire.

In another blog post I wrote:

Lugaid or Lux Garda or Leuk-Garda (the Guardian of the Light) the Great was the King of Corca (Oaxaca) (b.375 BC d.322 BC). He married Princess Fail the Elder (b.370) the daughter of Danaus a Prince of Egypt and Milesian Prince and Tamar VII of Egypt and the Lady Guardian of the Stone [Domnu Lia Fail or Domina Lapis Fatum or G'veretnu m'eben haGorel (Maebe)] (b.395 BC) the daughter of Ramses a Prince of Egypt (b.410) and Tamar VI of Egypt and the Lady Guardian of the Stone at her Palace at Tahpanhes.
Palace of the Daughters of Judah at Tahpanhes in Egypt where the Stone of Jacob resided until it was transferred to Spain.
He established the Beni Guni (Gunni) or Corca of the Tribe of Naphtali in Mexico. The name of Oaxaca was orginally wa-Corca meaning the Valley of the Corca. Corc or Corca means red or crimson or heart. This period around 350 BC the Corca Naphtalites settled at San Jose Mogote in the Oaxaca valley along side the remnant of the original Manaan of the Manassehites of R1 y-dna who had settled there earlier from South America (Peru). 
It was these Manaan from Peru (orginally coming from Egypt) that brought the Pyramid technology to Central America and Mexico. The original Manaan cities founded by the Manassehites from Egypt under Mentuhotep IV (left Egypt about 1380 BC) were those of the Caral Civilisation. The original settlement is probably now under the sea as the much of the coastal plain of South America went under water in 680 BC and the Andes rose. 
Around 800 BC the Helonites (Hellenes) and Danites (Danaan) settled in cities along the coastal Plain and the Manaan moved in land further and established the settlement in Caral. After the cataclysmic events of 680 BC a remnant of the population went into the newly risen Andes away from the Ocean and others moved to Central America and the Oaxaca Valley and others returned to Northern Europe and others settled in Greece and Egypt.
The Helonites (of R1b U106) and the Danaan of I2a1 were also present in the Oaxaca Valley. They worked together in the first phase to level the area of Monte Alban where the Pyramids would be built. Around 200 AD the original Pyramids were leveled after the Corca left the Oaxaca Valley for Neuvo Leon (Louighodhe) region of Mexico and new Pyramids were constructed by the Zapotecs. 
In recent dna studies on Mexican-Mestizos some of their male lineages belong to I* haplogroups which according to much of modern academia is dismissed as due to recent European post Columbian ancestry. However some of these may be the remnant of Naphtali dna of I2a2 and Dan of I2a1.

Thus, this culture which built Pyramids in Peru in America were influenced by the Egyptians.  Mentuhotep IV the Prince (Nasu) of Thebes reigned in Egypt from 1386-1380 BC, before removing with his wife and family by Ships to Peru via Ancient Australia where he established an Egypto-Israelite civilisation. Thus this Caral Civilisation in Peru lasted from about 1380-680 BC. 

The Chavin Culture of C y-dna arose about 180-200 years after the fall and destruction of the Caral Civilisation. C y-dna is a branch of Japheth's descendants of the Monga branch of C2 y-dna Gomeri (different to the Anda branch of Gomeri which is C* and C1). C2-M217 y-dna was also called C3. I also mentioned the Chavin Culture in another post:

When the remnants of the Shang Dynasty led by the Prince of Yin fled China around 500 BC they settled in Peru and were known later as the Chavin culture. It would seem that the Ishmaelites killed all males and kept the females when they conquered any area. However, these Chinese may have belonged to the C2 y-dna haplogroup which is found today among the Wayuu of Colombia and Venezuela and the Waorani and Kichwa of Ecuador.  The World Stone Map found in Ecuador in a mine in 1984 may have been carved by these Chinese settlers.

A separate group of C2 y-dna that arrived in British Columbia may have been a different group of C2 y-dna that arrived there direct from Asia or possibly from the sunken lands (Chukchi) in the Pacific Ocean between China and North America in the 14th century (possibly around 1320 AD). They are today known as the Na-dene speaking cultures - Tanana, Navajo, Apache, Cheyenne and Sioux. The Koryaks and similar related people in Siberia may also have come from the north of Chukchi (Cicones). The now-sunken island of Cipangu (not to be confused with Japan) was south of Chukchi.

The world Stone Map found near La Mana in Ecuador may not be from the Chavin culture but by an earlier group as the Hummingbird Pyramid and other artefacts were discovered near La Mana in 2013. There also seems to be a writing script which some researcher call Paleo-Sanskrit. As the Stone Map has Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean on it as well as Sundaland between the Indian and Pacific Oceans and possibly Cipangu or Pan in the northern Pacific Ocean - the map comes from a period before 700-500 BC when much of Sundaland sunk and 968 BC when Atlantis sunk. 

