The term Holy Grail firstly is used for the Eucharistic Cup of the Last Supper and it is also used for the Grail Platter used at the Supper as well as the other cups, vessels and plates used by the Apostles and Jesus at the Last Supper. On a mystical level Our Lady and her Son also are represented by the icon of the Holy Grail with the actual vessel representing Mary and the Divine Blood in the Chalice or Grail being the Real Presence of Jesus. This has been metaphorically and conceptually linked with the Ark of the Covenant, which like the Holy Grail, was a vessel of the Divine Presence.
The Fisher Kings who were to become the Guardians of the Holy Grail (the Cup of the Last Supper) were also victim souls who were wounded in their leg. They were known as the wounded maimed Kings. Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich reveals that the promised Great Catholic Monarch Henry will during Mass have an apparition and be wounded in his leg and thereafter walk with a limp. Jacob was the proto-type of these wounded maimed Kings as holy victim souls who do reparation (tikkun) for the people and the nation.
In the eschatological future, Israel will be ingrafted and do battle at the Eucharistic gateways at a time of great peril for the World. The fruit of their Holy Hours will lead us into the Eucharistic Era of Peace when the greatest glory of the Eucharist will be manifested. At this time an annointed monarch will arise from David and Joseph of Arimathea's descendants from the Land of Joseph/Ephraim - Henry the Lion of God - who will, like a new Arthur and Charlemagne, be a leader dedicated to Our Lady and devoted to Eucharistic Adoration. The Jews of Judah will unite with him and the ten Tribes of Israel.
Ephraim (Church) and Judah (Synagogue) will be united as one stick of unity. Once more the Knights of the Holy Grail and the Ladies of the Grail Castle will flourish and through their adoration restore and renew the wounded earth. Then shall the tribes of Jacob come as one before the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration and the House of God be restored and rebuilt in Eucharistic glory and splendour.
concept of the fish and fishook also leads us to Jesus' comments about
His followers (talmidim) becoming fishers of men and the sign of Jesus
was to be the sign of the Fish in the Early Church. In the 'Zohar' the
Holy Child is associated with the sign of the Fish as a son of Joseph.
Thus, St Joseph the husband of Our Lady and his relative St Joseph of Arimathea were wise Fisher Kings (Hamnuna Sava - Ha Melekh Nuna Sava). The descendants (sons) of Joseph of Arimathea are also called the Fisher
The concept of Fisher Kings can also be found in the writings of the Ancient Sumerians - which speak of Shepherd and Fisher Kings in the time before the Flood. The Patriarch Enoch was one of these Fisher Kings who was later deified by the Sumerians as the God Anu. Stories of magical fish are told in regards to King David's son King Solomon as well as in regards to David and Solomon's descendants the Fisher Kings of the Holy Grail.
In popular imagination the knights of King Arthur and the Knights of the Grail are seen as wearing brilliant shining armour. In reality, the Knights of the Grail shine with the Eucharistic Glory and their shining armour are the Divine Attributes of God that they become cloaked in as a fruit of their hours of Eucharistic Adoration.
The title of Rosa Mystica is found in the Litany of Loreto and has a rich history in Catholic devotion. However, devotion to Mary as Rosa Mystica is much more ancient. Since at least the 5th century Christian writers have written that Mary is the ‘rose among the thorns’ of Song of Songs 2:2. Both Jesus and Mary have been referred to as the Mystical Rose throughout Christian history. This Mystical rose is also associated with the Holy Grail (the Cup of the Last Supper). They are both seen as vessels that contain the divinity. At Lucca in Italy (a centre of Kabbalah) from earlier times has kept the feast of Our Lady of the Rose on January 30th. Since 1947 many statues of Mary as Rosa Mystica have wept in many places around the world including New York and Russia. She weeps that her Son is left abandoned in so many tabernacles with no one to adore him.