These settlers probably came to Ecuador from the area of Sundaland. Thus, this map probably represents the world in the period between 1350-968 BC. Some have noticed some similarity with the Pyramids of Bosnia and Crimea. If so these European Pyramids may not have been around 1470 BC as I have proposed elsewhere but from this period between 1350-968 BC at the time of the great Atlantean civilisation.

In 2024 it was reported in the media about large cities and civilisation in Ecuador known as the Upano culture, which was north of the Chavin culture in the Upano River Valley area and was probably after the Chavin culture which ended around 250 BC. It had previously been discovered partially by the archeologist Stephen Rostain, about two decades ago, but it was only recently that mapping by laser-sensor technology revealed those sites to be part of a network of settlements and connecting roads in the forested foothills of the Andes. The Upano culture of Ecuador was a sophisticated, pre-Columbian Amazon civilization with dense, interconnected settlements, a complex road network, and had advanced agriculture and water management systems. This may have been a settlement by the Amazons under their Queen who later moved further into the Amazon Jungle to the south east in modern day Brazil. 

The later Amazon settlements in Brazil were in the area of the Tapuyas in which recently, near Tapajos, were found at least 81 settlements. The Spanish explorer Orellana was attacked by Indians led by Warrior women north of this area in 1542. The 19 hectare settlement found by the archeologists may have been the fortress and city of the Amazon Queen. The archeologist date this period from 1250-1500 AD and believe the Amazon ruled culture died out due to the arrival of European diseases. It would seem that the international Amazon network was fractured after 1530 and contact was lost between the different groups of Amazons. 
This area of the Amazon in Brazil is believed by some to be the area of the lost City of Z sought by Colonel Percy Harrison Fawcett. He had a manuscript that described the ruins of this ancient city in 1753, that contained arches, a statue, and a temple with hieroglyphs. Other believe this city may have been in Bolivia, where lost cities and pyramids were found in the Amazon jungle in 2022.

I also write about the arrival of the Ishmaelites to the Americas who became the dominate group among native Americans:

It would seem that the first group of Ishmaelites to arrive in North America were the Q1a2a-z780 y-dna Ishmaelites, a brother clade to Q-CTS3814, around 690-680 BC when they sailed from the southern Pacific Ocean to Mexico where they establish a Kingdom and then one group headed North who were Q1a2a-Z781 y-dna of the Temai and another group went south to South America who were Q1a2a-BY46705 y-dna Hadari around 640-600 BC. The Temai would seem to include the Tolmecs or Olmecs. Another branch became known as the Ancients or Aztecs who lived in an island kingdom in the midst of a huge Lake in the area of Utah.

Around 600-580 BC another group of Ishmaelites from Siberia area moved into North America of Q1a2a-M3 y-dna. The Q1a2a- M3 M902, M194, C122507, C125006, FT425309, C100415 and M19 y-dna of the Jeturi went south to Columbia after 550 BC and then some went north to Mexico and others south to Peru. The Q1a2a M3 Y4276 y-dna of the Naphishi and Kedemahi remained in Canada and Alaska and went to the area of the United States later. Around 470 BC another group went to Brazil of the Naphishi Ishmaelites.

Q-Y4276 y-dna occurred in America among the Ishmaelite sons of Naphish and Kedemah around 550 BC as a group mutation. Then Q-Y4300 y-dna occurred around 70-80 AD among the Ishmaelite sons of Kedemah. They are also known as the Athabaskan speaking peoples. After this Q-CTS11268 y-dna occurred around 1050 AD among the Southern Sons of Kedemah from Alaska and Canada. They only moved south after the end of the white-controlled Medieval Kingdoms in North America (such as Calalus etc) and the Toltec or Talega Kingdom and Empire centred at Cahokia after 1250 AD. I wrote:

One group of the Toltecs or Tolteca moved north from Mexico and drove the white population out of Arizona and surrounding areas known as Calalus. The Chontal Tabascan branch of the Toltecas landed in their ships and established a base near Tampa in Florida and from there drove the Mayans and possibly Cododuans out of America. At this stage it is not clear to me if it was the Toltecas coming from the west or the Chontals from the east, that destroyed the Cadodu Queendom and assimilated the women and some of the men into the Tolteca group that established Cahokia (Talega). 

The so-called Native American Indian Tribes entered the area of the USA after 1000 AD when the former white population (as I discuss in other posts such as Calalus etc) has been slaughtered or fled with only a small number of white survivors in the Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia area and possibly some hidden in the Appalachian Mountains. The white Kingdoms, Principalities and Queendoms were overrun by Toltec-Olmec (Talegs/ Otagil/ Tagil) peoples of mainly Q1a y-dna of the Ishmaelites in Mexico. Q y-dna used to be divided into Q1a and Q1b but now Q1b- L275 y-dna is called Q2 and the old Q1a y-dna became Q1a-MEH2 and Q1b-M346 (but is now called Q1a2). 