The Zohar states: "The rose is the Cup of Blessing". This is the Holy Grail. It is also the Eucharistic Cup of Blessing in the Mass. Thus the rose in another sense refers to the Eucharist. This is the Cup of Salvation that has messianic significance. The Zohar associates this cup with the Holy Child who is Son of Joseph and associated with the fish (nuna). Every holy hour of Eucharistic Adoration is an entering into the rose and the Divine Attributes follow forth as a rose unfolding and blossoming. Rav Hamnuna Sava is a reference to the Fisherking of this period who is a descendant of Joseph of Arimathea the original guardian of the Holy Grail. This is the Rose as ‘Shoshan’ the male six petalled one. ‘Shoshanah’ is the female thirteen petalled Rose.
This romance of the Holy Grail is connected to the hidden Jewish Christian (Hebrew Catholic) history of ancient Scotland, Britain, Ireland, France and Iraq. This recounts the story of one dynastic family – the Davidic House of Nathan - who came to reign over the nations of Europe. This Jewish dynasty was established by Mar Joseph of Babylon in Britain in the 2nd century BC. It was Mar Joseph’s descendant also called Mar Joseph (of Arimathea) that brought the Jewish Christian message of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration to Britain in the 1st century AD.
From the time of Mar Joseph of Arimathea this Davidic dynasty is connected with deep Eucharistic mysticism centred on the Holy Grail. It is Joseph and his descendants that maintained Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the far isles of the West. It is his descendants that also established this practice in Iraq in the 2nd century AD among the Jewish Christians (Notzrim) and in a hidden and veiled form among the Jewish communities. This is truly a ‘High History of the Holy Grail’.
The idea of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration and a band or court of Eucharistic Adorers goes right back to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Miriam haKedosha) and the Cenacle of Jerusalem. The Catholic mystics and saints reveal that Mary spent her time in the Cenacle in Eucharistic Adoration. Later in her house in Ephesus, according to the revelations of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, Mary also spent time in Eucharistic Adoration. She gathered the women of her household into a band of Eucharistic Adorers – they were later called the ladies of the Grail.
St Joseph of Arimathea and St Simon ha Kanah (Zelotes) were to establish the Eucharistic Guard of Honour in the Western Isles of Britain. Joseph and Simon’s descendants the Fisher Kings maintained this Eucharistic Court of Adorers firstly in the small wattle church on the Glas Isle (Glastonbury) and later at the Grail castles, including the one on the Isle of Man and the one on the Isle of Lundy.
“Today more than ever we need men who by self-immolation disarm the wrath of God angered by the ever-increasing crimes of the nations; we need souls who by their earnest prayers reopen the treasures of grace which had been closed by general indifference; we need true adorers, that is, men of fire and of sacrifice. When their numbers multiply around their divine Leader, God will be glorified, Jesus will be loved, and society will again become Christian, won to Jesus Christ by the apostolate of Eucharistic prayer.”
This will be the time of the Eucharistic Era of Peace promised by Our Lady at Fatima. Today we need a revival of the Eucharistic spirit of the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Grail who seek Divine Union with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We need Eucharistic wounded Healers and victim souls as modern Fisher Kings to adore Jesus and intercede for a troubled world.
Our Lady is once again gathering and leading Eucharistic Guards of Honour, with Courts (chapels/temples) of faithful Eucharistic Adorers. As children we thrilled to the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Holy Grail. As adults, let us go deeper into Eucharistic meaning of these Romances. Let us develop our own Romance with the Lover of our souls who is so abandoned in his prison of love in all the locked churches of the world. Let us open the doors of our hearts to adore the Divine Eucharistic Heart that beats with Divine Love and Mercy for us. Let us don our spiritual armour like the Knights of Old and start on the Quest for the Holy Grail.
Adoration is the key to the Interior Grail Castle. Every male adorer is a Knight of the Holy Grail riding the white horse of spiritual power – the fire of God’s love. Every female adorer is a Queen of the Grail Castle and a Lady of the Lake, the Lake of God’s mercy. As she adores she bathes in the Lake of Mercy and with each Holy Hour becomes more and more beautiful and glorious in her inner soul, until she is radiantly dressed like Our Lady with the garments and tiaras of the Divine King.
Blessed Anne Emmerich mentions that fish was served along with lamb at the Festal Supper celebrated at Simon's Inn the night before the Last Supper. Christian tradition in art and literature has always associated a fish with the Last Supper and one of the famous Grails was a fish platter. It is Jewish tradition to serve fish at festal meals.