Ol the Rhadan was the Dalak (Kalad) of Rhoda and Calalus (b.875 d.932 AD). He served under Israel IV the Judeo-Christian King of Calalus but left Rhoda around 905 and then sailed to the Hebrides were he married the daughter of Earl Torstein. It would seem, he then seized Ailech on the death of Niall Glundub and married his young son to the daughter of Niall and ruled as Regent of Ailech until his son came of age. 

He hid the artefacts of Calalus found in Tucson Arizona at a time when it seemed the last remnants of Calalus would be overrun. However, the colony survived for about another hundred years, so Israel IV must have been able to push back the Toltecs sometime after Ol had left for Europe. 

His group headed north to the Great Lakes and the St Lawrence Seaway and then sailing past Newfoundland and on to Greenland and from Greenland to Iceland and then to the Hebrides. Eugenius the Angus also took a similar route around 875. This was the route of the Rhadanite Jewish merchants that sailed the Rivers of North America to Rhoda from the Great Lakes. This was a closely guarded secret.

I wrote elsewhere:

In order to understand the context one should read my blogs about the white European settlements that I believe occurred in America in pre-Columbian times. One of these places was the Principality of Ragheallachia which were ruled by Princes who are the ancestors of the I2a2 y-dna O'Reilly family of Ireland. I hold that this haplogroup is that of the lost Tribe of Naphtali and some of them over the centuries became Jews and there are some families among the Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews that descend from I2a2 y-dna. I2a1 is found among the descendants of the Tribe of Dan.

I will begin with Count Burkhard's direct male lineage from Cian the last Ruling Prince of Ragheallachia in North America whose capital city Ragheal was overthrown by the American Indian Toltecas in 875 AD. As I wrote elsewhere Cian-

"...was the last reigning Prince of Ragheallachia. He fled from his city when it was overrun by the Native Americans and went to join his overlord the King Eugenius of Alleghania and Appelachia. Around 875 with the conquest of Alleghania he went with King Eugenius to the St Lawrence Waterway and they took ship with the Rhadanite Jewish merchants to Europe. He married Princess Liadan of Munster the daughter of Dub Lachtna mac Máele Gualae King of Munster."

I also spoke of the Toltecs in my first article about Calalus.

Israel Merfyn returned to Calalus (which was called Manaan in Wales) and succeeded his father as Israel II. Israel III Septimus became King of Calalus in 858 at the age of 26. He fought many battles and later he granted the conquered pagan Tolteczas independence in 880. He was deposed by the Sanhedrin of Calalus and his son Israel IV replaced him and Israel III was banished. 

Israel IV began a campaign of war against the Tolteczas that would lead to the eventual end of the colony in the 10th century. The descendants of Israel III Septimus’ son Isaac became the Priest-Kings of the Toltecs who moved south to Mexico. They abolished the human sacrifices of the natives but they were restored (c.1018) after the Rhodans left America.

Israel III went south to the Toltec lands of Mexico and his grandson Makhir/Americ (Meurig in the Welsh genealogies /Mixcoatl of the Toltecs) was the grandfather of Topiltzin (Israel VII/Idwal) priest of Quetzalcoatl who left Cholula for Rhoda in about 1000 AD. He rejoined the remnant of the Rhodans who he led east and then back to Europe and some of the Latin Jewish Rhodans settled in North Western Spain where as trained Warriors they were welcomed in the fight to preserve the freedom of North Western Spain from the Muslims. 

In another article on Calalus I wrote:

In the past I had thought that the Roman connection with Calalus had occurred around 100 BC under the Roman Jewish leader Silvanus (Solomon), now I think it may be that Silvanus came to reinforce the already existing but embattled Senones-Roman colony. Thus the first Roman contact occurred in the 4th century BC around 380 BC. The Roman accounts of the attack of the Senones on Clusium need a new and revised reading. It would seem that the Calalusians were led by a man called Aruns or Aaron who would be the possible leader of the oppressed Zebulonites (Zapotecas). The Olmec or Toltec King or Governor of Calalus (the Ku) was called Lucumo by the Romans. Were these Olmec/Toltecs connected to the Etruscans? We do know they both practiced the cult of human sacrifice.

Could the walls that Benjamin built or rebuilt be the limestone city and walls of Rhoda in Calalus rather than Rome? Was the enemy the Olmecs or Toltecs? Was it the Olmecs or Toltecs that were the Thebans that killed Benjamin? Some scholars think that the whole story of Clusium was fiction as it didn't fit the events in Italy at that time. However, this is because it was in fact about the events occurring in far away Calalus.