The Zohar was seen as a literary Holy Grail that contained the mysteries of the mystical and Eucharistic Cup of Blessing. The Cup representing Our Lady and the blessing being the Eucharistic Messiah. Thus the first layer of the Zohar was written by Joseph of Arimathea (Rabbi Abba) about the mystical teachings of St Peter, himself and the other early Jewish Christian leaders. This collection was then edited and enriched by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai of the 2nd century and his school of mystics in the South. The two Shimons were later confused into one, as were other Rabbis in the Zohar. They were two different generations of Rabbis - one group who lived and taught in Galilee in Second Temple times and the others in post-Temple times before the Bar Kokhba Revolt.
Three Gilberts: The Gathering of Eagles
...Many hidden meanings and lofty concepts are contained in the stories the world tells. They are however deficient since they contain many omissions. They are also confused and are not told in correct sequence. What begins the story may be told at the end, and the like. Nevertheless the folk tales the world tells contain many lofty hidden mysteries... (quoted in Eli Talberg, Tikun ha-Brit: View of the Torah on Sexual Development of a Man)
the 12th century there was a papally approved Catholic community known
as the Order of Sion with houses on Mt Zion, Mt Carmel and Calabria.
Some modern writers have tried to connect this Order of Sion with the
Priory of Sion mentioned in the book "Holy Blood and Holy Grail".
However this is highly speculative and doesn't seem to hold water when
examined more closely. The mother house of this Order of Sion was the
Church of St Mary of Sion which included the Cenacle during the time of
the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Sacking of Rome in 410 and the withdrawal of the Roman legions from
Britain began a period of dark ages in Europe while a new Romano-British
Empire flourished in the British Isles, the Western Coastlands and
America. When the Romano-British Christian World and its
civilisation collapsed with the coming of the Comet (or meteorites)
around 540 AD a dark age of knowledge descended on the World. It took
many years before the world recovered and when it did there was no
longer any Jewish Christian Church and its history was now the stuff of
legends and tales. This dark period lasted for over 200 years.
it is a period in which the most glorious tales and legends of King
Arthur and the Grail have come down to us of a new golden age as
promised by the 3rd century British Emperor Carausius on his famous
coinage that alludes to the poet Virgil. Virgil wrote:
"...Redeunt Saturnia Regna, Iam Nova Progenies Caelo Demittitur Alto, meaning 'The Golden Ages are back, now a new generation is let down from Heaven above'....The Age of Arthur and the Grail were indeed a Golden Age that followed the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. An age of Davidic Kings and Fisher Kings and the flowering of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. However sin entered and with war and the heavenly bombardments of 540 AD a new dark age descended until the rise of Alfred the Great and Charlemagne. Is our modern Western Secular Empire about to crash and burn followed by a new golden Age with a New King Arthur and new Knights of the Grail establishing chapels of Perpetual Adoration? There is a replica of Arthur's Oon near Camelon - the Perpetual Adoration Chapel of ancient Roman Camelot dedicated to Our Lady of Victory (Voada) and St Claudius son of Mar Ptolomy. We now await "the new generation" that will be "let down from Heaven above." These are those who live in the Divine Will on earth.

"...found a metalled and cambered road dated to the first century BC – around 100 years before the Roman invasion. The discovery seems to show that the iron age Britons were better and more imaginative engineers than they are generally given credit for..."(Steven Morris, "Britannia Superior: Why Roman roads may not be quite as Roman as we think" in Guardian newspaper 16 March 2011).
Lambor's son, Pellinor or Pyll Mor (the Hidden Light) the Grail King (b.440 d.514) married Lady Tamar of Gododdin (b.450), the daughter Georgi (Gurgust/ Gwrgi) the King of the Gododdin aka St George the Dragon Slayer aka George of Lud (London/ Lydda)) (b.420) and his wife Lady Tamar of Britain (b.420), the daughter of Eudaf Hen (Mar Judah Hen ben Mar Chuna) a Roman soldier and Jewish Prince (b.380).
Pellinor's son, Pelles (the Hidden One) the Grail King (b.467 d.524) married Princess Cinuita of the North (Hen Ogledd) (b.464 d.499) the daughter of Enion Yrth the King of the North (Hen Ogledd) (b.427 d.500) and Lady Prawst of the Gewisse (b.440), the daughter of Neithon (or Nathan Todros) the Judiarch of the Gewisse (Gwent) aka Theodosius the Younger (Tewdfalch) the King of the Gewisse (Gwent) (b.420 d.489) and Lady Corun of Gododdin (b.422). Pelles' daughter Pelana (b.492) married Clinoch the King of Strathclyde (b.490 d.530). His son Amfortas was the Grail King who married Cadia or Cadzow of Cadodu. Their daughter of the same name married a son of King Lot.
Trump of Salvation: Childe Gilbert's Crucifixion
"The fire of righteous vengeance, kindled by the sins of the past, blazed from sea to sea. Once lit, it did not die down. When it had wasted town and country, it burned up the whole surface of the island until its red and savage tongue licked the western ocean. All the greater towns fell down. Horrible it was to see the foundations of towers and high walls thrown down bottom upwards in the squares, mixing with holy altars and fragments of human bodies.''
The major kingdoms of the Hen Ogledd were Elmet, Gododdin, Rheged, and the Kingdom of Strathclyde (Welsh: Ystrad Clud). Smaller kingdoms included Aeron and Calchfynydd, Eidyn, Lleuddiniawn, and Manaw Gododdin were evidently parts of Gododdin. The Angle kingdoms of Deira and Bernicia both had Brittonic-derived names, suggesting they may have been Brittonic kingdoms in origin. All the kingdoms of the Hen Ogledd except Strathclyde were either integrated or subsumed by the emerging Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and Picts by about 800; Strathclyde was incorporated into the rising Middle Irish-speaking Kingdom of Scotland in the 11th century. (Wikipedia entry on Hen Ogledd)
Aeron or Auon was the Island of Avalon (now under the sea to the south of Lochlann) connected to the Grail Kings and one of the Eastern Barzel (Brasil) Islands. Ayrshire was an extension of the Kingdom of Aeron on the coast of Scotland. Calchfynydd was Calalus in North America. Eidyn was connected to the Tuatha de Danaan as the Isle of Dan and they also ruled an area around Edinburgh in Scotland. Eidyn may have referred also to the eastern half of Lochlann. Lleuddiniawn referred to Lochlann and the Lothian area of Scotland. The Manaw Gododdin refer to the settlement of the Mannan whose homeland was in America.
Diarmait mac Cerbaill the High King of Ireland (Tara) aka Domangart King of Dal Riata (b.485 d.565) married Lady Tamar of the Grail and Guardian of the Stone (b.490 d.545) the daughter of Pellinor the Grail King (b.440 d.521) and Lady Tamar of the Gododdin and Guardian of the Stone.
These Jewish and Jewish Christian descendants of the House of David were known as the Nesiim and Exilarchs (Rosh Golus or Gulectic) but were later remembered as Kings as they had a political-religious function. The first British historian Gildas wrote that in the 5th century after the end of Roman rule in Britain the practice of the anointing of kings occurred.
Many of the early British kings were referred to with the name of Gulectic or Wledig which comes from the Jewish word Galuta or Golus for exile. In English we say Exilarch for the Hebrew Rosh Galuta or Rosh Golus. This is also the orgin of the name of Glastonbury or the Isle of Glas (Golus). Nennius refers to the Overlord of the British as the Gulectic.
These Judeo-Christian Exilarchs drew on the ceremonial of the Davidic King of the Bible, modified and adapted with that practiced by the Babylonian Exilarchs, in developing a unique Christian ceremony of the Anointing of Kings. Legends speaks of the French king Clovis receiving anointing in 493 and Adomnan writes of St Columba anointing King Aedan in 574.
Davidic Nessiim were honoured as possessing a special grace or gift of
rulership by Jews, Christians and Muslims. The Rosh Golus or Exilarch
was selected from among the leading Nessiim or Princes of the Davidic
lineage so an Exilarch held a higher position than a Nasi. These Judeo-Christian Exilarchs were also called Dag Adon (Dagda) which means Fish Lord or Dayeg Adon (Fisher Lord), as well as HaMelekh Nuna (Hamnuna) which means the Fish King.