I also wrote in another blog post:

Old English and Old Frisian are very closely related languages descending from the Zebulonite languages of which Old German, Old Yiddish and Old Dutch are also branches. The Basque language however was the language that developed in Calalus among the Rhodans drawing on the Aquitainian, Ladino and Welsh languages with also some input from the Tolteca (Ogham) language of America as well as Latin and Hebrew. Thus the Mananaans (Manaans) spoke Anglo-Frisian and the British Calalusians a version of Cymric (Welsh dialectic variant of Gwenhwyseg of south-east Wales) and the Rhodans Old Basque-Aquitainian...

...It was during the time of the Atlantean Empire and after that the tall blonde haired blue eyed Zebulonites known as Danaan settled in the Americas. They encountered there the red-bronze skinned Rhodanim or Toltecas (probably C or Q haplogroup) and the white skinned red haired descendants of Manasseh (R1 M173*) from which the name Manaanan or Manaan was given as a name for America...

...The Chauci disappeared from Europe in the 3rd century moving to the Americas. In the first three centuries AD the Frisians, Angles and Chauci lived in the area of the Elbe River. They were known as the Elben or Elven people. The Saxons moved into the former areas of the Chauci. The Saxons or Sacae were originally from the Tribe of Issachar. It would seem that the Angles, Frisians and Chauci came from Calalus (Calchi) to the River Elbe in Europe after Calalus and Mexico was conquered from the Olmecs and Toltecs by the Romans in 100 BC. 

It would seem that these tribes allied with the Romans to build the so-called Teotihuacan civilisation after their defeat of the Olmecs (Ogres). The so-called Zapotec culture is that of the Danaan or Frisians who were known also as the Be'ena Za'a (Cloud People) before the coming of the Romans and their oppression by the Olmecs. Before moving south and establishing the Zapotec culture around 600 BC they (Angles, Frisians and Chauci) came from Calalus from Atzlan (area of Colorado and Utah- an island in an ancient Lake), Colhuacan at Canyon de Chelly in Arizona and Chicomoztoc at the Gila Cliff Dwellings in New Mexico...

...This area in Arizona may have originally been called the Chalal Luz (the wilderness or Void of Luz). To the north of Rhoda was the city of Luz which was named for the city in Israel. The ruins of this city are the Tortolita Mountains and the location may have been called Luz due to the wild Hazel or Jojoba trees that grew there. This city may be connected to the Jewish legend of the Lost City of Luz in which the inhabitants were immortal or long livers and never told lies. The city was hidden and had to be entered through a cave that was hidden by a huge Hazelnut tree. It may have been located near the Wild Burro Canyon. Today, its remnants are mistaken for natural features of the landscape. However, the Lost or Hidden City of Luz may have been in Spain and the one in Arizona named after it. 

A third city called Chol, which means 'sand' as well as 'Phoenix-bird' in Hebrew, was in the area of the Superstition Mountains and the modern city of Phoenix in Arizona in the days of the Hohokam culture of Rhodan Calalus. In Judaism the Phoenix is also called Milcham mixing Melech for King and Cham for the heat of the sun. A variant of this is Chol-cham for the sun phoenix bird. This word for this region was preserved in a garbled way with Hohokam and Calalus. Jews from ancient times love using puns on words to get diverse meanings and interpretations. The area of Chol and Luz were also called Aretz Chol v'Luz (the land of Chol and Luz). It seems that the area was flooded in the 7th century and many of the inhabitants of this area moved south into today's Mexico under their leader Xelhua and established the city of Cholula with its Great Pyramid. They were conquered by the Toltecas in the 12th century...

...It may be that Tolkien's Middle-Earth may allude to the peoples of Calalus. The area of the Anasazi being that of the Hobbits who were British or Welsh settlers that were mostly under 5 ft 4. The Mogollon area of the Frisians or Manaan represents the Elves who are tall and blonde. The Synklar or Fremont area represents Rohan and Hohokam and Patayan represent Arnor and Gondor. 

The Dwarves represent the miners of the Calalus settlements. The Orks in Tolkien represent the Toltecas or Olmecs who invaded Calalus from Mexico. The Wizards represent the Romano-Jewish Catholic Bishops and Abbots of Calalus. Gandalf represents Quetzalcoatl. Aragorn the heir of King Isildur represents the Davidic Jewish Kings of Calalus. Did Tolkien mystically intuit his ideas or did he draw them from his studies in legend and mythology or a mixture of both?

It would seem that the Welsh settlers were not in favour of the evangelisation of the pagan peoples as they hadn't been in Britain. They were traditional enemies with the pagan Frisian Kingdom to their south. However, the newly converted Jewish Catholics of Rhoda were keen on evangelisation. However this came to a head in the reign of Israel III in 880 AD who gave the Toltecas (pagan American Indians) their independence and he was banished and Israel IV took the Throne. 

After the defeat by the Indians of the Calalus kingdoms most returned to Europe but a remnant moved to the area of Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia where the Rhodan, Welsh and Frisian remnants eventually united into one allied people and in the 12th century their settlement was reinforced by the Welsh under Prince Madoc of Wales. Both the Choctaws and the Comanche tell of these tall white giants (the Frisians) who they encountered and fought with and killed them in the area of Tennessee. It would seem some of those of the white remnant from the Synklar confederacy moved west to the Great Lakes area into eastern Canada and where they were visited and resettled on the islands of the northern Atlantic by Henry Sinclair the Earl of the Northern Isles in the 14th century.

In another blog post I wrote:

Martin C Winer writes:

"...Finally we have the Calalus settlement. In 1924 a collection of lead tablets was found near Tucson Arizona. “The crude plates told of a band of Hebrew refugees who fled Charlemagne’s Frankish Christian Regime and sailed across the Atlantic to a land known as Calalus. Found together with these plates were “ceremonial standards engraved with menorah and Hebrew tags like shalom, qaddash, elohim, goi gadol.” Calalus was founded in 775 C.E. when the colony’s first leader Theodore wrested the capital Rhoda from the native ‘Toltec’. A recent discovery off the coast of Haifa gives a possible vessel for the transatlantic crossing. Dr. Elisha Linder discovered the wreck of an ocean worthy craft and reports that a “flotilla of such merchantmen [(ships)] would have been available to Theodore and his colonists setting forth from Rome in 775.” Calalus went on to record a long and tumultuous history of wars, near defeats, and eventual total defeat around 900 CE. During its history there were many interactions between Calalus and Narbonne, a Carolingnian state (modern day France) where Jews enjoyed self-governance. It was in Narbonne that the Kabala was created from its well respected Yeshiva..."  

Numerous Roman coins have been found in the Americas and those found in Texas at an American Indian site called Round Rock have been dated to about 800 AD at the very time of the later Calalus settlement by the Jews from Septimania. (For information about the reconquest of Calalus by Theodore see "Calalus: A Jewish Catholic State in Medieval America")

It is interesting to note that in the area of Tucson in this time period was part of the ancient civilisation called the Hohokam which were closely connected with the Mogollon and Anasazi. The Hohokam ruins of Casa Grande show an advanced culture of canal builders that irrigated the desert areas. We know that Calalus had different cultural groups such as the British group and the Latin (Frankish group) as well as the Mananaan. The Mananaan would seem to be associated with the Mogollon culture and the Copper Valley (Barranca del Cobre) of Chihuahua is in the region of the Mogollon. From North West Mexico they may have travelled through Central America to the Magdalena Valley in Columbia before settling in Peru.

Also in Peru are found the red haired white people of the Paracas and Nazca cultures of Peru. Numerous mummies with red hair and Caucasian features have been found in the tombs of the upper classes of these cultures. It is possible that Mentuhotep first settled in South America rather than Central Mexico. It would seem certain legends tell of the conflict between the white tall blonde and bearded men and the red haired men. The blonde descendants of the tribe of Zebulon and the red-haired descendants of Manasseh separated into separate settlements. The sons of Manasseh lived in the lowlands and the sons of Zebulon took to the mountains. While it is tempting to see the name Manasseh in Mannaan, Manaan is a later name connected to the term Manna. One part of these blonde Zebulonites moved back to Europe in the 1st century BC settling for a time in Frisia. These Zebulonites may have had colonies on the lands south of Cornwall (Lyonesse) and north of Ireland (possibly Lochlainn/ Lothlind) which sunk into the Sea around 535-540 AD. King Lot of Arthurian fame belonged to this Zebulonite line of Kings.

Then in another blog post  I wrote:

Brachya ha David was the King in Western Europe of Tzarefat (b.405 d.375 BC). He was the Founder of the Germanic Tribe of Bructeri or Boruhtware. He had a brother or son Prince Obadiah who may have been the prophet of the Book of Obadiah. He joined the alliance of Gauls under King Benjamin or Brennius of the Senones (Semnones/ Senna) that attacked Rome in 390 BC. This may have been the incident that evoked the prophecy of his brother Obadiah against Edom. He also participated in the expedition to Calalus by King Benjamin (now allied with the Romans) in 380 BC to drive the Olmecs or Toltecs (also called Ogres) out of Rhoda and to free the enslaved Zapotecas.

In a bog post about the Queens of Cadodu I wrote:

It would seem the Queendom was overrun by the Toltecs (Talegs) and some fled back to Europe and one of the Royal daughters of the Cadodu married the Toltec King and they established a capital city called Talega (Cahokia also Otagil or Tagil) in the area of western Illinois just across the river from modern day St Louis. The Amazon Queen, also known as the Sun Queen, was now subjected to her son the Sun King but the next Sun King would be the son of her daughter the next Sun Queen. This was also the custom of the Picts of Scotland. 