Lord Petrus was a maternal grandson of St
Joseph of Arimathea of the Davidic House of Nathan and the paternal
grandson of St Peter of the Tribe of Zebulon of the House of Jonah. Lord Petrus had Davidic Nasi status through his mother. Lord Petrus was the son of Chana or Anna the daughter of Mar Joseph of Arimathea by St Mark (Eleazar bar Shimon) the son of St Peter (Shimon ben Yochanan of Beit Yonah) the Sailor and Big Fisherman.
St Joseph of Arimathea gave his grandson Petrus a sacred letter which he took to the West of Glastonbury (the Glas or Golus Isle) to the Isle of Avalon or the Isle of Apples (Pomorum Isle or Fortunata Isle) which later would be called
Lochlann. We know this island was the home of the famous Morgan Le Fay.
Petrus was to live in the Vale of Avalon until the coming of Perceval over 400 years later when at last he could die. It is also possible that Joseph or his son Gilead/ Galahad (Josephes) also entrusted the Holy Grail or Cup of the Last Supper to Petrus which Perceval entrusted along with the Sacred Letter to Lancelot's son Galahad.
wounded King Arthur was taken to this Isle to the care of the Amazon
Healers who lived on the Island. Morgana or Morgana Le Fay is a title
for the Amazon Priestess Queen of Lochlann. Princess Morgana of Dal
Riata the sister of Arthur of Dal Riata is different to her older
namesake Morgana La Fay who married Llywarch Hen Calchfynydd (Llywarch
the Graceful) the King of Calalus. An older Morgana La Fay was one of the
Queens who took the wounded King Arthur the Great to Avalon/Lochlann.
Arthur of Dal Riata also had a daughter called Morgana by his second
wife or lover Lady Lionor (Ariela/ the Lioness).
Galefort is to be identified with Traprain Law in East Lothian. Its older name was Dunpendyrlaw or the fort of the Pendragon Elidyr. Pendragon or Ben Dragon Slayer Elidyr (Elutherius/Uther) was the father-in-law of the original King Arthur. Corbenic was in Cambernic Brynaich (later called Bernicia) and was the home of Lancelot (son of Anlach of Bennic or Brynaich/ L'Angus). Lancelot was also known as Brychan and was the founder of the Welsh Princedom of Brychneiniog. Lancelot in later life was known as St Brychan. Today Corbenic is called Corbridge in Northumberland.
The southern Gododdin were also called the Manau or Manau or Manannan. The Isle of Man was also called Manannan. Manannan was a son of the Jewish Christian Rosh Galuta Rafael II Llyr (Loir/Lear). Manannan promoted the Jewish Christian practice of Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and established a Grail Castle or Chapel on the Isle of Man. The name refers to the heavenly Bread as Manna or Man and those who adore Jesus as the Man Am (People of the Manna or adorers of the Manna). Many places bore the name of Man as they originally that had chapels of Eucharistic Adoration.
Machir Todros or Aimeri was also known as Theodoric or Theuderic the Duke of Narbonne and Count of Autun among the Frankish peerage. His father, Eudes (Judah Zakkai) abdicated as King of Aquitaine in 735 and returned to Babylon where he was to succeed his father-in-law as the Babylonian Exilarch. Machir Todros ben Judah Zakkai and Aude (Alda/Alba) had four sons Menachem (Hernaut de Gironde/ Harald Hildetonn), Nehemiah ha Makiri (Aymer le Chetif/Theuderic of Ripaurien and Saxony/ Namon of Bavaria/ Naime/ Namus), Nathan Kalonymus (Guilluame de Gellone/William of Septimania) and the youngest Yakar (Guibelin/ Gui Alberic of Narbonne/ Bellon).
Sussannah the mother of Machir is called Blanchefleur or the White Flower or Rose. In Hebrew the name is Shoshanah (White Rose or Lily) and in Ladino it is Roza. She was a descendant of the Blanchfleur that went to Babylon in the legends of the Grail. Sussanah was called Roza and Rozalinde. Linde means pretty in Spanish. She was the Pretty Rose. Shoshanah ha Yafa was the daughter of Hananiah ben David the Babylonian Exilarch. She was the maternal grandmother of Charlemagne whose Jewish name was David Kalonymus.