It is said that the Natchez Indians are descendants of this admixture of the Cadodus and the Talegs. They develop a religious culture centred around the concept of the Red or Sun Goddess. The Swift Creek culture was the Kingdom of Maya or Maigh Eo (the Field of the King) named for the Coastal Plain of Georgia after Mayo in Ireland which has a large flat plain. Maya or Maga (Maeve) the daughter of Queen Maya of the Bructeri married Maine a Prince or King of the Tuatha De Danaan in Ireland for whom the area of Mayo was named. This was the pre-Milesian mound culture of Ireland.

              Cadodu was the area now identified as the Marksville culture.

I also wrote on another blog post:

The city of Rhoda was founded by a group of Trojan-Romans after 680 BC and the three cities became allied under a single ruler known as Attius of Calalus (Clausus) the Regillensis  (the Regal Horse Prince). He was an ancestor of Attius Clausus who was from Regillus a Calalusian colony established in Italy. However, scholars do not know where this place was and the question has to asked if this place existed at all in Italy but is actually referring to Rhoda in Calalus.

The original Attius (Titus/ Tolmai) of Calalus was the son of Marcomir or Milcham (Marcus) the Ruler or King of Rhoda and Attia the Ruler or Queen of Chol and Luz. Thus the Claudia gens of Rome and the first Kings of Ancient Calalus descend from this original Attius of Calalus. Sometimes before 380 BC the Tolteca-Olmecs had captured Rhoda and it was at that time that the Simeonites under King Benjamin had come from Gaul to deliver it as well as a contingent from Italy and Rome led by Marcus Clausus (aka Milcham of Calalus) the son of the King of Calalus (Arun the Attius of Calalus the Regillensis) who had been overthrown by the Tolteca-Olmec forces. 

These Calalusian Rulers were the fabulously wealthy Mining Rulers or Kings of these secret Mining colonies. Atti (ayin tet yod) and Luz (lamed vav zayin) had the meaning of Land of Luz...

...Arun the Attius of Calalus the Regillensis (The Regal or Royal Horse Prince) r.506-505 BC. aka Attius Clausus aka Appius Claudius b.531 BC d.475 BC. He succeeded his father as the Ruler of Calalus but was challenged soon after by his wife Sabella or Sabina whose mother was a Tolteca-Olmec Princess and with the help of the Toltecs she seized control of Rhoda and Calalus and Attius fled by ship to Italy and then moved to Rome with his wealth in 504 BC. His son was Appius Claudius Crassus Inregillensis (or Crassinus Regillensis) Sabinus who in 480 BC after the death of his mother in Calalus returned with a Roman military force to claim his rights to Calalus. He removed his sister Sabina II as the Queen and appointed his brother Gaius as the Judeo-Roman governor of Calalus...

...Arun the Attius of Calalus the Regillensis (The Regal or Royal Horse Prince) b.435 d.371. The Tolteca-Olmecs had freed themselves from Rhodan overlordship and invaded Rhoda and taken it sometime around 390-380 BC. He allied himself with King Benjamin and his son and heir led Roman troops as part of an allied force to reconquer Rhoda and Calalus in 380 BC...  

...Tiberius Claudius Regillensis b.120 BC d.51 BC the Attius of Calalus the Regillensis (The Regal or Royal Horse Prince) r.86-51 BC. At the end of his reign Rhoda was attacked and taken over by the Tolteca-Olmecs and Tiberius' grandson, by his eldest daughter Lady Claudia Regillensis b.92 BC, was the wealthy Romano-Jewish Mining Lord known as Cassivellaunas (Solomon II/ Shalom/ Selim/ Silvanus of the Cassi/ Catti/ Hatti) who arrived in Calalus and defeated the Tolteca-Olmec (Ogre) Emperor...

In a post about the North American Queens of Maya I wrote:

The Queens of this dynasty were called the Maya who they associated with the planet Venus and the Goddess Maia.  They were known as fair haired Wolf Queens. Under pressure from the Milesians many of these Magnatae or Mayans sailed to the coast of Georgia in America and established a colony there around 100 BC. They had strong trading links with the Chontal people of Tabasco in southern Mexico. A group of Tabascan Chontals settled in the Maya Kingdom and were known as the Tocobaga. It may have been this group that attacked and killed or drove out the Mayans from America in the early 8th century. The Toltecs or Toltecas had a northern group with their capital at Tula or Tollan. The southern group of the Tolteca, who today are called the Mayans, had their capital at Chichen Itza...

...Like some of the Rhodans of Calalus some of the survivors who fled Maya for Europe in the 8th- 9th century settled in northern Spain and joined the battle against the Muslims to take back Spain. Both Cadodu and Maya were overrun by the Toltecas and the last white Maya Wolf Queen fled to northern Spain in the first half of the 8th century where her name was known as Mayor (I) which became a girls name in Spain among her descendants. She may have been the wife of Duke Peter (Pedro) of Cantabria. Their daughter Munia Mayor (II) b.730 married Fruela I the King of Asturias. Their daughter Mayor (III) b.751 married Inigo Ximenez (the brother of Garcia Ximenez the King of Alava) was the mother of Inigo Arista the King of Pamplona. It is in these northern parts of Spain in Castile, Asturias and Cantabria that the R1a descendants of the Maya are found and a higher rate of people with blonde hair and blue eyes...

There was a total lunar eclipse over the USA on August 21 in 2017 and almost seven years later on April 8 2024 we will saw another one. Patty Jansen commented as reported on the Spirit Daily website:

“It’s just an interesting coincidence that the sum of days within 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days (added up individually, then combined) comes out to 2422 days. Likewise, there are exactly 2422 days between Aug. 21, 2017 and April 8, 2024.”

Has anyone else noticed that the centre of this diagonal cross is in the area of the ancient archeological site of Cahokia near St Louis Missouri? Cahokia was the capital city of an American Indian Kingdom of the Talegs or Toltecs in the Middle Ages that was destroyed and there are only ruins. Is this a warning for the USA that just as Cahokia and its civilisation is gone, so the present USA is drawing to its close? I also notice this seems to be the centre of the USA. 

Jansen also notes:

“And this particular full eclipse finalizes a ‘cross’ over the New Madrid Fault in America. As when fates are sealed, then we must ‘wait and pray.'”

Wiikipedia describes this fault line:

The New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) (/ˈmædrɪd/), sometimes called the New Madrid Fault Line, is a major seismic zone and a prolific source of intraplate earthquakes (earthquakes within a tectonic plate) in the Southern and Midwestern United States, stretching to the southwest from New Madrid, Missouri.

The New Madrid fault system was responsible for the 1811–12 New Madrid earthquakes and has the potential to produce large earthquakes in the future. Since 1812, frequent smaller earthquakes have been recorded in the area.

Earthquakes that occur in the New Madrid Seismic Zone potentially threaten parts of seven American states: Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and to a lesser extent Mississippi and Indiana.

Is the USA about to see cataclysmic events and division over the next seven years? Is this the time of the opening of the Third Seal and the blowing of the Second Trump? We are at present in February 2025 and we are all hoping for good things to happen with a new Donald Trump presidency and for the Elites to be held in check and for peace in the world, like in the first Trump presidency but will we see this all turn to ashes? I hope not and I pray that we have a reprieve from the elitist agenda over the next four years.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Zohar Prologue 247-260: The Shabbat Queen

Prologue: Verse 247

פִּקּוּדָא אַרְבֵּיסַר, לְנַטְרָא יוֹמָא דְשַׁבַּתָּא, דְּאִיהוּ יוֹמָא דְנַיְיחָא מִכָּל עוֹבָדֵי בְּרֵאשִׁית. הָכָא כְּלִילָן תְּרֵין פִּקּוּדִין, חַד נָטוֹרָא דְּיוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת. וְחַד לְקַשְׁרָא הַהוּא יוֹמָא בְּקִדּוּשֵׁיהּ. לְנַטְרָא יוֹמָא דְּשַׁבַּתָּא, כְּמָא דְּאַדְכַּרְנָא וְאַתְעַרְנָא עֲלַיְיהוּ, דְּאִיהוּ יוֹמָא דְנַיְיחָא לְעָלְמִין, וְכָל עֲבִידָן בֵּיהּ אִשְׁתַּכְלְלוּ וְאִתְעֲבִידוּ, עַד דְּאִתְקַדַּשׁ יוֹמָא.

The fourteenth precept - to observe the day (yoma) of the Shabbat, which is a day (yoma) of rest for Kol (All) of the works of Bereshit. Here, there are two Universal precepts.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Zohar Prologue 244-246: Mother of the Firstborn

Prologue: Verse 244

פִּקּוּדָא חַדְסַר, לְעַשְׂרָא מַעַשְׂרָא דְאַרְעָא הָכָא אִית תְּרֵין פִּקּוּדִין: חַד, לְעַשְׂרָא מַעַשְׂרָא דְאַרְעָא. וְחַד בִּכּוּרֵי דְּפֵירֵי אִילָנָא, דִּכְתִיב הִנֵּה נָתַתִי לָכֶם אֶת כָּל עֵשֶׂב זוֹרֵעַ זֶרַע אֲשֶׁר עַל פְּנֵי כָל הָאָרֶץ. כְּתִיב הָכָא, הִנֵּה נָתַתִּי.