Phares a son of Nathan the Red the Fisher Lord (Dayag Adon) of Tara in Ireland first settled at Galefort (Trapain Law) in Lothian Scotland. Lothian was also called Lleuddiniawn or Leudonia. It was here that the first Perpetual Eucharistic Grail Roundhouse was built. Galefort was abandoned for about 50 years and then resettled in 220 AD. Phares grandson Mar Gideon (Cadvan of Cambria/Camelon) established a new centre at Colonia (Camelon) in the first half of the 2nd century that became the seat of the Rosh Galuta Scoti.
Of Arimathea by name
Hath found perpetual sleep
And he lies on a two-forked line
Next the south corner of an oratory
Fashioned of wattles
For the adoring of a mighty Virgin
In his sarcophagus
Two cruets, white and silver
Filled with blood and sweat
Of the Prophet Jesus
When his sarcophagus
Shall be found entire, intact
In time to come, it shall be seen
And shall be open unto all the world
Thenceforth nor water nor the dew of heaven
Shall fail the dwellers in that ancient isle
For a long while before
The day of judgment in Josaphat
Open shall these things be
And declared to living men.
Insula auallonis auida funere paganorum, pre ceteris in orbe ad sepulturam eorum omnium sperulis propheciae vaticinantibus decorata, & in futurum ornata erit altissimum laudantibus. Abbadare, potens in Saphat, paganorum nobilissimus, cum centum et quatuor milibus domiicionem ibi accepit. Inter quos ioseph de marmore, ab Armathia nomine, cepit sompnum perpetuum; Et iacet in linea bifurcata iuxta meridianum angulum oratori, cratibus praeparatis, super potentem adorandam virginem, supradictis sperulatis locum habitantibus tredecim. Habet enim secum Ioseph in sarcophago duo fassula alba& argentea, cruore prophete Jhesu & sudore perimpleta. Cum reperietur eius sarcofagum, integrum illibatum in futuris videbitur, & erit apertum toto orbi terrarium. Ex tunc aqua, nec ros coeli insulam nobilissimam habitantibus poterit deficere. Per multum tempus ante diem Judioialem in iosaphat erunt aperta haec, & viventibus declarata.

The Abba Abbot (Father of Fathers) of the Jewish Christian Sees was the Abba Joseph (Joses) of Avalon (Glastonbury). He was also known as the Rosh Galuta (Golus) Briti. Avalon was granted this position due to its founder St Joseph of Arimathea being a believer in Jesus during his Ministry whereas the other founders of the 'brethren of Jesus' did not believe in him until after the Resurrection.
The Tamars were considered primarily as spiritual leaders or Royal Priestesses and they moved from the Tamar Valley to other places of Domnonian settlements in Britain and Ireland on a regular cycle of visitations including the shrines at Temhair in Galway and Temhair or Tara in Meath and to Colonia (Camelot) and Lughdunum (Glen Lyon) in Scotland.
Many of them would marry and move to their husband's home but on the death of their mother the reigning Tamar they would return to Tamaris or Tamara in Cornwall in the Tamar Valley where they would be anointed in a Davidic ritual and seated over the Stone of Jacob. The ritual included mention of the three Biblical Tamars -Tamar the wife of Judah, Tamar the daughter of David and Tamar the daughter of Absalom from whom Zedekiah's daughter Tamar was believed to descend and was thus the fourth Tamar.
I have in previous blog posts over the years written about the Eucharistic Chapels or Round House Grail chapels built by the Davidic Judeo-Christian Exilarchic descendants of St Joseph of Arimathea in the British Isles, Persia and America and the later Ringforts by his Judeo-Christian and Jewish descendants in pre-Columbus America and Britain and Ireland. I have also written about St Joseph's descendant Brother Phares of Caledonia who moved from south west Britain to Scotland. This is all connected to the trade with Calalus and the sunken Islands of Avalon and Lochlann. I have also mentioned the Grail Castle on Avalon and its Judeo-Christian Exilarchic Rulers.
The original Grail Castle on Avalon was built and designed by Petrus, the maternal grandson of Joseph of Arimathea (and paternal grandson of St Peter) who was also his disciple, or by his descendants and/or the descendants of Brother Phares of Caledonia. According to Grail legends Petrus lived for over 400 years on Avalon. Avalon has often become confused with Glastonbury where St Joseph of Arimathea established his Grail chapel. The Grail Chapel in the wattle-daub building built by St Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus (according to tradition) at Glastonbury, is different to the Grail Castle on Avalon.
The architect, archeologist and excavator, Frederick Bligh Bond (1864-1945), reconstructed the early Glastonbury Church as round and set within a fenced enclosure with twelve cells. The Abbey built over this ancient Church or Chapel was burnt down in 1184 and was completely destroyed. The Lady Chapel was then built on what is thought to have been the older church or Grail Chapel location. The later Brochs were based on this round shape of the original Grail Chapel at Glastonbury but with added climatic innovations against the cold weather.
Based on this innovative design that allowed a controlled climate environment within the Broch that could be warm in winter and cool in summer, these round Grail Castles or Brochs were built throughout the Caledonian controlled Kingdom. It was an adaptation of the Tower of David in Jerusalem with a synagogue or Chapel on the top of the tower. However, rather than being a physical watchtower that looked out for approaching enemies it was a spiritual watchtower that sought to do spiritual battle at the Eucharistic gateway.
We know that around 100 AD the Romans were already experimenting and using see through glass windows. Did these Brochs originally have a partially glass roof that let in the light? Were the stone walls also given a daub and whitewashing coating to make them more water resistant? Did they add ochre (limonite) to this mixture to give the Brochs a golden -yellow appearance with a shining glass roof, which looked like a giant shining pearl from the distance.
At the excavations of the Glastonbury Lake Village archeologists have found fragments of hard backed yellow clay, which is believed to be daub from the roundhouse buildings at this site. Thus it is likely that the Grail Chapel on Glastonbury Tor also had this yellow coloured daub and is why the later Brochs also used this kind of yellow ochre.
Was Inis Witrin or the Glass Isle the place where the Romano-British glass workers produced the glass for the Brochs? Is this the same place as the Isle of Avalon or is it another island in the North Sea? This Romano-British glass may have been of a greenish-blue tint like much Roman glass. Thus the greenish-blue glass roofs of the Broch may have symbolised the concept of the Sapphire Blue Pavement mentioned in Scripture and represented by the Bronze Laver in the Jewish Tabernacle and Temple.
Did the original round chapel at Glastonbury also have a
dome with glass windows which later was replaced by a lead roof? Was the
glass used for stained glass windows of the original Abbey in the 9th
or 10th century? Was this idea of domes with glass in Scotland the
forerunner of the later Churches and Cathedrals using stain glass?
Is this partly why Glastonbury was associated with the name the Glass Isle and is the origin of the gold mountain with a crystal or Glass or Pearl palace in fairy tales and folklore based on these Brochs? Was this glass later removed to be used for stained glassed windows in Churches and Cathedrals after the end of this Dark Ages Ice Age?
These fairytales usually speak of a beautiful Princess living in such castles. Are these the Grail Maidens? Or the Abbesses of the Pictish Christian communities? Are these women who lead the Eucharistic Adoration the original of the concept of the Lady of Shalott and the Grail Maidens (Ladies of the Grail or Grail Queens)?
Is the actual Grail Chapel in the roof of these towers with their glass windows looking out on the surrounding land? Were the roofs conical or domed shaped? It is possible that after the domed glass roofs were removed they may have been replaced with thatched conical roofs as speculated by some researchers. Those near the sea and other waterways may have served the dual purpose of being a spiritual lighthouse and a physical lighthouse with a perpetually burning flame in the Glass Chapel at the top of the Broch.
The legends speak of an Isle of Avalon and a Valley of Avalon. Are these two different locations with Brochs or Grail Castles on them. The Isle of Avalon (Anton Dohrn Seamount) may have been a square shaped Island that is now under the Ocean between Scotland and the large Island also called Avalon Gorray or Galoches (aka the Rokall Plateau) which had the Valley of Avalon (on the lower western side of the Rokall Plateau or Bank) on it and was confused later by some with the Isle of Man.