Miriam is the Mother of Mercy and is the perfect mirror (Mariah) of the 13 attributes or aspects of Mercy (Chesed). 13 is the number of Our Lady of Fatima as well as Queen Esther, who in turn is a type of Our Lady. The numbers one (echad) and love (ahavah) also are numerically 13 in Hebrew. Esther means star and Miriam haKedosha is called Star of the Sea (Stella Maris) in Catholic devotion. In many European languages the first part of Our Lady’s name MR means Sea i.e.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

Mystery of the Tefillin

Prologue: Verse 237

פִּקּוּדָא עֲשִׂירָאָה, לַאֲנָחָא תְּפִילִּין וּלְאַשְׁלָמָא גַרְמֵיהּ, בְּדִיּוֹקְנָא עִלָּאָה. דִּכְתִיב וַיִּבְרָא אֱלֹהִים אֶת הָאָדָם בְּצַלְמוֹ. פְּתַח וַאֲמַר רֹאשֵׁךְ עָלַיִךְ כַּכַּרְמֶל. הַאי קְרָא אוֹקִימְנָא.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Bread Woman and Mother of the Poor

Prologue: Verse 233

פִּקּוּדָא תְּשִׁיעָאָה, לְמֵיחַן לְמִסְכְּנֵי, וּלְמֵיהַב לוֹן טַרְפָּא. דִּכְתִיב, נַעֲשֶׂה אָדָם בְּצַלְמֵנוּ כִּדְמוּתֵנוּ. נַעֲשֶׂה אָדָ"ם בְּשׁוּתְּפָא, כְּלַל דְּכַר וְנוּקְבָא. בְּצַלְמֵנוּ עֲתִירֵי, כִּדְמוּתֵנוּ מִסְכְּנֵי.

The ninth precept - is to be generous to the needy and supply them with food (trefa).

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

Our Lady as the Universal Soul of All

Prologue: Verse 228

פִּקּוּדָא תְּמִינָאָה, לְמִרְחַם גִּיּוֹרָא דְּעָאל לְמִגְזַר גַּרְמֵיהּ וּלְעָאלָא תְּחוֹת גַּדְפוֹי דִשְׁכִינְתָּא. וְאִיהִי אָעֵילָא לוֹן תְּחוֹת גַּדְפָהָא לְאִינוּן דְּמִתְפָּרְשָׁן מִסִּטְרָא אָחֳרָא מְסָאֲבָא, וּמִתְקָרְבִין לְגַבָּהּ. דִּכְתִיב תּוֹצֵא הָאָרֶץ נֶפֶשׁ חַיָּה לְמִינָהּ.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

The Lady Soars

Prologue: Verse 223

פִּקּוּדָא שְׁבִיעָאָה לְמִגְזַר לִתְמַנְיָא יוֹמִין, וּלְאַעֲבָרָא זוּהֲמָא דְּעָרְלְתָא בְּגִין דְּהַהִיא חַיָּה, אִיהִי דַרְגָא תְּמִינָאָה לְכָל דַּרְגִּין, וְהַהִיא נֶפֶשׁ דְּפָרְחָא מִינָהּ, אִצְטְרִיכָא לְאִתְחֲזָאָה קַמָּהּ לִתְמַנְיָא יוֹמִין, כְּמָה דְאִיהִי דַרְגָּא תְּמִינָאָה.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB

Marian Fruitfulness and Graces

Prologue: Verse 219

פִּקּוּדָא שְׁתִיתָאָה, לְאִתְעַסְּקָא בִּפְרִיָּה וּרְבִיָּה.

Commentary and translation by Brother Gilbert Joseph of the Divine Presence LEB.

Engaging with Our Lady Torah 

Prologue: Verse 215

פִּקּוּדָא חֲמִישָׁאָה, כְּתִיב יִשְׁרְצוּ הַמַּיִם שֶׁרֶץ נֶפֶשׁ חַיָה. בְּהַאי קְרָא אִית תְּלַת פִּקּוּדִין: חַד לְמִלְעֵי בְּאוֹרַיְיתָא, וְחַד לְאִתְעֲסָקָא בִּפְרִיָּה וּרְבִיָּה, וְחַד לְמִגְזַר לִתְמַנְיָיא יוֹמִין וּלְאַעֲבָרָא מִתַּמָּן עָרְלָתָא.

The Tribes of Israel had banners with emblems for each of the 13 Tribes, as well the Eagle, Ox, Lion and Man for the four Brigades. The Brigade of Dan had the symbol of the Eagle which included the Tribes of Dan, Asher and Naphtali. The Brigade of Ephraim had the symbol of the Ox which included the Tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin. The Brigade of Judah had the symbol of the Lion which included the Tribes of Judah, Zebulon and Issachar.
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