Thus the original designer or the King, who promoted these innovative Towers called Brochs, may have been a King Brochmail (aka Brochfael or Brochwel or Rafael the Blessed). The best preserved Broch is Mousa Broch on Mousa Island which may have been named originally for a man called Moses which may refer to the Moses mentioned in the Grail legends rather than coming from the Norse word for Moss.
The old Glastonbury legends speak of the original Grail Church as being built by the hands of Christ himself. Did Jesus and Joseph originally build it for St Joseph of Arimathea and his Jewish workers as a watch tower Synagogue, similar to the Tower of David and possibly to the original Tower of Zion, where later the first Eucharist would be celebrated (Cenacle)? After the Resurrection, St Joseph of Arimathea returned to Glastonbury and converted his synagogue into a Judaeo-Christian Eucharistic Adoration chapel. As Pope Benedict XVI taught, the Eucharist was originally called the B'reicha or Brocha (blessing) and these Eucharistic Adoration chapels were fittingly called Brochs, both referring to the Eucharist (brocha) and the man (Boruch or Broch) who designed them.
The Dark Tower: Childe Gilbert's Lament
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich wrote about the Holy Grail that was the Cup or Chalice of the Last Supper.
The chalice which the Apostles brought from Veronica’s house was wonderful and mysterious in its appearance. It had been kept a long time in the temple among other precious objects of great antiquity, the use and origin of which had been forgotten. The same has been in some degree the case in the Christian Church, where many consecrated jewels have been forgotten and fallen into disuse with time. Ancient vases and jewels, buried beneath the temple, had often been dug up, sold, or reset.
Thus it was that, by God’s permission, this holy vessel, which none had ever been able to melt down on account of its being made of some unknown material, and which had been found by the priests in the treasury of the temple among other objects no longer made use of, had been sold to some antiquaries. It was bought by Seraphia, was several times made use of by Jesus in the celebration of festivals, and, from the day of the Last Supper, became the exclusive property of the holy Christian community.
This vessel was not always the same as when used by Our Lord at His Last Supper, and perhaps it was upon that occasion that the various pieces which composed it were first put together. The great chalice stood upon a plate, out of which a species of tablet could be drawn, and around it there were six little glasses. The great chalice contained another smaller vase; above it there was a small plate, and then came a round cover. A spoon was inserted in the foot of the chalice, and could be easily drawn out for use.
All of these different vessels were covered with a fine linen, and, if I am not mistaken, were wrapped up in a case made of leather. The great chalice was composed of the cup and of the foot, which last must have been joined on to it at a later period, for it was of a different material. The cup was pear-shaped, massive, dark-colored, and highly polished, with gold ornaments, and two small handles by which it could be lifted. The foot was of virgin gold, elaborately worked, ornamented with a serpent and a small bunch of grapes, and enriched with precious stones.
The chalice was left in the Church of Jerusalem, in the hands of St. James the Less; and I see that it is still preserved in that town – it will reappear some day, in the same manner as before. Other Churches took the little cups which surrounded it; one was taken to Antioch, and another to Ephesus. They belonged to the patriarchs, who drank some mysterious beverage out of them when they received or gave a Benediction, as I have seen many times.
The great chalice had formerly been in the possession of Abraham; Melchisedech brought it with him from the land of Semiramis to the land of Canaan, when he was beginning to found some settlements on the spot where Jerusalem was afterwards built; he made use of it then for offering sacrifice, when he offered bread and wine in the presence of Abraham, and he left it in the possession of that holy patriarch. This same chalice had also been preserved in Noah’s Ark.
Thus, we have to ask - Was the Cup brought to Britain by St Joseph of Arimathea one of the six cups that accompanied the main Chalice or was it the main Chalice that was later returned to Jerusalem from Britain during the time of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem? It is interesting to note that in 1910 it was believed that a Holy Grail had been found in Antioch but others think it was an oil lamp. In a sense all the Chalices and Monstances used throughout the world are Holy Grails and its mystery is the miracle of transubstantiation in which the Messiah gives himself to us body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Divine Liturgy or Mass.